Gain my trust

By KeigoTheWeirdo105

145K 4.6K 2.4K

Alone... He's always alone... And he wants it to stay like that. Unfortunately for him, some Pro Heroes have... More

~Last component~
=I found=
-Mysteries and chaos, as usual-
=Old Friend=


17.5K 442 88
By KeigoTheWeirdo105

As night fell in Musutafu, the city grew quiet. Although, if you listen closely, you might just be able to hear soft footsteps echoing in a certain apartment. A window opening and closing was heard right after the footsteps ended.And then the sound of something falling. What is that sound, you may ask. Well, a certain small, frail-looking greenette was falling out of a thirty story building. Why?? Well, let me just assure you this is not suicide. Our favourite protagonist wouldn't want to end his life so early. Not for the sake of him, but for the sake of other people. So if it isn't a suicide attempt, what else could it be? Well, the boy just needed to get away from his home. If you're wondering if his house isn't in good condition or anything, that isn't it. His house is pretty decent. It's the people he needed to get away from. Or more like person. His uncle. Well, let's see how our green-haired protagonist is doing.

Izuku's POV

You know, most people would be terrified of falling out of a thirty story building, but it seems pretty peaceful to me. I guess, I just don't seem fazed by the thought that I will die one day. I'm too broken for that shit. Anyways, before I could hit the ground head first, I position myself and bounce off the wall closest to me. Then bounce off the wall that belongs to the building right next to mine. I repeatedly and alternatively bounce off either walls and land on the ground, unharmed. Shit like this don't take so much of my energy. Especially since I have alot of stamina. Training ever since I was 3 pays off. What do I with this training? I do my job. My vigilante job. I know what you're thinking, why be a vigilante when you can be a hero? Oh, I most definitely wanted to. But when you're a quirkless mistake like me, that type of thing IsNt pOsSiBlE. Of course its possible. But apparently, you need a quirk to be a hero. Or even better, you need a quirk to be a human. People these days are so disgusting. Anyways, since no one believed I can be a hero, I decided that a vigilante is the best thing to be. It basically being a hero without a licence. Why the hell do we need a license to be a hero? That is pure bullshit. But who cares, being a vigilante is way better. Although, if you look it in the logical way, I technically cannot be classified as a vigilante. A vigilante is someone who does shit that is against the law, and in this case, being a vigilante means using your quirk without license to save people. I don't have a quirk and I've never killed anyone so I ain't a vigilante, but everyone deems me as one so whatever. Endeavor does deem me as a villain though, so that's that. I have had a few meeting with the big guy in my 4 years as a vigilante though. Not the best experience if I do say so myself. I escaped with a couple of 2nd degree burns. I'm pretty sure I've met all the heroes in my vigilante years. I like all of them except Endeavwhore. He's a big pain in the ass. My favourite is Eraserhead though. He's great. Fights practically quirkless. He has tried to catch me a few times, and almost succeeded. But me being me, I always manage to slip out of his sight. Anyways, right now, I'm sitting at Dagobah Beach, admiring it. A few months back, I decided to clean it up, because humans living near it decided to dump their shit there. I gotta say, without the trash there, its a pretty place. 

Suddenly, I hear someone land a few metres behind me. Actually, three people. Judging by their pace of walking towards me and the breathi- Hold up. There's four people. The fourth isn't walking. So, as I was saying, their pace and breathing leads me to conclude that its EraserHead, Present Mic, Midnight and since the last person isn't walking on his feet, it's Nezu in Eraser's scarf. Now I wonder, why are they patrolling together? They each have different patrolling times. And Nezu never patrols. I pretend I don't hear them. I hear something flying towards me and I dodge it, grinning under my mask. Surprise, surprise, it's Eraser trying catch me with his capture scarf, but by now, I think he knows that type of shit won't work.

"Great to see you too Shota! Nice to see you brought company. Never knew you were a people person," I say. He huffs and glares at me."How does he know your name?!" Present Mic yells, causing everyone except me to flinch. I got used to yelling. " Ah, that's an easy question, Hizashi. A little hacking was all it took. Oh, and, congratulations Shota on your marriage. Never knew you were into loud blondes, but of course, I did have my suspicions." I reply. Nezu's grin widened. Shota, Hizashi and Nemuri looked surprised as shit. "So, whaddya want. I doubt you're here just to say hi to your favourite vigilante." I say with a big grin. Not like any of them could see it anyways. "Well, we obviously wanted to capture you." Shota says, rolling his eyes. Wow, rude much. I still love him anyways. " Aw, how sweet. But before we do, I have made a decision to let you ask me three questions since you've been so nice to me all of these years. Of course, the one question you cannot ask me is who I am. So how about we talk first? Unless, you don't want to," I say.The four looked quite shocked, but they all nodded. "How old are you?" Nemuri says. I giggle and reply," 14! Surprising, huh?" OH MY LORD, THE LOOKS ON THEIR FACES!!!! THEY'RE PRICELESS!!! It takes me so much willpower to stop myself from bursting out in laughter. They looked horrified, although Nezu's expression quickly changed into amusement and excitement. That sorta worries me because Nezu is a scary shit if he is excited about something, since he is the smartest person on earth. But I kinda wanna bet I'm smarter than him. "Why are you a vigilante? If you want to save people, then join a hero school and train to be one." Shota says. "Ah, that. Well you see, people don't like people like me. Thus, leading them to believe that people like me are useless. I've been hurt emotionally, physically and mentally so much. And it's all because i'm different then other people. The world was never fair to me. Not that it matters now that I'm numb to pain. I've always been told I could never become a hero,so I became the next best thing, a vigilante." I say, looking away from them. "How are you different from others?" Nezu says. I look at them. I decided I didn't feel like fighting them after I answer this question, so I positioned myself so that the minute I answer this question, I can flee. 

"I'm quirkless"

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