Love is Magic, and Magic is L...

By silkwatt

55.8K 1.8K 5.1K

This story continues straight after the finale of She-Ra and far, far beyond - all the way to the farthest re... More

Claws and Cuteness
Mating and Masticating
Scars and Spaceships
Figurines and Frivolity
Despair and Dumplings
Rooftops and Regrets
Love is Magic
Therapy and Trauma
Friendship and Flirting
Dancing and Desperation
Lift Off!
Space Adventure Pals
Marriage and Memories
Barriers and Bears
Guts and Golems
Magic is Love
The Brightmoon Festival

Hurt but Healing

2.3K 90 148
By silkwatt

" Huntara?! " I exclaim, trying to leap away. My right leg buckles at the exertion, and I land in a heap, grabbing my thigh and wincing in pain.

"Wow," Huntara says, tipping her head towards my leg. "Someone sure did a number on you."

I prick my ears back and hiss. "What do you want?"

"I'm not the one who wants anything," Huntara says. She bends down, grabs my wrists and quickly ties them together. "This is for my own protection. Nothing personal."

"You're lucky I'm hurt," I say, stretching my fingers, unsheathing the claws on my left hand. My right hand doesn't respond at all, and my fingers throb with the effort.

"Yeah," Huntara says, rolling her eyes. "Lucky me."

Suddenly, Melog roars and pounces towards her.

Huntara grunts, lifts an arm and shoots some kind of projectile which spreads into a large net, halting them mid-pounce. "Nice try."

Melog growls, and begins to glow an angry shade of red.

"You should ask them to calm down, otherwise they'll hurt themselves."

"It doesn't work like that," I seethe, trying to yank my bound hands apart, but soon stopping when the pain in my wounded hand flares up.

"So. How are we gonna do this? Want me to carry you?"

I stand to my feet, wobbling a few times on the way up. "Absolutely not."

Melog growls louder, thrashing around erratically while Huntara grabs one end of the net. "I said make them calm down. Otherwise I'll have to get my tranquiliser gun."

"Fine," I say, taking deep breaths, convincing myself this will all somehow be okay. If she wanted to hurt us, she already would have , I think. Melog's colour gradually shifts to a more neutral purple, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Good. Follow me," Huntara says, heading towards a large boulder, dragging Melog's net with her.

"Wait," I say, limping behind. "Can't you release them?" I ask, tipping my head towards the net. "Please?"

"I'd rather not get mauled, if it's all the same to you."

"They'll play nicely if I ask."

"And I should trust you?" Huntara laughs, dragging the net further.

"I am unhurt, worry not," Melog says, visibly relaxing within the net. "You should try to discover her intentions."

I nod towards Melog, and limp alongside Huntara for a while, before clearing my throat. "So, are you going to tell me what this is about?"

Huntara glances at me, rolling her eyes. Then she lifts a communications tablet up. "Yeah. Yeah. She's here. Right. Gotcha."

"What the hell is going on?" I ask, holding my wrists up, "And is this really necessary?"

"The Queen wants a word with you," Huntara says, crouching down to face me. "And yes, it is. I know what those claws can do."

I scowl, lowering my arms.

Huntara folds her thick forearms and glares at me. "Just a little further, and we'll be on our way to the rendezvous," she says. "Then I'll be gone, don't you worry."

I scan up and down her huge form, sizing her up. Sure, she's stronger , I think. But faster? Smarter? I doubt it . I look down at my hands, thinking that with a few bites I should be free. But then again with my injuries, I might not get far.

"I know what you're thinking," Huntara says, peering at me from the corner of her eye. She pauses, and crouches down again to stare into my eyes, holding a finger up. "One little talk, that's all Glimmer wants. And then you're free to go. So shall we just get it over with?"

"I could escape if I wanted to," I say, scowling, kicking a small pebble away.

"Oh, I know," Huntara says, laughing. "And then I'd have to catch you all over again, and we'd just keep at it, over and over. Doesn't that sound like fun? "

"Not particularly," I say, following her around the boulder until her skiff comes into view. "Okay, look," I say, feeling agitated, "We'll come with you, willingly. Just unbind us already."

Huntara looks between Melog and I, before shrugging, and crouching down to the net, carefully releasing Melog. "Remember what I said, fluffball. If you run, I'll only come for you again."

Melog walks out of the net unscathed, shakes their fur, and then softly butts their head against my calf. "We should play along."

"Yeah, I know buddy," I say, sighing. Huntara holds her hand out and I raise my arms, allowing her to cut away the binds. I rub my wrists a few times, then climb aboard her skiff, with Melog following just behind.

"Well, we're off," Huntara says, unfolding the sails. "You two behave, now."


"So where are we going again?" I ask, watching the ground blur by as we speed further north.

"Hell if I know," Huntara says, holding up a scouting glass. "I just got the coordinates. We're not far."

"That's incredibly useful," I say, folding my arms, then quickly unfolding them and grabbing the central mast when the skiff starts to wobble. "Whoa!"

Huntara folds away her scope, turning to look at me. "You'd better be careful with your leg in that state," she says, peering down at my thigh. She clears her throat. "You gonna tell me what happened?"


"Pfft, suit yourself."


The land flattens out the further north we travel, until there's nothing but sand and gravel all around, save for the occasional stretch of green. Guess Adora's crazy magic didn't reach everywhere , I think.

"Ugh, how much longer?" I ask, wincing when we go over another bump.

"We're here," Huntara says, slowing the skiff to a standstill. "This is where we part ways, kitty cat."

"Right. Bye," I huff, jumping off the skiff, then groaning in pain as soon as I land.

"Yeah. Bye," Huntara says, sighing. "And get that looked at, okay?" she says, nudging a thumb towards my leg.

I fold my arms. "Whatever."

Melog and I watch as Huntara glides into the distance on her skiff.

"Ugh, why here?" I ask, shuffling my toes into the dirt. There's nothing here other than a flat boulder webbed with moss, and a tiny algae-coated pond.

"Because," Glimmer says, blinking into view next to me, her arms folded, "There's nowhere for you to run."

I prick my ears upwards, glancing in all four directions. Sure enough, there's miles of open terrain with nothing much in the way of cover.

"Did you forget about Melog?" I say, crouching down, scrunching my fingers into their mane.

"Can they fly?"


Glimmer shrugs, smirking. "Paw prints."

"Ugh, whatever. What do you want, Glimmer? You just cost me my ride."

"I'll take you back to your skiff," Glimmer says, sitting on the boulder and crossing one leg over the other. "But first..."

"Already heard," I say, pacing in front of her, trying to ignore the pain burning in my thigh, "you want to talk. Don't you people have anything better to do?"

"One whole conversation, then you're free to go."

"Bit of a cheap trick using Huntara, don't you think?" I scowl, kicking my foot into the dirt, then cursing when my bad leg buckles and I fall onto my ass.

"You're hurt!" Glimmer exclaims, jumping to her feet, and rushing over to me. "What happen-"

"Don't wanna talk about it," I interrupt, straightening my leg out and applying pressure to the bandage.


"Just leave me alone!" I hiss, gritting my teeth. Melog settles next to me, and rests their chin just by my feet.

"Fine, be like that," Glimmer says, frowning. "I used Huntara because I had to find you."

"Pfft. Had to?"

"Yes. Adora, Bow and I tried, but..."

My stomach twists at the mention of Adora. "Did you ever think maybe I didn't want to be found?"

"We couldn't just leave you," Glimmer says, sighing. "We've all been worried sick."

"Then you all need to find better ways to make use of your time."

"Catra," Glimmer says, sitting down in front of me. "Just give a few minutes of your time, that's all I'm asking for."

"Are you ever going to shut up if I refuse?" I ask, frowning.

Glimmer smirks. "Nope."

I groan loudly, rolling my eyes and shifting, somewhat painfully, into a cross-legged position. "Fine. So talk."

Glimmer smiles sadly, then takes a deep breath. "You're probably wondering why nobody said anything."

"Amongst other things."

"It's not really the kind of thing you can bring up in conversation," Glimmer says, sighing. "The more I thought about saying something, the more out of place it felt."

"You had plenty of chances on Prime's ship."

"I was going to bring it up, so many times..." Glimmer says, fiddling with her fingers. "But then you started being nice to me. And you were the only person actually talking to me that whole time."

"And after that? Once we'd won?"

"By then, I'd already decided that I liked you."

"Liked me?" I say, gritting my teeth, standing shakily to my feet. "What's wrong with you?!"

"Well, I saw the good in you," Glimmer says, also standing to her feet. "We all did-"

"I. KILLED. YOUR. MOTHER!" I yell, so loudly that a few birds scatter from behind the boulder, and Melog's fur starts to glow with a burning-red hue.

Glimmer steps forwards and rests her hands on my shoulders. "Catra..."

"Working on it," I mumble, closing my eyes, taking a few deep breaths in through my nose, and out through my mouth, until Melog settles. "It's one thing to keep this from me," I whisper, opening my eyes again. "But another entirely to fuck with me, and pretend you're my friend."

"I was never pretending!" Glimmer says, turning wide-eyed.

I swat her hands away, and grit my teeth. "What the hell, Glimmer? How can you just forgive something like that!? "

"I HAVEN'T!" Glimmer shouts, balling her hands into fists, and turning around to face away from me. "Sometimes I look at you and I can't help but feel I'd do literally anything to change what happened. I get so, so angry..."

"You know, the irony is I genuinely wanted to try to make things up to everyone," I say, laughing at the absurdity. "But this? There's just no way."

"I hate you," Glimmer says, sniffling, "for everything you've done. But I love the person you are now. You have a kindness to you that I never really saw before."

"I'm not kind," I mutter.

"Yes, you are," Glimmer says, turning to face me again. "You may try to hide it, but I see it."

"You have no idea what you're- Ow," I grimace and fall down again, my thigh suddenly buckling under my weight. An ugly, red stain starts to seep out from the middle of the dressing, and through my leggings.

Glimmer bends down and reaches her hand toward my wound. "Okay, we need to get this looked at-"

"I'm fine!" I snap, shuffling backwards, "don't you dare show me sympathy. The only thing you should be trying to do right now is to kill me!"

"Why?" Glimmer asks, frowning. "How would that help anything?"

"It doesn't matter if it helps or not," I mumble, tears springing to my cheeks, "it's what I deserve. So just get it over with."

Melog whines and raises their head, as though detecting Glimmer might actually take me up on the offer. Or at least, realising that's what I want to happen.

"There was a time where I might have," Glimmer says, leaning forwards. "But that time is long gone. And if I can accept that, then why can't you?"

She wraps her arms around my shoulders, and I hold back a sob, feeling any fight that was left in me drain away. "Why? Why can't you just-"

"Kill you?"

I nod my head, sniffling.

"Well for one thing, Adora would kill me."

"Hah," I snort out a laugh.


Glimmer pulls away, kneels down and places her hands on her lap, smiling sadly. "You know, you aren't the only person who's done things that they regret."


"Do you remember when I helped Light Hope to activate the heart?"

I swish my tail. "Doubt I'll ever forget."

"I had no idea. I just wanted to defeat you all, and I..."

"Teleported our whole planet out of despondos, almost wiped out the universe, and summoned prime?"

"Lucky for me Adora stopped the wiping out part," Glimmer says, wincing. "If she hadn't..."

"We'd all be dead."

"Exactly. I messed up. And I thought nobody would ever forgive me, especially Bow."

"But they all did, in the end, right?"


"I see where you're going with this you know," I say, hunching forwards. "Friends will forgive you so long as you work for it. Yadda ya."

"You," Glimmer says, standing up, "are the most stubborn, bratty magicat I've ever met."

Melog huffs and rolls onto their back, exposing their belly, and I'm sure I hear them laugh.

"That's not very nice," I say, pricking my ears up as I watch her walk behind me. "Besides, I can't imagine you've met many others."

Glimmer sits down and pushes her back against mine. "Just one other. Where did they all run off to, anyway?"

I pull my knees to my chest. "Beats me."

"Maybe we should go look for them one day. Your family."

"Hah!" I laugh, "even if they're alive, they abandoned me. Why would I care?"

Glimmer tips the back of her head against mine. "But you do care."

"I guess," I say, fiddling with the end of my tail.

Melog starts to snore lightly, and I reach down to stroke their tummy, watching as the sun starts to set on the horizon. I feel myself begin to relax, helped by Glimmer's warmth at my back, reminding me of all those time's we'd talk on Prime's ship, sharing dumb stories, keeping each other company. Keeping each other sane.




"If you do come home," Glimmer says. "You'd have that nice new, comfortable bed waiting for you."

A snort out a laugh. "It's huge. A bit overkill, don't you think?"

"I imagine Adora's the sort of person who could get carried away. So, you know," Glimmer says, chuckling. "Extra space could be handy."

"Hah, you're a bigger pervert than Melog."

Melog snorts awake, lifts their head and groans at the insult. "Mating is not perverted."

"I'm just messing with you, buddy," I say, patting their light-purple belly fur.

I look up at the evening sky, inhale clean, crisp air through my nose, then close my eyes and exhale slowly. "Okay. Say I come back," I say, bumping the back of my head against Glimmers, "Aren't we forgetting one tiny detail?"



"You know she'll forgive you, right?" Glimmer says.

"Are you sure?" I ask, laughing sarcastically, "because the last I checked, I had zero strikes left on the whole running away thing."

"I'd say it can't hurt to try, but," Glimmer says, and I feel her shrug against my back. "We both know that's not true. Nobody can hurt us more than those we love."

Melog stands up and nudges up against my face, licking beneath my chin. "I will follow wherever you go. But, home... the palace. The people. I miss it."

"You just want to see Adora," I say, ruffling my hand against their mane.

"I only feel what you feel," Melog says, a smirk appearing at their lips.

"Smart ass," I mutter.

Glimmer shuffles behind me and I twist my head around, watching her stand up. She walks in front of me, then holds out her hand. "Everyone misses you, dearly. But if you still want to leave, a promise is a promise."

I look down at my hands, feeling my throat tighten, folding my ears downwards.

"Just come home. We love you, idiot," Glimmer says, and I can't help but laugh.

"That's mine, you can't use it."

"What, idiot?" Glimmer says, grinning. "Dummy?"

"Glimmer. Are you flirting with me?," I ask, grinning and taking her hand.

"Pfft, haha, no," Glimmer says, helping me to my feet and then playfully nudging her elbow into my ribs.

"You and Bow though," I chuckle. "I saw that one coming a mile off."

"He's my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him."

"Best friend who happens to sport a mean six pack..."

Glimmer blows out a puff of hot air. "Says the person who dates she-ra, literally the strongest, most muscular person on the planet."

"Adora has pretty great abs too, you know."

"Hmm. Really?"

"Not that I've ever looked, or anything."

"Uhuh," Glimmer says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"Wait, Sparkles," I say, folding my arms. "Are you sure about this? I could live somewhere else, and still visit Adora..."

"I'd rather be able to keep my eye on you," Glimmer says, grinning widely, "Horde scum."

"Pfft," I laugh, shaking my head. "Okay. Let's go, before I change my mind."

"Come on, Melog," Glimmer says, holding open her other arm. They trot towards her, and nuzzle up against her hand until she has a firm grip on their mane.


A couple of blinks later we're stood in the western courtyard of the palace, and the first thing I notice is Adora, sitting at the foot of the stairs. She glances up at me, and her face contorts, tears springing to her eyes.

I reach my hand out and walk towards her, but she grimaces, spins around and storms up the staircase, heading back inside with her hands balled into fists.

"I think she's mad at me," I mutter.

"So go talk to her," Glimmer says, nudging my shoulder with hers. "And, be patient, okay? She's had a rough time with all this."

"Yeah. I bet," I say, slumping my shoulders. "Okay, wish me luck..."

"Wait, shouldn't we get that fixed up first?" Glimmer says, pointing to the stain on my bandaged leg.

"It's fine," I shrug, feeling a familiar, itchy burn. "It's already healing. Magicat thing, you know?"

"Oh, of course. You all heal so freakishly fast," Glimmer says, smiling brightly. "Good luck," she says, pecking me on the cheek, before blinking away.

"I shall sleep elsewhere tonight," Melog says, butting their nose against my hip.

"No need," I say, folding my arms. "We definitely won't be mating tonight, I can promise you that."

Melog appears to smile. "Regardless, you have much to discuss, no?"

"Don't remind me."

"It will be okay."

"Hah, thanks, Melog," I say, stroking their fur roughly. "Where is it you actually go off to, anyway?"

"Sometimes to Entrapta, as you know. Other times, high up the rooftops," they say, yawning. "I enjoy watching the sun set, and rise."

"Okay. Well you do you, buddy."

"And you do Adora."

"Melog," I say, gasping, "did you just make a joke?"

"I am learning," they say, puffing their chest out proudly. "See you tomorrow, Catra."

"See you tomorrow," I say, taking a deep breath, then heading into the palace.


I knock on the door quietly, but there's no answer. So I crack it open slowly, peering inside, half-dreading that Adora won't even be here. I feel a wave of relief wash over me when I spot her, curled up on the left side of our new bed.

"Hey," I say, closing the door behind, and walking towards her. I sit on the end of the mattress and reach a hand out.

"I'm sleeping," Adora says. Her voice has a chill to it that I've only heard once before. "You should do the same."

I snap my hand back, and stand up, grabbing onto my upper arm, unsure what to do next. "I... can go sleep somewhere else, if you want."

Adora twists around to glare at me. "Sure. You're great at running."

"That's harsh, Adora."

"Is it?" she asks, sitting upright, her brows creased with anger. "You do this every time!"

"This wasn't the same, and you know it!" I say, backing away from the bed, balling my hands into fists.

"It wasn't? You heard something you didn't like, and you were gone. Just like that."

"Didn't like?!" I say, the words stinging my throat. "I found out I killed my friend's mother. How can you not see why that would-"

"You could have stayed, we could have talked about it!"

" I'm messed up, Adora, okay? "I yell, my voice breaking, tears stinging my cheeks. "I keep having flashbacks, from prime, from everything I've done... all of it," I say, my lower lip trembling. "Nothing is okay, and the last thing I needed was to find out I murdered a person that you all loved. So please, give me a break. Just this once," I say, placing my hands over my face, leaning back against the door, sobbing.

"Catra, your hand-" Adora says, jumping from the bed and walking up to me. She takes my wounded hand and examines it. "What did you do?" she asks, looking me up and down. "You're covered in bruises! And your leg !" Adora gasps, bending down, running her palm over the stained material.

"I'm fine..." I say, tears streaming down my cheek. "Please don't hate me, Adora. Please."

She stands up and pulls me into her arms. "Why would you ever say something like that?"

"Because I messed up, again . I don't deserve you-"

Adora silences me with a gentle kiss, resting my cheeks in her palms. I choke back a sob at the sudden intimacy, and place my hands over hers, holding them in place, feeling her warmth.

"I'm sorry I snapped," Adora says, tipping her forehead to mine. "It's just... I get scared too, you know?"

I nod, sniffling.

"I keep thinking one day you'll run away, and I'll never see you again."

"I'm sorry," I say, moving one of her hands to my lips, kissing her fingertips. "I'm so, so sorry..."

"It's okay," Adora says, leaning forwards and pulling me into her arms. "To be honest, I forgave you the second you came back."

"Adora," I sob, threading my fingers into her hair and burying my face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. I'm so relieved that I can't stop the tears, can't stop myself from crying, holding her tightly, overwhelmed that even after all this, even after everything, she still wants me.


Eventually the tears stop, and a quiet, comfortable calmness takes their place.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Adora asks, trailing her fingers across the short hairs behind my neck.

I sniffle. "Tell you what?"

Adora pulls back slightly, then gently wipes away my tears with her thumb. "About the flashbacks?"

"Oh. I kind of hoped they'd stop..."

"I want you to tell me if it happens again, okay?"

"I will. I promise."

Adora takes a step back and smiles, holding out her hand. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Uh, okay," I say, taking her hand, and following her into the bathroom.


Adora reaches into one of the two drawers below the mirror, and pulls out a small pair of scissors. She bends down, quietly examining my thigh.

"Is it okay if I take these off?" Adora asks, tugging at my leggings. I nod, gripping onto the edge of the sink while she pulls down them, carefully, slowly peeling the part that's stuck to my bandage through congealed blood.

"Okay, you'll need to sit down for the next part," she says, and I oblige, sitting on the small chair in the corner of the room.

Adora kneels down before me. "This might hurt. You ready?"

"Yeah," I say, gripping the edge of the chair. But Adora's movements are incredibly gentle, and I barely feel her at all as she carefully snips a couple of layers of bandages away at a time.

"Almost done," she says, furrowing her brows in concentration.

I quietly watch her work, noticing how incredibly tired she appears. Dark circles are framed below her eyes, and red marks are visible around her eyelids. I caused that , I think, feeling my gut wrench.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Adora asks, standing up and kissing my forehead, then tossing the bandages into the bin.

"Adora," I say, folding my ears down. "When did you last sleep?"

"Two days ago."

I grit my teeth, feeling tears spring to my cheeks. "I'm such an idiot..."

"You're my idiot," Adora says, nuzzling her nose next to mine and pressing her lips to my cheek. "And I already forgave you. Now sit still," she says, moving her lips to my ear, whispering, "so that I can heal you, and we can both go to bed."

I nod and gulp thickly, watching her step over to the sink, and then run some warm water.


Adora unwraps a fresh sponge and soap, returns to where I'm sitting and then slowly, gently, washes away the dried blood matted around the wound. Then she rinses the sponge and washes the area a second time, and then a third time, until everything appears to be clean.

"Wow. Those are tidy stitches," Adora says, closely scrutinising my thigh. "Who did them? Are they dissolvable?"

"Yeah. Standard military grade," I say, scratching at the scabs around one of the cuts. "And it was Lonnie, believe it or not."

Adora bats my hand away and tuts. "Sounds like you had quite an adventure out there."

"That's one word for it," I say, sighing.

"Fill me in sometime?" Adora asks, walking back to the sink, and rinsing the sponge out a few times.


"Okay," Adora says, shifting to her knees in front of me, holding a palm above the stitches.

"Wait," I say, and she pauses, looking up at me. "Don't heal it. Please."


"I'm past the worst of it. It's a scar I want to keep, so I can remember."

"Remember what?"

"What's waiting for me," I say, grimacing, "if I keep running."

Adora nods, takes a deep breath, and slides forwards until she's kneeling between my legs. She places her left hand around my waist, and looks up at me. "Catra..."

"What's wrong?" I ask, stroking my fingers through her hair.

"I know you sometimes hurt yourself before, but this... is something else," she says, delicately running her fingers around the outside of my scratches. "You cut deep."

"Yes but, magicat healing, tada!" I say, grinning.

"It isn't funny."

I fold my ears down. "Yeah. I suppose it isn't."

"I want you to talk to Perfuma."

"... Okay," I say, slumping my shoulders.


I nod.

Adora leans down and gently kisses my thigh, taking a deep breath. "Okay. I don't like it, but if you want to heal by yourself, it's your choice," she says, standing to her feet. "But your hand? I'm going to have to insist," she says, with one corner of her mouth rising. "Unless you'd rather not touch me anytime soon, that is."

I prick up my ears, and feel heat rise to my cheeks. "Okay. You can heal the hand," I say, thrusting it forwards.

Adora unfastens the bandages and places her lips to my knuckles, kissing them gently. Then she takes my palm between her hands, where a soft light glow materialises, quickly sealing the myriad of cuts closed, even the big one down the middle of my palm.

"You didn't need to transform?" I ask, studying my newly-healed hand, flexing my fingers a few times.

"I worked out that my powers all come from the same place," Adora says, beaming. "A while ago, actually."

"Which is?"

"Well... emotion. But mainly love."

"Oh," I say, feeling my heart warmed. "When did you figure that out?"

"Recently," Adora says, pressing her lips to my forehead. She walks to the sink and starts to rinse the sponge out with hot, soapy water.


"Okay, give me that back," she says, reaching for my hand.

I smirk. "Can't get enough of my fingers, huh?"

Adora takes my digits in hers, squeezing them lightly. "I'm hoping to find that out soon," she says, biting her lip into a smile.

"Hah, uh," I swallow thickly. " okay ," I squeak.

Adora's eyes light up with amusement, but then her brows dip as she concentrates on my claws. She dabs the wet sponge against my fingertips, getting rid of most of the blood that's stuck around the nails. "Stretch them out?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

I oblige, flexing my fingertips and pushing my claws out by half an inch.

"Thanks," Adora says, gently cleaning into the tiny grooves at the back of my nails. "Okay, done."

I retract my claws, and smile, sighing. "You didn't have to do all that, you know."

Adora leans over and kisses me on the forehead. "I wanted to. You should probably have a shower for the rest," she says, tracing her fingers over the tiny scratches and bruises along my arm.

"Ugh. I'll do it in the morning," I say, standing to my feet and yawning. "I'm exhausted."

"Okay then. Come on stinky," Adora says, taking my hand and guiding me out of the bathroom, then towards the large, circular bed.

"What happened to stargazer?" I ask, tugging my top off over my head, throwing it onto the carpet, then diving under the bedsheets.

"Stargazer needs a wash."

I stretch out, enjoying the softness of the duvet, then turn on my side to face the balcony doors, curling into a ball. "Shut up and get in here, dummy," I groan, patting the mattress behind me. I twist my head around and notice Adora quickly undressing, before she dives into bed next to me and pulls the covers tightly around us both.

"You're naked?" I ask, feeling her bare skin press against my back.

She presses her lips to my ear, whispering. "So you don't need to undress me in the morning."

I blow out a puff of air, ignoring the heat rising from my abdomen. "Thought I was too stinky?"

"I can always hold my nose," Adora says, chuckling. She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her palms below my ribs, holding me tightly against her, and I purr loudly, loving how soft and warm she feels against my back. It feels safe. It feels like home . And if I weren't so exhausted, I'd listen to the throb between my legs, nagging at me to turn around and kiss her.

"Night, Adora," I say, resting my hands above hers. "I love you."

Adora places her lips to my neck, just above my scar. "I love you too."

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