|Red ➼ Fred Weasley|

By yoongicated

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❝You know, you should dye your hair red.❞ ❝Er... why?❞ ❝So it'll match that fiery personality of yours.❞ ❝Or... More

└─»i n t r o d u c t i o n
└───»p a r t : 1
└────» p r o l o g u e
➼chapter 1; letters and freckles
➼chapter 2; tickets and squeals
➼chapter 3; floo powder and snow globes
➼chapter 4; trekking and tripping
➼ chapter 5; flustered and flirting
➼chapter 6; quidditch and visions
➼chapter 7; figures and fires
➼chapter 8; dark marks and dragon scars
➼chapter 9; dominos and ponytails
➼chapter 10; train rides and water balloons
➼chapter 11; mad-eyes and tournaments
➼chapter 12; schedules and predictions
➼chapter 13; curses and dark forces
➼chapter 14; quiet whispers and late-night snacks
➼chapter 15; red hair and mood rings
➼chapter 16; charms and lockets
➼chapter 17; handstands and hazy signs
➼chapter 18; beaubaxtons and durmstrang
➼chapter 19; goblets and surprises
➼chapter 20; seers and uncertainties
➼chapter 22; detentions and lessons
➼chapter 23; articles and bookstores
➼chapter 24; stupid books and suspicious sources
➼chapter 25; fiery dragons and orange peels
➼chapter 26; chaotic parties and moon globes
➼chapter 27; announcements and excitement
➼chapter 28; broken hearts and ball dates
➼chapter 29; swans and lions
➼chapter 30; sparkling and dazzling
➼chapter 31; formal dances and missed chances
➼chapter 32; black lakes and golden eggs
➼author's note :)

➼chapter 21; libel badges and hard hits

964 29 76
By yoongicated

Author's note: Please read :)

Hi lovelies! So this potion of the chapter is usually at the end, but there was something I wanted to address before you all continue reading.

I don't want to spoil anything, but this chapter will briefly touch on the topic of severe head injuries. I have had quite a few in the past few years and I wanted to include a little of my experiences in my writing. If you feel the events in this chapter are over exaggerated or unlikely, I just wanted to let you all know they are not made up. So please read with an open mind. :)

Onto the chapter~


The next few days were filled with insurmountable tension between Gryffindors and every other house at Hogwarts. Every time Harry Potter would walk into the room, all eyes were on him, most being scornful glares. Serena felt terrible for the fourth year, knowing he did absolutely nothing to deserve all of the jeers and taunts.

Serena honestly didn't expect the announcement of a second Hogwarts Champion to garner so much attention. The Hufflepuffs, who were normally on great terms with Gryffindors, had turned remarkably cold toward the whole lot of them. Serena understood why; the Hufflepuffs rarely got any glory or recognition, always seen as the house of the proverbial nice guys that finish last. They felt Harry had stolen their own Champion's glory, as Cedric Diggory was one of the few who had ever given them any, since he had beaten Gryffindor once at Quidditch the year before.

The Slytherins seemed to have up their game with their vicious insults, but Serena hadn't expected anything less. What came as a slight surprise was how the Ravenclaw house didn't seem too pleased with the presence of any Gryffindor, either.

Ramona and Magnolia thought the tension was completely foolish, much to Serena's relief. The three rarely ever let any house quarrels get in the way of their rock solid friendship. Ramona took extra care to dock house points from any student that who got into these meaningless brawls, even from Hufflepuffs, which often came with a round of infuriated questions from her fellow housemates.

"You're a Hufflepuff, are you not? Why aren't you taking points away from Seamus?"

Serena could never get used to the perpetually irritated look on Ramona's face, which usually sported a bright grin. "Because Mr. Finnigan wasn't the one that started the pointless argument in the first place," she had said in a sharp tone.

Even though the tension continued to increase between the Hogwarts houses, Ramona had her own personal matters to deal with. Despite the fact that her and Cedric were both Prefects and had their rounds together, the auburn haired girl refused to speak to him, or even acknowledge his presence. One day at lunch, Serena and Magnolia decided to corner the stubborn Prefect at the Hufflepuff table, finally fed up with their lack of communication.

"Alright, Mona, if you don't talk to Pretty Boy Diggory before lunch is over, I will personally drag you over to him myself." Serena said.

Ramona didn't even look up from her toast. "I told you two, I'm not talking to him."

"Oh, come on. Look at him over there, he keeps stealing glances at you. He looks like a lost puppy that's been kicked to the curb," Magnolia said, not at all subtly gesturing to the Prefect surrounded by a group of his friends. Sure enough, the grey eyed boy immediately looked away when all three girls turned to look at him, a blush painting his cheeks.

Serena was honestly amazed at how easily Ramona could remain impassive, completely unbothered. It was as if she had taken over Magnolia's usual persona. "I don't see how that could possibly affect me."

Serena sighed. "Okay, see it from his point of view. He knows you didn't want him to put his name in for fear he might get hurt. But he doesn't know that that might actually happen."

"He doesn't know anything about your visions, Mona," Magnolia said quietly. "He just thinks you're ignoring him because the Tournament might be dangerous."

Ramona snapped her head up. "But it is dangerous! And once you're chosen, you have to go through with it until the end!"

"Okay, but he's obviously not afraid. So you shouldn't be, either!" Serena said.

"Alright, I think it's time for a Ravenclaw's words of wisdom to enlighten you. Make sure to take notes, because I don't like repeating myself." Magnolia smiled. "You are sitting here acting like the one guy you are head over heels for-"

"I am not head over heels for him!"

Magnolia rolled her eyes. "Keep telling yourself that, sweetie. Anyways, you're acting as if he doesn't even exist. If you're worried about his safety, shouldn't you be trying to help him rather than ignore him? We know you're mad he put his name in the Cup despite your warning, but if you can prevent anything you think if going to happen to him, wouldn't you want to at least try?"

Ramona looked down, fiddling with the end of her side plait. "I... I didn't think about that. I honestly don't know what's come over me. I never usually ignore people when I'm mad."

"Yeah, you're normally the most compromising out of the three of us. It's as if you and Magnolia have switched personalities or something." Serena said with a laugh.

Magnolia patted the girl's shoulder. "And you're still easily provoked, but easily put out, as well..."

Serena shot a glare at her friend. "Anyways, the poor boy has been trying to talk to you for ages, Ramona. I say you best snatch him up before one of his admirers do."

At that moment, they heard obnoxious giggles erupt from a few seats away. Cedric, who was just about to leave with his friends, stood rather uncomfortably as a gaggle of fifth year Ravenclaws shamelessly gathered around the Champion, shoving their lunch boxes and quills in his face. "Damn, they're already getting his autograph. Never would I have thought Pretty Boy Diggory would become famous." Magnolia said.

Ramona, who was actually about to catch up with Cedric, turned the other way. "On second thought, I've got double Herbology with Professor Sprout, and it wouldn't be very becoming of me as Prefect to be late, so I'll meet you two for dinner."

Magnolia turned to Serena after watching Ramona slip out of the Great Hall. "I think we're going to have to stuff those two in a broom closet."

"I think that's a brilliant idea, Nolie." The pair stood, and while Magnolia went off to her Transfiguration class, Serena headed to the library to revise her Charms essay due the next day. More like start rather than revise.

Serena was peacefully walking alone when she saw a group of girls approach her. She didn't stop herself from rolling her eyes at the sight of the pack. 'Just when I was actually in the mood to study.'

"Hey! Would you like a badge?"

The four girls, younger Slytherins by the looks of it, were all wearing a large badge on the front of their robes. For one wild second, Serena thought they were Hermione's S.P.E.W badges, then she saw that they all bore the same message, in big, luminous red letters:


"Neat, isn't it? But that isn't all they do, look!" The brunette, who seemed more like a spokesperson for the group, pressed the badge, and the first message vanished, replaced by a green glow that read:


Serena narrowed her eyes at the group. "You want to give a Gryffindor a badge that slanders my own house Champion?"

The girl rolled her eyes, impatiently holding out the badge. "That's the idea, of course. Gosh, no wonder you weren't sorted into Ravenclaw."

That garnered a loud laugh from the rest of the girls, though once seemed rather forced. Serena simply tilted her head with a small smile. "Say... you're the girl that's always simpering after that Malfoy kid, aren't you? I would say you could do better.... but that would imply you're too good for him, though it's really Malfoy with the low standards."

The girl, who Serena was sure was Pansy Parkinson, glared at her, nostrils flaring as one of her friends snorted. Both Serena and Pansy directed their attention to the blonde in the back, the Gryffindor in slight surprise while the Slythering seemed even more infuriated.

"Whose side are you on, Daphne?" Pansy shireked.

Serena squinted her eyes as she watched the girl nervously try to explain her slip up to an aggravated Pansy. She was sure she had seen that same blonde hair and green eyes before. Suddenly, it clicked; Daphne was the girl chatting with Iyla on the first day of school at the Gryffindor table.

Serena, who had been merely annoyed by the girls' presence, was now angry. Why in the world was her sister associated with someone that passes around insulting badges about her best friend?

The sixth year sauntered up to Daphne, easily towering over her. She must have looked quite intimidating, as she kept her steady glare fixated on the girl's dilated green eyes. Pulling out her wand, she pointed it toward the box Daphne was carrying. "Evanesco."

"The badges! There gone!" one of the girls exclaimed.

"You made all of our badges disappear!" Pansy screeched, shoving Daphne aside to stand in front of Serena.

"And if you don't want me to make you disappear, I suggest you step out my way." Serena still hadn't lowered her wand, and her unwavering glower made Pansy take a single step back.

Stepping around the brunette, Serena tucked her wand away and offered the group a smile. "Have a splendid day, girls!"


Ramona trudged up the lawn from the greenhouses back into the warmth of the castle, rubbing her slightly sore arm after having to extract green pods of a Snargaluff in Herbology, those vicious little plants. All the Hufflepuff wanted to do was eat dinner with her friends and go straight to bed, but she knew she had too much work to finish before she could finally get some sleep. And with Serena and Magnolia constantly telling her to talk to Cedric, even though they were right, she wanted to put off that conversation for as long as possible-

"Would you look at that! We've found a Prefect patrolling the corridors!" A loud voice rang through the hall. Ramona immediately stiffened, but determined to not show any fear, she continued walking forward until she was right in front of the group of sixth year boys sneering down at her.

Her eyes betrayed her emotionless face as she looked up at Cassius Warrington, a Slytherin that enjoyed bullying other students. They were the only thing blocking her way from her dinner, where she was sure they had served roasted chicken. "Shouldn't you boys be in the Great Hall?"

Graham Montague snorted. "What are you gonna do? Take away our house points if we don't get a move on?"

Taking in a deep breath, Ramona forced herself to keep her voice steady. "I'm seriously thinking about it."

"Relax bumblebee, we were only here to offer you something," Miles Bletchley smirked as he pulled two small badges out of his pocket. As if on cue, all three boys put on their own badges, one still in Bletchley's outstretched hand.

Ramona watched in pure disgust as she read what the badges said. "This is absolutely horrible! Why in the world would I want this?"

"Well, I figured since you're a Hufflepuff, and Cedric's girl toy, you'd want to support him." Montague said.

"Go on, take it." Bletchley pushed his arm forward. "I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see; don't want a Mudblood sliming it up."

Unlike Serena, Ramona never usually had any problem with Slytherins, as she was open minded and fair. However, at this moment, she was absolutely fuming. "How dare you! Thirty points from Slytherin for using such a derogatory term!"

It seemed as if the Slytherins weren't expecting her to actually take points off of them. Their previous lazy smirks turned into scowls. "You'll pay for that, Mudblood."

Ramona felt her heart beat faster as her hands began to shake. She wasn't afraid of Warrington hexing her, no she had quite a few jinxes up her sleeve. What made her so incredibly scared was how badly hurt she would be if things got physical. Pulling out her wand, she rose it at the approaching boy's chest, despite how she couldn't keep her arm still. "N-no one calls me that!"

"But that's what you are, is it not? Your blood is all tainted with the filth of your Muggle parents." Montague spat.

"Not only are you a freak to them, but you are scum here." Warrington had plucked Ramona's wand right out of her hands, tossing it to the floor with the rest of her books. "Are you waiting on your little friends to come and save you, bumblebee? Those two cows can't help you this time."

Something snapped within Ramona. People can taunt and tease her all they wanted, but no one talks badly about her friends. In some crazed moment of courage, Ramona lifted up her leg and kicked Warrington as hard as he could, the boy immediately crumpling on the floor.

"You bitch!" Montague aimed his wand at Ramona. "Entomorphis!"

Ramona jumped out of the way, scrambling to pick up her wand from the floor when Warrington had gotten up. In one swift motion, the sixth year kicked her in the stomach, making her fly backwards. Ramona didn't have enough time to cover her head when she connected with the stone wall behind her. She felt as if her skull had cracked in two, a wave of dizziness rushing over her. The last thing she saw was three boys running away when her vision darkened completely.


Serena and Magnolia had met up with each other after the latter's Transfiguration class. Unsurprisingly, Serena had not finished her Charms paper, even though she had two hours to complete it.

The pair had turned a corner, ready to meet Ramona at the Great Hall when they found someone laying on the floor, wand and books scattered around. Looking up, Serena spotted Warrington, Montague, and Bletchley standing over the girl, the former's foot raised in the air, ready to deliver another blow.

"Ramona!" Magnolia exclaimed, rushing to the unconscious girl. Serena finally noticed the familiar burgundy-coloured hair, Prefect badge decorating her black and yellow robes. The sight of her friend laying unresponsive on the cold floor snapped something in Serena. Looking back up, the Slytherin boys laughed at the two girls because taking off in the opposite direction.

Serena was boiling in anger, and was about to take off after them when she heard Magnolia's strained voice. "Serena, no, we've got to get Ramona to the Hospital Wing."

"What? Magnolia! They hurt-"

"I know that, Rena! But you don't think clearly when you're mad. Let's get her to Madam Pomfrey, then we can deal with those snakes."

With a nod, Serena helped Ramona onto the Ravenclaw's back, picking up her wand and books. They raced through the halls, which was mostly empty as everyone had gone to dinner. Except Cedric Diggory, who was checking for any student out of the Great Hall. When he saw Magnolia carrying Ramona on her back, he didn't hesitate to run right after them.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Serena said as she burst into the Hospital Wing.

The matron looked up from her desk, quickly rushing over to the girls. "Alright, lay her down right here."

Just then, Cedric ran beside the three, standing beside Ramona. "W-what happened to her? Is she alright?"

"Warrington happened," Serena growled, though Cedric didn't hear her.

Magnolia answered Cedric's question instead. "She hit her head against a wall."

Madam Promfey nodded, running back to her office before returning with a tray of potions. Picking up each of the glass bottles, she finally settled on a small tube filled with a dark blue liquid. "Ahh, I've found it. This should heal her up in a jiffy. Given her extensive history of head injuries, however, I am afraid she will not wake up until tomorrow evening."

"Tomorrow evening?" Serena gaped.

Cedric swallowed thickly. "Extensive history?"

"Yes, Miss Mallard, Mr. Diggory," Madam Pompfrey said as she uncorked the bottle, placing a dropper into the potion. "For the time being, Miss Harris will remain here until she wakes up, and I might have to keep her for an extra day or two, just for good measure."

Serena gently placed Ramona's books and wands on the nightstand beside her bed, smiling down at the girl as Madam Pomfrey applied the azure potion on her head. "At least she won't have any homework to do."

"Knowing her, she probably already done it." Magnolia said.

"Alright, off you go now! Miss Harris needs peace and quiet, and she won't get that if you stand around crowding her bed!"

Cedric frowned deeply. "Wait, can't we stay with her until she wakes up?"

Madam Pomfrey shook her head, ushering the three out of the door. "No, Miss Harris will be left alone to rest, now off to dinner, before it finishes."

Not a second later, the Hospital Wing doors shut closed in front of them. "Well," Serena said with a crack of her knuckles, "I'll see you lot later-"

Magnolia yanked on the girl's sleeve. "Oh no you don't. You aren't going anywhere without me."

Cedric stood there, watching the two girls bicker, a million questions flying through his head but unsure of how to ask. With a sigh, he mustered up the courage to take a step forward. "Er... Serena, Magnolia... while we were back in the Wing, Madam Pomfrey said something about Ramona's extensive history of head injuries?"

The two shared a looked before Magnolia spoke. "She hasn't told you, has she?"

"T-told me what?" Cedric nervously asked.

"Don't worry, she wasn't planning on telling us until we coaxed it out of her in third year." Serena said, attempting to ease the concerned expression on Cedric's face.

Magnolia leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. "It was when she was ten. Ramona was in this bad Muggle accident. Cracked her skull when the car flipped."

"She... she nearly died, Cedric." Serena mumbled. "Said she was unresponsive for weeks until she suddenly woke up one day."

"Ever since then Ramona has these random dizzy spells when she overexerts herself, like when we hiked all the way to the World Cup. It only gets worse when she hits her head, and last time that happened, it was a minor bump." Magnolia said.

"I guess whatever the Muggles did to her did not heal her all the way," Serena looked back towards the closed Hospital Wing doors. "Ramona may not realise it, but she's tough."

Magnolia sighed. "I don't know how this one is going to turn out, though. It's worse than before."

Cedric had been staring at the pair, eyes wide and visibly worried. "So... that's why she was immediately knocked out when she hit the wall?"

Serena nodded. "Even the slightest touch bothers her. Which is why I'm about to beat Warrington's arse for doing more than that."

"Wait- Warrington, the Slytherin chaser? He did this?" Cedric's grey eyes narrowed, and Serena didn't think it was possible for the easily flushed boy to look so mad. "Wherever you two are going, I'm coming with. I am not going to let this slid."

Magnolia got off the wall, standing beside the Gryffindor. "Woah, easy there Pretty Boy Diggory, we can't let you do that."

Cedric looked personally offended. "What? Why not? He hurt Ramona! I've got to do something!"

"For one, you're a Prefect, and you shouting out every jinx you know at a bunch of Slytherins isn't going to look good." Serena said.

"It's going to look absolutely terrible since you're a Hogwarts Champion."

"Second, Magnolia and I don't care about getting detention, and we know you do. Don't look at me like that Cedric, you know it's the truth."

"And third," Magnolia smiled, "you have to stay with Ramona until she wakes up. Be there for her, we know she wants you there."

It seemed as if Cedric's anger suddenly dissipated, replaced by reddened cheeks. "But... but she's been ignoring me for the past few days and I don't think she would really want to see me, since I did put my name in the Cup, even though she was worried, and Madam Pomfrey will certainly say no and-"

Serena rolled her eyes, and to stop the boy's stammering, she placed a light hand on his arm. "Stay with her."

With a nod, Cedric went back to the Hospital Wing door when he suddenly turned around. "Anteoculatia is a hex that grows antlers. And Expoximise glues things together... just thought you should know." And with a final smile, Cedric Diggory disappeared through the doors.

"You know, Pretty Boy Diggory isn't half bad," Magnolia mused.

"Not bad at all." Serena said. "Now, I think it's about time we send our love to dear Warrington."

"And Montague."

"And Bletchley."

Magnolia grinned. "It's pay back time, bitches."


Author's note: Pt. 2

Hi again!! That message was rather serious at the beginning, sorry about that! I felt I needed to address that because this topic is pretty sensitive, as least to me, so please be kind. 🥰💕

I was going to continue, really, and get to the part I've been waiting g for but I am so tired that my vision is blurry :). And I felt terrible for not updating sooner. 😭

I promise another chapter will be up with our badasses Serena and Magnolia as the main act.

Well, I hope you all are having a great day/night and with tons of love,


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