|Red ➼ Fred Weasley|

De yoongicated

49.8K 1.5K 2.9K

❝You know, you should dye your hair red.❞ ❝Er... why?❞ ❝So it'll match that fiery personality of yours.❞ ❝Or... Mai multe

└─»i n t r o d u c t i o n
└───»p a r t : 1
└────» p r o l o g u e
➼chapter 1; letters and freckles
➼chapter 2; tickets and squeals
➼chapter 3; floo powder and snow globes
➼chapter 4; trekking and tripping
➼ chapter 5; flustered and flirting
➼chapter 6; quidditch and visions
➼chapter 7; figures and fires
➼chapter 8; dark marks and dragon scars
➼chapter 9; dominos and ponytails
➼chapter 10; train rides and water balloons
➼chapter 11; mad-eyes and tournaments
➼chapter 12; schedules and predictions
➼chapter 13; curses and dark forces
➼chapter 14; quiet whispers and late-night snacks
➼chapter 15; red hair and mood rings
➼chapter 16; charms and lockets
➼chapter 17; handstands and hazy signs
➼chapter 18; beaubaxtons and durmstrang
➼chapter 19; goblets and surprises
➼chapter 21; libel badges and hard hits
➼chapter 22; detentions and lessons
➼chapter 23; articles and bookstores
➼chapter 24; stupid books and suspicious sources
➼chapter 25; fiery dragons and orange peels
➼chapter 26; chaotic parties and moon globes
➼chapter 27; announcements and excitement
➼chapter 28; broken hearts and ball dates
➼chapter 29; swans and lions
➼chapter 30; sparkling and dazzling
➼chapter 31; formal dances and missed chances
➼chapter 32; black lakes and golden eggs
➼author's note :)

➼chapter 20; seers and uncertainties

898 27 27
De yoongicated


Every head in the Great Hall swiveled to look at Harry Potter. Serena's wide eyes were fixated on the fourth year who looked just as stunned. Like he truly didn't know what was happening.

No one clapped. No one whistled. No one cheered. 

Instead, there was a buzzing that filled the entire Hall, people were whispering to each other in disbelief. The long Gryffindor table were all watching the green-eyed boy, open mouthed in shock. Harry turned to his friends, and Serena heard him say, "I didn't put my name in. You know I didn't."

Ron, Hermione, and Iyla just stared blankly back at him.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called again. "Harry! Up here, if you please!"

Hermione and Iyla pushed the dumbfounded boy up from his chair, and although Serena knew the last thing Harry wanted was everyone's attention, she couldn't help but watch as he tripped over his robes, hesitantly walking forward. 

Everyone was outright shouting in anger at this point. "He's a cheat!" 

"He's not even seventeen yet!" another hollered.

When Harry finally disappeared through the back chamber like the other Champions, a new wave a protests began. Professor McGonagall made her way over to the Gryffindor table, shouting in order to be heard over the noise. "Prefects! Please escort your house back to the Commons!"

Serena stood up with the rest of her house, just as everyone began exiting the Great Hall, still grumbling in irritation. Serena walked in between the twins when she suddenly halted in her step. "Er... I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Wait, where are you going?" Fred asked. 

George looked back at the girl. "Don't you want to join the party? We've got a Gryffindor Champion to celebrate!"

"Maybe later. I've got to talk to Ramona." Before either could ask her why, Serena took off, trying to catch up to the line of Hufflepuffs walking away. She pushed through the crowd, accidentally stepping on the toes of offended first and second years to get to her friend, just as she elbowed her way through the mass of panicked witches and wizards at the World Cup. The sudden realisation made Serena stop completely, causing a fifth year to slam right into her. 

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"Oh, sorry," she said sincerely. She finally saw spotted Ramona, running up to her just as Magnolia appeared at the girl's other side. "Ramona!"

The girl jumped, looking at Serena and Magnolia at either side of her. "What- shouldn't you two be in your common rooms?"

"Yes, but we've got to speak to you. And we aren't leaving until we do." Magnolia said.

With a sigh, Ramona beckoned the two girls to follow her down the same staircase to the basement Serena and Fred went to on the first day of school. Instead of following the food-themed paintings towards the kitchens, they turned right, were a pile of large barrels were stacked against the wall. Ramona pulled out her wand, tapping a few of the barrels before taking a step back; the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room swung open to reveal a low-ceilinged room that seemed to be doused in the colour yellow. 

The Hufflepuffs all seemed to have forgotten their annoyance for the moment, ready to celebrate Cedric Diggory as they rushed into the common room, some going back to get food from the kitchens. A few stared curiously at Serena and Magnolia, wondering why a Gryffindor and Ravenclaw weren't up in their towers, but were distracted by the students that came running back with all sorts of sweets piled in their hands. 

Once everyone disappeared behind the passageway, the door closed and the three girls were finally alone. Magnolia, being as honestly blunt as she is, faced Ramona. "You predicted the future."

"Wha- no! No, I didn't!" Ramona looked as if she was trying to convince herself.

"Well..." Serena began, "you said it yourself a few days ago. That you saw Cedric as the Champion. And now he is."

"Well... that was just a feeling with no real evidence," Ramona said quietly.

"No, you said you knew for a fact he was going to be chosen." Magnolia casually leaned against the brick wall, studying her finger nails. "And now you're saying you didn't really know because you don't want to face the possibility that you might be able to do something no one else can do."

"Your ability to read people is honestly quite scary, Nolie," said Serena before turning to Ramona. "Anyways, didn't you go to the library for this exact situation? Did you not find anything?"

The girl in question didn't get a chance to speak when Magnolia answered for her. "She did. And she knows exactly what she is."

"Nolie, that isn't possible."

The brunette shrugged, though her crystal blue eyes were sparkling. "There's a first for everything."

Ramona vehemently shook her head. "You've gone completely mental to even be considering such a ludicrous idea." 

Serena looked between her best friends in confusion. "Wait, hold on, am I missing something? Because I for one would love to be apart of the silent conservation you two are having." Magnolia simply looked at the curly-haired girl, who crossed her arms. "Your staring is not going to help me figure out what you lot are talking about any faster. So you might as well just tell me."

As if it required a great deal of effort, Magnolia pulled herself off the wall with a loud groan to stand beside Ramona, pointing a dramatic hand at the girl. "Meet Ramona Harris, newly discovered Seer."

Serena froze, her friends waiting for her reaction. They were expecting the usual yelp of shock, or the normal squint of her brown eyes in bewilderment. However, they were not anticipating on Serena doubling over in laughter. "A Seer? You're kidding, right?"

When she noticed no one else was laughing with her, Serena quickly collected herself. "Wait, you're serious?"

"If I did not end my sentence with a chuckle, you can assume I am serious, Rena." Magnolia deadpanned. 

Serena didn't pay Magnolia any attention, facing Ramona instead. "But you've been having these visions since first year. Something the Muggles call day jen van... dan ji vin-"

"Déjà vu, Serena," Ramona answered with a roll of her eyes. "But you're right. This isn't anything new. Ever since I was ten I've always seen fuzzy images in my head before they've happened. Besides, Magnolia, Muggle-borns can't be Seers because the ability has to be passed down. It's all in Unfogging the Future, page 42."

The Ravenclaw narrowed her eyes. "Ramona, you foreshadowed the Death Eater attack back at the World Cup. You saw them in your dream, clear as day, did you not?"

"Y-yes, but-"

"But that's not something everyone can do." Magnolia leaned against the wall again. "Whether you like it or not, you can predict the future. Why? I don't know. But I guess we'll have to figure that out, won't we?"

She was looking between the two, waiting for an answer. "I suppose... but I still think it's rather unlikely." Serena said.

Ramona ran a hand through her hair. "It's not just unlikely. It's impossible!"

"Ramona? Is that you?" A voice said before around the corner. Just then, Cedric Diggory appeared in front of the three girls, dark hair tousled with a pearly white smile. "Hey, Serena, Magnolia, what are you guys doing down here?"

"We're just leaving, actually," Magnolia said, standing straight.

Serena glanced at Ramona. The girl's mien had completely changed; she had looked slightly frustrated before, but now, her expression was strangely empty. Normally, Ramona wouldn't be able to look Cedric in the eye, an immediate blushing mess. However, she was staring straight into his grey eyes, unwavering without a hint of any emotion at all. "Everyone is in the common room, Diggory. Wouldn't want to keep them waiting, now would you?"

Not only were Serena and Magnolia completely taken aback by Ramona's sudden and uncharacteristic change in attitude, Cedric seemed to be at all loss of words, as well. "Wait, Ramona, I-"

"Goodnight Serena, Magnolia! We'll talk tomorrow!" The girl said cheerfully before rhythmically  tapping on the barrels concealing the entrance, walking into the boisterous common room without looking back.

Magnolia started walking away, too. "Er... good luck with that Pretty Boy Diggory." 

Serena didn't know what to say to Cedric, so she merely patted his shoulder before following Magnolia out of the basement. The pair soon went off to their separate towers, and as Serena climbed up the marble staircase toward the Gryffindor tower, she spotted a boy with messy black hair laggardly walking a few feet ahead. "Harry!"

Serena figured the boy had been completely lost in his thoughts because he didn't turn around until she called his name for the third time. "Huh? Oh, hi Serena. What are you doing here?"

Serena jogged up beside him. "Oh, you know, just strolling the castle past curfew. Haven't gotten a chance to break any rules yet. Anyways, about tonight-"

"If you're going to ask me how I became I got my name in the Cup," Harry said almost tiredly, "I didn't. I don't know how it happened."

The girl chuckled. "I wasn't planning to. What I was going to say is that I don't think you did it."

"I truly don't know- wait, what?"

"I don't think you put your name in the Goblet of Fire," she repeated. "The look on your face when Dumbledore called you out said enough. Besides, you don't seem like the type of person to actively seek danger for prize money or eternal glory. Er... mind you, that's not why I put my own name in the Cup." Serena added quickly.

They both chuckled. "It seems like you're the first to believe me. Thank you."

"No problem, but I'm not the last, of course. Ron, Hermione, and Iyla will surely believe you. And if my sister doesn't, let me know so I have an excuse to use the Melofors jinx on her."

Harry snorted. "Will do." The pair approached the Fat lady, who surprisingly, was not alone. Another witch sat beside the Fat Lady in her frame, a smug smile on her face, btoh looking down at Harry in keen interest. "Well, well, well," the Fat Lady said, "Violet's just told me everything. Who's just been chosen as school champion, then?"

"If she's just told you, why the hell are you asking?" Serena snapped. 

Before the girl could say another else that would possibly offend the Fat Lady and have her refuse to open the portrait, he quickly said, "Balderdash."

"It most certainly isn't!" said the pale witch indignantly.

"No, no, Vi, it's the password," replied the Fat Lady in a soothing voice, and she swung forward on her hinges to let Harry into the common room, with a slight glare in Serena's direction.

"Fair warning, Harry. It's hectic in there." Serena said with a sympathetic smile, going through the portrait as the noise from within bounced off the silent walls of the hallway. 


Author's note:

I'd usually give a small little hint about what I've written at this point in the chapter, but I think I'm just going to wish you all a happy Sunday! :)

This chapter is rather short, which I apologize for. I wanted to write more but I'm rather tired because it's nearly 4am hehe. And because I missed my time frame for updating (by several hours) something is at least better than nothing, right?

Well actually, I'm sort of happy I stopped here because something big will happen in the next chapter!

Anyhoo, with much love,


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