Talk Later- BWS

By bwsforyou

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Who knows what they are; would they class themselves as friends? What will happen when a fuck buddy type of r... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven


1.1K 20 10
By bwsforyou


It was mid February and by the weather outside you would still think it was December.

Today I was baby sitting my cousins little girl. My cousin Ellie lived just outside of London and was stuck for a baby sitter today as all our family live in Brighton and her boyfriends family were working while he was abroad on a stag.

Lola and I were meeting her in central London to take her daughter Sophia. She was meeting her friends and they were taking her for a pamper day.

As we approached the station Ellie stood there with a pram and Sophia on her hip.

'Hi! I've missed you.' She let out an excited scream as I pulled them both into a hug.

'Oh I've missed you both, look how big you are now baby.' I cooed, fussing over Sophia.

She had just turned 18 months and I'm not being biased but she was a real cutie.

'Lola it's been so long!' Ellie said as she grabbed Lola and hugged her.

Ellie was already running late so we kept it short and sweet, she was going to come and stay at ours later so she wasn't having to travel back home.

'Shall we go for coffee?' Lola asked as we walked through London.

'It's like you read my mind.' I grinned at her.

We made our way to a small coffee shop nearby as it was quite cold outside.

'I'm probably going to head back with her after this seeing as it's freezing outside.' I told Lola as I took a seat and got Lola out of her pram.

'Is it okay if I go to Callum's for a while?' She asked as though I was her mum.

'Of course.' I chuckled. 'I'm fine on my own, I've baby sat her before. She's an easy baby.' I smiled down to Sophia on my lap as she played with my fingers. 'See easily entertained.'

Callum is Lola's boyfriend. She has been with him for around 4 months now and he's a really lovely person. He and Brad get along really well as do he and I; we had actually been out on a few so called double dates. I just saw them as the 4 of us going for dinner or drinks but Lola insisted that they were double dates.

While Lola went up to order us coffees and cake my phone rang and it was no other than Brad.

'Hello.' I spoke.

'Hey babe.' He said sounding as though he was outside from the wind blowing. 'What ya up to?'

'I'm just having coffee with Lola and Sophia.' I told him as Sophia piped up at the mention of her name. 'Yes you gorgeous girl.' She giggled.

'Do you need a lift home or anything?' He asked sounding as though he had gotten in his car from the noise of a door closing. 'I think there might be a storm going to hit.'

'Callum's meeting Lola here so it's just me and Sophia going back. Where are you?' I asked as Lola returned and placed the tray down.

'I was just in the studio for a few hours. Tris is out of town for the weekend if you want to come round?' He asked sweetly.

'Only because you asked so nicely.' I teased.

'Okay well I'll see you soon. Send me your location and I'll get you.' He said before we said our goodbyes.

I explained to Lola the plans for the rest of the day before we both went back to fussing over Sophia.

'Do you want a little bit of cake?' I asked her, pointing to the plate causing her to eagerly nod. 'Okay don't tell mummy, our secret.'

She giggled, 'Cake!' She clapped her hands as she opened her mouth I made an aeroplane.

'Shhh.' I whispered as I put my finger to my lip. 'Don't tell mummy.'

She mimicked me before nodded with a cheeky grin on her face.

'You are just adorable!' Lola said as she bopped her nose causing Sophia to let out a loud giggle.

After a while Callum was outside waiting for Lola leaving Sophia and I in the coffee shop.

'Hiya princess.' I said as I looked from the window to her on my knee with her eyes on me. 'Are you excited to see Brad?' I asked even though she didn't know him. 'He's very pretty.'

I told her making a giggle leave her tiny mouth.

'Car!' She shouted as she pointed to the window and it just so happened to be Brad in his black Jaguar.

His car was even more sexy than him. I know, I was shocked too when I saw it for the first time.

'That's Brad!' I gasped as I watched him jump out of the car and run towards the door.

He was right about the storm. Just after I got off of the phone to him torrential rain started pouring from the clouds.

'Hello.' He waved at Sophia as he walked towards us.

She gave him a shy smile and snuggled into my side with her cuddly bunny in her hand.

'Do you want another coffee or do you want to head back?' He asked as he took a seat next to me after kissing my lips briefly.

'I might actually get a hot chocolate.' I said squinting at the menu.

'I'll make that two.' He said as he went up to the barista.

'Sophia what's my name?' I said in a baby voice as she played with my fingers. 'Auntie what?'

'Grax!' She shouted making me laugh at her cuteness.

'Yes baby!' I said as I gave her a cuddle.

Even though she wasn't technically my niece I still would refer to her as my niece seeing as me and Ellie were like sisters growing up.

'How was the studio today?' I asked Brad as he returned.

'It was good we're planning some exciting stuff.' He teased.

'Spill!' I said turning my full attention to him.

'I can't disclose that information with fans.' He shook his head.

'Oh come on Brad!' I begged him until he gave in. I knew eventually he would tell me seeing as he likes to build up attention first. 'I'll give you a bj.' I whispered.

His eyes lit up and he licked his lips trying to contain himself. 'We're going to start writing the fifth album.' He said waiting for my reaction.

'Brad that's amazing!' I said as I pulled him in for a hug.

I knew how much the band had struggled after their last tour and they were undecided of what to do, whether to continue or take a break.

They did take a break but they couldn't be away from one another more than two months. It was really getting Brad down thinking about if this was the end for the band.

'I've already wrote a song which is definitely going on it and James has one he has half written so yeah it's finally happening.' He said with a large grin.

'I'm so happy for you.' I said with a genuine smile on my face.

'I think we're aiming to release it around October time like we did with Wake Up so it's going to be a stressful few months but we've had too long of a break now.' He gushed over the new album and I can tell he is already excited.

We spent the next half an hour talking about things related to music and Brad's band before Sophia began to get restless.

I put Sophia in her pram which was also her car seat before detaching it and carrying her to Brad's car which he had luckily parked right outside as the rain got heavier.

I put her baby bag in the back also before closing the door to find Brad stood at the boot still trying to figure out how to put the pram down.

After both of our efforts we eventually got it down and in the boot. By the time we got into the car our hairs were soaking, hair hanging down over our faces as it stuck to our foreheads.

'It's a good thing I put the heating on in the flat this morning.' Brad said as he indicated out of the space he parked in.

'I cannot wait for a warm shower.' I groaned trying to detach my wet top from my torso.

'I say we order a takeaway and cuddle in bed.' He said, a smile evident in his voice.

'I would love nothing more than that.' I sighed contently. 'Ellie said she should get her bottle before bed at six thirty and be sleeping within the hour.'

Brad nodded taking in the information. Currently it was 1:44pm meaning we had some time to spend with Sophia before she went to bed.

Once we were back at Brad's flat as it was closer to central London where I had been with Sophia, I jumped in a very hot shower and washed my hair seeing as we ended up drenched from head to toe in rain.

I got out of the shower and wandered around Brad's room trying to find some of my clothes I had left here. Finding a pair of shorts and clean underwear I slid them on before grabbing one of his hoodies.

Making my way to the living room I found Brad and Sophia on the floor in the living room playing with her toys.

Sophia had only recently started to walk so I watched as she held onto Brad and steadied herself.

'Oh watch you missy, I don't want you hurting yourself on my watch.' He nervously chuckled as he put his hands at either side of her from a distance incase she went to fall.

'Showers free.' I interrupted him watching as he sent me a smile.

'Doc!' Sophia randomly shouted.

'What's that princess?' I asked her confused as I wasn't up to date with the baby language.

'Doc!' She pointed to the TV in the living room.

I looked at Brad and he looked even more confused than me. We really weren't good at this baby thing.

She stumbled towards the TV, Brad quick on her heels terrified of her falling. It did make my heart swell at how cute and caring he was around her.

This man was so soft. And I hated that he could do anything at all and I would be so *heart eyes*.

'It must be a show she watches.' Brad said before I grabbed the remote and began to flick through the children's channel.

'Doc McStuffins?' I questioned as I clicked on the channel.

Sophia began to clap her hands and let out loud excited noises.

'Team work.' Brad said as he kissed me then made his way for a shower.

'Do you want a snack?' I asked her as I looked through her bag to find Ellie had put a few different items of food for her.

I filled up her cup with water as she sat on the sofa glued to the TV before going back and opening a bag of the melty carrot puffs.

Lying down on the sofa with Sophia at the opposite end she crawled up with her cup and crisps to place herself on my legs. I chuckled at her cute little action before grabbing a blanket from behind me on the sofa to put over us as we watched the children's programme.

Brad reappeared from his bedroom ten minutes later dressed in a pair of joggers and a tight tee. He looked so cuddly that it made a smile appear on my face.

'She's stealing my girl.' He pouted as he threw himself onto the edge of the sofa.

'As if you don't get enough of me.' I rolled my eyes before turning back to Sophia.

'I don't babe.' He sat with a smirk on his face. 'Trust me.'

I continued to ignore him knowing it would annoy him.

'Grace.' He started singing. 'Grace.'

I turned my head to him with a grin to meet his annoyed expression.

'I was just going to ask if you wanted a cuppa but it's fine.' He said getting up off of the sofa and walking towards the kitchen.

'Brad I'm sorry I'll take one.' I groaned from the living room.

'Sorry I cant hear you over the kettle boiling.' He yelled from the other room.

I lifted Sophia off of my lap and put her onto the sofa.

'I'm just going to the kitchen.' I told her as I tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

She cuddled on the sofa with her bunny and the blanket we had wrapped around us before I went to the kitchen.

I walked past Brad to the cupboard where I opened it and stood on my tippie toes as I reached for a mug. Tris was obviously the one who had put them at the top shelf as he was a literal giant. 

As I struggled to grab a mug I then felt hands on my bum, the shorts had rode up higher causing me to bite my lip- still determine to get this mug on my own.

'Need some help babe?' He whispered with his warm breath hitting my neck.

His arm reached up above mine and grabbed me my favourite mug down causing me to sigh in defeat.

'These shorts are very short.' He said lowly as I turned to face him. 'Are they even shorts?'

His eyes were looking down as he bit his lip, before they then moved up to my eyes.

'And?' I shrugged.

'And I am very much enjoying it.' He leaned closer to my face.

Closing the gap between our lips I wrapped my arms around his neck as his went straight to my bum yet again. His hands gripped it causing me to let out a loud moan.

He pulled away with a large smirk on his face while I glared at him.

'You seem to be enjoying this a little too much miss.' He tutted before turning and pouring the boiling hot water into our mugs.

'Oh it's on.' I said as I reached my hand to under his top and trailed my nails along his v line which was defining more and more every day might I add.

I stopped at the waistband of his boxers to see his head back, eyes closed and his lip caught between his teeth. Smirking to myself, I knew he wouldn't be able to last.

Slipping my hand down his boxers I almost reached his cock before I pulled my hand away.

'Grax!' I heard Sophia calling as she crawled to the kitchen.

'Hello princess.' I cooed and lifted her up.

'I'll bring this into you.' Brad said as he kissed my forehead before grabbing the milk from the fridge.

'I think you've got a yucky nappy.' I said as I screwed my face up as I smelt her.

Ellie had informed me she had started potty training however today she was letting her wear nappies so I wasn't having to try and do it.

I brought her into Brad's room with her baby bag, inside I found a changing mat that I laid on his bed before digging deeper to find nappies and wipes.

After around 5 minutes I finally managed to get her into a clean nappy before putting her leggings back on her.

'Does Ellie need me to pick her up later?' Brad asked as I sat down next on the sofa to him.

'I'll maybe ring her and see, she could stay at mine instead of going the whole way home.' I told him as I grabbed a few toys for Sophia.

'Or you can stay here? Tris' room is free and I watched him change his sheets before he left this morning.' Brad said causing me to laugh.

'I mean it's not as if this flat is spick and span.' I teased. Although this was the cleanest I had ever seen it to be fair to them.

'Hey I cleaned yesterday!' He followed me as I went to the bathroom.

'Give me some privacy jeez.' I teased as I closed the door and locked it in his face.

A few minutes later I exited the bathroom, in the living room Brad sat with Sophia on his lap as she showed him her toys.

'Wow you have so many.' He gasped. 'Can I play with one?' She nodded eagerly.

She stood from his lap and pattered to the other side of the living room where she grabbed a tiny doll.

'For you!' She handed him it with a shy smile.

'Oh thank you. Does she have a name?' He asked as she sat down facing him.

She shrugged before looking as though she was thinking hard.

'How about,' Brad trailed off copying her expression. 'Grace? Like your auntie Grace.'

'Yes!' She clapped. 'Grax.'

Brad laughed at her cuteness as she continued to play with her toys.

'Your name?' She tilted her head and focused on him.

'I'm Brad.' He told her.

'Wad.' She repeated.

He chuckled nodding at her, 'That's me.'

'Where Grax?' She asked as she held up the doll they had named Grace.

'She's in the bathroom.' He told her. 'She's very pretty isn't she.'

Sophia nodded cutely at him, 'I wuv Grax.'

At this point my heart fully melted, this little girl is the cutest.

'Yeah me too.' Brad sighed.

I decided to walk further into the living room to make myself viable to the pair.

'Grax!' Sophia shouted while clapping her hands as she seen me.

'Hello beautiful.' I smiled at her as I plopped down next to the both of them. 'What are you playing?' I pretended like I hadn't been listening to them for the last few minutes.

'Sophia was showing me her toys, weren't you? Then we named this doll.' Brad said as he held one up.

'Wow that's fun, what do you call the dollie?' I acted oblivious.

Brad turned to Sophia saying, 'Do you want to tell her?'

She nodded enthusiastically. 'Grax!' She exclaimed.

'She named the doll after you.' Brad said as she climbed onto his lap and cuddled into his chest.

'Aw Sophia.' I cooed. 'I am so happy. Thank you.'

I moved towards Brad and placed a kiss on her forehead causing her to give me a shy smile as she lay her head on Brad's chest.

'Do I not get a kiss?' Brad asked with a pout.

I quickly pecked his lips before grabbing my phone that was ringing from the sofa.

'Sophia it's your mummy.' I gasped, sitting back down beside them and answering the FaceTime.

'Hello!' I answered as with the camera on myself.

'Hello hello!' Ellie gushed. 'Where's my baby?'

I moved the camera round to where she was cuddled up with Brad.

'She's stole my boyfriend.' I teased causing Brad to smile.

'Mama!' She sat up on his lap waving to Ellie.

'Hello princess, are you having fun?' She cooed to her daughter.

'Yes me and Wad play dolls!' She showed Ellie the dolls she had on the floor in front of them.

'That's good baby, are you being a good girl?' She asked narrowing her eyes causing Sophia to giggle.

'I am mama.' She said very seriously.

'She's a very good girl, I think she deserves a present.' Brad told her as she let out a gasp.

'Me and Brad will bring you and get you a present in the morning.' I told her as I tucked her hair behind her ears.

'Ellie I can pick you up later.' Brad told her as Sophia cuddled back up to him and played with his rings.

'No it's fine I'll get the tube!' She told him.

'You're not getting one in that weather.' Brad argued.

'He will get you. Text me whenever you're ready.' I told her sternly.

After we convinced her that Brad would pick her up and Sophia was fine we decided it was time to watch a movie.

Luckily the boys had a large corner sofa therefore there was enough room for me and Brad to cuddle while Sophia lay on me.

Her movie of choice for this evening was The Little Mermaid.

Midway through the movie I gave Sophia some dinner seeing as it was 4pm and she was due her bottle in 2 and a half hours.

As we watched the remainder of the movie Brad began to play with my hair making my eyes close.

'Grax!' I heard Sophia shouting as I felt a body jumping on top of me.

'Wakey wakey.' Brad joined in.

I groaned as I batted Brad's hand away from my face. My hands began to tickle Sophia as she squirmed and squealed.

'Sowwy sowwy.' She shouted through the laughter.

I let go of her and moved on to Brad. 'I need some back up.' I shouted to Sophia as I began to tickle him, straddling his waist.

'Hey Sophia you were meant to be on my team!' He exclaimed before he began laughing again as she kept tickling him.

'Okay I think it's bath time.' I said after a few more minutes of annoying Brad.

'No.' She pouted as she pretended to cry.

'How about if you bring a toy in?' Brad reasoned with her and of course this convinced her.

Brad ran her a bath in his en suite as Sophia and I lay on his bed waiting for it to be ready. 

Once she was in the bath I sat on the edge of the bath as Brad sat on the toilet seat on his phone. She insisted on the both of us being here, obviously afraid of missing something.

Sophia was now in bed, we'll Tris' bed. We left the door open so that if she began to cry we could hear her. Brad also grabbed some spare pillows to put around the edge of the bed so she didn't roll off.

This man. I am telling you. This man is husband material ladies!

'The chinese is on its way.' Brad told me as he sat down next to me on the sofa.

Husband material!

I put a movie on and we both lay on the sofa cuddled under the blanket. He played with my hair and every so often placed delicate kisses on my head.

The small actions mad my heart flutter as though this was only the beginning of a relationship. I don't think I'll ever be over the feeling of being loved, especially by him.

Just as the movie was getting interesting Brad's phone rang, it was the delivery man meaning Brad had to get up from the sofa and go answer the door.

Within 20 minutes we had cleared everything and lay back on the sofa absolutely stuffed.

I cuddled further into his chest, inhaling his scent just enjoying being with him.

After around 2 more hours of cuddling Brad left to go and collect Ellie from her friends house, it was only around a 15 minute drive from Brad's flat so I decided to go and lie down on Tris' bed next to Sophia as I didn't like being in their flat on my own.

Once Brad and Ellie were back she jumped straight into bed with her baby as Brad and I also went to his room. Once we were ready for bed he put friends on his TV and we lay in silence watching it.

'Being a parent is so tiring.' I mumbled into his chest.

'Yeah let's not do that for a while.' He said causing me to laugh.

There will definitely be no kids for us soon.

A/N: I wanted to try and do longer chapters to see if you guys like it. Please let me know if you do or would you prefer more shorter chapters? :)

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