Our Happily Ever After!

De Giraffe502

8.5K 503 439

THIRD BOOK IN THE ACCIDENT SERIES It's been 3 years since Becky gave birth to little Hope, family life is gre... Mais

1 - Return
2 - Why?
3 - Ambrose
4 - Ouch
5 - Buttercup
6 - No more secrets
7 - Seizure
8 - Furious
9 - Arguments
11 - Hate how much I love him
12 - Shocking
13 - Why does it have to be you?
14 - Losing it
15 - Leaving
16 - Becky?
17 - Explain
18 - Murderer
19 - Missed me?
20 - In my head
21 - In your head
22 - Your fault
23 - I know she'll be alright
24 - Time
25 - Happy to be going home
26 - Final Goodbye

10 - All my fault

273 18 20
De Giraffe502

3 hours later...
I can hear the voices of Ashley, Nia and Seth. I'm trying to open my eyes but they just feel so heavy, they all sound so upset I just wanna cuddle them all and then get back to Hope.

"When do you recon she'll wake?"

"It's impossible to tell-Wait Rebecca?"

My eyelids fluttered open and they all looked down on me.

"Welcome back Becky, do you remember the accident?"

"Uh Yeah, I was arguing with Colby then Seth ran out into the road and I stopped him getting hit by a car."

"Good news you've only bruised your rips, things could've been a lot worse so count yourself lucky."


"Your moms with her."

"Can I see her?"

"I can arrange for a nurse and a porter to get you up to see her, Hope Lopez?"

"Yeah that's her."

"Right I'll be back soon."

The doctor left so I turned my attention to Seth, he looked guilty and it broke my heart.

"Hey little man, how you doing?"

"I'm sorwy...I was just trying to..."

"Trying to what baby?"

"Stop you and Daddy from arguing."

I felt my heart sunk, he almost got himself hit by a car because he saw me and Colby arguing.

"You looked angry so did daddy, I'm really sorry for running out into the road."

"No baby me and daddy shouldn't have been arguing, it's not your fault. Just don't do it again."

"I promise I won't."

"Pinky promise?"

I stuck my pinky out to him and his guilty expression was replaced with a happy one as we linked pinky's. I carefully pulled him up into my lap and let him cuddle into my chest, me and Colby have done the one thing as parents you're never supposed to do. Argue in front of your kids.

"Hi I'm Sam, a porter and a nurse. I'm gonna take you up to see Hope Lopez."

"Okay thank you."

I looked down at Seth and saw him sleeping peacefully, I let him lay there as I moved to the wheelchair. When no one was looking I let a tear escape down my face, if my son would've been hit by that car he might be dead and that would be all my fault. But I can't focus on that, I need to get Hope better. I can't lose her, I've already lost enough.

I walk down the road as the rain hammers down on me, I'm such a fucking horrible being. I've hurt every single person that loved me, nobody cares about me anymore and I deserve it. I've broken Becky, by cheating on her. I don't even know why I would do that not only to her but to myself. I love her and now I've lost her, she's never going to take me back. She'll be better off with Dean or any of the boys in the locker room, I never should've said anything I said. Bringing up Randy was the most bitter move I could make, I've lost my kids and my amazing wife.

I sit down on the wet pavement as I look across the dark city, It'll only be a matter of time till I get the divorce papers through. She hates me and I deserve every part of it, in the most backwards way possible I was trying to protect my family. I just fell to far and got myself in too deep. I feel like a monster, every part of me hurts and it's all my fault. I've always had someone else to blame but now this is all on me, I slept with Camila I made that choice and now I have to live with the consequences.

I've made the biggest mistake of my life and I hope one day Becky can just see how much I really do love her. I'm a total idiot, I know I'm a bastard. I know I'm the worst fucking person, I'm fully aware some people back there want to watch me burn in the flames of hell and you know what I deserve it. I've treated an angel like a piece of trash, I'll hate myself everyday for not being the  good man Becky needs in her life, I'll hate myself for not being the dad I promised to be.

I just wish one day Hope and Seth will forgive me for all I've done to there mummy, I love them so so much. I know I'll lose them but I can't fight Becky on it because she's right. I don't deserve to see them, I can be such a vile human being on times and they deserve a good dad and a mom who's not constantly torn apart by me. The thing that will haunt me the most is my kids hating me for what I've done, I've lost my entire family for some whore. I'm such a fucking prick.

I hear a beep and look up to see Dean in his car with his door open to me, I quickly wipe away my tears and climb off the floor. I get into his car and close the door, he starts to drive and I feel awful.

"So Rollins you gonna tell me what the fuck you've done or am I just going to have to call Becky?"

"I've ruined everything, absolutely everything. I don't even have an excuse, I've just broken my family. My little girl is sick and I can't even look after her, Becky got hit by a car but she never wants to see me again. I can't protect my family."

I look out the window and hear him sigh.

"Look Rollins nothing is unfixable, if you are mad at Becky because we hooked up don't be. It was two friends who have been hurt taking comfort in each other."

"Wait, you and Becky slept together?"

"The same night you slept with Camila."

Becky swore to me the day we got married to stay faithful, she never cheated on anyone before but I drove her to that. I drove her to hating me so much that she didn't even want me anymore, she already started to move on. I'm not even mad, I'm just more and more upset with myself.

"She's so fucking special and I've lost her. I love her so much, I don't even know why I said half the things I did. I said some horrible things, I screamed in her face. I broke her down into tears Dean..."

"Look I don't know exactly what you've said or done but if you just give her a little bit of time to process things she may allow you to explain things. You might be able to fix things with her."

"It's over, she said that she was sending me through divorce papers as soon as I get someplace to live."

"You can stay with me for a bit, she probably didn't mean it."

"Oh no she meant it and thanks means a lot."

"I'm not just going to let you sleep rough Rollins and like I said before she was probably pissed just give her time."

"I will, Thank you again."

"It's all good, I can call Becky tomorrow to see how her and Hope are doing, I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Thanks man."

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