Chasing Gold

By goldenlittlething

239K 6.6K 2.1K

Everest Green was determined to go through her four years of college unnoticed by steering clear of any kind... More

intro + aesthetics
01| greek gods
02| to keg or not to keg
03| to keg
04| the aftermath
05| trouble
06| one night stands
07| ulterior motives
08| don't push your luck
09| i have standards
10| macy kingsley
11| starry skies
12| emily cohen
13| are you ready for it?
14| baby let the games begin
15| tip of the iceberg
16| broken record
17| this is me
18| scars
19| conversations in the dark
20| daylight
21| redemption
22| call it what you want
23| read all about it
24| burning bridges
25| easily replaced
26| bury me, i dare you
27| look what you made me do
28| your time is up
29| tokyo bound
31| black and white
32| elle était un pardonneur
33| not the land of the free
34| loving you is a loosing game
35| teach me how to love you
36| uneasy
37| hope
38| it was just a dream
39| those nights
40| your safe place
41| i'll be there
42| fallen angel
43| old friend
44| little black dress
45| tied to you
46| a big fucking lie
47| peace
48| it's because of you

30| take you home

4.1K 124 44
By goldenlittlething

"Aunt Claire, for the hundredth time, I promise you that I have everything," I tell my Aunt as she insists that I double-check my suitcase to make sure I don't leave any important belongings behind.

"Don't give me an attitude, I just want you to make sure that you do have everything." Aunt Claire pauses. "It's a nine-hour drive Ev, you don't want to be halfway into the drive and realize that you left something important behind."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I'm just a little stressed out." I apologize. "And the most important thing I need is my dress, you have it over at your house. Everything else I'm sure I can compensate if I leave it behind."

"I understand, we're excited to see you, baby girl. Grandpa Willy has been impatient lately waiting for your arrival." Aunt Claire chuckles. "It's a bummer that you won't be able to drive your car down here, he was hoping to see it."

"I bet he has and I'm happy that I get to go home and see you guys. I can't wait to hug you guys, love and kindness have been falling short over here lately." I frown. "And I know Grandpa Willy wanted to do a full inspection on my car but it's at the shop. I accidentally backed into the wall in the parking garage."

"You can't trust those cameras Ev, it clearly says it on the screen, objects seem closer than they appear." Aunt Claire scolds.

"I know, I was just distracted. But it's getting fixed, by the time I get back from Arizona it will be looking good as new." I assure Aunt Claire.

I had no other choice but to lie. If I had told Aunt Claire the truth about what really happened to my car she would be frantic and way too worried about me. And that's only talking about her, I can't imagine how Grandpa Willy would get if he knew what I was going through over here. Peyton was so kind and the greatest friend like she always is by letting me drive her car to Arizona instead of mine. My family has enough on their plate as it is, they don't need another problem added to theirs.

As for the threats, they still arrive from time to time on our front doorstep but we just throw them away from the same way they arrive. The case on the other hand is headed in the right direction (thank God). After Tommy was arrested, he was processed and arraignment was scheduled for later today. We had a strong feeling that this was headed to trial because there was no way that Tommy was going to plead guilty on all counts. Since I couldn't be present for arraignment today, Jared would be giving me a call later in the afternoon to tell me the date of the start of the trial. It only got harder from there, we had to build an impeccable case against Tommy because any mistake could be a defining factor of the outcome.

"If you say so," Aunt Claire pauses. "Before I hang up, Grandma wants to know if you'll be bringing a date."

"I'm afraid I'm flying solo once again," I reply. "Peyton was supposed to come with me but Dant's parents are going to be in town this weekend so I told her that I could go by myself. Besides I've spent every family gathering since I broke up with Kingston getting asked when I will bring a boy home. If I have survived it until now, I can get through another day getting asked the same thing multiple times."

"I thought that the boy you have talked to me about in the past would make an appearance. Did it end up not working out?" Aunt Claire asks. If she only knew.

"It's complicated." Was all that I could manage to get out. It was no lie, Connery and I's relationship was hanging on by the tiniest thread. With everything that has happened, I don't think we would be able to get what we had back (deep down I hoped there was a possibility) but Connery's attitude is proof enough that there will never be an us again. Even though I haven't accepted it yet, I will eventually have to.

"I see," Aunt Claire pauses. "I almost forgot to tell you something, but you have to promise that you will be okay. Grandma and I had a heavy discussion about it, but it's her wedding."

I instantly started to worry and I could feel my stomach drop. I prayed that Aunt Claire didn't say what I thought she was going to say. With all that has been happening, I didn't even have time to think about that. "It's about Kingston isn't it?"

"You know that his parents have been friends with the family for the longest time, even after you guys broke up." Aunt Claire explains and I felt like I was going to throw up. It's been four years and even though it has been a long time, I wasn't ready to face him. If I was being honest, I don't think I would ever be. I think of him and I lived the pain over again instantly.

"I get it," I say upset.

"Grandma invited his parents and his granny too. They are practically best friends. That doesn't mean he's going to make an appearance, he's at Clemson but I just wanted you to prepare for it just in case."

"I wasn't expecting for Grandma to un-invite them to her wedding, I would never ask that of her," I tell Aunt Claire. "It just caught me off guard, if he does show up it was about time I face the music. It's been four years. I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Lies.

"If you ask, you know she will, even if we're only a day from the wedding. She loves you that much." Aunt Claire chuckles. "I have to go now, but I will be seeing you later baby girl. Have a safe trip."

"I know she does, I might even dare to say that she loves me way more than she loves you." I joke and Aunt Claire laughs. "I'll see you later, bye."

I hung up the phone and I put it inside my small carry on bag. Before walking out of my room with my luggage I made sure to scan the room to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. I was only going to be in Arizona for two full days since I had to drive back on Sunday morning, so I didn't need much.

Once I was sure I wasn't leaving anything important behind I walked out of my room to the living room. Peyton was sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen with a bowl of cheerios in hand. "You're leaving already?" She frowns.

"Yes, it's a nine-hour drive, the quicker I leave the quicker I get to Arizona," I tell her. A nine-hour drive by myself didn't sound fun at all. Even with the millions of playlists I have on my phone, I was bound to get bored. "I wish you were coming with me though."

"Same here babe," Peyton frowns. "But I bet you'll still have fun without me. I'm the life of every party but I'm sure that you can have a good time, even with my absence."

I let out a laugh. "There's no lie there, I'm sure you'll be the life of the party at dinner with Dant's parents this weekend."

"I would beg to differ, I'm never nervous, but for some reason just the thought of meeting Dant's parents makes me want to throw up." Peyton sighs. " Any tips for a first-timer?"

I honestly don't know why she's asking for my advice, I'm the least qualified person in that department. Now, if she were asking me for a way to make Dant's parents hate the very fact that she exists, I'm pretty sure I was qualified enough to give her a few pointers.

"Just be yourself, Peyton Sawyer," I smile at my best friend. "I love every piece of you, even your flaws. I'm sure Dant's parents will too. I mean, what's not to like about you?"

"You're right, I'm funny, drop-dead gorgeous, I have a great sense of humor..." Peyton jokes making me laugh. "Anyways, before you leave, I have a little going away present for you."

"You're acting as if I'm leaving for Arizona and never coming back." I mean that isn't a bad idea. I might just consider it. "I appreciate the gesture, but you didn't have to get me anything."

"I know, it's only for the weekend babe, but since I bailed on you I thought that it was only right to make it up to you," Peyton smirks and I give her a weird look. What was she up to? "We have to take the elevator though, it's outside though."

"What did you do?" I ask Peyton but she ignores me.

"All I ask is that for once in your life you put your trust in me." Peyton pauses. "Besides, I'm positive that you're going to love your present."

Peyton and I got into the elevator of our apartment building but instead of going out through the door that led to the parking garage, we walked out of the front door. My jaw dropped when we walked outside, Peyton on the other hand was smiling widely.

"Sèbastien? What are you doing here?"

"I little bird might've told me that you needed a date." Sèbastien smiles as he pulls me in for a hug. "And you know me being the gentlemen that I am, I wasn't going to let a beautiful girl like yourself arrive at a wedding dateless."

"I'm no damsel in distress, but I do appreciate the company, especially if it is someone as handsome as yourself." I tease.

Sèbastien laughs as he picks up my luggage and puts it in the trunk of his car. While he puts my luggage away I hug my best friend and I say my final goodbyes. "I'll see you on Sunday, have fun."

And with that Sèbastien and I got in his car. "Are you ready to go?"

I nod. We pull out of the apartment building and after a few minutes, we were on the highway on our way back home. It's always a bittersweet feeling going back home, especially because of the memories that are attached to it. And when I talked about the memories, I wasn't just talking about Kingston. Going back home gave me a vivid reminder of what I have lost, my parents.

"Thank you for agreeing to come with me to my grandma's wedding, I appreciate the company. Lord knows I wasn't going to make it out sane this weekend if I arrived home by myself." I say and Sèbastien laughs. "Did Peyton blackmail you in any type of way? I'm sure you had plans for this weekend already and it didn't involve a nine-hour drive to Arizona."

"I can't help but wonder if Peyton has done it before, you hold the poor girl to such a low standard," Sèbastien says and I laugh. "And my plans for this weekend didn't involve a nine-hour drive to Arizona, but I'm positive that I would rather be here on a nine-hour drive to Arizona with you than to be anywhere else."

"I have to, she loves playing cupid and resorts to many embarrassing methods to get what she wants, so I just had to ask," I say and Sèbastien lets out a laugh.

"So I have to ask," Sèbastien says and I nod. "I usually meet the parents after a few months of dating a girl, but we've only gone on one and I'm already meeting your family. I'm not going to lie that makes me a little nervous, is there anything I should worry about or need to know?"

The nine-hour drive flew by fast, we spent the whole car ride singing along to the many playlists I had made for the trip, but we spent most of the time talking. You would think that during a nine-hour drive with a person you barely know you would run out of conversation topics but that wasn't the case with Sèbastien.

I talked to him about my family and what he should expect this weekend. It's been way too long since I brought a guy home so I was positive that he was going to get bombarded with questions from different family members. I did warn him though that he shouldn't expect a warm welcome from Grandpa Willy, has been very protective of me but he became even more protective after Kingston. On the other hand, Sèbastien talked to me about his family and a little bit of what it was like growing up in Paris. For someone who seems like he has lived a perfect life, it turned out that it was quite the opposite for him growing. I admire the way he's not ashamed of his past and the way he talks about that shaped him to be the person he is, there are no words to describe it.

Once we saw the Welcome to Arizona sign, I knew I had to make one stop before driving over to the house Aunt Claire rented that was just minutes away from the venue. Sèbastien didn't ask, he just drove where I told him to. By the time I asked him to make a stop to buy flowers, he had it all figured out. I didn't mention anything about my parents so he must've put two and two together.

When we arrived at the cemetery and Sèbastien parked the car, I took in a few deep breaths. I haven't been here in such a long time and I didn't know if it was the right thing for right now. Sèbastien must've noticed because he grabbed my hand to reassure me. "You can take all of the time you need, I'll be here, if you need me I'll be there."

I nodded and I opened the car door, before I got out I took one final breath. The tombstones weren't that far, it was no more than a three-minute walk. The day today here in Scottsdale was a little gloomy and it couldn't be windier. As I walked towards the tombstones with the bouquet in hand, the wind brushed against my skin.

In loving memory of Elijah & Amélie Green, your presence we miss and your memory we treasure. Forever in our hearts today and forever. The tombstone read. I laid the flowers in the bright green grass in front of the tombstone and I felt my eyes water up. I looked to the car to see if Sèbastien was there, but he was already making his way towards me.

"My parents died in a car accident when I was two, our car was hit by a drunk driver. It came towards us at such a high speed that even though my dad tried to swerve the car it still hit us. The car flipped upside down and they were killed instantly upon impact. I was there, nobody till this day can explain how I made it out alive that day." I pause. "When I think about everything that I've been going through, I ask myself if it is all worth it. I'm exhausted and sometimes I can't help but wish that I was taken with the both of them that day."

A tear falls down my right cheek. "It should've been me too."

It has always been ironic to me how when your world seems to break and fall into pieces, everything and everyone around you carry on with life. And they don't stop just because you're breaking apart. How can someone carry on loving life after they've experienced such a great loss? It feels like you've been frozen in time while you're on the sidelines watching life pass you by.

After a while, life starts to become real again but that's the thing. Life can start to become more real as time goes on but you will never forget that moment in time where for you, life stood still.


Hi guys, I'm so happy to be back. That one-week hiatus was very much needed, I'm just glad I get to relax for a week before finals begin. Even though I can't update every single day until Christmas because I would go crazy, as YouTubers do, I wanted to kick off my favorite time of the year with three updates instead of two this week. I hope you enjoyed reading this semi filler but important chapter!

thank you for all of your love and support, I feel like I say this in every update but the truth is I will never be able to thank you enough for it. also, we hit 4k! I will see you guys on Wednesday! ✨

ps. I made a playlist on Spotify for the book. you can scan it, it has more than 100 songs in it already. I wanted to share it with you guys because these are the songs I listen to when I write.

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