My Rebellious Soul. [Kim Teah...

By R0s2al4ia

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[COMPLETED.] "You can't break a broken heart Kim Teahyung.." ** "I like how I suffer everyday, I don't want i... More

The Useless Me.
Fuck those gatherings.
A Sudden Proposal
A very happy birthday to me.
Adopt them.
Meeting the 'Kim Family'
Kim Teahyung.
Nothing is gonna change.
Moving to Seoul.
A cookie for kookie.
A thing called divorce.
Erase your biggest mistake.
They were dating?
I don't know
cause you!
I love you as a joke!
things weren't for you
The job.
Pregnant! What?
Barbaric woman
Not a chapter!
Ji chang-wook.
For love.
She ran away but I found her.
I'll stand by your side.

I don't know

779 48 2
By R0s2al4ia

Teahyung woke up with a massive headache, he didn't remember anything except that he was at the dorm with the boys and Jina. And now he found himself in his bed. Like always Teahyung was late, he took a shower, messed up his room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

He sat down on the table when Sarah put a sliced orange and a glass of water, "it'll help you with the headache" she mumbled before going out of his sight. He quietly started eating as he had no energy to even utter a word.

All the boys were in a pretty awful mode, the hangover got the best of them. Lazily started there practice though they were not an a mode to move even an inch. They got lectured by there manager and were asked to practice there vocals first since the boys looked like they were about to die.

After doing there vocal practice, they took a short break. Teahyung sighed, he was feeling a lot better than the others. "How did I go home? I don't remember anything" Teahyung yawned. "I called Sarah" Jin answered.

"Noona helped us get in bed" Jungkook mumbled. "Yeah.. I remember she took me too Jungkook's room" Jhope said. "I feel embarrassed, we were all so drunk.." Namjoon muttered under his breath. All of them startled when Bang pd opened the door with much force then needed.

"How did it happen?" he said breathing heavily.


After Teahyung left, Sarah grabbed a sandwich and sat in the living room. Scrolling through instagram, adoring the cute kitties. She LOVED cats. She tossed her phone and slumped over the sofa, "what a great day-"

She frowned at the weird noises coming from outside the house, usually it's very quite. She walked up to the front door, opened it to take a peek. The sudden flashlight of the cameras made her blind for a second before she adjusted her vision.

Her heartbeat stopped seeing tonnes of paparazzi standing outside throwing questioned at her. "Are you Kang Sarah?"

"Did you and Kim Teahyung really got married?"

"How did-"

She closed the door with a loud bang. Eyes wide, breathe hitched, she could hear her loud heartbeat drumming through her ears. With a sigh she slides down against the door. "This wasn't supposed to be happening- not anytime soon. How did they know?"

Her mind lingered back to Emily. "But she wouldn't do such a thing? She apologized to Sarah, she said she was overreacting. How- what am I supposed to do?"

Cameras, people knowing about her made her panic. She was losing her mind, now what? People will hate her, Teahyung's fans would hate her. Everyone will know about and she didn't wanted that. She wanted to hidden, away from everyone.

With a shaky breath, she got up to pick her phone. Anna was calling. "Sarah! What the hell is going on outside your house?" She shouted, clearly worried. After taking a deep breath, Sarah replied calmly, "I don't know how they came to know about our marriage. I-" she sighed. "OK look don't worry, we'll do something, OK?" Anna said, don't open the door.

"Yeah ok" Sarah gulped, watching the crowd outside, sneakily from the window. "No need to panic!" She told herself.

Outside the house, Mia and Matt started to fight to withdraw the paparazzi's attention. "How can you cheat on me?" Mia shouted at the top of her voice. "Babe it's just your misunderstanding -"

"Misunderstanding? I saw you kissing her!"

"She was kissing me!" Jay yelled back. "What's the fucking difference?" Tears rolled down her cheeks, "it's over Matt"

"No darling, listen- don't do this to me."

While Mia and Matt were throwing a show outside, the rest of the girls sneaked in the house through the back door. Anna immediately took Sarah in her embrace. "Are you alright?" Anna asked. Sarah only nodded. Emily laughed peeking through the window, "they both are kissing muhahahha."

"Who is kissing?" Thea and Hana ran to the window only to see Matt and Mia- "well that's um kind of unexpected" Hana said. "So how do we take you out of here? Did you inform Teahyung-ssi?" Thea asked. "No" Sarah replied looking as composed as ever though the fear could seen in her eyes if you see carefully.

"OK let's get it" Emily heaved a sigh, gave everyone a serious look and started for the front door. She pulled something from her jeans pocket. "Em, what are you doing?" Thea asked as Emily turned around and winked at her "it's show time" she replied in very heroic manner.

With a foolish grin, she opened the door and the paparazzi threw several questions at her. They all stopped when they saw a gun in her right hand, "leave before I make you" she said pointing at the sky with gun, the seriousness on her face you could hardly see as the goofy person Emily was.

Everyone stepped back, muttering to each other, horror displayed on their faces. "I said leave" she growled. But they didn't moved so she fired in the air, everyone ran for their lives while she watched them scatter like rats. "PARK EMILY!" Thea stomped towards her, "what were you thinking? Why do you have a fucking gun! Do you know what could have happened!"

"Emily?" Mia said with amusement, "where did you learn that from?" Emily smiled, "from my dad" she beamed with excitement. "That so amazing!" they both squealed. "Mia this is serious" Thea scolded. "OK girls let's go from here, we can discuss this later" Anna said, her voice tainted with urgency and worry. "Yeah let's go" Hana agreed, she was very sensitive and seemed like she could cry any second.

Mia and Matt accidently looked at each other, "eww!!!" the said in a unison. "I need holy water to wash my sin!" disgusted written clearly on his face. "Same" Mia scowled.


"Oh shit!' Jhope said in disbelief. "Who is she?" Jungkook asked Teahyung, "I don't know..$ He replied honestly. They stood in front of the TV watching the news headlines about Teahyung and his secret marriage. A picture of Sarah was shown every now and then, it made Teahyung angry at the media.

Army shocked tweets, the news was spreading like fire in the woods. But the most shocking was the mysterious girl with the gun. "Psychopath" Namjoon muttered under his breath. Bang pd with BTS's manager was trying to solve the problem. There was no solution other than to say the truth.

Teahyung received a call from an unknown number, "hello is this Kim Teahyung."

"Who are you?" Teahyung replied. "I'm Anna, Sarah's friend. She is at my house, safe and sound" she informed him. Teahyung let out a sigh of relief, "thank you. Can you send me your address? I'll be there shortly.."

"Yeah sure."

"Who was it?" Jin asked. "It was her friend" Teahyung told them about his conversation with Anna. "That's a relief, at least she is safe" Yoongi said and they all nodded in agreement. After taking Bang pd's permission, they all went to the adress Anna sent Teahyung.

They waited at the doorstep when a tall brunette opened the door, her eyes shot wide, surely she recognized them. "Please come inside" Mia stepped aside letting them in the house. She quickly closed the door and ushered them to the living room.

In the hallway, stood Emily and Thea. Emily was in utter shock as she watched the boys passed by them. "Annyeonghaseyo" they bowed put quickly walked forward. "See Unnie I told you Sarah do witchcraft. How can Bts be here in our house? Oh my God! Sarah is a witch!" Emily spoke. "Em, don't start your rants. Now is not the time" Thea replied as she started for the living room.

"No Taylor, I'm completely fine" Sarah was sitting with Anna on the couch, talking to Taylor. "No Sarah, I'll take the flight at tonight and tomorrow I'll be there" Taylor replied. "Taylor your meeting is important, you just stay there. I have Anna and the others with me. Now bye, go to sleep we'll talk tomorrow" she ended the call after seeing the boys.

Teahyung immediately embraced her for a brief moment, she bit her lower lip thinking would he do that if the other members were not here. "Are you okay?" he muttered near my ear. She hummed in response. He pulled away but wrap his arm around my waist, again.

"Annyeonghaseyo" Anna bowed to the other members and they did the same. Right out of nowhere, Emily poked Namjoon's cheek, "oh shit they are real!" She squealed. "Hiiii I'm Park Emily, nice to meet you. I'm your bigggggest fan!" she said.

"Aren't you the one with the gun?"Jhope said but immediately stopped. "Ah well!" Emily played with her fingers, "I thought that was necessary... maybe?"

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