From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

Unit Base

547 17 7
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

We've got an early morning today, starting as soon as the sun comes up- since we'll be filming scenes outside and we have to make use of the limited daytime we have at this time of year.

I'm already changed into my distressed light grey henley and olive green distressed skinny jeans so I grab the script while I wait for Dylan to get changed back into his wardrobe as well.

Over our morning caffeine fix we've been going over the scenes we'll have outside and inside the club today. There's barely any lines so that's not been too difficult, it's more how we want the scenes to look- especially after we kiss and I have to walk away from him.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Dylan asks as he sits down beside me, instantly bringing me out of my inner thoughts since I hadn't even heard him walk out here with me.

I make a noise while I toss my script onto the table in front of me, looking up at him "Can someone's head be pretty?"

He just beams and lifts a shoulder while he states brightly "Yes, aside from your gorgeous face attached to your head you're also ridiculously smart, so your brain is also pretty- anyways stop stalling, what's going on?"

"Nothing" I reply quickly and he just rolls his eyes with an over dramatic huff "Adds, this never worked before and now I can do this-" he exemplifies his words by leaning forward and pressing his lips onto mine, moaning a little as he grabs the sides of my face gently and tilts my head to the side.

After successfully kissing me into next week he pulls back just far enough that his lips brush with mine as he murmurs "Now that that's settled, tell me what's on your mind..."

"Well that's not fair" I grumble, slowly opening my eyes until they connect with his and I watch as he winks with his cheeky reply "Never said it would be."

At the look I throw him he laughs and gently rubs his nose along the side of mine, repeating once more "Adds come on, talk to me."

Feeling silly, I let out a small huff as my eyes drop to my hands that are on his chest "It's not a big deal, just thinking about the, uh, the club scenes we've got today."

"Oh" he answers with a little nod before his eyes widen "Oh right- okay, I uh, you know that that's only happening because we have to and I don't- we don't- there's not anything- fuck I really don't know how to make this better."

"You don't have to say anything to make this better, I know all of that- I just..." I shake my head, my eyes dropping to my lap "It's just a bit weird to get used to- imagining you kissing someone else."

"Yeah, tell me about it" he grumbles and I quickly look back up to him, raising a brow while I state with a little laugh "I'm not kissing anyone else in this movie."

"No, not in this movie" he nods, his eyes dropping to the ground by our feet.

I lean forward getting right in his line of sight and he laughs, clearing his face from the seriousness that was just threatening to show as he lifts his head up "Well good chat, babe- you hungry?" he rushes out and stands up, moving past me to head to the mini fridge.

Confusion completely overcomes my entire face as I scrunch my brows together and call after his retreating back "Umm, hello?"

"Heya hot stuff" he quips, winking at me once more while he looks over his shoulder towards me and I scoff lightly "Dyl"

"Yes baby?" he smiles wide and I level him with a look like I'm not at all buying his stalling attempt right now "Are you done?"

"Are you done?" he repeats and I also stand up, closing the space between us he previously created and I cross my arms over my chest when I stop in front of him "So we only have to talk when something is bothering me but when something is obviously bothering you, we don't have to talk about it?"

He breathes out a relieved breath and nods his head a little, setting his hands on his hips "Yeah- damn, I'm so glad we understand each other" he laughs and moves his hand between us to accentuate his next words "Made for each other I tell ya."

I don't say anything and continue to stare at him– he doesn't budge though and when he still doesn't continue I just raise a brow at him "Seriously?"

He scrunches up his face and groans in frustration "Just drop it please, Adds, okay? Forget I said anything"

"But you did say something" I oh so helpfully point out the obvious and he throws me a look "That doesn't sound like we're dropping it..."

I breathe out a scoff and raise my brows towards him "Oh bugger off, why won't you talk to me about what you meant?"

"Your accent is getting so much stronger being around Kaya and Thomas all the time" he smiles, however, I breathe out a calming breath and deadpan "Dylan"

"Addison" he repeats back the same way I said his name and I give him an unimpressed face causing him to shrug "Oh, we weren't just saying our full names? We hardly ever do that-"

When I don't laugh and continue to stare at him, hoping that he'll read the room and actually talk to me, his face drops and he stands up a little straighter as he looks over my face "Jesus you just got the most serious I think I've ever seen you."

Throwing my arms out to my sides I step back from him "That's because I am being serious and borderline ready to start a fight with you because you won't tell me what's going on- why won't you talk to me?"

Even I could hear the hurt in my voice with that last question and I watch as his face softens and he snaps his mouth closed.

He doesn't answer straight away, however, I see the muscle in his jaw twitch a few times before he breathes out a harsh breath and looks me right in my eyes "It's not that I don't want to talk to you when something is bothering me, Adds, it's– I will sound insane about this and I'm not ready for this to be over because I make the mistake and say some moronic insane shit to you"

Giving him a half smile, I try to lighten the mood and reassure him "I mean, I'll have to take into consideration the level of insane but I can say with 98% certainty that this won't be over."

"That 2% scares me" he answers immediately, his voice so quiet and unsure it has me stepping closer towards him and setting my hands on his chest "Dyl..."

I trail off, letting my unspoken words hang in the air that I'm ready to listen whenever he's ready to tell me what's going on.

He's silent again, however I can see his mind going a mile a minute as he moves his eyes between mine and sets his hands on my hips.

He moves my shirt up just enough so his warm hands are touching my skin. I feel his fingers tap against me a few times before he finally breathes out quickly "I haven't been able to bring myself to watch season 2."

"You've not seen season 2 of- of the Originals?" I guess, drawing my brows together as I try to put together why this relates to what we're talking about and he shakes his head in confirmation "No- well I mean yes, I've seen some but I haven't watched past the first few episodes."

I quickly rack my brain, trying to sift through the memories of filming the beginning of the season and I suck in a soft breath as realization quickly overcomes my face- I may not be kissing anyone here but I did on that set.

Watching my reaction he makes a noise and nods his head quickly "Yeah exactly, okay and that's fucking insane because you- we weren't- there's no fucking logical reason for me not to be able to watch what I know happens and yet here I am not in on the know of what happens after episode like 8 or some shit"

I attempt to reassure him that it was nothing for him to worry about and I lean into him a little more "Okay wait-"

However he's taking a page from my ramble book and he's on a roll "And I know- okay I know how insane that is. It was for work, he's your friend- hell he's my friend and was even pushing for me to talk to you when I went to visit you on set but I can't- I can't even bring myself to think about him kissing you for long before I start to feel like I'm on the verge of freaking out," I open my mouth to respond, however, he gently sets his hands on mine, removing them from his chest as he steps away from me.

Scratching the side of his head near his temple, Dyl turns around and points between himself and towards the door as he continues "I'm not that guy Adds, I'm not the insane jealous guy who wants to fight everyone who even looks at you-"

"I know" I state without missing a beat and he makes a face, nodding with his next words "Right but no, you don't know that because when it comes to you I am that fucking guy and I hate that I'm that guy because you're amazing, literally amazing, and you definitely don't need some jealous fucking ape beside you especially with the line of work we're in."

I close the small gap he created with his nervous rambling and set my hands on his chest once more, leaning closer so he has no choice but to look at me.

The corners of his mouth quirk up slightly as he lifts his arms and wraps his fingers around my wrists, moving his thumbs against the backs of my hands.

He takes a few seconds, just moving his eyes around my face before he mutters softly "I just really can't imagine you kissing anyone the way you kiss me"

Smiling up to him, I watch as he rolls his eyes and breathes out a soft laugh "Yes, I'm aware that was similar to your line but it's also true to how I'm feeling- how I've been feeling."

I smile even more with those words "Well you have nothing to worry about, you know, in general or with those scenes– they were very innocent."

"Yeah?" he asks completely looking unsure and I just nod once, almost whispering my reply "Yeah."

He chews on the side of his lip as he mulls over my words for a few seconds "Okay, well– well I mean, come on what's innocent in your eyes?"

Not knowing how to explain it, I choose to show him instead and push up on my toes until my lips press against his- waiting a couple seconds before I tilt my head to the side with another little press of my lips onto his.

After another few seconds I pull away and look up at him, watching as he shakes his head with a soft chuckle "That was still amazing."

I roll my eyes, laughing a little as I lean into him more "That's because you're in love with me."

"Maybe" he concedes, reaching up to run his thumb across my bottom lip. His eyes follow the movement of his thumb until I lean into his chest and his eyes snap back to mine. Once he's looking at me I state as reassuringly as I can "It's also not how I kiss you."

He releases a breath through his nose, that could pass for a little chuckle, at the same time that he sets his hands on the sides of my face, moving his thumbs over my cheeks "No- no, it wasn't."

Closing the small gap between us he presses his lips onto mine once more, this time kissing me how he usually does- leaving me breathless and with weak, wobbly legs.

Pulling back, he kisses my nose before he rests his forehead on mine and I ask softly "Were you really that worried about me having to kiss him?"

"No" he answers entirely too quickly and I throw him a look.

He scoffs, walking past me a few steps before he turns around to face me again "Yes okay- that day you got that script was piled on top of me having to see how great you guys are in a scene together. I just- I knew you were new to that side of acting and I didn't want you thinking that how I kissed you was how it usually is- because it's not."

"I mean, I kind of figured that how we kiss is not the norm for how the majority of others kiss their co-stars while they're filming a scene."

His eyes fall to the ground for a second before he looks at me again "How did you figure that out?"

"When Daniel didn't try anything more than what I just reenacted for you" I shrug, answering easily and he frowns, making a noise in the back of his throat "Alright, I don't-" he trails off and sits down on the couch, pushing his back into the cushion while I take advantage of his silence and keep going "I hadn't talked to him about the scene at all or the fact that we had to kiss and it wasn't even until we were filming and he was leaning towards me that I realized how much I did not want him to kiss me like you do."

Dylan scratches behind his head and lifts his hand up with a humorless laugh "To be fair, I probably should have toned it down with you while we were actually filming-"

"I'm glad you didn't" I murmur and he immediately looks up at me "Yeah?"

I nod, a smile lifting the corners of my mouth "Yeah, I definitely looked forward to all of our couple scenes last season and getting to kiss you."

He throws me a lopsided smile, nodding his head a few times "Same- which is why I was even more worried when I saw that episode's script... selfishly I only wanted to have those kind of scenes with you."

I walk right up in front of him and set my hands on his shoulders to brace myself as I swing my leg over him to straddle his lap.

Dylan immediately sets his hands on my hips, pressing his fingers into my skin as I lean forward and just barely keep our lips from touching.

He releases a shaky breath as I move my nose along his, whispering into the small space between us "You had nothing to be worried about and you still don't- I just want you... only you."


Addy POV

Dylan and I run through the scene outside the club a few times, drinking the green tinted water that we get to pretend is a strong alcohol, before we head over to the unit base to grab a snack and something to drink while we wait for the others to be brought to this side of the set.

"Alright, love?" sounds over my shoulder and I turn to answer Thomas, however, I end up shrieking and jumping back when I see his face and eyes all decked out in the crank make-up.

Everyone laughs as I set my hand on my chest, looking around at all their smiling faces and I attempt to breathe out a calming breath "Oh sure, just scare me into oblivion and laugh about it to my face- you lot are bastards." 

Through his laughs, Dylan wheezes out "To be fair, he didn't actually do anything to scare you- in fact he asked if you were alright..."

"That's an interesting point," I throw him a look and shrug "Another interesting point is fuck you very much for telling everyone how easy it is to startle me."

Everyone laughs even more with that while Dylan attempts to look innocent and points towards himself with both of his hands "Me?"

"Yes you, I know you told them" I push his chest gently and breath out another deep breath, trying to tell my racing heart the fight or flight response can stand down.

"I feel like it's common knowledge at this point" he laughs and I set my hands on my hips, raising my brows at him.

He snorts in his attempt not to laugh "I may have just shared a few of the stories that have a similar theme" Dyl concedes and I make a sarcastic face, like I understand, with a little nod of my head "Mhmm"

"However I did not say how easily you get scared" he pushes on with his innocence act and I make another face "Right"

I can hear the smattering of chuckles from around us, that almost make me crack and laugh with them, before he goes on "Only that your reactions to being startled are some of the best I've ever seen"

I release a humorless laugh with that and hear Ki Hong ask Thomas "He's not getting out of this one is he?"

"No chance- look at her face" Thomas replies, pointing towards me "That's a prime example of he's digging a hole that's about halfway to Japan by now."

Dylan throws his arms out to his sides "There's no hole digging- you have just as much fun with this as I do"

I lift my brows once, a hint of a smile playing on my lips "Oh of course, the most fun- I'll get you back and these guys are going to help me."

His eyes widen almost comically "What? No, they wouldn't go to your side"

"Yes we would" Kaya answers immediately and Thomas nods "I'm absolutely on her side."

Dylan looks between us, scoffing through his betrayal and I cross my arms over my chest "It's officially on, O'Brien."

To keep the flow of filming going we're filming my two appearances in the crowded club one right after the other before Dylan will film his continuous walking through the crowd scenes.

We walk inside, keeping our movements sluggish as I turn towards him and don't really think about it as I set my hand on the side of his face saying my line that he shouldn't drink anything else.

After Thomas and Brenda's life saving moment in the run down office building and out in the alley plus Brenda more than likely knowing what they just drank, I feel like that wouldn't have been too out of character for her to do.

We get set up in one of the side rooms with the crowd as close to us on every side that the cameras are not on us. Once action is called Dylan bumps into me standing on my mark and he turns around, the movement bringing him closer to almost touching my chest and he sets his hands on my waist.

We continue through our lines about staying here and I set my hands on his arms, slowly moving them up to rest on his shoulders on either side of his neck.

I tell him to let go and he licks his lips quickly, his eyes dropping down to my lips as he croaks out 'how?'

I mutter my line of 'like this' before I thank the height of the boots and push up on my toes to kiss him.

Dylan breathes out through his nose, setting one of his hands on the side of my face as he leans into the kiss more. Even though we're in a crowded and stuffy room with two different cameras on us and are in the middle of filming a scene, I still get goosies from his touch and the way he can make me feel at any given moment.

Wes' voice sounds in his megaphone, that he uses whenever there will be music or other sound effects placed in a scene, that cameras are still rolling and even though he thinks we got it he wants us to run through the scene one more time.

Dylan kisses me once more, a soft gentle press of his lips onto mine before he pulls back, that brings a smile to my face. Everytime he kisses me he does that and I like to think that that little moment is all Dylan whenever we're in a scene and he has to stop kissing me. It's a move I've become accustomed to and I love him a little more that he literally has been using every moment he possibly can to show me that this is real for him.

We run through the scene once more, our moves identical to the previous take so we're not actually giving Wes much to work with but he obviously doesn't mind because he announces in his megaphone "Got it, now stumble back from her in 3, 2, 1-"

Dylan does as he's supposed to, the look on his face one of complete confusion and prompts me to continue with our lines.

Once he mutters lowly that I'm not her, I don't even have to pretend to show the hurt on my face and reluctantly turn away from him, disappearing into the crowd as he calls after me.

There's not even another 'her' in the picture of our real world yet that line completely guts me to hear him say that to me- which is illogical if we think about it, so we're just going to chalk it up to I'm that into character right now. Sound good?

Now that all my club scenes are finished I'm sitting outside taking a little break while Dyl finishes up with his final scenes with Kaya where he passes out and she runs up to him before they finish off with their few second kissing scene- though they talked about it and it's more of a liplock not moving any muscle until he pulls away scene so I'm feeling somewhat better about it.

My back is against a wall and my legs are pulled up to my chest while I'm staring out ahead, looking at nothing in particular, when I see shoes stop next to me out of the corner of my eye and a second later somebody sits next to me.

Not wanting to be scared again, I hesitantly move my eyes over and laugh a little when I see Thomas and his face free from all the cranked out make-up he had on earlier.

He smiles a knowing smile and nods his head towards me while he pulls out his smokes "Alright, love?"

I nod and wrap my arms around my legs a little more, setting my chin on my shoulder as I look at him "Yeah, just needed a break- it's a little stuffy in there."

"Do you want me to have this somewhere else-" he offers, lifting his hand up, however, I shake my head immediately "No, of course not- I don't mind, Tobs"

Thomas laughs a little, raising his brows as he pockets his lighter "That one is a new one"

"Everyone calls you Tommy or TBS and I kinda wanted my own for you," I look back out in front of me and rest my chin on my knee "I can change it though if you don't like it."

He shakes his head, mumbling around the cigarette in his mouth "Nah, it's good- I quite like it actually, wee-lassie"

I snort and throw him a look, watching as he tries not to laugh at the ridiculous nickname before he turns his head and releases the smoke towards his other side.

We sit in the comfortable silence for a few moments before he rests his forearms on his knees and clears his throat "I know how you're feeling but I just want you to know that whatever you're thinking is worse than what it will actually be like to see."

I don't say anything and just move my eyes over towards him, seeing him looking at the cigarette in between his fingers.

He nods his head once and goes on "Dating while working in this industry is weird, but you'll be able to see a difference to a work kiss scene versus he's absolutely madly in love with you."

Thomas finally connects his eyes with mine and I smile gratefully at him, nodding my head once that I understand what he's trying to reassure me of, before I lay the side of my head on his shoulder "Thanks, Tobs."

I feel him rest his head on top of mine, chuckling softly "Anytime, love."


Dylan POV

The hurt in Addy's eyes when we were filming earlier actually made me want to be sick and when she stepped away from me all I wanted to do was to barge through the crowd so I could reach her and just hold her.

The need to tell her I didn't mean it was overpowering even though it's a line and she knows it's a line- I still feel like she needs to know she's it for me.

She kept the hurt in her eyes perfectly to go with the scene after I woke up and immediately looked for her in the room.

I may not have read the books but Addy told me enough to know that Thomas really cares for Brenda- so we felt like after he saves her in the building and they have their breaking of the ice moments in the alley and the kiss in the club that Thomas definitely would be looking for her more in any situation from this point in the movie on.

After Wes got the takes of me waking up and sitting up to see everyone else in the room, the camera was on Addy.

She looked hurt in that beautiful kind of way as she had her elbow on the arm of the chair and was absentmindedly moving her thumb over her bottom lip. She seemed to sense me looking at her and she snapped her eyes over towards me, dropping her hand while she shifted in her seat and moved her attention over towards where Giancarlo was standing.

Wes signaled that he got her reaction and we moved on with the rest of the scene, running through Giancarlo and Alan's lines a few times until we got it.

As soon as we wrap on Alan's beating scene Addy is all smiles as she gets up from the chair she was sitting, talking with Kaya and Thomas before they walk over towards me.

We make a plan to head to the unit base for some food before we pick up on some of the night scenes we have in the tunnel set later.

Addy sets her arm in the crook of my elbow and I smile down at her as we follow everyone out of the room.

"You okay?" she questions and I stop our steps as I wordlessly just wrap my arms around her, pulling her into my chest and feeling her wrap her arms around me.

I increase my hold on her before I look around and see that we're only somewhat alone so I let her go and reach down, linking my fingers perfectly in between hers, and pull her over to the side and out of sight of anyone walking the equipment out from the room we were just in.

"Dyl-" she attempts at the same time I'm setting my hands on the side of her face and leaning down to capture her lips with mine.

She makes a little noise as I push her back against the wall behind her, feeling her tiny hands wrap around my forearms as I move my lips with hers.

I drop one of my hands down to grip her hip, pushing into her and moaning deep in my chest when I feel the swipe of her tongue against mine. I may have been kissing her almost everyday for 4 months, however as intense as those kisses were they were nothing compared to what it feels like to get to kiss her now that I know she's mine.

Breathlessly I pull back from her and keep my eyes closed as I rest my forehead on hers. I can feel her breath dance across my skin as we try to catch our breath and I open my eyes, sliding my hand that was on the side of her face into her hair.

She licks her lips quickly, her voice quiet as her fingers grip onto my shirt a little more "Not that I'm at all complaining, but what was that for?"

I chuckle softly with that and wrap a few of the darker, soft strands of her wavy hair around my fingers as I move my eyes between hers "I love you and felt like I hadn't gotten to tell you that today."

Taking advantage of the daytime today we're filming at the base of the camp and Addy has been perfecting how to wheeze out deep breaths that sound horrible in the best kind of way.

One of the takes she attempts to take in a deep breath and the loud noise she makes before she falls into my shoulder and collapses onto the ground before I can catch her is so startling, I think Wes is going to love all of our reactions.

I kneel down on one side of her while Giancarlo kneels on the other and holds her in his arms. In between her strangled breathing she wheezes more and apologizes up towards him.

We continue with the scene as Barry draws a gun towards her and I stand up, yelling my lines to not shoot her.

We're able to get that whole scene in one shot and I don't think we've ever seen Wes so excited.

We pick it up from Lili kneeling down beside her and after she delivers her lines, Giancarlo picks Addy up easily and they walk over to one of the tents while I walk behind them with Lili.

The scene inside the tent has to be run through a few times because of the way Addy has to be quickly breathing at a certain pace.

The first time she does it I can't help but laugh because of the weird noise she's adding into her breathing and she flips me off, clearing her throat "The dust and dirt is helping with the phlegm I need to sound wheezy but stop making me laugh dammit, this is not easy!"

The next take we're about halfway through one of my lines when Addy starts coughing and we all laugh, getting it all out of our system before we try again and she's able to keep the strangled quick breathing pace going until Lili walks up to Addy's other side, where Giancarlo is sitting, with the needle in her hand.

I reach over and grab Addy's free hand, feeling Giancarlo look towards me as Lili presses the needle prop into Addy's arm and she releases a relieved deep sigh.

Lili continues with her lines directed at Giancarlo and he runs his hand through the top of Addy's hair like a parent would before he looks at me and we share our silent looks with our unspoken words that I think are going to look amazing in the scene.

Next Addy and I get to put our all into the scene that is very familiar to us since we had it for the chemistry read.

She's an absolute natural at every type of scene, however, these ones where it's just us in the quiet of a room talking about something emotional is where she really shines.

The tears that gather in her eyes as she talks about Brenda's brother and the way her voice catches on the word 'goodbye' again makes it easier for tears to gather in my eyes as my lips quirk with her confession and I dig in my pocket for the piece of Chuck to show her.

When I say my line that he died saving my life she holds one of her hands out towards me and I go with it, setting my hand in hers and feeling her grip onto mine "And now you saved mine."


Addy POV

We spent a few nights filming and finally getting at the scenes for the end of the movie WCKD attack and it was absolutely the best time.

In between the dialogue scenes there were explosions going off and we were firing the guns for real at targets for my scene and a few others who use the ammo guns and not the ones the soldier extras are using that will be added in with a cgi effect later.

I wasn't in a lot of the scenes those nights, however, I still got to watch it all happen and that was just as much fun- if not more.

We goofed off more than Wes or any of the crew probably would have liked but we're nearing the end of filming and we're ahead of schedule so they joined in on our laughs.

Kaya and I were in the same boat with only having a few scenes those nights so we made it our mission to scare the shit out of anyone that we could.

One of the takes, with Wes' permission to fuck it up, Dylan was laying on the ground and was expecting Aiden to come through the smoke to kick him back down to the ground- only it was Kaya and me running through the smoke... completely decked out in Crank make-up with dark veins covering our faces.

The scared as shit startled yelp that Dylan made was the absolute best and I'm so grateful we got it on camera- specifically for the blooper reel, so you're welcome.

He ran away a few feet until he recognized it was us and he ran back towards us, causing Kaya to run one way as I attempted to run the other.

He however caught me and picked me up from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist as he declared loudly over the laughs of the entire crew around us "Scare wars has officially commenced!"


Dylan POV- Bloopers

Addy reaches up to grab the handles for the zipline after Giancarlo jumps out the window, however, she's entirely too short– her fingers barely graze the handle and she grumbles under her breath "Oh for the love of fuck"

Everyone makes noises attempting not to laugh and I keep a straight face as I walk over, grab her by the waist and lift her up so she can grab the handle.

"Great let's go" she states once her feet are back on the ground and we share a look while I grab one of the handles as well and we face the group, even though the scene is totally fucked we're still attempting to keep it going.

Everyone just looks between us before they laugh even more and Dex bellows "How in the hell were you both able to keep a straight face through that?"

We're climbing up the stunt of the broken down office building and Addy's foot slips on the debris.

She lets out a terrified squeal as she slides down the wall with the help of the harness and once she gets to me I wrap my arms around her waist to catch her from falling more "You're closer to the cranks now but I've got you, my little badass!"

I turn around in the club and expect to react to seeing Thomas in all his cranked out yelling glory however I just see him, Ki Hong and Addy with massive smiles on their faces while they dance around in the packed crowded room. I laugh and run up towards them "Oh we dancing- I want in!"

"Come on" Addy states and proceeds to trip going up the stairs "Holy fucking shit, stairs need to not be an option for me"

Everyone bursts into laughs with me and I have to sit down as I hang my head. Through my laughs I look up at her "Tripping on the stairs on both first days- that's got to be some kind of record."

Addy POV- Bloopers

"You know- you ask a lot of questions, Stiles- fuck, Dylan" I try to correct and just grimace as I set my hand on the side of my face.

"Almost, don't worry she'll get there" Dylan laughs, winking towards the camera as everyone laughs behind it and I throw my head back on a frustrated groan, shouting out "Fucking Thomas, come help me with this grate!"

I run up behind Dylan who is facing the burning tent and set my hands on his shoulders, however it's as my foot is attempting to slide to a stop that he turns around and my foot doesn't slide to a stop and instead just keeps sliding until I completely fall to the ground "Oh holy fucking shit."

Dylan reaches out towards me and tries not to fall as well as he laughs and asks up towards the camera "Try that one again?"

Dylan does a double take and looks over towards me sitting across from Jacob at the tables and he smacks his leg into the corner of the table he's trying to walk around "Ow, holy shit- I got distracted!"

I look over innocently, seeing him looking and pointing right at me being the cause of his distraction and I move my head down closer towards the table. Jacob chuckles as Dylan runs over excitedly, waving his arms around "Brenda? It is you, I knew I recognized you when we see you later!"

Dylan and I continue to walk down the street towards the green screen and we hear Wes call cut right before I trip over debris in the street and stumble forward, feeling Dylan crash into my back and we crumble to the floor in a heap of laughs.

"What was that?" I question and he rolls off of me, laying his back on the ground "I was trying to trip you but you tripped yourself and took me down with you is what that just was!"

"Thomas" I breathe out and see a glint in his eye that tells me he has something prepared to mess up the take.

"Yes, baby?" Dyl mutters at the same time Thomas comes from out of nowhere and into the shot with us "Yes, love?"

Giancarlo, who's kneeling beside me, starts laughing with me as Dyl scoffs and glares over at Thomas, shoving him playfully "Nope not happening, she's mine, Newty!"

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