You're Safe With Me ( Draco M...

By rivvy1776

2.1M 45.8K 73.9K

A Gryffindor girl, finally making her return to Hogwarts after being away for 5 years. A Slytherin boy, cock... More

Part One- Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three ✔️
Chapter Four ✔️
Chapter Five ✔️
Chapter Six ✔️
Chapter Seven ✔️
Chapter Eight ✔️
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Part Two- Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Part Three- Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
The Final Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Four

40.1K 847 2.3K
By rivvy1776

Alice and Draco woke up to the blinding morning sun making it's way through the shabby curtains in their room, the orange light in their faces pulling them from sleep. Alice woke up first, but was so conformable laying on her boyfriend's chest that she simply couldn't be bothered to move. Turning her head slightly, she looked up at Draco's face through her eyelashes.

It was one of the rare times in which he genuinely seemed at peace. His lips were slightly parted and his hair was a mess, but there was no trace of the usual worry that played on his features. 

"I can feel you staring at me." He murmured suddenly, making Alice jump which made him smirk. Considering that he had just woken up, his voice was considerably deeper than normal, Alice could feel his chest rumble when he spoke.

"Well it's not a bad view." She spoke softly. Draco opened his eyes slightly, looking down at the girl laying in his arms, and he couldn't stop a smile breaking out on his face. "What're you smiling at?" 

"You." He replied simply. When Alice raised an eyebrow, he elaborated. "I've got the most amazing girl in the world in my arms, how could I not be smiling?"

Alice blushed at his compliment, burying her head in his chest to stop him from seeing, which made him smile even more.

"Shut up," She muttered, still trying to hide her blush. A soft laugh escaped Draco's lips as he began running his fingers through her hair.

After a few minutes, Alice sat up in the bed, stretching her arms up with a yawn. What she didn't see was Draco watching her like she was the most magical thing he had ever seen.

After letting her eyes adjust to the morning sun, Alice noticed two piles of clothes sat to the side of the door, one with a note on top. Confused, she swung her feet over the side of the bed and padded over to the two piles, the wooden floor uncomfortably cold on her feet. Before she even reached the clothes, she was stopped by a low whistle coming from Draco.

"Look at you," He murmured, smirk on his face as he took in what Alice was wearing. Alice scoffed as her boyfriend stared at her. "I think you should come back over here now, you know." 

"Stop being so impatient," She replied, bending down to pick up the note on the clothes, reading it out loud. "Since your clothes are still at Hogwarts, I've picked some things out for the two of you. Ginny and Ron's clothes seem like they'd fit fine, let me know if there's any problems! Signed, Molly." She finished reading to a rather over-dramatic groan from Draco.

"I don't want to wear Ronald's clothes, he's got a terrible fashion sense. What if I catch a disease from his clothes?" He asked exasperatedly, sitting up in the bed revealing his unclothed upper body.

"What kind of diseases would you possibly catch from someones clothes?" Alice asked, placing the note on the dresser and then moving her hands to her hips. 

"I could go ginger." He replied, dead-pan. Although she was trying to focus on anything else, her eyes kept getting drawn to Draco's torso. A cocky smirk appeared on his lips. "You're staring, sweetheart."

"Oh, um..." Alice blushed and looked away, a low chuckle came from Draco. 

"Stop staring and get over here." He demanded. 

Alice walked to the side of the bed, where Draco took her by the waist and guided her to sit on his lap. Not being able to help himself, he bit his lip looking at her in just her pants and his shirt, running his hand up and down her thigh softly. Alice's hands had moved to Draco's chest, she leaned down and kissed him. At first the kiss was soft, gentle and sweet, but that quickly changed when Alice gently bit Draco's bottom lip. It was as if that was a tipping point for him, as he sat up and pulled Alice further in to him, moving his hands to her bum instead and squeezing not-so-gently. Not being able to help herself, Alice let out a soft moan, which only fuelled Draco on more. Breaking the kiss, she leaned down to kiss his neck, which caused a groan to leave his lips.

"Good girl," He praised in a growl, moving his hands up below the shirt she was wearing to grip her waist tightly.

They both jumped, however, when a rather loud crash was heard down the stairs. When the noise happened, Alice jumped off of Draco's lap and rushed to put her- well, technically Ginny's- clothes on.

"Get up!" She exclaimed, chucking the t-shirt that was left for Draco to him. He groaned.

"I am up." He stated.

"Not that kind of up!"

After laughing at his own joke, Draco begrudgingly pulled Ron's shirt on. It was a dark blue colour, and actually really suited him. Alice was already dressed in Ginny's clothes, a stripy red and white t-shirt with light blue jeans. Draco walked over and pulled on the plain black jeans left for him.

"Well," He began, assessing his new look. "I guess it could be worse. I definitely pull off Weasley's clothes better than him. Then again, I'm not ugly." 

Ignoring her boyfriends blatant self-praise, Alice left the room and rushed down the rickety stairs, Draco following behind with far less enthusiasm. When they reached the living room/kitchen area, they were met with Molly glaring at a broken table. The legs of the wooden table had clearly given out, causing the whole thing to fall over, which must've been what had created the crash.

"Bloody thing." She muttered to herself, not realising that Alice and Draco had arrived. When she looked up she jumped slightly, before a kind smile graced her face. "Good morning, dears, how did you sleep?"

"Wonderfully, thank you." Draco said formally, glancing down at the broken table. 

"Ah, this stupid lump of wood. We need a dining table, you see, since we couldn't salvage our old one, and Arthur decided he wanted to build it with his muggle power tools." She said with a grimace. "Look at how well that turned out." She gestured to the pile of wood.

"Why not just use magic to fix it?" Alice asked, just as Arthur walked through the front door, sighing when he saw that his creation was on the floor.

"That didn't go to plan, then." He muttered, assessing the damage with a frown. Molly placed a hand on his arm. 

"I think maybe it's time to give up on the muggle tools?" She asked, which only made Arthur's frown deepen.

"Yes, perhaps you're right. The muggle instructions said that it was a two-man job, anyway." Mr Weasley seemed rather put out by the failure of his project, making everyone feel a bit bad for him.

"I could help?" Draco suggested, surprising everyone, including Alice who turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "If you wanted to give it another go, that is."

Mr Weasley's face lit up like it was Christmas, a hopeful look in his eye.

"Would you?" He asked giddily, Draco nodded. Arthur turned to Molly. "One more go, okay? And if it doesn't work you can fix it with magic." He begged. After a moment of consideration and placing her hands on her hips, Molly gave her verdict.

"Fine. One more go. But if that bloody thing breaks again-" She was cut off by a kiss on the cheek from her husband, who was absolutely ecstatic. Alice knew that Mr Weasley liked muggle technology, but she didn't know that he liked it this much.

"It won't! Draco, let's get this to the shed, I'm not allowed to bring the power tools in to the house." He admitted with a grimace, picking up a piece of broken table and heading out the front door. Mrs Weasley watched him go with a fond expression before busying herself with kitchen work.

"Helping build a table, huh?" Alice asked, raising an eyebrow at Draco.

"If I'm being honest, I feel guilty enough for just barging in on these people's lives and having them essentially look after me. I feel horrible about it, so I'll help where ever I can..." He glanced at the table, with a rather unhappy look upon his face. "Even if that means building a table like a muggle"

"Being a muggle isn't a bad thing, Draco." Alice pointed out, not fond of the way that Draco had said it.

"I didn't say it was, but they're awfully inefficient creatures, aren't they?" With that, he gave her a quick kiss before following Mr Weasley out the front door, a piece of broken table in hand.


The sun was setting over the burrow as Molly and Alice finally sat down. The two of them had spent most of the day cleaning, since the burrow was still being added to and decorated all of the time, and there was always jobs to be done. 

Molly had told Alice about the attack on the burrow that had happened at Christmas, though she already knew about it from Harry, but it was explained to her that this was a rebuilt version of the burrow. They had managed to make it pretty close to the original version of their house, but it would never be quite the same. It also explained the empty picture frames, since the photos had been lost to the fire.

Most of their day was spent talking and getting to know each other better, since they hadn't been able to have much of a chat the night before, and Mrs Weasley was very much talkative. Alice didn't mind at all though, the chit-chat helped the day pass faster anyway.

The two were upstairs cleaning the bedrooms when they decided to head down, since the order would be arriving soon. When they reached the bottom of the staircase they were met with Malfoy and Arthur leaning against the fully fixed, very much upright table. Both of them had their arms crossed with mildly smug expressions on their faces.

"Fully functioning table, at your service." Arthur spoke happily, Draco nodding along, a smirk on his lips.

"Well, boys, very well done." Molly congratulated. Alice couldn't help but smile as Draco and Arthur shared a proud look, clearly impressed with themselves. It was sweet to see Draco putting in an effort to get along well with the Weasleys, despite the past disagreements between them and his father. "Arthur, you get the chairs. Alice, dear, in that cupboard there there's a table cloth, could you do that for me? People should be here any minute."

Alice walked over to the cupboard, pulling it open and finding the maroon table cloth neatly folded in there. She took it out and walked to the table where Draco was waiting, he took the other side and they placed it neatly on the table.

"Be realistic," She started, walking over to him and placing her hands on his chest as his went to her waist, "How likely is it that this table is going to fall over?" She asked, causing Draco to chuckle.

"Maybe a fifty fifty chance, but we tried our best."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, signalling that the order had began arriving. 

"Alice, dear, could you get that?" Molly asked, frantically darting around the kitchen. It was amusing to Alice that Molly had all day to get things ready for the order's arrival yet left it to the last minute.

Alice nodded and headed over to the door, Draco staying by the table, and pulled it open to reveal a set of twins, both ginger. It wasn't exactly hard to guess who they were.

"You're not our mother." One of them spoke, amused, his voice getting Mrs Weasley's attention who rushed over from the kitchen.

"Boys!" She exclaimed, pulling the two in to a hug. Once they were done, Mrs Weasley pulled them in to the house. "We've got some extra guests tonight, this is Alice," Mrs Weasley gestured to Alice, both of the boys greeted her, "And this is Draco Malfoy."

That was the first time that the two had noticed Draco's presence, sharing a somewhat uneasy look between them.

"Well," One of them broke the silence, lifting some of the tension from the room. "I'm George."  He stuck a hand out to Alice, which she shook.

"Fred." The other one introduced himself offering his own hand, holding Alice's hand in his maybe a second longer than he should've.

"Well, stop clogging up the doorway!" Another voice appeared from behind the twins, the one Alice recognised as Remus. She couldn't help but smile when he arrived, already having decided that she was very much fond of him.

One by one more members of the Order showed up. After the twins and Remus arrived there was a woman called Tonks, her hair was bright purple and she seemed upbeat, which was a pleasant attitude to bring to a meeting that Alice could already tell wouldn't be a happy one.

Next, Daniel showed up, giving his daughter a hug and even Draco a pat on the shoulder. A somewhat short man with an erratic fake eye- appropriately named Mad-eye Moody- entered next, greeting everyone in a very much gruff voice. Alice noticed Draco discreetly shiver when he saw the man, making her silently wonder what had happened.

Bill Weasley came next, a beautiful girl who Alice later learned was called Fleur on his arm. Then came a short man called Mundungus Fletcher who, for some reason, Alice took an instant disliking to. Lastly, a tall man in blue robes named Kingsley Shacklebolt entered. 

Draco's discomfort levels had been rising all evening, the more people who arrived the more people he had to talk about his family to. The only person who knew was Alice, and even then he cried telling her, there was absolutely no way in hell that he was about to cry in front of any of these people. Attempting to be discreet, he gently pulled Alice to the side of the room.

"I don't think I can do this." He admitted, Alice saw that he was shuffling his feet and already recognised that as something that only happened when Draco was anxious.

"Hey," She said softly, placing her hand on his cheek. "You can do it, okay? These people can protect you, protect us, but they've got to know who they're protecting, right?" 

"What if they don't want to protect me? What if they kick me out because of the dark mark? Where will I-" He began to spiral, pulled out of his whirlwind of thoughts by Alice wrapping her arms around him.

"Stop it, no one's going to kick you out, everything will be okay." She said, sounding so determined that Draco couldn't argue back. When they pulled away from each other she gave him a smile, which he tried his best to return, though it came out as more of a grimace.

Arthur had placed enough chairs around the table for everyone to take a seat, which they did, Alice sat between Draco and Remus. Molly clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.

"Right, let's get this meeting started, shall we?"

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