Secrets & Lies

By Agent-Hedgehog

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Husk is starting to becoming distant with Angel Dust. He works seemingly longer hours, comes back late "tired... More

Part A♠️: The Hellphone Call
Part 2♥️: Growing Distance..
Part 3♣️: Abandonment..
Part 4♦️: Personal Risk
Part 5♣️: Brothers With Arms
Part 6♥️: Noir Blues
Part 7♦️: A Bomb Ass Babe
Part 8♠️: Bar Brawl
Part 9♦️: Honour Among Demons
Part 10♣️: Rescuing Angel
Part J❤️: The Big Talk
Part Q♣️: More Than A Conclusion
Part K♠️: Last Outstanding Debt
Part Joker 🃏: Epilogue
Bonus Part🐷 ♥️♦️: Papa's Little Piggy
Bonus Part 2♦️❤️♣️♠️: Night Duty
Bonus Part 3♠️♣️🃏: 1) Sickness
Bonus part 3 ♠️♥️🃏: 2) Remedy

Part A♦️: Returning To The Hazbin Hotel

1K 29 17
By Agent-Hedgehog

"Wait. You have suits here?!" Angel exclaimed brightly looking amazed to find a small collection of two piece suits hanging in the wardrobe along with a few white button up shirts and a couple of ties. "Ya told me ya hated wearin' clothes.." The pale pink furred spider demon moved back to the bedroom doorway to throw his boyfriend a curious look.

"So I get the notion to look nice once in a blue moon, what of it?" Husk replied with an unconcerned shrug from his laid back position on the couch, one large clawed fingers casually petting Fat Nuggets who was nestled into his side next to him. "Wait a minute, your supposed to be packing your shit. Why the fuck are you going through my stuff?" His yellow eyes suddenly blinked before the grizzled demon cat hauled himself off the couch with a grunt, leaving the snoozing piglet behind. He then stalked over to the bedroom door that his effeminate boyfriend had slipped back through to see just what he had been doing and found the pale pink spider going through his wardrobe.

"I'm just curious babe, fuck knows if I'll ever get t'come back." Angel replied as he continued to look through his boyfriends minimal clothing items before something at the behind caught his attention.

"Hmh, maybe if you play your cards right and I might letcha." The cat demon shrugged as he leaned against the doorway, his head turning back out to check on Fat Nuggets before his eyes were back on his younger boyfriend.

"Ya mean it?" The lithe spider's pink eyes brightened as his head turned to his older partner.

"I'll think about it." Husk flashed a toothy grin at his boyfriend who was wearing a dusty pink cropped hoodie that flashed a red bralet underneath, matching dusty pink booty shorts with long pink and white striped pop socks and a red headband that held most of his fringe back. He was without make-up at this moment as they had not long gotten out of bed but the demon cat had always thought his younger partner looked beautiful without it. As much as he appreciated Angel's made up beauty he enjoyed the intimacy being in his fresh-faced presence more, it was a side only he got to see.

"Uh-huh. Sure mi bello. So ya wanna tell me what this is all about?" The pale pink spider asked pulling the large black case out from the back of wardrobe and raising his brows.

"What? Oh shit!" Husk cursed upon seeing the huge instrument case that Angel had now heaved out of the wardrobe and dumped on his side the bed. "Don't be getting any fucking ideas. I'm not playing it for you!" He added with a deep scowl folding his large grey furred forearms looking stubborn.

"Aww c'mon! Ya don't have'ta be embarrassed. I used'ta play the horn in school.." Angel flashed his boyfriend a grin as he inclined the brass clips on the side and opened the lid and gave a slight gasp, a slight smile curving his face. Inside the red velvet case was a highly polished golden coloured saxophone lying neatly inside.

"You did?" Husk's brows quirked in some surprise, not expecting to hear this. He didn't know his boyfriend could play any instrument nor had he shown any hint of being musically inclined. He watched his younger boyfriend run his fingers up the side of the large instrument in wonder.

"Alto or tenor?" Angel asked throwing his boyfriend a curious look and the words made the demon cat blink, not expecting to be asked such a question.

"Alto. Never liked the sound of the tenor." Husk shook head roughly.

"Hmh. Me too. Too high pitched, doesn't hit the ears right." He felt a small pulse of desire to know just how well his boyfriend could play but he knew it would have to be on his terms. He couldn't just force him to play. "Does Al know?"

"Fuck no!" Husk blurted out looking horrified and glaring hard at the very idea of the Radio Demon ever learning he knew how to play an instrument. He knew what would happen. "The fucking asshole would probably want me to join him in one of his shitty musical numbers. And he can get to fuck with that idea!" His words made Angel chuckle affectionally knowing how his boyfriend felt when the Radio Demon would randomly burst into song, something he was prone to do in a moment of elation. The demon cat would often scowl, try to slink out the room or upon failing that just bare his teeth in a snarl and flip him off if he dared come close while singing.

"Don't worry, I ain't gonna tell him." The effeminate spider snapped the saxophone back inside its case as Husk walked up behind him and seized him around the waist and spun him around to face him, the white fingers of one large grey furred paw took hold of his rounded chin.

"Good, cause I'd take you down with me.." The demon cat murmured in a low voice. If it was meant to be a threat it wasn't taken as one as it only made his lithe younger boyfriend smirk back in some amusement.

"I know ya would. For what it's worth, mi amore, I think ya blowin' the sax is pretty damn hot.." He breathed as two hands slipped around the demon cat's neck as the slim dainty fingers of the other hands wound themselves into the long white fur of his boyfriend's chest fluff. "So, I hope ya change ya mind about playin' it." The spider had leaned into kiss his lips when one of Husk's long fingers pressed against his mouth, a wolfish smirk twisting his white muzzle.

"Nice try doll but it won't get you out of packing your stuff.." Husk drawled noting that while his boyfriend had gathered up his stuff he hadn't put it away in the case properly.

"I know.." Angel murmured turning to look somewhat mournfully at his case. "This might sound crazy but I'm gonna miss this place."

"You've only been here a day." Husk replied with a concerned frown, his head titling a little as he studied the strangely unsettled look on his pale pink furred boyfriend's face.

"Heh. Yeh, it's stupid, ain't it?" Angel pulled back and turned away, lifting one hand to his face to hide the fact that he was getting emotional. "Guess it was kinda nice just bein' you, me and Nuggs. Felt almost normal, like we were a real family." He fought the waterworks threatening to break loose. He shouldn't feel so attached to a place but the last day had felt so natural, so right that it was like he was home and he wasn't ready for it to end so abruptly.

For a moment Husk remained silent looking unsure about his own emotions before sighing reluctantly then he reached forward and pulling his effeminate boyfriend into a large embrace from behind. As the cat demon's head rested against his Angel let out a shaky breath, letting his lithe pink hand reach up and touch his older partner's hand, his small fingers gripping him firmly.

"It's not fucking stupid." Husk hummed softly into his boyfriend's unseen ear. "You and the pig are the closest thing I've got to a family here. And you've no idea how shit scary that is to a guy like me.." A deep exhale escaped him making Angel swivel his own head around to see the deep emotional look in those downcast yellow eyes.

"Ya ain't gonna lose me. My heart is yours, always will be." The effeminate spider replied softly and nuzzled his older boyfriend's cheek then hummed with a little remorse. "I wish I wasn't supposed t'go t'heaven at the end of this.."

"Me too.." Angel hadn't been expecting his boyfriend to respond but his words made a small sad smile tweak his lips. He knew now that the rehabilitation program was holding Husk back from truly embracing their relationship fully. "Do you want me to help you pack? Is that why you ain't folding shit before shoving it in the case?"

"Maybe." The pale pink furred spider threw his partner a cheeky grin before one of his lower hands pulled away from the demon cat and tapped the case of the instrument still laying next to his case. "Any way I can convince ya to bring this back with us?"

"Quit stalling and get packing doll.." Angel gave a slight jump forwards and a squeak when he felt his rear being struck with an open-palmed slap. He then smirked in devilment as he began picking up his stuff as his boyfriend reorganised his case into a better order.

"Whatever ya want kitty." His sickly-sweet words made Husk pause, his yellow eyes widen in surprise having not heard this nickname in a long while before sighing heavily with a deadpan scowl.

"So we're back to this again, are we?" A small ghost of a smile tweaked his lips.


"Oh my gosh! Your back!" Charlie's high-pitched voice was the first thing that came to Angel as he crossed the threshold of the Hazbin Hotel, finding the wind almost knocked out of his lungs at the speed the blonde Princess of Hell came at him. Her arms wrapped around his middle in a tight embrace as both Vaggie and Niffty approached him at the same moment his boyfriend came through the door behind him with both Fat Nuggets and his case.

"I was so worried and you didn't call me back. Why not?" Charlie suddenly looked firm pulling back and scowling in disapproval like a mother scolding her child in wrongdoing.

"Uh.. I was busy, then my phone was dead, then I was at his place and I forgot.." Angel reeled off rolling his eyes in some annoyance briefly gesturing to his boyfriend when he needed to before chuckling and adding, "So I didn't call back big deal. Ya ain't my Ma and I don't need to check in with ya all the time. I can take care of myself.."

"That's not the point!" Vaggie chipped in with a slight frown of concern. "Charlie made an investment in you, remember? You should have made a better attempt to contact one of us. Anything could've happened to you." Despite her stern expression the white haired moth demon wasn't angry, slightly irritated but more concerned by his flippant attitude to the rehabilitation program he was under.

"Well, gee. Whatta ya want? I'm sorry. That cover it? That whatcha lookin' for. Ya feel better?" The effeminate spider replied casually making a show of fake-checking his nails. The Latina moth demon cursed under her breath in her native tongue at his lack of sincerity with the phoney apology. "Oh. By the way, if ya ever pack my stuff remember to—"

"The fuck happened to Al?" Husk's voice cut across his younger boyfriend's voice making everyone turn to look at the cat demon who was looking suspiciously around the quiet foyer clearly expecting the Radio Demon to suddenly pop out from nowhere. "S'not like him to be quiet this long.." He had left Angel's case by the reception desk but was still holding onto Fat Nuggets.

"He's sulking." Vaggie replied with a soft exhale and while Husk quirked a long red plume brow Angel flashed both girls a somewhat confused yet curious look.

"Yesterday Charlie implied that he had codependency issues with you now he won't manifest in the same room as her." Niffty chipped in at this point sounding more amused by this than she should be, a small toothy grin twisting he pr sharp-toothed mouth.

"I tried apologising but he says I offended him more than anyone has before. I've no idea what to do." Charlie added with a pleading look of dismay to Husk making him blink in shock.

"Huh. I didn't even know that was possible.." The tall demon cat then shrugged unconcerned, clearly not bothered by the implied codependency issue. "Just be grateful for the breather while you have it, when he comes to his senses he's probably gonna claim you owe him and you'll never be shot of him. Trust me, I speak from the experience."

"Oh.." Charlie's shoulders sagged with this information with a somewhat crushed expression. She'd been hoping Husk might have some good constructive advice but the outcome of this might actually be worse than she realised.

"Great, so the shitlord is going to be even more annoying when he bounces back. What a surprise.." Vaggie drawled sarcastically, shaking her head in some disbelief as she put all her weight on one hip.

"Uh. Excuse me. The only one who's codependent on Husky is me!" Angel suddenly frowned, jutting his bottom lip out in a sour-faced pout then stalked over to his boyfriend haughtily, wrapping both arms tightly around him and his piglet, squeezing tight as he nuzzled the now scowling demon cat's white muzzle. "My boys are my world."

"Y'know that's not meant to be a good thing, right?" The demon cat winced in some annoyance, finding his whole body smashed up against his lithe younger boyfriend with Fat Nuggets sandwiched between them so he was included in the suffocating embrace of affection. Unlike his pseudo-dad the tiny piglet's tail wagged furiously as he snorted and revelled in the attention, nuzzling himself happily into the fluffy chests of both 'parents'..

"Awww! That's so cute I can barely stand it!" Charlie squeed bouncing on the spot with the kind of simpering expression of adoration that would not be missed on any fan girl. She had always been highly supportive of their relationship believing it was the key to Angel's ability to rehabilitate. While Niffty seemed to coo over the pair for very different reasons as the tiny one-eyed demon with red hair and hoop-skirt then pulled out a little notebook to furiously scrawl some notes in. Vaggie on the other hand mimed an expression of mock-sickness complete with two fingers down her throat.

"Someone pass me a bucket.." She drawled folding her arms and rolling her one good orange eye. Her words only made Charlie giggle a little at her girlfriend's somewhat grossed out expression as Husk finally ripped himself out of his boyfriend's grip with a grimace leaving Fat Nuggets with his pseudo-mama. The demon cat straightened his top hat before readjusting his bow-tie, his yellow eyes turned to his bar, something seeming amiss. Suspicious now he walked away from his younger pale pink furred boyfriend to inspect the bottles on the shelves behind the counter.

"Alright. Who's been moving shit around in my bar?" Husk declared swivelling back around as the three girls' eyes all widened at him in surprise while Angel looked wide-eyed and bemused, his attention off his 'baby' who he had been fussing. Those yellow eyes narrowed dangerously as one clawed fingers suddenly jabbed out as he let out a loud but low toned angry growl. "You....."

"Yeh, it was me. So what? Your system makes no fucking sense anyway." Vaggie shot back then huffing and folding her arms across her chest.

"Aw, ya for it now bitch. Ya can't get nothin' passed my man, believe me I've tried.." Angel smirked out in some amusement.

"Don't do it again." Husk gave a low growl of frustration in the back of his throat then opened the side of the bar and stepped inside. He immediately began to return items to their 'intended' positions grumbling to himself in Russian and this made the moth demon sigh with a somewhat put-out expression.

"I don't see the problem.." Vaggie added looking completely confused as to why the demon cat needed to rearrange everything back from the way she had it. Next to her Charlie just shrugged but seemed less concerned and just happy to have him and Angel back in the hotel.

"Eh, he just likes his stuff a certain way. Call it a quirk.." Angel shrugged unfazed by the way his older partner was behaving then slid up to the bar and purred in his most enticing tone, "Set me up with a drink while your back there bello, I'll be back after I take my stuff upstairs, ok?"

"Fine. Whatever.." Husk responded without turning back, pausing to try and figure out what else was a Miss after fixing his back shelf.

"Oh. I'mma leave Nuggs with ya so ya might want to move those cherries." Angel added lightly making the demon cat turn and see that the fruit was indeed in reach of the small piglet who was now sitting on his bar top looking at him innocently. The demon cat swiftly moved them out of reach before lancing the small pink spotted pig a firm gaze as lithe, pink furred boyfriend had left. Angel had picked up his case and was walking away talking to Charlie and the girls telling them about some of what happened while he was outside the hotel.

"Let me guess. You want your usual.." Husk spoke in a drawling tone to the piglet who snorted, wagging his tail at his pseudo-dad then patted the grey furred hand nearest him with one dainty hoof as his snout crinkled sweetly. "Hmh. Fine.. Seeing as how it's you.." A rare genuine smile curved Husk's mouth as he scratched the piglet's ear and began fixing the piglet a snack and a small bowl to drink from..

The cat demon then watched the happy piglet chomp away at the fruit snack gleefully as he leaned back and opened a bottle of cheap booze. He could wait until his boyfriend was in sight to fix his whiskey mixer, there was no hurry. It seemed things were getting back to normal inside this dismal hotel..

"Husker my good friend." The unmistakable southern drawl of the Radio Demon made him choke on his current mouthful and cough. His eyes bulging momentarily s Alastor appeared out of static in front of his bar grinning hugely. "I can't tell you how much I have missed that charming smile and winning personality. This place has been very lonesome indeed.." His fingers had stretched out to force the demon cat's expression into a wide but painful smile which sagged back into a deadpan look as soon as he let go once more.

"You trying to give me heart failure asshole?" Husk scowled after thickly swallowing his mouthful.

"Hoho, as if I should be so lucky.." Alastor replied brightly keeping the detached grin squarely on his face. "I trust you have heard the ridiculous nonsense the Princess has been spouting about us." He added with a somewhat nasty momentary flash of radio dials in his red eyes.

"Give her a break, will you? She's a good kid she didn't mean nothing by it." Husk shrugged unconcerned and making the Radio Demon hum thoughtfully at his words, considering them carefully. "You'll just make her think she's right the longer you take umbrage anyway." The demon cat added with a slight smirk fixing the Radio Demon a drink and placing it in front of him.

"Alright, you've made your point." Alastor sounded as if he were conceding to his reasoning and accepted the drink, necking it in one easily. "I shall let her off easy, this time.." He stood up quickly with both hans behind his back and his words made Husk roll his yellow eyes. This was a typical response to anything he suggested.

"Before you go, did anyone check in on Baxter while I was away?" The demon cat added curiously, his mind suddenly remembering their reclusive patron that was usually so caught up in his own work that he often forgot he was staying with other beings in the building.

"Hmmm, can't say I have but I suppose I can check in with the girls after opening communication with them.." Alastor hummed then began walking off with a marry bounce in his step.

"I can guess the response." The demon cat shook his head wearily before spotting his younger boyfriend finally making his way back from putting his case up in their currently shared room.

"Hey Al, didja miss me?" The effeminate spider cooed playfully with the Radio Demon as he passed and this made Husk snort and roll his eyes, shaking his head as it was easy to predict Alastor's response before it came.

"Hah! No! Can't say I did Angel.." He responded callously and humming an upbeat tune as he walked on. This in turn made Angel scowl back then snort in some irritation.

"Fuckin' jagoff, didn't miss ya either then.." The effeminate spider huffed before sighing then approaching the bar and the sight of his grizzled older partner and his small piglet was enough to make the smile return, "Hey mi amore, room for one more?" His words made Husk give a side glance down the completely empty bar before his eyes returned to his boyfriend and he flashed a wolfish smirk.

"Hmm, I dunno. Is there.." He added in a jesting tone leaning both elbows on his side of the bar and his chin in both hands.

"Heh, ya always like t'fuck with me, huh?" Angel chuckled lightly as he sat down in his usual spot directly opposite his boyfriend.

"Your an easy fuck." Husk responded deliberately, knowing how this would be taken as soon as his effeminate boyfriend gave a little intake of breath at his words. Immediately one lithe hand reached over and seized his red bow-tie and pulled him sharply across the bar. This forced him to let go of his own face and grip his edge of the bar but he didn't resist the pull, feeling two more of his boyfriends hands stroke his white furred face.

"If our baby weren't here I would show ya just how right ya are about that.." Angel then kissed his man squarely on the lips, elated that things were finally back to how they should be inside the Hazbin Hotel...

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