Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret...

By LM_Studios

35.3K 578 715

WARNING: This story is rated 18+ for adult content as well as a few triggers. Reader discretion is advised. A... More

Prologue: Is This the End?
Chapter 1: Putting It Off
Chapter 3: The Skeptical Prince/The Truth
Chapter 4: A Butler's Task
Chapter 5: Checking In/Soul Binding
Chapter 6: Sweet Addiction
Chapter 7: Wedding Prep, Take 2
Chapter 8: Path To Redemption/The 'Firsts'
Chapter 9: The 'Firsts': Asking Him Out
Chapter 10: The 'Firsts': Date Night/Roleplaying
Chapter 11: Heavenly Assistance
Chapter 12: The Duel/ 'Fight. Like. A man.'
Chapter 13: Not According To Plan/The Wedding
Epilogue: Back In Business!/Realization...
The Soundtrack

Chapter 2: A Close Call

2.6K 48 44
By LM_Studios

"(Y/N), (Y/N)? It's time to wake uuuup." Blitzø giggled, kissing your neck. You chuckled softly, feeling his tail wrap around your leg.

"Mmm, you'll have to try harder than that to wake me up..." you teased, feeling him reposition himself on top of you.

"OK, how about this then?~" He kissed you, his tongue gently slipping through your lips to tease yours. You moaned softly, holding him close as you enjoyed his embrace. You loved it when he tried to wake you up with a kiss, especially with the chance of some morning passion to follow. However, he slowly pulled back, looking down at you with tempting eyes.

"You are by far the sexiest imp I know, you know that right?~"

"Oh I know, because I better be." he joked, both of you laughing "Wait, where's the camera? I've got to get a picture of this." he asked, digging through a nearby drawer.

"What, another morning pin up of me? I swear the album is almost full." you laughed.

"Nooo, our first morning as a soon-to-be married couple...Ah, here it is!" he pulled out a Polaroid camera, holding it up to take the photo. Right at the last moment, you kissed his cheek as he took the photo "Really (Y/N)? As cute at that was my hand moved. What if it came out blurry, I'm already having hard time finding more film for this camera." he whined, waiting for the image to develop.

"Relax, I bet it'll come out fine...See? It looks perfect, just like you.~" you purred, kissing his neck.

"OK that's enough, you're clearly awake. Do you have to work at the bar today?"

"Nope, meaning I'm all yours over at I.M.P. I'm kinda hoping we can do that heist job together, I've been begging for a challenging job for a while."

"Actually, I'm the one going to work today. Well, I'm the boss, so I have to go. You on the other hand get to stay at home today." he said, getting up to get dressed. 

"Wait, so you're giving me the day off? I thought you couldn't stand a day at work without me." you joked as he continued to get ready.

"Yes, I have said that, but I want you to get a head start on the wedding planning. I already have a theme picked out."

"Let me guess, something along the lines of 'Barnyard Chic'?"

"Close, I like to call it 'Starlit Stable'. Think, a farm themed wedding, star lights on the ceiling, the ceiling at the reception looking like the night sky you see on Earth..."

"Wow, I literally proposed to you yesterday Blitzø. It sounds like you've already gotten started without me."

"Hey, you should know me by now. Meaning you should know that I always wanted a farm themed wedding."

"Nooo, you always wanted a horse themed wedding...And that gives me an idea."

"Nope, I don't want to hear it, I want it to be a surprise. I'll see you tonight, love you...Whoa!" You laughed as you grabbed him at the waist, pulling him back into bed with you. He giggled as you held him close with a kiss.

"You know better than to leave me without a kiss.~"

"Look who's being the dork now." he chuckled, leaning you back as he kissed you passionately "Nice try, I can feel you unbuttoning my coat."

"Damn it, so close. I guess morning sex is out of the question?" you asked sweetly, only for him to roll his eyes.

"As nice as that sounds, I gotta go early today. Will you please let me go, I don't want to hear Moxxie complaining this morning."

"Now you know how I feel when you do this to me. If you get bored, or overrun with clients, give me a call, OK?"

"I will, I'll see you later." As the day went on, Blitzø couldn't keep his eyes off his engagement ring. He giggled to himself, happily recalling your proposal. Although he wanted to be happy, his smile started to fade as he recalled everyone's constant warnings.


'(Y/N) is the best thing that's ever happened to you sir. How can you be comfortable lying to him like this?' - Millie

'How would you rather have him discover the truth? From you, or dare I say, from him?' - Moxxie

'That's another thing, Stolas is gonna find out you're moving in with him eventually!' - Loona


'Come on Blitzø, snap out of it!' he shook his head, trying to let go of his sudden paranoia 'Let's be real here, it's been several months since those 2 have been in this building at the same time. You have nothing to worry about. You're about to marry the man you love and still get some work done. It's all gonna work out.' Suddenly, his door was flung open with a loud bang "Whoa! Geez Loona, don't scare me like that."

"Oh I'll give you something to be scared about! Millie told me about last night, about your 'date'. Why is it you failed to tell me (Y/N) proposed to you?!"

"Oh great..." he grumbled.

"Don't even give me that tone, you knew this lecture was coming! The better question is why did you say yes?!"

"Uh, because I love (Y/N), and it's my choice as to who I'm happy with?" he replied with a sarcastic tone, making Loona groan as she slumped into the chair.

"Blitzø, do you not realize what you've done here? You can't run a business, bang Stolas, continue to lie to (Y/N), AND plan a wedding all at once!"

"Who says I can't? I've still got my sisters, I can ask them to help with the arrangements. Oh, that reminds me! I gotta tell them the news." He reached for his phone, only for Loona to quickly snatch it off the desk. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

"No! There's not going to be a wedding, not until you tell (Y/N) the truth. As a matter of fact, I want you to call him, right now."

"Can you not--?"

"Call him. Now." she insisted with a stern tone. Once she handed him the device, they were both surprised for it to ring with Stolas' number "The heck? He never calls you directly, he usually calls the office."

"That's what I get for giving him my number."

"You better get that, and talk about (Y/N) too. Maybe that will finally get him off your ass." she commented before leaving him. As he watched the phone ring, he considered her suggestion, but kept thinking of the possible repercussions. With a heavy sigh, he sat at his desk and accepted the call.

"What is it this time Stolas? I thought we agreed it was dangerous for you to be calling my phone during office hours."

"I know, however I had a sudden realization. Since I have my own cellphone, I no longer see that as an issue. Besides, Stella gave up guessing my password a long time ago. I was wondering if you had some time to 'chat' with me.~"

"Chat? ...Oh, that. Did you forget about our little conversation that fast, on how I didn't want to be bothered by you? Phone sex counts you pervy asshole!" he yelled, only to make the prince laugh.

"Aww come now Blitzy, I'm only asking for 5 minutes of your time."

"You said that last time, 5 minutes turned to 10, then 10 turned to 20! They have nifty little stores that sell toys for your 'needs'. Why do you insist on--Gaah!~" He dropped his phone, both his hands covering his crotch with a pained moan.

"I know you can still hear me Blitzy, are you starting to forget about our little 'connection'?" he chuckled as Blitzø struggled to keep his voice down.

"You...You f-f***ing prick, you can't keep...doing this to...Aaahn!~" He clawed at his desk, trying to ride out the sudden heat.

"Poor Blitzy, can't get any work done while in heat now can you? What to do, what to do?" he asked coyly "Here's an idea, if you beg like a good little imp I might stop."

"Like hell I'm gonna--!" Blitzø bit his fist, desperately trying to keep himself quiet as the heat flared up again. He scrambled to pick his phone up, growling as he could hear the prince laughing on the other end "Alright, alright! I can't take it anymore, please, stop it!"

"Hm, I'm not quite convinced. Try again, but do sound more submissive. I love it when you beg for me darling.~" Blitzø snarled in frustration, his head hitting the desk in defeat. He knew that if he wanted his relief, he had no choice but to play Stolas' twisted game.

"Please Stolas, stop, make it stop!~" he moaned, making him moan in response...which was not the reaction he was prepared for.

"Oh yes, beg for it Blitzy, beg for my mercy!~" he moaned pleasurably.

"You horny son of a bitch! Are you jerking off right now?!"


"Damn you! I played along now quit screwing around, make it stop!!" he yelled impatiently, but found himself laying on the floor with a loud moan. He had to bite his sleeve for this next 'heatwave', this one more intense then the last.

"I'm sorry, it sounds like you're the horny one darling. You know what you have to say if you want me to stop."

"P-Please...Please Daddy, I-I'll be good, I swear. Just please make it stop!~" he pleaded, sighing in relief as he finally cooled down "Finally, do the words 'no' and 'stop' not mean anything to you asshole?"

"I guess not, we've had this discussion time and time again. Reject my wishes and you will be punished, that's how it goes. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoy a little torture through your day.~"

"Trust me when I say I don't. One of these days you're going to embarrass me in public."

"Wouldn't that be delicious? I know you're a busy man, so it's best I get to the true reason for my call. In your haste to leave the other night I do believe you forgot something."

"Wait, did I leave some of my clothes again? Did Stella find something?!"

"Oh no, nothing like that. I'm talking about the book you oh so need. You were so focused on your escape that you forgot to grab it."

"Perfect, halfway through the day and I don't have that damn thing. Luckily it's been slow so far."

"Don't worry Blitzy, I'm about to leave now. I'll personally bring it to the office for you."

"Stolas, I swear if you try to get physical with me..."

"It's cute how you assume that. Fret not, I'll retain myself from taking you against your desk like last time. Which reminds me, did you ever get those scratches buffed out? It must have been fun explaining that to your clients." he chuckled, making him blush.

"Yes, I did. But thanks to you I might need to pay for that again. That scratch resistant coating plan isn't sounding too shabby right now." he sighed, picking at the new wood shavings on his desk "Anyway, I want you in and out of my office, no tricks."

"I promise, no tricks. I'll be seeing you soon.~" he cooed before hanging up. Before Blitzø could start his mini rant, his phone rang again. This time with a video call from you.

"Finally, a phone call to look forward to..."

"Heeey babe, how's work going?"

"It went from easy to stressful quick, I just a call from...Hello sexy.~" he sighed longingly as you held your phone up, giving him a nice view of your torso as it peaked through an open lab coat.

"I thought this would make you feel better. You remember this coat?~"

"From our first night together. What was that line you used on me again?"

"Oh geez, that was my worse improv yet. You remember all that?"

"How can I forget? You put a lot of effort into that night. Come on, can you say it for me, please?~" he playfully begged to make you laugh.

"Oh alright...You're long overdue for a check up Mr. Blitzø, I believe a full physical is in order. Shall we begin?~" you winked, making him bite his lip to muffle a moan.

"Damn I love it when you talk like that, what I wouldn't give to be over there right now. The things I would do..."

"Like you didn't do enough last night. But enlighten me, what would you do?~" you asked, teasing him as you panned the phone down your body.

"For starters, I'd use the sleeves on that coat to tie your arms back. Theeeeen--"

"Knock knock.~"

"St-Stolas?!" He quickly slammed his phone down, hiding it in the drawer.

"What the heck? Hello, Blitzø? Is everything alright? ...Hello?" you asked, a sudden darkness gracing your screen.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you on the phone just now?"

"Uhh, yes, I was. Just a second." he quickly managed to slip off his ring as he grabbed his phone, inspecting his phone screen as he left his office. "Phew, how did I not crack the screen after that?"

"My only question is what was that about? Is everything alright down there?"

"Yep, just a surprise visit, that's all. I'll call you back, and if not I'll see you later, bye." he hastily hung up, leaving you confused.

'OK, that was weird. So much for a video quickie...Maybe I better check on him. I wonder if he told the others about the proposal.' you thought to yourself as you got dressed. Meanwhile...

"Sorry about that, last minute client. I told him not video chat me but he insists on it." he laughed nervously "So, um, do you have the book?"

"It's on your desk, and I know we said in and out, but I wanted to talk to you about something."


"I promise you, it's not sex related. I'm a tad concerned about my daughter Via, I've tried talking to Stella but, as always, she thinks nothing of it."

"Huh, you hardly talk about Octavia. Is she alright?"

"I'm not sure anymore," he sighed as he sat in the chair "she's being more distant than usual. I've tried talking to her directly, but it's as though she's trying to block me out."

"Well you are having an affair with me, no wonder she's pissed with you. You know I never did ask, how did she react to all this?"

"At first she thought of it as a joke, however she did confront me about it after the balcony incident. She was less than pleased with me, but we still spoke every now and then. Now it's like I'm a total stranger to her."

"Yeah, that sounds rough. Changing the subject I gotta ask, how did you get here so fast?"

"That's the magic of teleportation dear Blitzy, can't have the wife seeing me leave in one of the cars during this time of day. As far as she knows I'm still working."

"OK, but wouldn't you suddenly vanishing seem even more suspicious to her?" he questioned, only for the prince to laugh.

"Only you would think that, but the answer is no. Did you forget how large my castle is? I could be on the other side of the estate for all she knows, she'll never suspect a thing. Getting back to Via and I, what do you do when Loona is distant from you?"

"Hmm, normally she's distant when she's angry at me, or if she doesn't have her way...Which happens often. I think nothing of it, I just ride it out."

"'Ride it out'? Don't you talk to her at all, try to make amends?"

"Have you ever seen an angry hellhound? I'm sorry but I'm not the best person to talk to for things like--"

"Hey Blitzø, (Y/N) is here. And he's got something for you." Loona spoke over the intercom, making him panic.

"Crap..." he gulped.

"Were you expecting a package of some kind? Something you don't want me to see?~"

"You can say that...Wait here for a second?" He quickly rose from his desk, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, are you alright? You kinda hung up on me earlier."

"(Y/N), hi, um...What are you doing here?"

"I got a bit worried after the video call. Go ahead and call me paranoid but I wanted to see you. Is everything OK?"

"Yep, fine, perfect, nothing wrong here. Loona said you had something for me?"

"Yeah, I meant to give these to you last night. Buuut you kinda attacked my face so..." He let out a soft gasp as you presented him a red heart-shaped box tied up with a white ribbon.

"Are these...?"

"Dark Godiva chocolate, straight from Earth. Let me tell you, these were really hard to get a hold of without getting caught. But I know they're your favorite, so I knew it would be worth it in the end."

"Aww, (Y/N)..."

"Wait, where's your ring?"

"My what?"

"Your engagement ring, from last night? You were wearing it when you left, now it's gone. You didn't lose it did you?" you asked, worrying him with your offended tone.

"N-No, of course I didn't lose it! I stashed it in my desk for safekeeping, I-I didn't want to risk dropping it while I was out in the field."

"Oh, thank God. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. It would just hurt me a little if you lost it."

"I know, especially after all the trouble you went through for me last night."

"About that, what were about to say before you got cut off?~" you asked, making him blush as you held him close.

"Ahem, 'client' waiting in your office, remember?" Loona commented, tilting her head towards the door.

"Oh, right! Can we save this talk for later, I gotta get back to--"

"You must forgive me Blitzø, but I can't stay much longer. I just got a message from...Oh, this is a new face, I don't think we've met before." Blitzø froze in silent terror, realizing one of his personal fears has come to pass.

"No way, aren't you...?"

"Yes, the Prince Stolas. I get that reaction a lot my good man, are you a new employee of I.M.P.?"

"As a matter of fact he is! Well, semi-new, you just never saw him around the office. This is (Y/N) and he sadly has to go."

"Whoa, easy Blitzø, I'm in no rush to go anywhere. Plus it's not every day an imp gets to meet royalty. What brings you by the office your highness?" you asked, sending Blitzø into full panic mode.

"It's nothing really, only dropping off the grimoire he left behind. During our last 'meeting' Blitzø neglected to take it with him."

"Wait, you mean the book we've been using? That belongs to you?!"

"Why yes, why is that such a shock? I assumed he told you during your time here."

"No wonder he tells us to treat it like a baby, that's a royal grimoire we've been using. Wow, I kinda assumed he stole it from somewhere to be honest. You have to tell me, how did you guys--?"

"Well look at the time! So sorry you can't stay Stolas, why don't I walk you out?" Loona only shook her head as he hastily escorted the prince out.

"Talk about a close call..." she muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, and about how they know each other, they met at a party."

"Really? How does an imp get into a royal party?"

"That's a long story for another day." she dismissed you as she resumed texting. Meanwhile...

"I know I said I had to leave, but there was no need to shove me Blitzø. It sounded like he was about to ask me something."

"Did it? Oh, I didn't really catch it." he laughed nervously. Stolas was about to counter his argument, but noticed the heart-shaped box in his hand.

"Is that your little 'package'? Is there a secret admirer I should know about?" he asked sternly. Blitzø looked down at the box and back at him, trying to quickly think of an explanation.

"Whaaaat? No, of course not, there isn't anyone else. These are...imported from Earth! Yeah, I had a craving for chocolate so I asked (Y/N) to go get me some."

"In a heart-shaped box? Last I recall Valentine's Day was months ago."

"I know, he told me this was all they had left. Beggars can't be choosers, that and he had to escape fast. Almost got caught by the shop owner."

"You must tell him to be more careful, can you imagine the panic there would be if you got caught?"

"Believe me I know, I had to destroy someone's phone once...Oh! Here we are, the main lobby! You better get back home, you know, before they realize you're gone."

"I suppose so, but can I get a kiss before I go?~" He tried to lean in for a kiss, only to be blocked by Blitzø's arm as he faked a cough.

"Sorry, not right now. I might be coming down with something, don't want to spread it. I better get back to work, I'll see you later Stolas." he fake coughed as the elevator doors closed, only to leave the prince standing in confusion "Phew, that was too close for comfort...Wow these are good." he thought to himself as he tasted the chocolate. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he was greeted with everyone standing by Loona's desk.

"So, remember that talk we had about the two of them interacting?" Moxxie started.

"Oh for the love of...Can you not do this to me right now? And where's (Y/N), is he still here?"

"He's in the conference room, said he forgot to get a copy of the new schedule. That also means he isn't here to hear us rant at you for what you're doing!"

"This is never going to end is it? Look, I think I played it off pretty well. It's not like he suspects anything."

"Are you talking about Stolas or (Y/N)? Because after you rushed him out of here, (Y/N) did ask me how you both knew each other." Loona added, making him choke on his candy "Relax, for your sake I didn't say much."

"But you still said something!" he coughed "What exactly did you tell him?!"

"Only that you met at a party, I left out the part where you had to screw him after getting caught trying to steal the book." she replied dryly.

"Could you not say it like that? That's not a night I'm too proud of..." he whimpered.

"If you ask me, she would've been better off telling him. Especially since you're too scared to say anything." Moxxie commented as he glared at his boss.

"Unless you want to end up unemployed, none of you will say anything to (Y/N). Do I make myself clear?"

"Really, you're going to fire me for thinking about my co-worker, for telling him the truth?!"

"M-Moxxie, calm down sweetie, he might hear you."

"I don't care, let him hear this! Sir, how many times do we have to have this argument? Are you seriously that desperate to keep this twisted game of yours going?!" he argued, but flinched as Blitzø slammed a fist on Loona's desk.

"I'll ask you again Moxxie, do I make myself clear?" he asked again, this time with a demanding tone, a faint glow in his eyes. Millie and Loona looked at Moxxie, nervously waiting for his response. His expression showed mixed feelings of anger and frustration as he stared down his boss "Well?"

"...Perfectly, only because I know I'll have a front row seat to the up coming disaster you've setup for yourself."

"Oh brother..."

"For the record sir, I tried to be the optimistic one for you, but today was a really close call. If anything I'm sure Stolas will start asking questions too. Did you ever think about that?" Millie asked.

"Yeeeeah, no. That feather brain will believe any story I feed him. He may be a prince but in some cases he really isn't that bright."

"Was he bright enough to question the box of chocolates, which happened to be in the shape of a heart?" Loona asked.

"He did, and I played it off like a pro. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some paperwork to finish." he replied, continuing to enjoy his gift as he returned to his office.

"That's it, I have had it with him! He has some nerve to threaten us like that. I don't care if I lose this job, I'm telling (Y/N) about this right now." Moxxie tried to leave, only to have Millie pull on his tail.

"Don't you dare Moxxie! He has to hear it from Blitzø and you know it."

"It's been five years Millie, five years of not just him, but all of us lying to (Y/N)! If anything it's Stolas I'm more afraid of. Remember what happened the last time Blitzø upset him?"

"How can I forget, I.M.P. was closed for a few months after that argument."

"All because he had to piss him off. Thanks to that incident we couldn't get the book back."

"Never mind the book, the point is we all had to pay the price too! It's like whenever he tries to make things work for himself, he always finds a way to drag us down with him. Do you really want to go through that again?" he asked, but noticed her hesitate.

"Sweetie please, it's his love life, meanin' it's his problem. We can't control what he does or says in all this. If anythin' we can only hope that he finally decides to talk soon."

"Hope can only get you so far Mills, I mean...I like (Y/N) because he makes Blitzø happy. He never said anything, but he fell into a bit of a depression after he got involved with that royal perv."

"Depressed, him? He's always so cheerful though."

"I know, I'm amazed he hid it so well. Then he met (Y/N), he's the only guy I've known to make him smile and laugh the way he does now. From what Blitzø says, he's the most sensual guy he's ever dated too. He doesn't want to lose him, and I don't want that either..." Loona sighed, trying to fight back her tears.

"Aww Loona, it'll be OK."

"What if it won't be Millie?! What if all hell breaks loose when Stolas finds out? What will (Y/N) say about Stolas for that matter? My biggest concern is this though, what will he do? I can only protect Blitzø from so much you guys, and a demon prince isn't one of those things...I don't want to lose him to Stolas..." she confessed with a quiet sob, Millie holding her.

"It's OK hun, no one is losin' anyone, I promise." she cooed in a motherly manner, hoping to comfort her. Meanwhile in his office, Blitzø had his head to the door, listening to his daughter's sobs.

'Oh Loona...What the hell is wrong with me? Moxxie's right, I can only keep this up for so long.' he sighed as he sank into his chair. He opened the drawer to retrieve his ring, placing it back on his finger. He also pulled out a small photo album, it's contents full of many pictures that you both have taken together over the years. The last one was always his favorite, making him smile every time. It was a quick snapshot you took while he was sleeping, you kissing his cheek before leaving for your other job.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna do a quick grocery run before I head home. You want anything?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm fine..."

"Hey, what are you looking at?" you asked as you approached the desk.

"Nothing, just a few of our pictures."

"Hm, is this why our album kept disappearing at the apartment? If you wanted me to make some copies, all you had to do was ask."

"Heh, sorry, I just like how these came out. Remember this one?" He snickered at the photo, it was of you hanging upside down with an annoyed expression on your face, Blitzø kissing your cheek.

"What?! Aw man, I thought you deleted that one!" you groaned as he started to laugh "I wish I could forget that one, my failed attempt at a Spider Man kiss. Why did you keep that photo?"

"Because the look on your face was too funny. I mean you managed to fall off the roof, get tangled in the rope, and still ended up hanging right in front of me. That was what, our 3rd job together?"

"Yep, and I think I'll just--"

"Nope, I'm keeping this one." He pulled the book back, playfully sticking his tongue at you. With a smirk, you took advantage of the situation by kissing him. As he submitted to your lips, you were able to grab the album easily "Wha--hey! That's not fair!"

"All's fair in love and war babe, it's not my fault you fall for that trick every time. For my sake I'm moving this one to our private stash back at home. Before I go though, did I miss something?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"Well, as I was coming back I noticed Loona was crying. I asked her what was wrong but she said she was fine. Did someone do something to her? If so, who was it?" you asked with a stern tone.

"It's sweet how you worry about her like that. It's nothing to worry about though, she'll be fine. But I am glad you stopped by, we need to talk."

"If it's about the wedding say no more. I know a girl that can get us some suits, as for the venue I have a few great ideas. We'll talk more about it when you come home, OK?" You were about to leave, but he quickly grabbed you by the collar of your jacket.

"Hold it, forgetting something?~" he teased, pulling you into a kiss.

"You are such a dork Blitzø."

"Like it or not I'm your dork now." he joked before you left, but groaned as he sat back in his chair 'So...close...I was so damn close that time!' he whined internally 'Come on Blitzø get it together. If you're going to do this, you have to be honest with (Y/N). No stalling next time, I need to say something before things get worse.'

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