The Adventures of Glow

By fuselier123

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Victoria Kent always wanted to be a reporter for the Sparks Newspaper Company and she gets the chance to live... More

Life awaits
Who is she?
Telling Maya and Britney
The Moth
The Assignment
The Unicorn
Ms. Galaxy
The Long Weekend
Superhero Feel's
King Tut
Its getting hot in here
The game
Her Krytonite
Blabber Mouths
Party Weekend Pt. 1
Party Weekend Pt. 2
Bock Bock Bitch
Summer Break
Bahama Mama
The Crab and Penguin
Stuck Together
Mutual Answers
First Date
Fourth of July
The Million Dollar Man
Kara Zor-El
The Agreement
The Slaker/Athas
The Reporter and The Superhero
Stuck at Home
Killer Pumpkin
A poched Turkey
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Christmas Ball
Christmas Eve
Happy Holidays from the Kents
Starlight City Fires
Dark Arrival
Dark World
Bright Earth
Victoria is Glow!
Broken Hearted

Where do you go?

1 0 0
By fuselier123

For the past couple of weeks Victoria runs out of the office and Taylor begins to wonder where she goes.

She can see her eyeing every moment of the day. It's kind of creepy if you ask me?! She follows her around every time she's not doing errands for Penelope and Victoria can't leave to go save someone from a burning building because well she can't tell her the secret.

No kidding.

Victoria looks up from her desk and there's Taylor eyeing her like a hawk.
When is this going to stop.

Then she hears people calling her name for help. What to do? Victoria begins to head out the door when Taylor hops right in front of her with a question "Where are you going?"

"The coffee shop" She said to her curious friend.

"We have had coffee in the office for about two months I haven't seen you leave for that. " she knew she lies.

Oh how she wished she would stop this. Its already happened with Chris and he's more or less given up to ask.

"I like Starbucks okay." She rushed off before she could be asked length of questions.

She quickly changed into her suit and headed to the burning home. Glow managed to save everyone thankfully.

But there's still one thing on her mind. Their friendship could be ruined. Back at the office Taylor doesn't look happy.

"Where's your coffee" Taylor asked.

Victoria didn't know what to do.

"Where do you go? I know your luring to me. Just tell me what's going on" Taylor looks up to her friend.

Chris looks up from his desk and says "Yeah where do you go"

Victoria wants so bad to tell them both but she just can't because if they knew then they would be in danger all the time and she couldn't let that happen.

"I can't tell you" Victoria says as her friends face sinks. Penelope calls Taylor into the her office .

"We can't be friends then because you promised we would not keep secrets from each other" Taylor rushed off.

Her heart split. She felt like shit.

Why couldn't she be normal.

Chris sat back at his desk not saying much. She sat back at her own desk and finished up her work before the day ended.

Victoria tried to call Taylor but she didn't answer the phone.

For the next couple of days, she just plain ignored her and focused on work. Victoria tried to talk but Taylor just ignored.

After weeks of isolation Victoria decides to finally tell her the truth.
She hopes she made the right choice.

Taylor sees note on her desk from Victoria which she wants to tell her the truth at the apartment. But she's so angry at her, what if its another lie.

Victoria and Taylor sit on the couch in the living room. Silence covers the room. Victoria paces around before she speaks "There's this thing I need to tell you but when I do , you will probably hate me. Its the reason I'm always disappearing."

"Ok tell me" Taylor states.

Victoria takes her glasses off and untied hair flowing to her shoulders.
Then rips her shirt and reveals the Suit "You might know this" saying.

Taylor's jaw drops.

"Your Glow" Taylor totally surprised.
"Yeah Are you mad" Victoria sits down in the couch staring at her friend.

"No, just surprised. I can't believe it my friends a superhero that's so cool" Taylor said in excitement and hugged her.

"You cannot tell anyone" Victoria reminds her of the dangers of this new situation.

"My lips are sealed though its funny that Chris is in love with you" She said.

"He doesn't know" Victoria tells her as she puts on regular clothes. "He is in love with Glow not me"

"What a predicament? I always thought You were pretty awesome" Taylor jokes around.

Yeah real funny Taylor.

"You two should be together" She says out loud.

"It just would never work" is all Victoria said before the evening turned into running off several times to save people, at least she had Taylor her best friend to share this secret!

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