The Voyage of Dawn's Treader

By AlessaAuditore

20.3K 292 121

~3rd Story in the Dawn Pevensie Series~ After staying with their irritating and selfish cousin, Eustace, whil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

1.7K 34 8
By AlessaAuditore

I know the war doesn't end for like another 3 years or so but I moved the story line forward to now instead to fit better as it says that they leave the Scrubb household when the war ends so this worked better.

Dawn sat restlessly on the train while her two siblings in the otherwise, empty coach slept. She had never felt more alone than she did now, since returning from Narnia. She had noticed little things in Lucy and Edmund, they were forgetting little details about Narnia that they never had before and Dawn was terrified that they were completing the 'growing-up' process and forgetting about Narnia. She tried to remind them as much as possible but thinking of Narnia still hurt a bit, even if she knew she would be returning eventually, infact rather soon.

She closed her eyes, fiddling with her sapphire ring and tried to sleep but all that happened was reliving the scene on the beach. The last time she had seen Caspian.

"Narnia is my home. It always has been, always will be."

Caspian smiled at Dawn, but Lucy and Edmund looked rather sad, believing she was choosing to stay.

"Through there, in England, I'm a freak. Magic is a part of me, it's who I am. There, I can't be that, here I can. Yet..."

Everyone looked at Dawn in confusion, "my family is in there and Edmund's right. They need us. Or at least they think they do. I'm needed there but I think I'm needed here more."

"But I can't be selfish, so I have to return to England, no matter how much I want to stay," Dawn had floods of tears on her cheeks as she gazed at Caspian whose face was filled with utter heartbreak.

"Dawn," called Aslan pulling her attention from the King to him, "you understand what you are choosing by returning to that World?" Dawn knew he meant how her powers would be stripped and she would eventually die.

She gave a jerky nod and a sob, "yes. I..I do, but ..I guess, it.. can't be helped."

"Dawn," said Aslan again, "if you wish, you may return to Narnia on the day of your eighteenth birthday." Aslan spoke to her in her mind. "You may return and stay here for the rest of your days, with Caspian. You would have time to say goodbye and to spend with your family, if that is what you wish."

Dawn gave him a watery smile and nodded, "thank you. That is what I wish."

"Then that is how it will be. On the day of you and your brother's birthday, you will return to Narnia for good. Be ready to leave at a moment's notice, my Little Lioness."

Dawn looked to her siblings with worry and then to Caspian, "they can't know about what could happen. You may explain to Caspian but only once we've left."

"Dawn will return to England," spoke Aslan firmly giving her a slight nod.

Caspian's head fell forward in defeat. Dawn walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, "I'll be back."

"What?" he whispered back in shock.

"Aslan will explain. But I'll be back in less than a year, hopefully, who knows how time will work."

She went to back away but Caspian pulled her back, "wait, you never gave me an answer." His lips were just a breath away from her's. As he spoke they grazed together almost tauntingly.

"What?" wondered Dawn confused.

Caspian smiled through his tears now more of joy than sorrow knowing that she would be returning to him, "will you marry me?"

Dawn gave a small laugh and nodded, "yes. I will." She felt something cold being slipped onto her finger and looking down she saw a giant sapphire stone ring with diamonds on either side.

"It's beautiful."

"Think of me everytime you look at it," spoke Caspian in little more than a whisper.

"I'll be thinking of nothing else."

And with that they kissed for the last time in most likely a long time, at least for them, and they made it count. Caspian's hand pressed her head forward forcing her to tilt it slightly as the kiss deepened, tangling it in her hair. The other pressed against her lower back, pushing her against him firmly while her hands wrapped around his neck and played with his hair.

"I'll count the days, we shall marry once you return" whispered Caspian as they stepped apart.

Aslan looked to both of them, "When the day comes, I will be the one to marry you both. I would have no one else fulfill this task."

A shocked look overcame Caspian's face, Dawn just smiled up at him and replied to Aslan for the both of them as Caspian didn't know how, "we would want no one else to complete the ceremony."

Sharing one final kiss, Dawn joined her siblings and cousin. They all entered the cavern together, Edmund clinging to Dawn's hand as she tried to withhold any more tears. They had no idea that she would be leaving them in a few months time.

Once inside they turned and Dawn blew a kiss to Caspian who smiled sadly and just stood next to Aslan as once again the engulfed by water, leaving the same way they came in.

They were once again in their clothes from England and began to swim towards the light shining on the surface above them. And then suddenly the floor appeared and the furniture was in place and the water began to drain away. Edmund and Dawn found themselves sitting on Dawn's bed while Lucy and Eustace were sat on the floor.

They all stared around at each other when a call from downstairs shouted up, "Eustace!" It was Aunt Alberta, "Eustace! What are you doing up there?"

They all shared a few looks all having a silent conversation. Eustace gave a hearty breath like laugh while Dawn and Lucy shared a sad look.

"Jill Poole has dropped in for a visit," called Eustace's mum. But all the four of them could do was sit and watch as the last of the water disappeared into the painting. 

Eustace was the first one to get up. Edmund's face was hard and cold now that we were back and Lucy was doing her best to hold in her tears. Dawn remained seated on the bed just watching lifelessly as Eustace picked up the painting and placed it back on the wall above the fireplace. 

Edmund and Lucy waited at the door just outside. Eustace looked to Dawn and with a sob she got up off the bed and ran to Edmund who held her tightly to his chest as she cried. It was so strange to see Dawn break like this, she was usually the strong one and it broke their hearts to see her this way.

They all watched as the waves in the painting continued to move for a just a second but that second was just enough for the Dawn Treader to disappear altogether and with that Lucy shut the door tight. They all slept in the boys room for a couple of nights, much to the confusion of their relatives. Dawn stayed with Edmund for about a week and a half until finally she managed to return to her own room and face the painting that had reunited her with Caspian but also took her away.

She began to feel poorly again, not eating as much, as her stomach couldn't handle it, having trouble sleeping and feeling weak and dizzy by just sitting down or standing up, but she hid it well. As the weeks passed it grew worse but she continued to hide it and no one was any the wiser. Magic even became difficult to perform.

For a while they spoke of Narnia often. Eventually Lucy and Edmund stopped having these chats and it was just Eustace and Dawn most of the time, these helped Dawn but not as much as she hoped. Now with the war over, they were joining their family.

"Dawn," Edmund's voice broke her out of the memory and she sent him a small smile as she opened her eyes, "we're here."

They collected their things and left the train. They weren't children anymore. Lucy had grown even more in the past few months and she was getting noticed quite often. She became more confident and proud in herself but not overly so and Dawn was happy for her. Edmund was stronger yet a bit more stand-offish but remained gentle with Dawn and Lucy. He took leaving Narnia quite hard, Dawn noticed but he seemed to be adjusting. Something Dawn couldn't and wouldn't do.

"Do you think they'll recognize us?" asked Lucy as she tried looking for their family.

"Who knows," replied Edmund as he hooked his arm through Dawn's.

"There!" exclaimed Lucy as she spotted both Peter and Susan along with their parents.

Edmund and Dawn shared nervous looks as Lucy darted over. Once they reached the four, they weren't that surprised by the shock on their faces.

When they had all last met, Edmund was shorter and boyish now a man and wise and powerful and he gave off an aura of such. Which was quite intimidating to others.

Lucy was much taller, no longer the little, geeky girl she used to be with her nose stuck in a book. She stood tall and proud in a beautiful form fitting dress and heels with her hair styled to perfection and a wide smile on her stunning porcelain face.

(Not time period friendly, but a pretty outfit and is more for inspiration!)

Dawn had to be the biggest change. Though she had noto truly looked like a little girl for many years, she now looked like a full grown woman who had already faced the troubles of the world. Her eyes bright with knowledge and kindness as well as with understanding and power. She stood straight with the posture of a ballerina in a white lace dress and tall leather boots with a long green over coat. Her dark hair pulled back into an intricate up-do. She looked absolutely blinding and her parents could barely believe that these were their children.

Susan and Peter stared in amazement, they couldn't understand how such a change could happen in just over a year and a half.

"Mother," greeted Lucy kissing her cheek, then father, "father!"

Edmund nodded to his father in greeting and kissed his mother's forehead but said nothing before returning to Dawn's side as though he was protecting her.

Dawn stepped forward with the grace of a swan appearing as though she was gliding and kissed her mother on cheeks before embracing her father and repeating it with him.

"My!" exclaimed Helen Pevensie as she gazed over the three, "how you have grown!"

Micheal Pevensie smiled happily down at his children, "come along. Let's head home, we have much to catch up on!" With that they all left the platform and headed for their new home.

The house was much bigger than their old one, apparently their father had moved up highly in the ranks at war. The all sat around the living room that night, talking.

"How was it at with Aunt Alberta? Did you have a good time?" asked Micheal as Helen placed down a pot of tea on the table and began to fill everyone's tea cups.

"It got better as time went on," spoke Lucy as she took a sip from her tea sharing a secret smile with Dawn and Edmund.

"Dawn, of course had many admirers," she exclaimed giddily.

"So did you the past few months!" cried Dawn playfully.

Peter looked uncertain, "anyone catch your eye?"

"No," said Dawn quickly.

"Oh," spoke up Helen as she sat down and looked at her middle daughter curiously, "that was suspicious."

"She is lying!" exclaimed Lucy, "Tell them about Caspian!"

Dawn and Edmund shot around to look at Lucy, Dawn almost spitting out her tea in the process.


"I'll tell them then!" said Lucy with a glint in her eye.

Dawn went to cut her off but Edmund grabbed her hand discretely, "let's see where she goes with this, she would never tell them about Narnia this way, if at all. And did you see the lack of reaction from Peter and Susan, I don't think they remember Narnia at all, but I'm not certain."

Dawn sat back, a blush heavy on her cheeks as she waited for Lucy to speak.

"Dawn met this Lord who was also a soldier on leave from the war, Caspian. He was so handsome and head-over-heels for Dawnie!"

Dawn couldn't believe her ears, Lucy sent her a sly wink. She was a smart one, her sister.

"What did you think of this man, Edmund?" asked their father.

Edmund looked over at him, "I saw him as a brother and he indeed loved Dawn very much." This was the most Edmund had said to anyone except Dawn since arriving.

"He gave her that ring before he went back but we have yet to hear word of him... we fear the worst."

The family all looked to the large ring on Dawn's finger and their eyes widened considerably.

"Is that.. real?" asked Susan in shock.

Dawn blushed and nodded, "yes."

"Caspian.. Caspian? A strange name but I am certain I have heard it being mentioned among my Commanders, I'l have to look into that," the three youngest Pevensie siblings looked at their father in shock. He couldn't be serious, was he? Lucy had just made that up on the spot.

After that shock wore out a little, the conversation turned to lighter matters. This continued on for several hours until finally they all chose to head to bed.

Dawn gazed down at the beautiful ring on her finger before removing it and placing it on her bedside table as she lay down to go to sleep and stared at it a few moments before closing her eyes and letting sleep take her in the first good nights sleep she had had in a long time.

"Come on Dawnie, cheer up. We're eighteen today! Officially adults!"

Dawn gazed up at Edmund with a small smile, three months had passed and in those three months, much had changed. Edmund and Lucy had completely forgotten Narnia which was something Dawn thought was impossible but they had and it broke Dawn's heart. The story about Caspian being a Lord and soldier had stuck and became reality among her family, even to Lucy and Edmund. To her siblings, Narnia was just an imaginery place that they created together. Even to Lucy, which had been an extreme shock to Dawn.

But, today was the day, Dawn would be returning to Narnia but so far nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"What's going on in here?" asked Susan as she entered with Lucy and Peter.

"Dawn," exclaimed Peter in surprise, "why aren't you getting ready?"

Dawn nodded and left Edmund's room for her's to dress.

She put on a beautiful pale blue dress with the Mary Jane heels she wore when the had gone to Narnia. She wore them quite often. Her hair was perfectly curled and a butterfly clip that her mother had gotten her for her birthday along with butterfly earring held some curls back. She slipped on a cream lace shawl and attached her sun necklace. She, as always, wore her ring but it was hidden by a pair of sleek white gloves. She gave herself one more glance over in the mirror before leaving the room.

Edmund was waiting for her, "the car is outside. We don't want to be late for our own party."

Their mother and father had gone well out of their way to stage a huge party with many of their father's fellow soldiers and higher officials present along with new friends but very few of these actually knew Edmund and Dawn as they had yet to really make friends with anyone here.

The people at the door announced their entrance as they walked in followed by polite applause.

"Don't you both look lovely!" exclaimed Helen Pevensie as she reached them, wearing a lovely emerald gown, kissing their cheeks softly and smiling at them lovingly.

"Come there are many people we wish to introduce you to."

Dawn and Edmund were led off into the crowd of people, ready for the torture to begin.

They lost track quickly of everyone they were introduced to and eventually they lost track of each other as well. Dawn pulled off, surprisingly, by her father and Edmund, by their mother. Dawn avoided as many dance offers as possible but sadly she couldn't escape them all. She usually loved to dance but it didn't feel the same as it did back in Narnia, especially as the dances in England weren't near as interesting.

Dawn removed her gloves from the heat and her father happily took them, "why don't you sing for us all daughter, Lucy tells me you still have such a wonderful voice!" Many began to call for her to sing until she found herself standing before the large crowd on a small stage with the musicians ready to take her lead.

"Alright, well, thank you all for the birthday wishes from both my brother and I and..." Dawn trailed off as her eyes met with a pair of deep brown. But it couldn't be possible. Dawn began to twirl her ring on her finger nervously as there in the crowd towards the back, stood Caspian, his hair slicked back on his head, his face clean shaven and wearing a sleek, rich grey suit, gazing at her with his usual look of love and adoration. 

The whole room seemed to fall away as their eyes connected. No one else was there bar them. Silence filled the entire hall, at least for those two. Caspian looked even more royal and handsome than she remembered. And she had to admit, his modern day appearance truly fit him well.

"This is a song," began Dawn again, "called 'There's a Place For Us'." She spoke looking directly at Caspian as she began and the musicians picked it up the medley almost immediately after the first line.

There's a place out there for us
More than just a prayer or anything you've ever dreamed of
So if you feel like giving up
'Cause you don't fit in down here
Fear is crashing in
Close your eyes and take my hand!

Dawn smirked across the room at Caspian who returned it fully. She had written this just for him and her and she was going to express that. Having had so much time alone, even when now living with her whole family once again, she had needed something to distract her. Thankfully she rediscovered her love of music, not that it was ever really lost.

We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe
It's written in the stars that shine above
A world where you and I belong,
Where faith and love will keep us strong
Exactly who we are is just enough
There's a place for us, there's a place for us

When the water meets the sky,

Dawn couldn't help but smile fondly as she remembered Reepicheep singing something similar when he had jumped into the ocean to Eustace. She had put in that line just for him and from the nod she got from Caspian she knew he had noticed it, but sadly there was no reaction from Edmund or Lucy. If only she could make them remember.

Where your heart is free and hope comes back to life,
When these broken hands are whole again
We'll will find what we've been waiting for
We were made for so much more!

We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe
It's written in the stars that shine above,
A world where you and I belong,
Where faith and love will keep us strong,
Exactly who we are is just enough,
There's a place for us, there's a place for us

So hold on, now hold on,
There's a place for us

We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It's written in the stars that shine above,
A world where you and I belong,
Where faith and love will keep us strong,
Exactly who we are is just enough, exactly who we are is just enough,
There's a place for us.

The audience broke out in applause as Dawn finished singing the final note, yet Dawn's eyes still never left Caspian, who had moved forward through the crowd but just as she began to make her way to him, a man stopped him and began to talk, while Dawn's father pulled her into a tight hug.

"That was wonderful, darling. Lucy was right, you have the voice of an angel."

Dawn blushed at her father's praise, she was now swarmed by him and his many friends and colleagues, all wanting to compliment her. She leaned around, craned her neck in hopes of seeing Caspian again but he seemed to have disappeared into the crowd. Her shoulders slumped, defeated and prayed he found her again among these many strangers and hoped he was not to lost in this strange time. 

Just as she opened her mouth to thank her father for his kind words and those of his friends who all also complimented her talent another voice, deep and powerful, filled with authority spoke in her place, "I always did love to hear you sing." It was a voice she knew very well and had until that moment had only been in her dreams.

The men all stopped at the words of this new comer, just as Susan, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Helen all joined them.

"You were marvelous Dawnie! Just fantastic!" cried her mother kissing her head and hugging her close, oblivious to her husbands curious stare aimed at the young gentleman who had just spoken so familiarly with his daughter. Dawn smiled and enjoyed her mother's embrace knowing it could be for the last time.

"Who are you, good sir?" asked Micheal to Caspian who had been the one to speak and stood now at Dawn's side while keeping a small distance between them, it was only slight and the closeness was noticeable..

"May I introduce," spoke up one of Micheal's higher-ups who accepted her father's invitation, "Lord Caspian Telmar, a naval captain. He has just returned from intensive care I believe, you appear to have healed miraculously, my Lord."

"Yes, a miracle indeed, but I would not have missed this night for anything," replied Caspian smoothly.

"You.. are Lord Caspian?" wondered Micheal looking Caspian up and down. He was handsome, well dressed, obviously had plenty of money, had a title, you didn't see many of those these days, seemed well mannered and well respected as well as fought in the war. This was the man that loved his eighteen year old daughter? This man seemed to good to be true. Like something out of a fairytale.

"Yes, I am sorry but I was wondering if I might steal your daughter for a dance," exclaimed Caspian, who with further delay took Dawn's hand and led her out onto the dance floor where conveniently an old waltz began.

Their hands joined together and they began to slowly circle, staring into each other's eyes intently, moving perfectly in sync while the others around them were nowhere near as graceful or as co-ordinated.

"I have to leave now, don't I?" asked Dawn.

"We have less than an hour before the sun sets and your powers are gone," exclaimed Caspian, no one able to hear them over the music, "Aslan advised to be near water before sunset and just as it disappears to enter the water."

"There is a river just out the back door," she gestured with her head behind her where a large pair of doors stood, half open to let in the cold breeze and fresh air, "apparently it's great during the summer, when the days are warm. People go there for a dip in the water."

"I'm sure that will suffice," agreed Caspian, as their hands joined together in a vertical diamond as they stepped in towards each other than back out and Caspian spun her out and back in to his chest.

"Do you wish to say goodbye?"

Dawn gave a small nod, "but I don't know what to say. What will they think when I just disappear? Will they forget me, like they forgot Narnia?"

"They could never forget you," sighed Caspian, placing a gentle kiss on her temple.

"I've missed this," sighed Dawn in contentment, "just being in your arms. Safest place in the world."

Caspian gave a small laugh and tightened his hold for a few seconds, laying his forehead against her temple and just taking in the scent of her hair. Caspian's hand trailed up from her waist and then suddenly stopped at her ribs.

"You're so thin," he spoke in worry, "have you been eating probably?"

Dawn shook her head, "I can't keep anything down. It all smells wrong, feels wrong. It's like, even when I do eat, my body can't digest it."

"I knew the lack of magic in the atmosphere would affect you but I never thought it would be so serious!"

"It wasn't always like this," exclaimed Dawn quickly trying to lessen his worry as the dance picked up again, "I used to just use a bit of magic everyday, it made me stronger, now it makes me weaker and there's also the more likely chance I'll be caught."

"I should never have let you leave Narnia," declared Caspian strongly.

"I think I agree with you, it would have been better if I stayed," Dawn said this as she gazed sadly over at her unknowing family, "there would be less heartbreak. For me and for them." 

It had been a thought running through her head all these months. What if? What if she had remained in Narnia? It had plagued her mind and her dreams. 

"Maybe it's time you put yourself before others," said Caspian as the waltz slowed into a simple repetitive step as it came to its' conclusion.

"I'm a Queen, Caspian. And you're a King. Putting others before ourselves is what is expected of us," exclaimed Dawn in exasperation.

"The challenge is finding when to put yourself first," spoke Caspian gazing into her eyes with a heated stare.

"I was never very good at that."

Caspian placed his forehead gently against her's, "then I'll help you. For the rest of our lives."

Dawn gave a deep curtsy while Caspian bowed signaling the end of the dance.

Caspian led her off the flower back towards her family who all smiled at them in wonder.

"You are showing many wonderful talents tonight, dear," cried Helen as she caressed her daughter's face softly, her eyes filled with love. Her mother was such a kind hearted person, Dawn felt so guilty about leaving but she knew if she stayed and died here, it would be much worse. Her father then stepped up and addressed Caspian.

"Micheal Pevensie," he stood with his hand out stretched, his eyes leering at Caspian to see if he would break under the intensity. Caspian stepped up and gave her father's hand a firm handshake, much to his surprise, "Caspian Telmar of Narnia."

"Narnia? Where is that then?" asked Micheal curiously as his hand fell back to his side, a dark eyebrow raised at the slightly taller man. It was quite funny to see her father staring up at her lover as Caspian was a few inches taller than him.

"Spain," shot in Dawn quickly, the first country that popped into her head.

Micheal Pevensie nodded, accepting the answer, "a pleasure to meet you sir. I have heard good things from my three youngest children about you."

"You have?" wondered Caspian sending Dawn a confused look.

"You met us when you were on leave, when you met Dawn," elaborated Lucy kindly with a sweet smile at the older man.

Caspian smiled at her, she was older looking and looked more like Dawn than Susan or even her mother. "Thank you for reminding me, Lucy," spoke Caspian smoothly, "I believe my time with Dawn had clouded my memory a bit."

"Of course," replied Lucy with an understanding smile.

"If you all will excuse us, I wish to stroll outside with Dawn. We have much to discuss."

"Indeed," spoke Micheal, "we shall speak later."

Caspian and Dawn shared a small look discretely, "as you wish." Dawn stepped forward and kissed her mother then her father and smiled at her siblings in farewell, holding back tears. This would be her last time seeing them.

Caspian hooked Dawn's arm through his before leading her gently out of the room.

"We don't have much time," exclaimed Caspian as they made their way towards the river and ventured further down so they were out of sight. Dawn couldn't believe how quickly the time was passing. Why had these past months seemed so long, yet this day so short? 

"May I ask why they believe me to be a Lord, a Naval Captain and have fought in some big war?" wondered Caspian as they walked arm in arm.

"That was the story Lucy originally pulled together for our family, don't ask why. Maybe it was in case we slipped up and mentioned you or it was a reason for me to remain in my room for long periods of time."

"I suppose," began Caspian, "that Aslan made this story reality so that things would be easier. But, I have a feeling as soon as we leave the story will fall."

"What do you mean?" asked Dawn, curiously.

"There is no reason for the mind tampering to remain, my 'character' or 'other self' will disappear from their minds. They will have no recollection of me, at least that is one theory."

"What of my family? They will probably remember you."

"Unfortunately, you are most likely right. I affected them directly by interacting with you and somewhere in the back of their minds, your brothers and sisters remember me, even if they don't know it," supplied Caspian.

"When did you become so knowledgeable of magic?" asked Dawn with a sly smile.

"I've done my reading," he smirked causing her to laugh, "here should be far enough."

The sun was slowly setting now. Bright reds flooding the sky and the clouds on the horizon turning a fiery orange and streaks of rosie pink floated along as though they were gentle strokes of a paint brush.

"It's so beautiful," exclaimed Caspian.

Dawn nodded, "but nowhere near the beauty of a sunset from Cair Paravel."

"I know."

"Wait what?" wondered Dawn sharply. How could he know? Cair Paravel was destroyed decades before Caspian was born.

"We re-built it. Near exactly the same, I wanted to surprise you when you returned. The final touches were just finished recently. It's been going on for over two years. It helps that the giants aided us in the building of it, split the time by at least half."

Dawn threw her arms around Caspian, "Oh, thank you! I don't think I could live in that Telmar castle. Bad memories."

"I understand," expressed Caspian, "no one wishes to be reminded of their death. If that makes sense."

"Not really but, I'm a special case."

Caspian kissed her hair and laughed, "that you are!"

"Shut up you!"

It had been so long since they felt this way, relaxed and at ease. Just glad to be reunited.

Caspian wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind, gently laying his chin on her head, "have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" asked Caspian.

"I don't believe so," said Dawn with a blush as she sat down on the grass by the bank of the river, Caspian with her. She leaned back against him as one of his hands supported them both from behind and the other rested softly on the bare skin of her leg.

"It's strange to see so much skin," spoke Caspian with a smirk which Dawn could hear in his voice, "no one reveals this much back in Narnia unless getting in the water for a swim."

Dawn gave a small gasp as his hand moved along her cold, smooth skin, tracing imaginary designs along it, just high enough to graze the hem of her dress, "don't get any ideas, mister. You are supposed to a King and a gentlemen!" She slapped his hand playfully with a high girlish giggle which made Caspian smile cheekily.

"And in a couple of weeks time, you shall be my wife," his lips began to trail along her neck, his hand coming up and moving her hair to one side, "sharing my bed. I'm sure you will not be so... resilient then, my darling."

Caspian saw the redness spread across her cheeks and her chuckled at her innocence.

"Just.. Just a couple of weeks?" inquired Dawn nervously, stuttering a little.

Caspian leaned back a little, "does this not please you? Do you wish to wait longer?"

"No," she exclaimed quickly turning around to face him completely, "no, no waiting. It's just that... this morning, the thought of marrying you seemed only a dream, a wish." She glanced down at the ring on her finger. Caspian lifted her left hand and kissed each of her fingertips, leaving the one on which the ring sat for last, "now it is within reach. We shall reboard the Dawn Treader, it is waiting for us and return to the main land. The next day we will be wed before all of Narnia."

"Do they know?" asked Dawn, "about my coming back?"

Caspian smiled and shook his head, "no, not even the crew. The only one informed is Drinian, Trumpkin, Professor Cornelius and your centaur friend, Orious. I thought you would be pleased to see him. They are finalising eveything for the ceremony."

Dawn beamed up at him and wrapped him in another hug, "thank you. For everything."

They stayed there like that, just holding each other, until the sound of voices reached their ears and they were growing closer.

"It's my siblings," exclaimed Dawn in a panic as she and Caspian got to their feet, "what do we do?"

"I'm not sure," replied Caspian also worried, "the sun hasn't completely set yet, there are still a few minutes. If they reach us, they will most likely witness whatever happens."

"I-" but she didn't get to finish as at the moment, Lucy had caught sight of them and the four Pevensies were making their way towards them.

"You two have been out here a while," exclaimed Peter.

"Mother and father were getting worried," scolded Susan at Dawn. She just rolled her eyes, she knew her parents weren't worried. Susan just wanted to get another look at the man that was showing an interest in Dawn and not her. It must have been a first for her. It was their second trip to Narnia (well Dawn's fourth trip as her first three were when she went through the wardrobe all those years ago) all over again, when Caspian first met her.

"We have just been talking," explained Caspian calmly, though his hold on Dawn's hand was bone-breakingly tight, displaying his nervousness to no one but her.

"We wanted some fresh air so we thought we would join you," spoke Lucy happily. Edmund remained silent and just nodded along with Lucy.

"What were you talking about?" asked Peter.

"Nothing of importance, just talking of my home," said Caspian, technically not lying to him.

"Are you both not incredibly cold?" spoke Susan as she gave a small shiver from the cold breeze that brushed past them. Where had that breeze come from, it had been quite warm just moments ago. Dawn just brushed it off as the usual English weather, constantly changing.

"Not really, why don't you go back inside if you are starting to feel a chill," exclaimed Dawn trying to coax them all back inside, "wouldn't want you to catch a cold. You are meeting that officer in the town square tomorrow, right, Su?"

"Dawn's right. Maybe we should go back inside."

"But we just came out here," complained Edmund.

Peter shrugged, "I'm fine out here, but if you want to go back..."

"No.." spoke Susan after a moment, "I think I will stay with you all. It's so boring in there."

"What's that light? On the river? That's not normal is it?" exclaimed Peter suddenly.

A blue glow had started to spread over the surface of the river and was moving quickly towards them, the sun wasn't completely set yet but it was obviously beginning.

Caspian pulled Dawn towards the water.

"Whatever are you doing?!" exclaimed Lucy in surprise.

Caspian just ignored her as they approached the river. They didn't step into it's shallow depths just yet. The blue glow stopped just at their level and traveled towards them on land and over took them. 

Caspian's suit was replaced by similar rich, robes that he had worn on the Dawn Treader months earlier, the scruff on his face was back and his hair was now loose around his face much to Dawn pleasure. She was now wearing a stunning silver gown, her feet bare except for jeweled anklets, her curls still falling down her back, her Narnian crown was placed gently on her head, the chains draped behind her head.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Peter and Susan in utter shock while Lucy and Edmund remained silent.

"Don't you see?!" exclaimed Dawn loudly, "it was all real! Narnia. It was never a game. How could you forget all those years in Cair Paravell, the hunting trips, the celebrations and the battles we led? Did it mean so little to you all that you forget it, like it was nothing but a childhood memory?!"

"Dawn this is just silly!" cried Susan, "there is no such thing as magic! Narnia was just a game." Dawn knew that Susan was the one who had the most difficulty remembering. She was very factual and scientific as a young girl and had become even more so as she grew and her Narnia memories quickly faded further and further into the back of her mind, locked away.

"Then what was that you just saw, that was magic!"

Dawn turned to Lucy desperate to make them remember, "What about Mr. Tumnus, Reepicheep and Trumpkin? Surely you remember them?!" Lucy's eyes fell, darting back and forth as she tried to remember until her eyes opened wide, "oh.. oh..OH!" Dawn laughed at her reaction and lose of words, "exactly." She knew it was quite cruel to make them remember and then disappear, but she needed them to understand.

She then turned to her twin, "what about Lilliandil? Was she imaginary too?"

Edmund's face split into the first real smile Dawn had seen in months, "Lilliandil?! How could I forget?!"

"And Peter, what about Rhin- AH!" Dawn collapsed backwards into Caspian's arms her hand shooting up to her head from the sharp pain that had begun to develop, Caspian just barely catching her in time.

"Dawn!" exclaimed Edmund rushing forwards to help Caspian.

"We need to get her into the water!" cried Caspian. The sun had finally set and they didn't have a minute to lose.

"What's going on Caspian?" Peter 's eyes were focused heavily on his little sister who could barely stand as she was led into the water.

"Her magic is spiking, there is nothing of magical creation for it to.. reflect, I suppose is the right word, off of and back to her. Magical surroundings take in the magic she is giving off and then return it with their own but their is no magic here. Her magic is being stripped from her, rather than channeling from her surroundings and is not being replaced. It's killing her, we must return to Narnia. It's the only way she will live."

"Are you sure that will save her?" asked Lucy in a meek voice.

Caspian spared a glance up at the younger sister who's eye were wide with tears of worry and reminded him so much of Dawn's own and he nodded firmly.

"I'm coming with you!" exclaimed Ed sternly.

"Edmund..." began Caspian but the younger man cut across him.

"I can't live without Dawn," he proclaimed, "she's my twin. We need each other and we are always there for each other. I fit in better in Narnia and it was wrong of me to leave it! I am needed in Narnia, more than I will ever be here!"

"If that's how you feel," agreed Caspian without giving much of an argument.

"Wait," spoke Susan, "aren't you going to tell him off, tell him he can't go?!"Maybe there was hope for her after all. But there was still that part of Susan that held onto the belief that it was simply all make-believe.

"No," spoke Caspian as Edmund joined them properly in the water though unlike them his clothes remained as they were before, his black tailored suit that their mother had forced him into.

"Aslan foresaw that Ed would not let Dawn leave without him and informed me of it."

"Caspian.." moaned Dawn roughly. Caspian rocked her back and forth trying to sooth her a little, "just a little while longer Darling, I promise."

"What's taking so long?!" exclaimed Peter anxiously.

"Why can't you all just leave!?!" cried Susan in annoyance much to the others' shock, "go back to being the 'Kings and Queens' of Narnia! If that is even how you're seen anymore! No one will care!! I certainly don't. Believing in magic is foolish and childish."

"What are you talking about Susan?" asked Lucy, "magic is right in front of your eyes! You've known it exists for years!"

"It was all a game, Lu!" argued Susan, "Accept it! Dawn just wants to run away and think she is special! She's not! If anything she's a freak! She will stay here like the rest of us, will settle down and start a family! Just like everyone else! We are not royalty and we NEVER were!"

All the Pevensies and Caspian all stared at Susan in utter disgust and disbelief.

"Once.." muttered Dawn weakly catching their attention, she somehow seemed to find the energy to stand, "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, Always a King or Queen."

And with that a blue light flooded their vision and when Peter, Susan and Lucy opened their eyes, they were alone standing next to damp river bank.

Susan looked the most shocked, "I don't.. I didn't.. I was just angry." Truthfully, Susan was afraid. Afraid she could not trust her own memory, her own eyes. And afraid that she would lose her sister. Afraid of failing as a big sister, as she felt she had been for such a long time.

"You were jealous, Su," stated Peter gazing at the spot in the water where just moments ago his two younger siblings had been. Susan remained silent.

"I can't believe they're gone," sobbed Lucy as Peter wrapped an arm tightly around her shoulders.

"What do we tell everyone?" asked Susan.

"I don't know," replied Peter quietly, "but we'll think of something. I hope."

"Welcome back to Narnia, your majesties."

"Thank you Aslan."

"Glad to be back."

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