Rabbit Heart - Merlin Fanfict...

By AlanaLeFay

30.2K 754 461

"This is a gift - it comes with a price, Who is the lamb? Who is the knife?" When Morgana departs to recruit... More

Its Just A Day Like Any Other Day
A Beautiful Day for an Accident Lets Say
Revelations in the Light of Day
The Secret Sharer
Daydream in Blue
Oppertunity Knocks
Unexpected Arrival
When things come crashing down
Traitors hide
Turning Tables
Forest Walks
Little Talks
Things you don't want to hear
To See It All
The Raven
A Physician and his Apprentice
The Note
The stranger
Second Chances
Druids Talk
Caught Out
If Walls Could Speak
Spring cleaning
Four Poster Beds
Band of Brothers
Only if for a Night
Morning Glory
Sitting. Waiting. Wishing.
Figure of speech
A note from the Author
You're a Hard Soul to Save
Forest Floor
I Thought You Ought to Know
A Dinner Date of Sorts
As one door closes
At The Waters Edge
Eye Witness
Dog Days
The God Complex
Front Line
What The Water Gave Me
Never Let Me Go
Going Under
The Other Side
You've changed
The Deepest Depths
The End

Into the Darkness

364 11 4
By AlanaLeFay

Elaine and Gwen descend the stairs, still joined by the arm chatting mindlessly. They pass other servants and nobles along the way. Elaine is oblivious to their gawking as she passes them by, so captivated by Gwen and her stories.

"I could listen to you all day" Elaine says, wides eyed as Gwen finishes off her story about the time Arthur pretended to be a servant.
"I'm surprised he lasted a day!" Elaine adds surprised her brother would go to such measures to test his Knights.

They reach the courtyard and come to a halt at the foot of the stone stairs that lead up to the main entrance.
"I'm afraid I can't accompany you on your wall milady"
"Call me Elaine - please - I don't quite think I suit the role of being Camelot's ward" she says looking up at the castle whose spires pierce the sky. Elaine watches as the fluffy clouds breeze by lazily over head making it seem as if the castle was swaying.
"Elaine then" Gwen answers, and the young girl looks down at the mention of her name.
"It's quite alright Gwen - I wouldn't expect you to follow me everywhere anyway - Id drive you mad. You need the peace" she winks playfully at her servant.
"No peace for me I'm afraid - I've got errands to run"
Elaine shakes her head - "Skip the errands, take a break, relax! Say that I kept you hostage in my chamber"
Gwen wrinkles her nose at the idea, and Elaine frowns trying to read her thoughts.
"It's not a good idea is it?"
Gwen shakes her head.
"I've spent too much time listing to Morgana's crazy plans haven't I" she asks.
Gwen nods - "'nice try though," she says placing her hand on Elaine's arm, "the thought was there and that's the main thing".

"I guess you are right" she sighs somewhat defeated, "but I still don't want you working too hard!"
"You just try and stop me" Gwen laughs, already turning away to go and start her next chore. Elaine is left standing in the courtyard astounded by her handmaidens work ethic.
"Rather you than me" she mumbles as she turns and heads towards the castles stables. A few moments later she is speedily crossing over the wooden drawbridge, leaving the sound of thundering hooves in her wake.

Elaine heads into the forest, a place where she feels quite a home. Her horse moves with ease along the path through the forest, Elaine's new cloak flapping gently by her side. It was a warm summers day with a cool breeze and so she decided to head off from the path to escape from the chilling wind. The forest is full of life. Birds sing in the trees and occasionally glide from one branch up into the molten blue sky. Bright white and purple flowers grow in clumps dotted all over the forest floor. It was truly beautiful.

They seem to delve deeper and deeper into Camelot's hidden Kingdom. Passing through meadows and forests. Elaine takes in the stunning views and notes all the villages she seems scattered with in the rugged landscapes. They were probably something she should ask Gaius about - she thought to herself, he seemed to know the land like the back of his hand.

Upon entering another forest, Elaine dismounts and let's her horse take a well earned break by a stream. She looks around inspecting ruins but notes the absence of bird song. She stands still next to a large tree, the silence seemed deafening, she scans the perimeter but nothing moves. She looks to her horse, whose ears are pricked.

Suddenly a branch snaps underfoot and her horse bolts. Elaine is left alone and she knows there is nothing she can do to bring it back. She looks around again, quicker this time - unwilling to be caught out. Nothing. She closes her eyes.
"It'll be fine" she tells herself but something tells her it won't be the case.

She opens her eyes and she sees a figure move from the corner of her eye. She has to hide. She begins to run in the opposite direction, more more dark figures begin to emerge from behind the trees. The sound of her heart pounding fills her ears, but it doesn't drown out the deafening cracks of branches and twigs and dying leaves underfoot. They were close.

She runs over a ridge and noticed an entrance to a cave. She doesn't want to face whatever fearsome beast that my lurk within its depths but it surely couldn't be as bad as being captured again. Without a second though she scrambles down the ledge and dives into the large cave mouth.

She turns around to see if her followers are on her tail but there is nothing but darkness.

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