The Mafia's Flame

By strawb3rryluv

4.3M 117K 79.9K

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE?" He shouted at the poor guard. The guard flinched and lowered his head, "She... More

Authors Note
1. The Feelings
2. Perfect Timing
3. Unexpected Meeting
Castle grounds/Charcater List
4. Familiar Face
5. Why am I here?
6. Only one
7. Bonding Hours
8. Dreadful Explanation
9. Just Dance
10. Operation Llama
11. Preparation Nation
12. Igniting the Flame
13. Her Parents
14. His Beloved
15. Their Progress
16. You're Staying
17. Daddy's Little Girl
18. The Surprise
19. Her Home
20. Brick, Wall, Waterfall
21. The Call
22. His Soul
23. Late Night
24. The Field
25. Warehouse Mess
26. In Spirit
27. The Job
28. Favorite Show
29. Plans Change
30. Dress Shop
31. Bad boys
32. Jump Scares
33. The Ball
34. The Truth
35. The War
36. (S)he's Gone
37. His Help
38. Their Downfall
39. The Boys
40. The Fight
41. Your Forgiveness
42. The Ladies
43. She knows
44. Smile and Wave
45. Excuse You
46. Tell Me
47. Let's Go
48. Working On It
49. Sooner or Later
51. The R word
52. Our Bond
53. Long Road Ahead
54. Good Times
Part Two/ New Characters
55. A Mess
56. Your Dress
57. The Camera
58. No Way
59. Riddle Me This
60. Going Insane
61. For Her
62. One Month
63. The Boss
64. Amphisbaena Twins
65. Tell Him
66. It Wasn't Him
67. It's Time
68. See Her
69. My Sister
70. A Game
71. Fall In Love
72. A Candle?
73. Bad Feeling
74. I Need You
75. Your Memories
76. Hold Them
77. Her Eyes
78. Happy Now?
79. With Whom?
80. Its Purpose
81. I Can't
82. Call Me
83. Go Now
84. Some Fun
85. Six Words
86. Her Choice
87. Four Hearts
88. Yes And No
89. Hellfire's Amphisbaena
90. Demios's Firefly
91. Princess's Khaos
92. The Mafia's Flame
Bonus: Hiding The Amphisbaena
Bonus: Meeting Deimos and Alessio
Bonus: Traveling With Khaos
Bonus: The Donna

50. A Princess

30.7K 977 671
By strawb3rryluv


I woke up groaning and blinked a few times before fully waking up. My neck area was a little sore and I rubbed it unconsciously as I sat up. I looked around and I was in a bed- in a room I've never seen before. I got up and dragged myself to the one window and my eyes widen as I looked out.

"Good morning topolina." Leo's voice rang out from behind me.

I spun around and saw them- all five standing at the door looking at me with pity.

"Did you drug me? You know I hate that!" I shouted outraged.

Dad shook his head, "Of course not. We know drugs are a no for you but we may have hit your pressure point a little too hard." He cringed slightly.

"You are lying! It wouldn't hurt this much to wake up if it wasn't drugs!" I glared pointing at him.

"I promise we didn't." Dad said seriously.

I- I don't know what to believe.

I huffed, "I want out now." I demanded angrily.

"Sorry angel eyes but we aren't letting you go just for you to run away." Valen shrugged.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I yelled.

"We don't want to do this either." Sanny mumbled.

"Where does everyone think I am?" I questioned.

Dad sighed, "We told them you will be with the boys for a while." He answered softly.

"You can't do this! Let me out!" I pulled my hair.

"Then stay babydoll." Fano frowned.

I stood in front of them, "YOU LOCKED ME IN THIS ROOM! You put me in one of the towers and locked me up!" I shouted grabbing the bars, "DO I LOOK LIKE SOME PRINCESS TO YOU?!" I tried to lunge but the bars held me back.

"You are a princess. A mafia princess." Dad deadpanned.

"Yeah well this princess is about to kick all of your biscuits if you don't let her out now!" I hissed banging the bars.

"It's useless." Valen sighed.

I grabbed a chair and threw it at the bars but it just fell with a thud and I groaned.

"Face it topolina, you can't get out." Leo shook his head.

I slid down the wall by the bed, "I guess I'll have to wait until a knight in shining armor comes to rescue me huh?" I chuckled bitterly, "Maybe I should call Raphael." I leaned my head back on the wall.

"Good luck with that. There are no electronics in there for you to use." Fano hissed.

"I can't believe you guys actually locked me in a tower. At times like this castles suck- like a little extreme isn't it?" I mumbled.

"No, not if it prevents you from making rash decisions." Sanny retorted.

I stood up angrily, "You want to see a rash decision?!" I spat.

I used all my strength to push the bed so it blocked the door where they came in.

"What are you doing?!" Dad asked.

I flipped it on it's side and pushed a small dresser that was there in front of it.

"You aren't allowed in." I hissed panting.

I need to start working out again- oh my god.

Valen rolled his eyes, "Whatever now you just have no where to sleep. Move it back." He told me.

I ignored him and grabbed at the blankets and sheets from the bed and put them together. I then grabbed the same chair from earlier and they looked at me curiously.

"Here is your rash decision." I spat and threw the chair at the window making it break.

Their eyes widened and they started opening the door but the bed was making it difficult.

I tied a sheet to one of the bars and threw it out the window, "See you later alligator." I saluted and jumped out holding onto the blankets.

I swung and hit the wall which made me groan but I took a deep breath. I looked down and panicked a little, why did it have to be so high up?

I'm not even sure the blankets are long enough.

"SERAFINA!" I heard them scream.

"Okay Riot, just climb down it's not that hard. You're fine." I told myself.

My fingers loosened a bit and I lowered myself slowly, oh my god I'm crazy.


I ignored all the shouts and kept lowering myself but a tug scared me, "EEEKKKKK STOP." A loud shriek came from me.

"No you're coming up. Hold on." Fano gritted out pulling the blanket up.

I took a deep breath and release my hands making me drop fast.


I grabbed the sheet after a few seconds and it swung again making me hit the wall harder.

"Ouch- oh man." I groaned closing my eyes.

"Don't do that again. Oh my god I had a heart attack." Sanny shouted from the window above.

Looking down I cursed biscuits because there wasn't enough sheet left and I still had 30 feet to go down. There was only 15 feet left of the blankets and I just decided to take the risk letting go again.


I was hanging off the end of the sheet and my feet were dangling everywhere. There was a pipe against the wall and I jumped towards it and held on tightly.

"Ah- I'm going to die soon." I whispered catching my breath.

I slid down the pipe but someone screamed making me jump and I let go of the pipe. I was falling and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.

"Oh fuuuuck."

"Biscuits that hurt."

Valen and I said simultaneously as he caught me and broke my fall.

"Are you okay?" Dad asked panicked above us but I only groaned rolling.

I heard a click and felt cold metal around my wrist and looked down to see Valen handcuffed to me.

I give up.

For now.

Dad picked me up and Valen walked next to us as quietly back to the room.

"I'm sorry baby. It's okay." Dad cooed.

Another pain in my neck erupted and I collapsed fully in his arms.

"I love you."

This time waking up wasn't as bad but I was so freaking done.

"Just submit and I'll give it all to you."

My eyes watered and lips trembled as I looked at my ankle- I was tied to the bed.

"You're stuck here Sera."

I covered my mouth and started sobbing, I can't do this... why? My knees went up to my chest and I wrapped my arms around myself crying harder.

"You're mine. These chains will remind you that until you learn to accept this- you'll be stuck in this room till then. The chain rattles will remind you that you're just a broken girl without her family. The cold metal will remind you that no one is coming for you. This room reminds you that I love you- I will always love you."

It wasn't my fault.

"It was your fault this happened. It will always be your fault."

I just wanted to give them space- I wanted to give them what they wanted.

"You were selfish. You are too selfish. Accept my hand and you will have the world. It will be ours. You can see your family when it's time. Our children including yourself will have everything you could possible imagine at the snap of a finger. Just say yes beloved."

Why is it I always get the bad end?

"Our ending could be happy. We could be happy. Only if you try to work with me. Say yes and in a few years we'll say I do to each other with love in our voices- in our eyes. Tell me you love me and all the bad goes away."

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay." Valen shushed me while pulling me close.

I pushed him away and scrambled away making hurt take over his features.

"G-get i-it off." I stuttered.

He looked at my foot and nodded taking out a key and unlocked it but I scrambled away further than before.

"Angel eyes..." he sighed sadly.

"No l-leave me alone. A-all of you... are j-j-just like h-him. Go away." I whimpered.

His eyes watered, "Serafina please. We didn't mean it like that. It was just in case the window wasn't fixed by the time you woke up." He tried to explain.

I pushed myself further away into the wall and shook my head.

I just want to be alone.

"Please go." I cried.


"No just leave." My voice cracked.

He looked away and left with his head down and I sat there trying to breathe properly.

I went to the window that now had bars on the outside and looked out with a frown. My eyes traveled to the garden- my garden and tears slipped. I didn't know what to say. I mean what could I say at this point? I- I'm just so tired. I just wanted my family but obviously I can't have it.

"Your family- will never be your family."

"Princess." Dad hesitated from behind me.

I didn't reply and rested my forehead on the glass ignoring his presence.

"Princess I'm sorry but we can't lose you again. We've lost you too many times to count and it hurts so fucking bad." His voice was broken.

"So I have to suffer instead? That's good to know." I said in a monotoned voice looking at the flowers move with the wind.

He sighed, "No- no you don't. I know what you've been through and how this room makes you feel. You can leave if that's what you want." He whispered.

Slowly I turned around and he was looking down standing next to the open door.

"You can leave. I promise just walk out the door."

"Is this a joke?" I asked curiously.

He shook his head looking up, "No it's not a joke. If you need to leave them leave. Just let us know where you'll be please." He looked down again.

"Oh beloved- why would you believe that? Now you have a some fresh new reminders not to walk out that door. Might I say... they look absolutely beautiful."

I hesitated for a few seconds and took small steps in that direction making sure this wasn't fake. I stopped once I got closer and fell into his arms sobbing. He held me and rocked me trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay. You're okay. You're okay." He repeated.

"Why do they hate me." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Oh baby... they don't hate you. I promise they don't hate you. They're just being idiots right now. They love you. I promise they do." He cooed.

I kept crying until I ran out of tears and I was left hiccuping every few seconds.

"There there princess. It's okay." He kissed my head.

"I don't think I belong in this family." I choked out.

He tensed, "Don't say that. You do belong here okay? They were being selfish jerks those few days ago-" I cut him off, "Few days ago? Don't you mean yesterday?!" I asked confused. He tensed even more, "Serafina that was three days ago." He sighed.

I jumped up, "SO YOU DID DRUG ME?!" I backed away.

He put his hands up, "Of course not. I swear princess no one used any drugs on you." He promised.

What do I believe?

Oh god- okay just sing the song- just sing your song Riot.

I started mumbling the song while pacing and pulling my hair.

It's okay Riot. Just calm down.

I finally stopped and took a deep breath holding my head in my hands.

"I- can't stay in here anymore." I whispered.

His arms lifted me but I looked away, "Okay, they think you're coming home today so they want to talk. They should be waiting now and then you can go to your room alright?" He looked at me but I didn't say anything.

Will and my boys must be worried.

We walked into the living room and everyone was there but I didn't care. Why should I?

He sat me on a chair and I immediately hugged myself putting myself as far as possible.

"You can never trust anyone love. But you can trust me- I would never lie to you."

"Princess, it's been a few days. I hope everything is well with the boys." Grandpa said formally.

I slowly nodded looking at the floor.

"Uh? Okay...." Uncle Emiliano cleared his throat, "We are terribly sorry and we mean it one hundred percent this time princess. We know we hurt you and it was wrong so please forgive us. We'll do anything just don't leave again." His voice pleaded.

I was not going to look up.

"Cutie... I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said- I just snapped because I wanted you here... where it's safe. It's still no excuse but it happened and I'm so freaking sorry baby girl. We love you more than anything and I don't think you're a brat or a burden. You're our precious princess and we want it to stay that way- we love you." She said softly.

"Okay... you're forgiven." I whispered with my head down.

I think they were shocked because no one said anything, "Well I am very tired, I will be going up to my room now. Good afternoon and thank you very much." I said mechanically getting up.

I walked out slowly with my head down and started sprinting as soon as I turned the corner.

"I'll always be with you, even in death."

My body practically ran into the door opening it and I slammed it shut locking it. But there was a problem because it didn't lock. Did they really take my lock? This is way too much now, I ran into the bathroom and opened my spot to see the tunnel boarded up and I fell to the floor crying.

What is happening to my family?

This is ridiculous- what are they going to do next?

The bathroom door still had a lock and I jumped up making sure no one could get in. I position my feet in front of the boards and started kicking with my full force. Lucky they were board from inside the tunnel so it was easier to kick out.

"Come on Riot, two more."

I kicked it hard again and it creaked moving back, "Serafina?" Grandmas voice rang out.

My foot stopped halfway and I froze, "Uh-erm Yes?" I cleared my throat.

"Oh um, dinner will be ready soon so I came to get you. Are you almost done? Do you need help with anything?" She called out.

"No thank you! I will be down in a few minutes just changing!" I said innocently hoping she bought it.

"Okay darling, don't be long." She said and I listened to her footsteps leave.

Waiting another minute I nodded and kicked as hard as I could making two of the boards going flying.

"Hmm good enough. I can fit through that." I whispered.

I pushed myself through the small whole but a nail cut through my leg and I hissed falling to the floor. Grabbing my leg I sat up panting and looked down to see a very bloody leg. The nail itself was coated in blood but I couldn't worry about this. I tore my shirt sleeve and tied my leg so the bleeding would slow down as much as possible. Pulling myself up I hissed and groaned from the pain radiating in my left leg. My hands held me up and I limped through the tunnel trying to reach the garden side. Running footsteps caught my attention and I turned around hearing the echoing from behind me.

There's no way they learned all the tunnels this quickly.

I had an idea and turned a few times into random tunnels going deeper into the castle. I ducked into a small hole that was barely noticeable and made myself smaller. There was a weirdly shaped rock thing in there and I shrugged moving it to the hole itself so it closed the gap.

"I'll always find you."

The running footsteps stopped nearby and I covered my mouth.

"She's bleeding."

"She can't have gone far."

"We know she's close by."

"We took this too far."

"Her location is right here."

My eyes widen and I looked all over myself for a tracker and found it on the bottom on my shirt. I took it off and broke it in half quietly.

"Shit she found it."

"She's off the grid."

"Guys this isn't right."

"Maybe it just lost signal."

"No she broke it. The transmission cut off completely. If it lost signal we'd at least be able to see the last spot she was at."

They were standing in front of the wall where I was and I prayed they wouldn't find me.

"What now?"

"Just let her go. She'll come back when she's ready."

"No absolutely not."

"Wait- she's bleeding."

"Yeah we now that stupid."


Oh hell no.

Please do not tell me the blood left a trail it was wrapped so tightly.

Please no. Please no. Please no.

The rock was yanked away and someone grabbed my leg pulling me out making me scream.

"Topolina it's just us." Leo frowned pulling me to him.

"Shit angel eyes you're bleeding so much." Valen cursed looking at my leg.

Dad knelt down and put pressure on my leg making me cry out in pain.

"What the hell were you thinking princess? You could've gotten hurt way worse." Dad scolded me.

That's it- I honestly give up.

My leg is pretty much going to be useless for a while anyways.

"You lose. Haha don't you get it. Check-motherfucking-mate."

My head went down in shame as I listened to them bicker back and forth.

"Are you listening topolina?" Leo snapped his fingers near my face.

I nodded keeping my head down and dad picked me up so he could walk with me.

"You know the tunnels. Which direction to the hospital?" He asked looking down.

I just pointed in whichever direction as we walked through the countless tunnels. We made it to the hospital pretty fast and walked in the door leading us into a empty room. Dad went to get Dr. Eena and the boys stayed in the room with me watching my every move.

"I'm sorry." They all said sadly.

I nodded, "Me too." I whispered and laid down facing my head away from them.

So much for being the princess huh.


Y'all I've been trying to post this for like almost two hours. Wattpad hates me for no reason! Like what the hell! But it's up so I'm in a good mood now. Double update yay! I'm sorry it's late but whatever ya know. I was going to add something but I forgot since I was mad earlier and yeah. Stay safe out there. Love you guys, see you soon.

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