Take Me With You (Deadlox/End...

By Clouds-of-Anime

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Everyone's dream is to meet a Youtuber on Minecraft. It was what all my schoolmates talked about. Too bad I d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
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Chapter 21

175 6 6
By Clouds-of-Anime

~Deadlox's POV~

I should be thinking of more rational ways here.

Not just about Layla. I should be also thinking of Ty. I knew she didnt love me anymore... But i know she'll be friends with me.

But Layla. If no other female pops up in the next, what, eight months, then im gonna have to haul her back to the End whether she likes it or not.

I turned to my computer and opened the program to Seto's Black Magic. Yes, its on the computer. Is there something wrong with that?

Thank Notch that Skybrine thought of the tracking device we put on that squid hybrid's sunglasses, or we'd have lost the last sorcerer on the planet forever. Seto's magic is linked to our powers, and Skybrine had said to use Ian's tracking device as a power source if the girls ever make it back and take Seto with them.

I tried to take my mind off girls in general by checking up on Seto. He seemed to be doing fine, but since the tracking device is taking lots of battery from Ian's sunglasses - which are electronic and can scan people, by the way - we can only use it as a source of power for only ten minutes, tops. Also it only has like a fifty-block range, and Ian always charges his sunglasses every night when he takes them off, on his special cupboard, so technically that's ten minutes every day.

And also the good thing is that Ian's sunglasses store energy. The battery never gets full. But surprisingly he must have been scanning a lot of things lately, because the battery level was only at 10%, only enough for ten seconds, or maybe twenty, of Black Magic from Seto.

It's at 1% battery level right now, though, and I did a little check-up on the status of the tracking device. It was all cool, as long as we leave a bit of battery, our cover won't get blown, since Ian's sunglasses are like way power-saving.

I turned power-saving on for the tracker too. But we won't be able to get enough power to operate Black Magic for a while... I'm going to wait until the battery goes over 150. It shouldn't take too long. Then we can launch an all-out attack on them.

I really hope Ian doesn't get mad at us... We were pretty good friends before the rift of good and evil happened. Also, I can't tell Skybrine or WitherMU why I need Layla alive... But I'm also hoping that Ty would just stay at Mitch and Jerome and Ian's house so she doesn't get caught in the battle. She's got logic manipulation and all, but I still don't really trust Skybrine and WitherMU fully.

They may be using me. Oh gosh, listen to me, rambling on like a teenage girl. I focused on the tracker, showing Ian's point of view, and also I kept an eye on the screen monitoring Seto's health. I didn't hate him. I was good friends with him, since I kept on visiting him when he was imprisoned in Skybrine's "camp." Well, that was until Enderlox took over, then Seto would just hide from me.

To be honest, though, I think Enderlox's heart is thawing.

~Ian's POV~ (Ill be doing ian as a sorta side story)

All this stress is too much for me. I know Deadlox is still in Enderlox. I think Enderlox is becoming less violent. He pretty much got beat by girls, and the Enderlox I knew wouldn't let that.

Anyway, I'm starting to have a headache. Maybe a few drinks would clear that up. I left a note saying to the others where I've gone. I'm going to a special pub for hybrids, it's under... Well I can't tell you that.

I arrived at the security and he immediately checked me in. He should recognize me by now. I go there every week, and for the first few weeks I went every day with one of my squid arms, so the security would know I'm an uncommon squid hybrid.

I went into the pub, and the dim redstone lamps reminded me of Layla, and how she could spazz the atmosphere up a little, maybe with multi-color redstone lights that flickered on and off at a fast pace. Or even Ty's powers would be helpful here, no one can get around with so many hybrids and mutants.

I sat on one of those high-stools on the small tables in the center of the room. No one messed with me, I had a reputation here. Sure, I strangled a few ocelot hybrids, but that was because they were trying to eat my arms. And it was kill or be killed.

A pretty creeper hybrid waitress came over on her four legs and took myuv order. A mix of Wither poison and milk mixed with a splash of lava for that burning effect. It's not that bad once you've gotten used to that strange rotten taste, and it does energize you.

The same creeper waitress came over, batted her long, fake eyelashes at me and put my drink down without any of the liquid sloshing over the side, like it had when I had last came here. The table burned down and I issued a complaint. I don't see the tree hybrid waitress that last served me last week and spilled the drink... Maybe she got turned into firewood.

Some strange hybrids I meet.

A skeleton hybrid bustled past and his arrows poked my side, but I let it slide. He hurried away with his date, a wolf hybrid.

Maybe I can pick up a date, even if it is for one night. I wouldn't be so lonely, since I'm like the fifth wheel in the house. And a house doesn't even have wheels. (haha bad pun)

"Mr. Stapleton," i heard someone say behind me and i mentally cringed. I hated it when people used my last name. I turned around. It was a horse hybrid waiter. "Someone wishes to see you."

"Sure," i agreed and this girl just came up to me. She wasnt any hybrid i knew, and i wouldnt even had known she was a hybrod if it werent for the two tiny horns on her head. A cow, maybe. And she was very very pretty.

"Hi im Maddie," she said shyly. "Mind if i sit down next to you? Its ok if you do... Its just that the bar is too full."

"Yeah sure ok," i quickly pulled out a stool for her. This could be my lucky night.

~Layla's POV~

I woke up to the sound of something crashing around. I groaned and sat up, then realized the sound was coming from the closet.

Ah i thought he would have learnt his lesson, i thought and opened the closet sleepily, finding the bacca thrashing around.

"Bad bacca," i mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. It was way early, ten thirty in the morning. I cut open the rope and he gasped dramatically.

"I thought you were never going to wake up," he said. "I could hear Mitch and Ty laughing downstairs, so ive been in here for like a whole hour."

I stretched and yawned. "Meh." I followed Jerome downstairs and we found Mitch and Ty laughing along with Ian and another new girl.

"Hello," Jerome said, sitting down. I sat down next to him, since it was the only seat left.

"Oh great now everyone is here!" Ian clapped his hands together. "Everyone i would like to introduce you to Maddie, Maddie, Ty, Layla, Mitch, Jerome!"

Maddie smiled. She had long brown hair, hazel eyes and were those horns on her head?

"Oh cool a cow hybrid," (couldnt type this with a straight face sry) Mitch said, high-fiving Maddie.

"So are you all... Together?" Maddie asked shyly pointing at the four of us.

I choked on my breakfast. What??? Ty answered the question for me while I was coughing my lungs out.

"Uh Jerome and Layla are not," Ty said, looking everywhere but at me.

Jerome raised an eyebrow and i tried to muffle my coughing. God my throat was raw. Maybe i would have to write letters to communicate.

Oh shit the letter. From my mother. I totally forgot about that.

Oh and also Seto in the house outside.

"So how about you and Mitch?" Jerome stared pointedly at Mitch, who was blushing uncontrollably.

Oh gawd. I stopped choking, but i had to keep swallowing so i can keep my throat wet. And thus preventing me from screaming at Ty for not telling me sooner.

WHY YOU NOT TELL ME SOONER????!!! I used telepathy to shriek at Ty. She flinched and everyone except me turned to look at her instead of Mitch.

"Uh excuse me," Ty got up hurriedly and grabbed my arm. I got down a mouthful of cereal to help my throat and then I got dragged off to outside the house.

"I've been meaning to tell you," Ty said shyly. "We just discussed it this morning, while you were asleep."

Oh. Okay. Well that means that she wont ever go and help Enderlox again, because they were a bit cozy with each other when I first met them.

"Congratulations!" i squealed and clapped my hands, then coughed. Thinking fast, i healed myself with the energy of the redstone.

"So are you and Jerome gonna get together? He's going to feel like the fifth wheel now."

I shook my head. "Nah, he's fun and furry and all, but i dont love him. Hey," I added, changing the subject quickly. "Lets go and check on Seto since we're out here."

We walked over to the house and knocked. A few moments later the sorcerer opened up the door and smiled.

I broke the news to him. "Ty and Mitch are officially... A couple!" I shrieked and jumped up and down and did what I would typically do when i fangirl.

Seto smiled happily and we entered his temporary house, finding it neat and clean.

"Ive been practicing my White Magic, so i can level up and make this spell i want," Seto said, pointing to an open spellbook.

"Mind-control?" Ty frowned when she read the book.

"Yeah, so i can control my own mind and keep it protected from other disturbances." Seto nodded. "Dont worry, i wont use it on you guys," he reassured.

Dont trust him, Ty told me.

Wasnt going to, I told her back.

Just then we heard Mitch calling for Ty outside. Jerome, Ian and Maddie seemed to be with him, although they werent calling as frequently as Mitch.





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