Out Of The Woods

By LunaMoon1947

71.5K 3.7K 493

Book #3 in the Into The Woods Series Ambrose was always a happy boy. He loved to spend time with his friends... More

New Book
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Six 1/2
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Into the Light


1.6K 105 24
By LunaMoon1947

Ambrose lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling blankly. His eyes glistening with unshed tears. He had woken up hours ago, not being able to move or speak.

He thought that being choked half to death by Johnathan was the most painful thing he had to endure in his life. But this... this was so much worse.

He lost his virginity to Johnathan. Something that he dreamt about in the past. He pictured it would be a special moment for them. But instead, his night was filled with an agonizing pain that spread throughout his entire being.

Ambrose felt nauseous. A rolling sickness filled his belly, making his body jolt every so often. He gagged at the feel of bile creeping up his esophagus.

Johnathan left the bedchamber minutes before, failing to notice that Ambrose was awake as well. Ambrose was glad that Johnathan left. He didn't want to face the man who raped him.

But... Johnathan hadn't raped him, not really. Ambrose agreed to it, after all. He allowed it to happen.

Ambrose couldn't feel his wolf any longer. He was seemingly pushed to the back of his mind, stuck in a deep slumber.

Ambrose attempted to reach out to his wolf multiple times but he couldn't get a connection through. He was worried about his wolf, praying that he wasn't going to stay asleep forever.

With his wolf out of commission, his healing was delayed greatly. Making his recovery much more difficult than it should have been.

Ambrose had to move. He had to do something! He couldn't just sit there any longer. He had to get back home. Where he could be free from Johnathan even if it was only for a few hours. A few minutes, even. Any time spent away from Johnathan would be a blessing.

Ambrose sighs, grabbing hold of the bed frame. He gasps in pain as he pulls himself into a sitting position. A sharp prick travels up his spine, his backside aching with each careful movement.

He takes a deep breathe through his nose, letting it out from his mouth. His head was spinning with the effort, making his eyes flutter shut.

Ambrose stiffens as the sound of a door creaking open reaches his ears. His eyes open, meeting Johnathan's cold blue ones.

Johnathan stood in the doorway, holding onto a large metal tray. There were five bowls and two drinking mugs on the tray. Ambrose could smell the faint scent of soup. The aroma of the rich broth, meat, and vegetables making his stomach growl and his mouth water.

He assumed it was the next day, meaning that he hadn't eaten anything since the middle of the previous day. He wanted to eat so badly, but he still couldn't trust Johnathan.

"Good afternoon, darling," Johnathan says, smiling at the young prince.

"Do not act as if we are still a happy couple," Ambrose rasps out, glaring at the older man.

Johnathan's eyes harden, his smile disappearing from his face. He walks towards Ambrose, placing the tray of food in front of him.

"Eat," Johnathan demands, climbing into bed beside him.

Ambrose glares at the tray, fighting the urge to eat. His stomach rolls with hunger, the feeling almost unbearable.

There were two bowls of soup, steam rising from them. Two other bowls were filled with an assortment of fruits. The fifth bowl contained small candies that smelled of licorice root.

Ambrose glanced over at Johnathan, wary of the man. What was he planning?

"Do not look at me like that," Johnathan rolls his eyes. "It is not like I poisoned the food. Now eat, before I force it down your throat."

At the mention of his throat, Ambrose reaches up, placing his hand at the base of his neck. A protective stance. With shaking hands he picks up the utensils, dipping his spoon into the broth.

Ambrose slips the spoon into his mouth, almost moaning at the taste of the soup as it touches his taste buds. It was rich and nicely seasoned, the golden liquid gliding down his throat as he swallows.

Seeing that Ambrose was eating, Johnathan takes his own bowl. They eat in silence for the most part, the only sounds heard was their slight chewing and swallowing.

Ambrose finishes his soup quickly, reaching for his fruit bowl next. There were strawberries and blueberries and another red fruit unknown to him. It was red and cubed, a mix of white and black seeds scattered in the fruit.

Perhaps Magnus knew what the mystery fruit was...

Ambrose missed Magnus.

All he wanted was for the older man to hold him. To sing to him. He wanted to be comforted like a pup again. To feel safe in somebody's arms, knowing that they would protect him no matter the cost.

"I want to go home," Ambrose says suddenly, his eyes becoming watery. He hadn't meant to voice his thoughts. They simply came out on their own. His meek voice catches Johnathan's attention, making the older man scowl.

"You are not leaving the estate until I give you permission," he replies, turning back to his meal.

"Why not? Are you afraid that I am going to tell someone what you've done to me? What choice do I have but to keep my mouth shut? You threatened to kill my family! The people who I love!

"I miss the old Johnathan," Ambrose continues, wiping the tears away from his cheeks. "My Johnathan! The man who would kiss me and hold me and love me! Who would never think to shout or lay a harming hand on me! Why must you hurt me?! Why?!"

He had to get away from Johnathan.

The sickness was pooling in his stomach again, making him want to throw up. If he did not move now, he would risk emptying the contents of his stomach all over Johnathan's bed.

And who knew of the repercussions that would come from ruining Johnathan's expensive sheets.

Ambrose throws the quilts from his body, sliding off of the bed. His feet hit the floor and a sharp pain rockets up his spine. He gasps as his legs collapse from under him, his body dropping to the ground with an audible thud.

Ambrose, overcome with pain, begins to sob uncontrollably. He uses his hands to drag himself across the ground towards the door to the bedchamber.

All the while, Johnathan looks on with a bored expression. Watching Ambrose's quivering form inch across the room.

Johnathan sighs, pushing the tray of food off his lap. He hops down from the bed and walks up to Ambrose. He grabs the boy by his hair, making him cry out. Hands clawing at Johnathan's in an attempt to escape from his grasp.

"No," Ambrose sobs, knowing what was about to happen to him. "No, please Johnathan, no!"

Johnathan yanks Ambrose up by his hair, throwing him back onto the bed. He lands next to the tray, making the contents spill onto the bed.

"Shut up," Johnathan roars, pressing his hand firmly against Ambrose's mouth. "Shut up!"

Ambrose sobs, his breathing becoming erratic as his clothes are ripped from his body. He pushes at Johnathan, beating his small fists against his chest.

It was useless to struggle. Ambrose knew that. But this time he wasn't going to lay there and take it.

He was going to fight.

Even if struggling would only cause him to feel more pain. He was going to fight for his body. Fight for his mate

Because doing nothing would only make him feel worthless...


Ambrose was allowed to go back to the palace.

Only after Johnathan used his body to his content. After he fucked Ambrose until he bled.

Ambrose was back in his bedchamber, awaiting Magnus' arrival. The Fae has gone to the market earlier, before Ambrose had come back. He was still gone, making Ambrose restless.

Is he on his way back yet? Had Johnathan hurt him because Ambrose struggled? Goddess, if Johnathan hurt Magnus...

Ambrose's bottom lip quivers, his arm draping over his eyes. He wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

How was he going to face his family, knowing what Johnathan did to him? How was he going to interact with them now that he feared another person's touch?

Ambrose slides out of his bed, standing on shaking legs. There was only one thing on his mind.

He takes tentative steps in the direction of the far corner of the room. With each step came another bout of pain. All he wanted to do was crawl back into his bed.

But he continues, pushing through the pain until he reaches Magnus' bed. He pushes the covers aside, crawling into the small bed.

Ambrose pulls the covers over his body, burying his nose into the pillows. He inhales Magnus' comforting scent, whimpering as he curls in on himself.

Ambrose finds himself slipping away, falling asleep. His slumber didn't last long, as he startles awake at the feel of a hand caressing his cheek.

Ambrose's eyes snap open, meeting Magnus' deep green ones.

"Master," Magnus says, his voice filled with concern. "Master, are you alright? Why are you not in your own bed?"

Ambrose could only whine, reaching out and grabbing hold of Magnus. He tugs Magnus until he lays in the bed beside him.

Magnus says nothing, sensing that his young master was hurt. He cradles the boy close, rubbing his hand up and down Ambrose's back.

"Will you tell me a story," Ambrose whispers, settling his head against his chest. It wasn't a demand, which Magnus was surprised about. Magnus purses his lips, searching for a tale that he could tell Ambrose.

But then...

Ambrose always asked Magnus about his life before. Begging him to tell him anything. But he always refused to speak about it.

As an exiled Fae, they were forbidden from telling anyone about the Fae kingdoms. Where they were located, battle strategies, anything that would be damning to the Fae. Depending on what information an exiled Fae gave out, the consequences could be dire.

Technically he would not be breaking the rules if he told Ambrose about his family...

"I was the youngest of seventeen children," Magnus finally says, making Ambrose's breath catch. "I had fourteen sisters and two brothers. My brothers were the two oldest, born when my parents were still considered children themselves."

Ambrose shifts in Magnus' hold, looking up at him. Completely immersed with his words.

"My parents and I hadn't developed a close relationship. I was more familiar with my sisters. They were the ones to take care of me. To kiss my wounds when I was injured, to play with me when I wanted to play. My youngest sister was eight years old when I was born. There was always a large gap between us. Especially with my eldest siblings. But they always made me feel included. I was never lonely with them around me. They made sure of that."

Ambrose stays silent. He had so many questions but was afraid that if he asked, Magnus would stop telling him about his past. So he listens respectfully, holding back his questions.

"I was seventeen when I met you," Magnus continues. "Meeting you brought me purpose again. I thought that I would have died by then or sold to a cruel master. I was captured and kept in a lantern before I was brought to the palace. When I locked eyes with you... I wanted to be the one to protect you from harm."

Ambrose's heart thumps in his chest, pounding against his rib cage. He shudders, his cheeks flushing a bright pink.

"I know you had sex with Johnathan," Magnus says, making Ambrose choke on air.

"What-, do not say it like that! Johnathan and I mated!"

"You can hardly call it mating when he isn't your true mate."

Ambrose sighs, knowing deep down that this would turn into a lecture of some sort.

"Johnathan and I are very much in love," Ambrose argues. "I just... hurt from it. Which is a completely normal occurrence, by the way."

Ambrose pushes away from Magnus' chest, looking deep into his eyes.

"I only wish to make sure you are alright," Magnus says, his voice taking on a much softer tone.

Ambrose bites his lip, continuing to stare at Magnus. He was a very caring man. Only wanting what's best for his young master.

Anyone would be lucky to have Magnus as their mate...

"Magnus," Ambrose says, averting his eyes. "Is it possible for Fae to receive mates as well?"

"It is possible. Although most Fae do not meet their destined soulmate. Fae will often breed to produce the strongest of offspring."

"Are your marriages arranged there? How do you choose a partner?"

"Despite how it sounds, most, if not all Fae, fall in love with their partners before they marry and have children. They prefer to have stronger and more capable children so they can have a better chance of surviving and making a life for themselves. While the Fae are known for their large armies and strong defenses, the Fae are also known for their loyalty, love, and devotion to their chosen partners and children."

Ambrose plays with the hem of his night clothes, hesitating to ask his next question.

"Magnus," Ambrose pauses, not sure if he should be asking. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to know.

What if Magnus found his mate but couldn't be with them because he was Ambrose's servant? He would feel terrible if that was the case for him.

"What is it, Little Rose?" Magnus whispers, using the nickname that Ambrose held so dearly to his heart.

"Can... exiled Fae receive mates as well?"

"They can." Ambrose's heart skips a beat.

"What happens if you find them? Am I ruining things for you, being my servant and all? Is there a way to break the contract between us?"

"There is a way... You would have to forfeit your rights over me. Freeing me from our bind. After that, I would no longer be forced to serve anyone else in my lifetime. I would not be allowed to go back to my kingdom, but I would be free. But most masters do not give up their servants. Most aren't even aware of the fact they can break the bind."

Ambrose felt his chest tighten. He must be causing Magnus so much hardship, keeping him as his servant. But through all his guilt, he couldn't help but have the selfish desire to keep Magnus all to himself.

"I apologize," Ambrose murmurs, his head coming to rest against Magnus' chest once again. "If you find your chosen mate at any point, just say the word and I will release you. And whatever you did in order to become exiled, I am sure you didn't deserve it."

Magnus chuckles, shaking his head. He leans down, pressing a kiss to the top of Ambrose's head. Magnus tugs on the quilts, covering both him and Ambrose.

"May I ask what caused you to be exiled?" Ambrose asks, clutching onto the quilts that Magnus draped over him.

Magnus only smiles sadly, tucking Ambrose closer to him. He makes sure Ambrose is comfortable before closing his eyes.

Ambrose's bottom lip juts out, a soft pout marring his features. He knew he would not receive an answer from the older man.

He sighs, figuring he should get some more rest so he will be able to face his family the next day.

Though not all of his questions were answered, he was grateful Magnus shared some of his past with him.

*Hello readers! we are nearing the 'half way point' to this book as I aim to write at least 30 chapters. Who knows, I might decide to write more.

I got my wisdom teeth out last week and I was so worried that I was gonna say something inappropriate or stupid but lucky for me I only cried the whole time. So good for me, rip my boyfriend's eardrums.

My birthday's in two weeks and imma be 20! I want to aim for a double update in celebration of my teenage years coming to an end🎉 September is the literal worst month to be born in (in my opinion). School starts up, summer ends, etc.

I also finished watching the anime banana fish so I'm an emotional wreck but idk what I should watch next. Any suggestions to whoever else watches anime😂?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to vote and comment I appreciate it!*


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