Love is Magic, and Magic is L...

Oleh silkwatt

55.8K 1.8K 5.1K

This story continues straight after the finale of She-Ra and far, far beyond - all the way to the farthest re... Lebih Banyak

Claws and Cuteness
Mating and Masticating
Scars and Spaceships
Figurines and Frivolity
Despair and Dumplings
Rooftops and Regrets
Hurt but Healing
Love is Magic
Therapy and Trauma
Friendship and Flirting
Lift Off!
Space Adventure Pals
Marriage and Memories
Barriers and Bears
Guts and Golems
Magic is Love
The Brightmoon Festival

Dancing and Desperation

3.3K 86 186
Oleh silkwatt

"Woah," I say, gazing around the square. The sun hasn't quite set, but bright lights and holograms of every colour are already illuminated above the various restaurants and clubs. "This is insane."

"Right?" Adora says, beaming. "I haven't even tried half of these places yet."

"Ah, I spotted the crab place," I say, pointing towards a large, holographic sign with animated crab pincers opening and closing. "Subtle."

"Oh crap," Adora says, quickly leading me up the narrow, stone stairs. "I hope they still have a table at this time." She pushes open one of the double wooden doors, where my nose is greeted with a salty, spicy aroma.

"Smells great," I say, my mouth filling with saliva.

"Tastes better."

"Adora. You're actually drooling."

"Don't care," she says, licking her lips.

Just inside the entrance, a tall salinean man with a long, twirled moustache, greets us. "Ah, my favourite customer!"

"Hey D," Adora says, rushing forwards and pressing her hands together. "Please tell me you have a spare table, otherwise I might die."

"Well we can't be having that," he says, laughing, then turning to me, "Who's your lady frien- oh." His face turns sour. "We're full."

"What!" Adora says, her eyes turning watery. "Come on D, don't be like that."

"I lost family to these people, Adora," he says, folding his arms. He flicks his hand in dismissal.

"But Catra's different now, she helped save us all and-"

"Leave it, Adora," I sigh, slumping my shoulders. "Come on, let them keep their crab to themselves."

Adora follows me outside, to the large, circular courtyard at the bottom of the stairs. I sit on one of the benches down there and rest my elbows on my knees, watching as Adora sits next to me.

"I'm really sorry," she says.

"Me too," I say, sighing. "I know you wanted to eat there. You still can, if you want. I don't mind."

"Hey," Adora says, placing her palm on my back. "I'm with you. Nothing on etheria would change that now, not even crab legs."

I lean against her and rest my head on her shoulder. "My, aren't you a charmer," I say, enjoying the feeling of her hand as it slowly strokes up and down my back. I watch as people in the courtyard go about their business, some of them laughing, others gesticulating wildly, maybe describing their favourite place to eat, or maybe having some kind of argument. I could listen in if I wanted to, but I'm too distracted by Adora's hand, sliding up my back and then her thumb, rubbing across the nape of my neck.

"Are you okay?"

"I guess, but," I say, purring at her gentle touch. "This stuff's always going to come back to haunt me, isn't it?"

"I was Horde too, remember," Adora says, placing her arm around my shoulders. "But everyone's forgiven me. It just takes time."

"And in the meantime, I can't even take my girlfriend to her favourite restaurant."

"Oh, say that again."



"Hah, idiot," I say, leaning up and kissing her cheek. "Okay, what's our plan B?"

"How about we go somewhere I haven't been," Adora says, standing up and holding her hand out. "That way it's new for both of us."

"Okay, let's pick the first place we find," I say, lacing our fingers together. "I don't want you starving to death."

Adora smiles goofily. "Aww, you're being really sweet today."

"Don't push it."


"Have you tried this one?" I ask, pointing to a gaudy, hand-painted sign of a dancing cartoon duck.

"Dancing duck?" Adora asks, scanning over the menu next to the door. "Nope. But they do lots of meat, so it's all good."

"After you then, ma'am," I say, gesturing ahead.

Adora bursts into laughter, and puts on her best Brightmoon accent. "Not at all. Please, after you."

The wide wooden door suddenly bursts open, and a huge, muscular, blue-furred magicat bursts out. "Don't just stand there!" he bellows, beaming widely, holding his arms wide. "Come in, come in!"

"Wow, pushy much?" I say, frowning.

"Ah!" he claps his hands together. "So good to see one of my own. Catra, isn't it? And Adora! Etheria's new power couple, at my restaurant! I am truly blessed!"

"Power couple?" I say, frowning. I turn to Adora, only to find her eyes are wide, and gleaming with excitement.

"He's a magicat!" Adora says, clapping excitedly. "It's fate. Now we have to eat here."

"We're not that rare you know," I mumble.

"He's the second I've ever seen. Or third, if you count the time Bow got kidnapped by one in a pirate gang."

"Wait, what?" I ask, walking in behind her.

"Long story," she says, chuckling.

The large magicat ducks beneath the doorway, takes two leather-backed menus from a table just inside, and nods his head, handing them to us. "My name is Stan," he says, leading us further inside, towards a vacant table. "I own the place. I'm overjoyed that you've decided to dine here, and I guarantee you won't be disappointed!"

"Like we had any choice," I mutter, sitting down opposite Adora.

We're in a large, circular room that's split into three sections. The outside ring has several tables, one of which we're sat at. In the dead center there's a bar, surrounded by several stools all around, and between the tables on the outside and the bar in the middle is a polished, wooden floor, surrounded by a silver bannister.

"What's that for?" I ask, pointing towrds the large, spacious flooring.

"Ah, the dance floor! We are a club too, yes? Will you be dancing later?"


"A magicat, not dancing? What a tragedy," he says, leaning over to Adora, whispering loudly, "We make the best, sexiest dancers, you know?"

"Well, I do now," she says, grinning from ear to ear.

I scowl. "Don't get any ideas."

Stan saunters away from our table, humming to himself, and I start to scan my fingertip down the menu.

Adora peers over the top of hers, raising an eyebrow. "You were more than happy to dance at the princess prom."

"Yes, because I was messing with you," I mutter, slowly batting my tail around. "Also, it wasn't a date."

"How does that make it any different?"

"I don't know," I say, twitching my ears. "It just does."

"Are you worried we'll end up making out in front of everyone again?" Adora asks, leaning forwards and resting her cheeks in her palms. "Because that was really, really hot," she says.

I feel her toes trail along the exposed part of my calf, before sliding further up, along the inner seam of my trousers. "Behave," I huff, my cheeks burning as I close my menu. "We're here to eat, remember?"

"True," Adora says, stroking her toe up and down my inner thigh. "Although I'm hoping to have you for dessert."

"That's uh," I say, feeling the heat spread from my cheeks down to my ears and neck. "An interesting idea. And also, very direct."

"You weren't complaining earlier," Adora says, appearing smug. "In fact, I'm pretty sure you asked me to be very specific about what I wanted to do to you."

"Oh look, Stan is coming back," I say, forcing a smile, trying to ignore the images Adora's planting into my mind, mainly involving her lips, and all of the things she said to me in the cafeteria earlier today.

Magicats remember things with astonishing clarity , Perfuma had said. No kidding , I think, remembering Adora's little monologue word for word, and remembering exactly how she looked at me while saying those words, too.

"I'll have the uh," I frown, remembering it all, even remembering the tone of her voice.

First I'm going to run my hands, and my mouth, all the way down your body, from your lips, to your neck, to your-


"DUCK!" I say, thrusting the menu at him, my cheeks feeling as though they're on fire.

"Oh my, someone is excited!" Stan says, turning to Adora. "And our food is worthy of such joy, you will see!"

-breasts. I'm going to taste you, every single square inch, and then I'll trail my lips along your abdomen, all the way down-

Adora lids her eyes at me, pushing her foot further. "I'll try the duck too."

"I'll bring some samplers too, okay?" Stan asks, holding the menus at his chest. "Then you can try our other delicacies."

"Sounds perfect, thank you," Adora says, beaming and passing the menu to him.

"Adora, pack it in," I whisper, snapping my thighs closed around her foot the second Stan leaves the table.

"Sorry," Adora says, reaching an open hand across the table. "I'm going too fast, aren't I?"

"No," I say, hovering my hand over her forearm, and trailing my nails across her skin. "If you don't stop it, we won't be eating at all."

"Hmm," Adora smirks. She lowers her foot, and I release my breath in a long, drawn-out sigh.

"This is going to be a long night."

Adora reaches her other hand out, sandwiching mine between both of hers. "A long, fun, night?"

"More like torturous," I say, pulling my hand away, then reaching both hands out and lacing our fingers together.

"You know, we didn't have to go out if you wanted me that badly," Adora says, her lips curving into an infuriatingly smug smile.

"Don't pretend it isn't mutual, my love," I say, squeezing my fingers around hers. "I can smell how turned on you are."

Adora's eyes widen, and I grin wickedly when a faint blush appears at her cheeks. "You can smell that? Seriously?"

I nod and lean back into the cushioned chair, folding my arms, and this time it's my turn to feel smug. "Yes. I can."

Stan approaches our table with a large glass jug full of water, and two glasses, which he sets down. "Is this okay? Or would you like more drinks?"

"Oh! mocktails!" Adora says, clapping her hands. "Catra, have you ever had them?"

"Huh? What, like beer?"

"So much better," Adora says, grinning. "Can we get a jug of virgin sex on the beach?"

"A jug of what ?" I ask, feeling my tail fuzz up.

"It's just mixed fruit juice," Adora says, grinning. "Virgin means no alcohol, sex on the beach is just a fun name."

"I'll bring one right out," Stan says, winking.

"I never really understood alcohol," I say, crinkling my nose. "It makes people so dumb."

"It's fun sometimes," Adora says, "but I want to stay sober tonight."

"So you don't make an ass out of yourself?" I ask, laughing. "Oh! Remember when you had beer after training that one time? You were all over the place, haha!"

"Hey," Adora pouts. "I wasn't used to it, that's all."

"Adora. You had a thirty minute argument with a training dummy."

"It looked at me funny!"

"You're such an idiot," I say, smiling softly as I remember how I stayed with her during her little drunken episode. I'd taken her to bed later, then kept an eye on her to make sure she wasn't sick or anything.

She smiles smugly. "I know you tucked me in that night."

"I'm surprised you remember anything, honestly," I say, scrunching up my nose.

"It was one of the sweetest things I'd ever seen you do. In fact, I think that was the first time I realised I loved you as more than a friend."

"Aren't you being sappy all of a sudden," I say, turning Adora's hands around. I place my fingers beneath hers, and roll my thumbs around her open palms, smiling. "I suppose the horde wasn't all bad."

"Not when we had each other," Adora says, looking down at our hands, and smiling. "So, when did you realise?"

Stan returns, this time with a tall jug full of yellow-orange liquid, with ice cubes bobbing around inside. He places two glasses down, each with a sugar frosted rim and, and a straw and umbrella, then pours our drinks. "Enjoy, your food will be here soon!"

"Thanks, Stan," I say, taking one of the glasses and sucking at the straw. "Hmm, wow, it's good!"

"Mmm!" Adora beams, "I think it's the best one I've had."

"Hah! Do you try this at every place?"

"Yeah - if it's on the menu!"

"Let's hope the food is as good," I say, feeling my tummy rumble.

"So," Adora says, resting one elbow on the table, and her cheek in her palm. "Are you going to answer my question?"

"What? Oh, right," I say, twitching my left ear. "It's... difficult to say. We had shadow bitch turning us against each other all the time, so everything was messed up in my head."

"Let's not talk about her," Adora says, her face turning a shade paler. "Not tonight. Please."

"Yeah..." I say, folding my ears down. "Honestly? I never had a lightbulb moment. You've always been special to me, it just started to feel different when we got older. By the time I was finally realising what it all meant, you-"

"I switched sides?" Adora sighs, staring down into her drink, fiddling with her straw. "Wow. Lousy timing, huh?"

I laugh. "Yeah, you could say that. But if I hadn't been such a stubborn idiot, and just gone with you..."

Adora suddenly reaches a hand out. "We're not going to keep circling around this, okay? What happened happened, and all that matters is we're here now. Together."

"Yeah," I say, tightly entwining my fingers with hers. "And thank goodness for that."

The middle of the room suddenly turns dark, leaving only the central bar and surrounding tables illuminated. Then, the floor lights all around the dance floor begin to glow, cycling slowly through various colours, and music starts to play.

"What's going on?" I ask, watching Stan hurry towards us with a large tray and a portable stand.

"You came at the best time," he says, unfolding the stand, placing the tray on it, and setting out our plates. "At nine onwards is when people can dance, yes? You can watch them while you eat! Free entertainment!"

"Ooh, this smells great," I say, rubbing my hands together. "Adora. You're drooling again."

"I'm so hungryyy!" she says, grinning from ear to ear.

Stan points to a long, rectangular plate with lots of small portions of food on it. "The samplers are burger sliders, sticky chicken wings, vegetable spring rolls, crab dumplings, and battered squid. Enjoy!" he says, folding up the portable stand. "And dance afterwards, okay? Burn it off, have fun!"

"This is a lot of food," I say, looking at my plate. We each have a quarter of a shredded duck on a bed of seasoned rice, with a side serving of salad.

"Not gonna be a problem," Adora says, immediately shoving a forkful of duck and rice into her mouth.

"Remember to breathe," I say, chuckling. I take a bite myself, finding the sauce on the duck both spicy and sweet, and the rice to have a very distinctive aroma that helps to bring out the flavour. I swallow my mouthful. "This is really good!"

Adora grunts and vigorously nods, shoveling more food into her mouth. Hah, she'll never change , I think, idly swinging my tail. Back whenever we'd scrounge up something other than rations, Adora would always pig out, and I never did quite figure out where she'd put it all.

"Adora, slow down, haha!" I laugh, noticing her plate is half empty when I'm barely on my third mouthful. "Are you even tasting it?"

"Sorry," Adora says, running her thumb across her lips. "It's really good, and I've been hungry for ages now."

"I wouldn't normally care, but I don't want you getting a stomach ache tonight," I say, pointing a finger at her belly. "You know it always happens when you eat fast. You get too much air."

"True," Adora says, burping quietly. "Okay. Good point. I'll try to control myself," she says, smirking.


"The duck was the best," I say, digging a toothpick between my teeth. "Chicken wings a close second."

"Duck, squid, burgers, and the chicken wings. And the crab dumplings," Adora says, patting her belly.

"So basically everything was your favourite?"

"Pretty much."

"And are you full?" I ask, smirking. She's had two thirds of the samplers, not that I mind, since I couldn't have eaten another thing.

Adora answers with a loud belch, then laughs.

"Ooh, that was sexy," I say, scrunching up my nose. "Do it again."

Adora holds up a finger, closes her eyes, and lets rip the biggest belch I've ever heard. It's so loud that it travels over the music, and the people sitting at the two tables nearest us turn and stare.

I sit back into the chair and laugh loudly, clapping my hands. "I think you just broke our old record."

"That was easily an eleven!" she says, beaming.

"Rogelio is gonna be so sad."

"I can't believe I've finally beaten him."

"And all it took was three portions of food!" I say, resting my cheeks in my palms. "Man, I'm stuffed," I say, burping quietly, covering my mouth.

"That's a two, if that. Pathetic," Adora says, shaking her head.

"My skills lie elsewhere, as you know," I say, sticking my tongue all the way out.

Adora bites her lower lip into a smile. "Should we get the bill?"

"Yup," I say, holding my hand up and waving at Stan. He grins, nods, and walks over, dodging out of the way of a couple of dancing couples who're getting carried away.

"Clean plates!" he exclaims, stacking them up into the crook of his arm. "this I like to see."

"It was amazing," Adora says, grinning widely.

"Yeah, not bad at all," I say, helping him to tidy up.

"Not bad?" Stan asks, raising an eyebrow before looking at Adora. "Is she always this good with the compliments?"

"Oh trust me, that was a huge one coming from her."


Stan laughs. "Okay, you will dance now?"


"Well..." Adora says, smiling.

"Not gonna happen."

"Your lady looks like she wants to dance, Catra."

"Hah, my lady?" I ask, somehow liking the sound of it. "Doesn't matter, because I don't dance."

Stan looks at Adora. "Aww, she is shy?"

"She's afraid that I'll outdance her," Adora says, appearing smug.

"Yeah, right," I say, sticking my tongue out.

"But you are both all dressed up," Stan says, looking between us, "and Catra, the flower in your hair is so lovely."

"You do look really nice," Adora says, blushing.

"Besides, if you go to bed with full tummies, you will only end up sleeping," Stan says, winking. "Trust me! I will even take twenty percent off your bill, but only if you dance dance dance!"

"Persistent, aren't you?" I ask, twitching my right ear. I yawn, reluctantly admitting to myself he might have a point about passing out. "Fine, we'll dance."

"Yes! Astounding!" Stan says, clapping his thick hands together once, then quickly scribbling a new number onto the bill. "Just leave it here, I will pick it up later. You ladies have fun, and have a drink on me! Also water is free," He says, waving as he walks away. "Got to keep my dancing friends hydrated!"

"I can't believe you actually agreed to it," Adora beams.

"Ugh, like I had a choice," I say, rolling my eyes. I take my purse from my jacket pocket and ignore the discounted amount, leaving enough coin for the original bill plus a generous tip.

"I guess I'm getting the next one?"

"Yes, you are," I say, wrinkling my nose. "I'm thinking of a big, expensive steak restaurant."

Adora pouts. "That's mean."


I swish my tail left to right while we walk onto the dance floor, Adora leading the way, her fingers laced with mine. She soon finds an empty spot, then turns to face me and holds her arms wide, beaming.

I stand there motionless, feeling awkward, especially since I don't know this music, but then Adora grins goofilly, takes my hands and starts to dance like a complete idiot, barely even in time with the song. I laugh loudly, and jiggle along with her, figuring if she's gonna make an ass out of herself I might as well join in.

I feel my worries melt away until it's just Adora and I having fun, jumping around, thrusting our hips, waving our arms in the air, not caring about anyone or anything else. It's just like it was back in the horde, just us two against the whole world.

Suddenly the tempo changes and a high energy song blasts out, causing Adora's eyes to widen. "I know this one!"

"Oh?" I ask, watching her, grinning. "Show me."

She bursts into fluid movement, like I've never seen before. I hardly even hear the chorus blare out, because I'm mesmerised, watching her jump around without a care in the world, her loose hair whipping around in messy strands, the lights shining through her dress, her body silhouetted beneath the thin fabric.

I... I don't deserve her , I think, watching her. Adora raises an eyebrow and I realise that I've almost stopped moving, so I quickly lunge forwards, taking her hands in mine, raising my arms with hers and bouncing away, until the tune slows down, then stops.

"I liked that one," I say, smiling.

"Yeah!" Adora says, talking loudly. "They have really good music here!"

"They do, but I'm parched after all that. Let's grab a drink?"


I suck at my straw, feeling undecided on whether I like this so-called pina colada. "What about the time Lonnie accidentally ate cat food? Haha!"

"That wasn't an accident," Adora says, pouting. "You set her up."

"Me? It wasn't my fault it looked just like our rations."

Adora laughs, shaking her head. "You're so mean."

"All part of the charm," I say, sticking my tongue out.

And then, finally, a song comes on that I recognise. It's a tune that Adora and I used to practise dancing together with, back in the horde. Or infiltration training , as they called it.

Adora hops off from her stool, holding out her hand. "Madam?"

"Ah yes," I say, jumping from my stool. "Shall we?"

I rest one hand on her waist, and take her other hand in mine while she puts an arm around my shoulder.

# Tell me somethin', girl

Are you happy in this modern world?

Or do you need more?

Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for? #

We tip our foreheads together, and start to dance in slow, steady circles, just like we've practised.

# I'm falling

In all the good times I find myself

Longin' for change

And in the bad times I fear myself #

But this time, the mood is completely different. This time, I feel the heat of her body, pressed so closely to mine. And this time, I know she loves me, wants me, just as much as I do her.

# Tell me something, boy

Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?

Or do you need more?

Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore? #

# I'm falling

In all the good times I find myself

Longing for a change

And in the bad times I fear myself #

I tip my nose to hers, capture her gaze with mine, and slowly blink. She returns the gesture, and I wonder, as in really, truly wonder, how we ever got here, and how I deserve this.

# I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now #

Adora wraps both of her arms around my shoulders, and I fold my hands around her waist, holding her tightly, resting my chin in the crook of her neck.

# In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

We're far from the shallow now #

"I love you," I whisper, nuzzling my cheek against hers.

Adora finds my lips with hers and kisses me, the music distorting beneath the sound of my racing heart, my senses spiralling from the feel of her tongue. I push a thigh between her legs and dive over her, supporting her weight in my arms, her surprised but loving expression taking my breath away.

# I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now #

Adora grins and leans up, pressing her forehead to mine, tussling her fingers into the hairs behind my neck while she sings to me.

# In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow

We're far from the shallow now #

"I don't think I'll ever get used to you saying that," Adora says, wiping away a few tears.

"You're supposed to say it back," I say, pouting.

Adora wraps her arms around me. "I love you, so much that it hurts when you're not around. Happy?"

"Very," I say, butting my head softly against hers. "Let's go home."


It doesn't take us long to arrive at the west hall, with the door to our room already in sight.

"Hey, Adora," I say, squeezing her fingers. "I had a really nice time tonight. Thanks."

"Me too," Adora says, blushing lightly. "I think that was our first date-date."

"Yeah," I say, kissing her cheek. "I'd say it went pretty well."

Adora nods "Oh! And I think I've found my new favourite restaurant!"

"So dancing duck beats crumb-filled crab?"

Adora laughs, "I told you, it's cranky. And yes, it does. By a long way."

"Because of the food, or the amazing company?" I ask, raising an eyebrow

"Well, as amazing as the food was," Adora says, pushing open the bedroom door and heading inside, "I got to dance the night away with my gorgeous girlfriend. It doesn't get any better than that."

"Are you sure?" I ask, raising my ears and eyebrows before I lean against the door, closing it. "Because I'm pretty sure it can."

Adora grins and kicks her shoes off. "First things first, I'm having a shower. I'm feeling super stinky now."

"Hmm, I think I'll join you."

"You know I actually have to have a wash, right?"

"So? I won't stop you."

"Uhuh," she says, pulling her dress over her head, exposing her toned midriff, and the subtle, sweet ridges of her abdomen.

I start to get undressed too, watching As Adora strips down to nothing, throws her clothes into the laundry basket, then looks over her shoulder once, winking before she heads into the bathroom. She leaves the door open, and I dash in shortly afterwards, just as she's twisting the shower handle.

"Pass me some shampoo and conditioner?" She asks, holding a hand out.

I oblige, passing a couple of random bottles across. "Are these okay?"

"Anything other than my own sweat is good," she says, drenching her hair under the jets of water. She starts to lather shampoo into her hair, and I lean against the wall of the bathroom, content to just watch her for a while.

She rinses her hair, twisting it at the ends, before lathering it up all over again, then starts to scrub herself with a sponge and soap. I watch as the suds flow down her naked body, licking my lips.

"Are you ever going to join me?" Adora asks, running the bar of soap slowly around her breast.

I swallow thickly. "I, uh, thought you wanted to get clean?"

Adora smiles smugly, and holds out the bar of soap. "Just make sure you don't miss anywhere."

I bite my lower lip into a smile and step into the large cubicle, wincing a little when the water drenches into my feet, then the rest of my fur. "Hand it over then," I purr, taking the bar from her, and starting to lather it across her chest, then waist, enjoying the sight of her drenched, soapy body.



"Are you ever going to kiss me?"

"Thought you'd never ask," I say, leaning forwards and finding her lips with mine. Barely a second later our mouths fall open and I roll my tongue with hers, groaning while running the bar of soap along her back, dropping it the moment that Adora's thigh slips between mine.

"Sorry" she says, her breath hot against my lips. "But I've been thinking about this all day... about you. About all the things that I want you to do to me."

"Adora," I gasp, looking into her eyes, feeling the embers flickering below my pelvis erupt into white hot heat.

Adora threads her fingers into the back of my hair, her pupils fully dilating as she stares into my eyes. "I need you."

I lunge forwards, trapping her lips in mine, feeling all of the passion from the day reignite, all of her teasing and flirting bubbling to the surface, and now she's naked and wet in front of me, and she's all mine. And she needs me , I think, savouring the words as they spin around my mind. Adora actually needs me.

Adora moans into the kiss, digging her fingers into my back, and I nudge her forwards, pushing her against the tiled wall, sliding my leg between her thighs. I kiss along her jaw, trailing the tip of my tongue down to her neck, where I suck in a small fold of flesh and nibble at her skin.

"Mmm, Catra," the word spills out in a low moan as Adora's fingers tense, and so I do it again, this time sucking harder, licking and biting, drawing out more of those delicious gasps and groans, until there's a few blemishes peppered around her neck.

I place my hands on her waist and kiss my way down her neck, along her collarbone, pausing to look up at her. "You're very quiet," I say, my lips twisting into a smirk. "Other than all the moaning, I mean."

Adora chuckles. "So you prefer it when I talk?"

"I like hearing your voice," I mumble, kissing further down, pausing by her breast. "Besides, I'm still new at all this. Tell me what you want."

"Your mouth, here," Adora says, resting her hand on the back of my head and lightly tugging, encouraging me towards the small, pink peak. I oblige, wrapping my lips around it, exploring the shape with my tongue. "That feels r-really good," Adora gasps, arching her torso against my lips, and it's so exciting tasting her like this, touching her like this, hearing those short, shallow breaths with every circle of my tongue.

I trap the stiff point lightly between my teeth, wondering if it'll have the same effect as biting her neck, and sure enough I'm rewarded by fingers digging into my scalp, and my name falling from her lips.

"Catra, please..." Adora whimpers, coaxing my head south. "Down."

I reluctantly abandon her breast, bite my lower lip into a smile, and run my tongue further down her damp torso, taking my time, admiring the shape of her. I glide my hands down the dips of her waist and over the small bulge of her hips while licking, kissing, and trailing the tips of my fangs across her defined muscles. I taste each ridge of her abdomen, where even beneath the narrow streams of water there's still the faint flavour of salt.

"You feel amazing," Adora says, and my heart warms at her reassuring words. "Just... keep going..."

"Is someone feeling impatient?" I ask, smirking while running my hands down her thighs, and eventually lowering myself to my knees.

I trail my lips lazilly towards her navel, pausing to kiss the tiny mole just above it, before lowering myself towards the place I know she wants me, the same place I've wanted to taste all night, the same place she's going to taste on me later, or so I hope.

I take a moment to look up at her, finding her pupils blown, her hair hanging in wet, messy strands around her shoulders, and her lower lip trapped in a firm bite. "Mine," I growl, placing my mouth upon her.

"Catra!" Adora cries out my name, her fingers turning rigid against my scalp, and her legs trembling. I lean forwards and wrap my hands behind her thighs, keeping her back firmly pressed against the tiles while my mouth goes to work.

Adora slides one leg over my shoulder, writhing her hips against my tongue as I stroke it around her pink little bud, delving deeper with each stroke, until I dive fully into her soaked entrance, hitting those special, tasty ridges inside.

Adora actually whines , and the sound of it does something to me, makes the heat below my abdomen become almost unbearable. She scrunches her hands into my hair, and I feel her warm, wet flesh flutter against my tongue, just like this morning when she said she was coming. Is that what it's called? I think, looking up at her. That amazing feeling?

She returns my gaze, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "Need... your fingers... " she mumbles, her lips barely forming the words.

I nod and slowly ease my tongue out of her, then curl two digits inside, digging deeper with every thrust of her hips, and running my tongue across her sweet little bud in long, thick strokes.

"You're a-amazing," Adora gasps.

Her movements become wilder and wilder, until she's bashing against my tongue and fingers, fisting knots into my hair, whimpering, and I groan against her, losing myself in the sounds she's making, in how wet and warm she feels around my fingers, in how her flavour is spilling out, all over my wanting mouth.

Suddenly she cries out, tugging my head forwards, holding my head and tongue in place while she thrusts roughly, her body trembling with the strain. And then, she releases a long, quiet moan, gradually sliding down the wall until we're nose to nose, where she stares at me, panting.

"I... I honestly can't believe how good you are at that."

"Heh," I grin, tipping my nose to hers. "Let's just say I'm very motivated."

"So," Adora whispers, tussling the hair around my ear. "My turn?"


Adora leans forwards and kisses me gently, "If you don't want to, it's okay."

"I want you," I say, blushing at the admission. "But not here."

"I could hold you up, you know," Adora purrs, lidding her eyes.

"I'm sure you could," I say, standing up and turning the shower off. "But I'd prefer a nice, dry bed. You know how I feel about water."

"Oh, sorry," Adora winces. "Sometimes I forget."

"Well, you made it worth my while this time," I say, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. "I just need a minute to dry off."

Adora wraps her arms around my waist from behind, and places her lips around the bottom of my ear in a light nip. "Why? I'm only going to make you wet again."

Oh, fuck , I think, squeezing my eyes closed, hearing a low growl rumble in my throat. I spin around and capture Adora's lips in a fierce kiss, suddenly forgetting all about drying off, dropping the towel, not caring at all that we're still soggy, or that I'm being pushed backwards through the door, towards the bed.

Before I know it I'm flat on my back and Adora is above me, appearing smug, her damp, blonde hair hanging down in messy strands. She smiles, and strokes my cheek with her palm. "If you change your mind, just tell me to stop."

"I'm telling you to go , Adora," I say, rolling my eyes and shuffling further up the bed. "Sheesh, you've been teasing me all day."

"Hmm," Adora purrs, lowering herself to my lips for a long, sensual kiss. She wastes no time, kissing her way along my jaw, then my neck, until I feel her lips and teeth trail along my collarbone, peppering me with gentle kisses and nibbles, each touch and stroke making my body tremble, but it isn't enough , I think. Not nearly enough .

"Adora. I'm gonna need you to go faster than that."

"Is that so," Adora says, nudging her nose against my breast, and a moment later I feel a warm, wet heat there, peering down to find her mouth is open, and her tongue is pressed against my brown, stiff peak, rolling around in long, rough circles.

"A-Adora," I whimper, nestling my fingers into her hair, taking in short, shallow breaths. My heart races while I watch her, each brush of her tongue sending a flicker of heat surging past my abdomen. She kisses to the centre of my torso, stroking her hands down my sides, then along the dips of my waist while she lowers herself, kissing ever so slowly downwards, nudging my short fur away with her nose so that I can feel her lips against my skin.

"Please..." I groan, feeling desperate for some kind of release.

She pauses beneath my abdomen, just above my darker patch of fur, then folds her hands behind my thighs and looks up at me, smiling.

"You really are beautiful, you know."

I bite my lower lip. "Save the pillow talk for later," I growl, tugging at her head. "I need you. Now."

Adora's pupils dilate and she suddenly lunges forwards, where I feel the hottest, wettest pressure against my bud, and I cry out, clenching my fingers into her hair.

Adora pauses. "Too much?"

I shake my head vigorously. "No! Why are you stopping?"

She returns to that sweet, glorious spot, and I feel her tongue glide around in long, laborious strokes, each movement taking my breath away. Watching her do this, feeling her tongue against me, and knowing that just moments ago I was doing the same to her, it's... too much , I think, squeezing my eyes closed as a hot pulse shoots up from my core.

"Adora..." I gasp, feeling another flicker of heat, right at the point of her tongue. "I can't... ah!"

"Should I stop?"

"No, idiot!" I say, fisting my hands into her hair. I feel warmth rush to my cheeks. "I was saying, I can't stop."

"Oh," Adora says, smirking smugly. "Already?"

"Shut up," I pout, tugging at her head, "and get your tongue back there, now."

Adora makes a deep sound in her throat and lowers her mouth, this time licking faster, pressing harder, and if I thought I was losing control before it's nothing compared to now, feeling that rough wetness stroke around, and when she dips her tongue just a little lower, towards my core, I'm almost blinded by the hot wave it forces through me.

"A-adora, I... I... ah!" I fold my legs behind her back, rocking into her, but Adora is ready, keeping her tongue pressed to all the right places, keeping my thighs pinned down, no matter how much I writhe.

She's so strong, even without She Ra , I think, watching her shoulder muscles tense while her fingers dig into my thighs, and she pins me down, keeping me grounded despite my hips bucking beneath her. I watch her busy mouth, buried right against me, and when her blue eyes suddenly peer up, full of nothing but love, it sends me spiralling over the edge.

" I'm coming, " I choke out the words, a violent peak erupting from the burning point of Adora's tongue, blossoming outwards with dizzying speed. Spasm after spasm rocks through me, and I knead my fingers into her scalp, throwing my head back, thrusting myself against her mouth over and over, choking out half-words that don't even make sense.

A long, final surge washes over me, and once it fades away I feel myself become limp, my hands falling to my sides. Adora slows her tongue, then kisses her way up my abdomen, across my neck, my chin, and then finally meeting my lips.

"Are you okay?" she asks, stroking her hand up and down my waist.

I wrap my arms loosely around her shoulders and raise my head, tipping my forehead to hers, panting. "Just... need a minute.." I say, trying to get my breath back.

"Was that too much? Was it too fast?"

"Adora," I say, meeting her gaze. "Stop worrying. It was amazing."

Adora blows out a puff of air. "You were... wow..."

I raise my eyebrows and prick my ears up. "Me? What did I do?"

Adora places a hand on my cheek. "Watching you come like that was the most beautiful, amazing thing I've ever seen," she says, moving her lips to my ear. "And you taste better than I could have ever imagined."

I feel heat rush to my cheeks, and twitch the end of my tail. "Well it's good that you enjoyed me so much, because I'm going to need more."

Adora bites her lower lip into a wide, surprised smile. "Really?"

I nod. "After all the flirting today? Really. Now get your mouth back down there."


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