Emily Prentiss daughter

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Prentiss' old team were trying to catch a serial killer that had murder 5 couples. They caught him but Prenti... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 18

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Emily's POV

We were all playing Monopoly. JJ and Gabi were fussing over the money, JJ owes Gabi money but she wasn't having it.

"You landed on my property, you owe me $350."

"No I don't, you basically brought a lot of properties, you're rich, you don't need anymore money."

These two were at each other and I knew it was a bad idea to play this. Luckily the doorbell rang and since JJ and Gabi were still arguing, I went to answer it. I got up from the living room floor and went to answer the door. It was Henry, Micheal and Mrs.Jareau.

"Hi, come on in." I led them to the living room and we saw JJ and Gabi wrestling each other.

"Jennifer!" Mrs.Jareau yelled. Gabi and JJ quickly turned and JJ got off of Gabi.

"She is a child, I come in and I see you wrestling with a child?"

"Nice to see you too mother. Gabi this is my mother." JJ was never fond of her mother but she try to have some kind of relationship for the sake of her kids.

"Mrs.Jareau, this is my daughter Gabriella." I told her. I told Gabi to come over and she stood in front of me.

"Um... Hello, I'm Gabi, nice to meet you." Gabi took out her hand to greet her but Mrs.Jareau just eyed my daughter and said goodbye. JJ was furious so she walked her out. I knew they were probably going to argue outside so I told the kids to reset Monopoly.

I pulled Gabi aside, "Honey, you're okay?"

"Yea no worries, just rude." I let her go set up the game with Henry while I got a few drinks from the fridge. I took a look from the window and saw JJ sitting down on the porch.

I told the kids to start and that I'll be back. I went outside.


"Oh hey Ems, I'll be there in a minute."

"JJ , you don't have to hide your feelings from me. What happened?"

"My mom was being a bitch. No she is a bitch. I can't believe how she behaved towards Gabi. Emily I'm so sorry about that. I understand if you wouldn't want me here."

"JJ, Gabi is fine, she doesn't care. It's okay."

"No Emily, it's not, she still very cold towards me and still blames me for divorcing Will. She doesn't and probably would never respect me, so I told her to get lost. Of course she slap me but it wasn't hard. I promise you Em, you will never see her. She's out of my life." JJ was hurt so I let her cry it out. I hold her and let her know that everything is going to be okay.
We both head back inside. JJ made it into the bathroom without her boys seeing her. I brought the drinks over and popcorn over to the living room floor.

"No fair, now I have to rethink everything and rebuy lots of properties. JJ never even gave me the money she owes me."

"Honey, you can redo it but please, don't go buying lots." I laughed as Gabi pouted. JJ sat next to gabi, next to Gabi was me, next to me was Henry, and next to Henry was Micheal.

"Ready to be defeated my children?" JJ smiled as she eyed everyone.

"Quit talking start playing." Gabi said as she put the cards down.

We played for some time and just before I knew it, it was already 11pm. Micheal was already sleeping, I gave up playing and Gabi, Henry and JJ were just having it at each other.

"Okay, before you guys kill each other, it is bedtime. So pack it up, go shower and put your jammies on."

"Booooooo! Party pooper." JJ said as the kids were having a fuss.

"Yea yeah, now go." Gabi and Henry quickly went upstairs, I knew they didn't want to clean up the mess. Brats. JJ stayaed and helped me clean up. It was quiet, not awkward but just nice.

"Thanks Emily"

"No problem. Are you okay?'

"Yes, i am okay. Just annoyed. I'm sorry my mom came in here disrespecting Gabi. Trust me you will not have to deal with her from now on."

"But JJ, there must be more to this. You couldn't really stop seeing you mother because she was disrespecting Gabi. What else happened?"

"Nothing. Trust me. It's best for me. I'm going to go check up on Henry."

Gabi's POV
"So your grandmother?" I saw Henry on my bed and hung up my towel.

"You don't need to tell me twice. She can be a lot. There's more to it. She been cold to my mom and I just found out why. I even heard their conversation the other day. I don't have an issue but I'm not sure how you will handle this information." I was concerned. Henry was fidgeting with his fingers and it seems like something was bothering him.

"Henry, you know you can talk to me, but if you're not ready, I'm here."

"It just my grandma says she doesn't like how my mom and your mom been hanging out a lot lately. That she thinks it's wrong." At this point I was a bit confused.

"Well they're coworkers and they been friends since Emily started working at the BAU. It's been what 3 or 5 years?"

"It just my grandma is well, she thinks that my mom likes Emily. Like more than a friend, and she thinks it's wrong. I absolutely have no issue if my mom does happens to like Emily like with real feelings but I just don't see why my grandma has an issue. And I just don't know how you feel."

"Henry, in case you haven't notice, our moms been hanging out more lately but I watch them at work. Their relationship is different. Like it's fun to watch them interact. I have absolutely no issue, in fact the BAU are betting to see when or who of our moms is going to admit they like each other. You know, more than a friend. We even bet. So no, I have no issue, in fact they be so cute together."

"Oh. My. God. I want to be on this! Thank goodness I told you. But what's your plan? And I guess my grandma was right about maybe my mom liking Emily but she's wrong for saying that it's not okay for a woman and woman to be together." Henry was smiling knowing what I told him but upset with his grandmother.

"Same kid. Same. Now the plan, the people who knows that our moms like each other is Derek, Rossi, Spencer and Hotch. I wanted to include Penelope but apparently Penelope can't keep secrets. The bet is $200 and I said that our moms will either admit they like each other by the end of the year or be together by the end of the year. Spencer thinks it won't happen at all so obviously he's gonna lose. Derek thinks they might be together by next year because according to him "Girls take forever to admit they like each other" and Rossi thinks they will admit it by next month. Hotch knows who said what and he wants to know who won later but he isn't betting." I said as I giggled

"Ooohh that's good, so how are you going to win?" Henry ask all curious. I definitely know he wants in.

"Well we need to come up with a plan. So now that I told you here what I'm thinking."

We came out with some plans and talked about it until we heard someone coming up the stairs. So we pretended el been playing rock papers scissors.

"Kids bedtime." JJ came in.

"It's not even 11pm." I said.

"Bedtime Gabi. Now." I saw Emily behind JJ.

"Okay okay, don't have a cow." Emily chuckle and came in to tuck me in. Same with JJ to Henry.

"It's too early." Henry said as my bedroom door closed.

"Wanna go upstairs? I been thinking of having that small room into something cool to hang. Emily gave me permission and I kinda already drew out what I wanted it to be. I have most of my art supplies up there. Emily brought me a whole bunch of stuff last time."

"Okay, let's go." Henry said. I got my slippers and a flashlight. I didn't want to wake up Emily or JJ. I checked to see the coast was clear and pretty sure it was. Instead of heading for the stairs we went to the back and in the end of the hall. There led another stairs to go upstairs. We heard someone so I quickly hid behind the stairs. If Henry and I went upstairs, we would have definitely gotten caught. It was JJ, she was coming up the stairs with water. She went into the guest room.

"All clear?" Whisper Henry. I doubled checked and all clear. We quickly went upstairs.

Since I moved into Emily's, I saw this small space before but I completely forgot about it until Emily mention it to me.

She brought me some canvasses, paints, colors pencils, markers. She brought a desk for me and put it up here.

"Okay, so grab some of those canvases, and I'll get the paints and some brushes. Luckily I got water in here."

Henry and I talked while we painted. I showed him the drawing I did of Hailey and Jack and i finished it a few days ago. We both finish painting and we were both lazy to go to our room. Luckily I had pillows and blankets up here. We put our stuff on the table and got comfortable.

"Night Gabi." Henry yawn as he turned around facing the wall.

"Night night Henry."

I woke up and realize Emily and I knocked out on the couch. We finish our paperwork's last night and we just crash here.

"Em. Emily, wake up."


"Come on, it's 10am already."

"Ugh, ima go brush my teeth and make breakfast. Surprised it's quiet." Emily said as she got.

I put our cases in each of our bags and went to put a pot of fresh coffee.

"Hey JJ, pancakes or waffles?" Emily asked as she came to the kitchen.

"Waffles. I'm gonna go check up on Micheal and then on the kids. I'll be back to help you cut some fruits."

Micheal was on his tablet so I brought him downstairs. I went back upstairs and knock on Gabi's door. No answer. I went inside and neither of the kids were in bed. I checked Gabi's bathroom and nothing. I went to see if Henry went to another guest room and nothing. I checked Emily's room. "Henry? Gabi?" I started to panic a little. I checked a window to see if they were outside. Nothing. I quickly went downstairs.

"Emily. I can't find Henry nor Gabi."

"Did you check the treehouse? Gabi spends her time there when we stay home. Just call out for her. She normally stick her head out by the window."

I called out for Gabi or Henry and no answer. I rechecked the bedrooms and at this point I was panicking. Both their phones where in Gabi's room.

"Emily! I seriously can not find them!"

At this point Emily saw me panicking but I guess she remained calmed for the sake of me and didn't want to freak out Micheal which I appreciate her doing since I'm not helping at all.

"JJ, hold on, did u check the third floor? Or downstairs? Gabi been helping me with that as well."

"EMILY! How many floors are in this house."

"Just 3. We are technically on the 2nd floor but it's weird saying that. The first floor is downstairs which I'm changing and redoing it and the 3rd floor is just an office or small room that I gave to Gabi. I'm sure they're on the 3rd floor. Let me show you the way." Emily lowered the stove heat and showed me the way. We both went to the third floor and sure enough, Gabi and Henry were still sleeping.

"It's already going to be 11, why are they both even up here?" I asked. Emily walked in and saw something on the table.

"Judging by these painting, I'm guessing these kids snuck off here last night, look." Emily held up 2 paintings. One was a portrait of Henry and Gabi and another one was a painting of a superhero which I'm guessing Henry drew. "Good luck with them." Emily said as she chuckled and went back to the kitchen.

"Henry, Gabi, time to wake up." I shook them.

"Mooooom 5 more minutes." Henry groan as he put his blanket over his head.

"You wouldn't be so tired if you went to sleep on time."

"JJ I love you, but it's the weekend, go away and let us sleep." Gabi said grouchy. Now I see where she gets her morning grouchiness.

"No can do kids. You both gave me a scare this morning. Now up up and get downstairs." They weren't moving so I took their blankets.


"JJ!" These 2 are sure gonna give me a hard time.

"Come on, Emily making waffles and it's already 11."

"I don't care." Gabi said as she grabbed her blanket back and covered herself.

"Gabi, don't make me get Emily." She wasn't budging so I grabbed her blanket again and she didn't protest. She didn't moved at all. She was still sleeping. Henry had already went back to sleep. I knew they weren't gonna come downstairs. So I put them both over my shoulders and carry them downstairs

"Mom! Put me down." Henry protested.

"I'm fine with this, don't got to walk, now goodnight." I had these kids dangling and I'm sure Gabi legit went back to sleep. Emily saw me with the kids over my shoulders and chuckled.

I sat them down in the barstool and they both put their head downs on the counter. Boy these 2 must be really tired.

"All good?" Emily chuckled

"Don't. Your daughter sure does get her grouchiness from you." I said as I got a cutting bored and starting cutting up strawberries and watermelon.

Emily and I made small talk and soon we finish. We heard little snores coming from each of our kids. I can't believe they both went back to sleep.

"Henry, come on, wake up, time for breakfast." Henry woke up and excuse himself to go to the bathroom. Emily was having a hard time waking up Gabi.

"Gabi come on. After your done eating breakfast, you can go back to sleep. I can't have you all day without a empty stomach." Gabi was still asleep, I don't think she's awake. Henry came back and said that sometimes it's hard to wake up Gabi when she's really tired.

"What time did you guys went to bed last night anyway?" Emily ask and turn to Henry.

"I don't know." Henry said as he took a bite.

"Gabi, wake up. Come on, you need to eat. It's not okay for you to be sleeping here. You should've went to bed when we sent you, shouldn't have stayed up late." Gabi was still sleeping.

"All good?" I mocked Emily as I took a bite of my watermelon.

"JJ, shut up. Gabi, seriously get up now."

We all froze because Gabi said something that surprised us all. She mumbled but we heard it clear.

"Mama, 5 more minutes."

Emily froze and I could tell she was surprised.

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