|Red ➼ Fred Weasley|

Por yoongicated

49.8K 1.5K 2.9K

❝You know, you should dye your hair red.❞ ❝Er... why?❞ ❝So it'll match that fiery personality of yours.❞ ❝Or... Más

└─»i n t r o d u c t i o n
└───»p a r t : 1
└────» p r o l o g u e
➼chapter 1; letters and freckles
➼chapter 2; tickets and squeals
➼chapter 3; floo powder and snow globes
➼chapter 4; trekking and tripping
➼ chapter 5; flustered and flirting
➼chapter 6; quidditch and visions
➼chapter 7; figures and fires
➼chapter 8; dark marks and dragon scars
➼chapter 9; dominos and ponytails
➼chapter 10; train rides and water balloons
➼chapter 11; mad-eyes and tournaments
➼chapter 12; schedules and predictions
➼chapter 13; curses and dark forces
➼chapter 14; quiet whispers and late-night snacks
➼chapter 15; red hair and mood rings
➼chapter 16; charms and lockets
➼chapter 18; beaubaxtons and durmstrang
➼chapter 19; goblets and surprises
➼chapter 20; seers and uncertainties
➼chapter 21; libel badges and hard hits
➼chapter 22; detentions and lessons
➼chapter 23; articles and bookstores
➼chapter 24; stupid books and suspicious sources
➼chapter 25; fiery dragons and orange peels
➼chapter 26; chaotic parties and moon globes
➼chapter 27; announcements and excitement
➼chapter 28; broken hearts and ball dates
➼chapter 29; swans and lions
➼chapter 30; sparkling and dazzling
➼chapter 31; formal dances and missed chances
➼chapter 32; black lakes and golden eggs
➼author's note :)

➼chapter 17; handstands and hazy signs

1.1K 34 130
Por yoongicated


Serena was right to fully enjoy her birthday without any worry of homework and classes because the next few weeks were going to be hell. And they certainly were.

Serena's free periods were nothing like the relaxing hours she anticipated. Instead, Ramona had forced her and Magnolia to spend them in the library in a lame attempt to keep up with the vast amount of homework they were given. Once Serena and Magnolia finally realised Ramona's constant pressuring for them to study was actually necessary, they followed her to the library willing, studying as if they had exams every single day.

Lessons were more demanding than ever. In Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall had the students read three different text books on everything related to non-verbal spells, with at least six pieces of parchment of notes to turn in. Hagrid had the sixth years attempt to offer Knarls a bowl of milk, despite the fact that they are lactose intolerant and have the nasty tendency the attack anyone that offers them food.

They had to research Venomous Tentaculas in Herbology, and Serena had the pleasure of being that one student nearly strangled to death by its vines. She took full advantage of Professor Sprout's leniency on swearing, using every curse word she could think of when she saw a strand of her curly brown hair wrapped around one of its vines.

N.E.W.T Potions was absolutely dreadful; Serena was tasked with brewing a potion for a dreamless sleep that would be in effect for exactly five minutes. Ideally, when they test it out on their partners, they would only be asleep for those few minutes. So when Serena gave a small vile of her potion to Ramona, the poor girl was convinced she had killed her best friend because she would not wake up for the rest of class.

Serena made an even bigger fool of herself in Charms class. Professor Flitwick assigned each student to test out the Bubble-Head Charm on a partners, which just so happened to be Fred. Rather than cast a bubble around his head, Serena dowsed him in water instead. Not once, not twice, but three times. Though Serena would never admit it to another soul as long as she was still alive, she did enjoy seeing Fred shake the water out of his long red hair. Just a little.

"I think your aim was only slightly off on that one, Mallard."

"Oh, shut it, Weasley."

Defense Against the Dark Arts was steadily getting more and more difficult. Moody gave them so much work Serena was beginning to wonder why she was excited for the class in the first place.  In one particular lesson, Moody announced that he would be putting all of them under the Imperius Curse, clearing all of the desks in the classroom with a flick of his wand.

"But - but you said it's illegal, Professor," Ramona said uncertainly. "You said - to use it against another human was -"

Moody's magical eye swirled in its socket until it landed on an uncomfortable-looking Ramona. "Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like. If you'd rather learn the hard way - when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely - fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."

Ramona went pink as he pointed toward the classroom door, but remained where she stood. Magnolia and Serena knew she'd rather take triple potions then miss this lesson.

Moody began calling students up to the middle of the room, and Serena watched in amazement as her classmates did the most bizarre things. Hufflepuff Haruka Endoh did a handstand on a desk, while Slytherin Terence Higgs imitated a chicken. Ramona did something she never in her right mind would have done: ripped her homework. Snape's essay, McGonagall's worksheets, Trelawney's prediction charts, everything torn into a million pieces, fluttering to the floor like snow. When she finally came to, the look of absolute horror on her face was so funny Serena, Magnolia and the twins burst out laughing.

Whether Fred and George even tried resisting the Imperius Curse was unclear, as they naturally hopped around on one leg, belting out the national anthem. Magnolia barely put up a fight when she was called, so easily coerced into front flipping around the classroom, something she'd never have done before.

And then it was Serena's turn. Moody pointed a gnarled finger at the girl, and she walked forward. He didn't waste a second, aiming his wand right at Serena before shouting, "Imperio!"

It was the most delightful sensation in the world. Serena felt as if she was floating on a puffy cloud, every single worry and thought vanished from her mind, leaving nothing but a hazy happiness. Her ring turned a dark blue as she was the most relaxed she'd been in her entire life.

She then heard a voice in the distant corner of her mind, a voice that sounded just like Moody:

Stand on your hands.... Stand on your hands.

Serena had stretched her arms, ready to stand on her hands when another voice spoke, one that sounded like herself. Okay... but why would I do that?

Stand on your hands.

No, I think I'm good. Don't really feel like it.

Stand on your hands!

I don't take orders from others, sorry.


The next thing Serena felt was her head crashing into the floor. Neither Moody or Serena had come out on top in their internal struggle for power, as the girl successfully lifted herself up in the air. However, as soon as her feet left the ground, her mind took control over her actions once more. Serena was so desperate to return her feet to the ground that her elbows buckled and she ended up with her head pounding, body slumped against the ground.

"Now, that's more like it!" Moody growled. "Look at that, you lot... Mallard fought! She fought it, and she damn near beat it!"

Fred went over to help Serena up, the worried glint in his eyes contrasted his playful smile. "Alright there, Mallard?"

"Never better, Weasley," she groaned as he effortlessly lifted her up, rubbing a particularly painful spot on her head. 

"We'll try that again, Mallard, and the rest of you, pay attention - watch her eyes, that's where you see it - very good, Mallard, very good indeed! They'll have trouble controlling you!"

"It's the way he talks for me," Serena mumbled as she limped out of Defense Against the Dark Arts an hour later, exhausted after Moody put her through her paces until she could throw off the curse completely, "you'd think we were all going to be attacked any second."

"Talk about paranoid," Magnolia mumbled.

When the trio walked into the Great Hall for dinner, Ramona gently planted Serena down at the Hufflepuff table, scanning her head for any signs of bruising. "Serena... are you sure you're alright? Do you feel dizzy? Do you need to do to the Hospital Wing?"

Serena gave the worried girl a cheeky smile. "I'm fine, mother. No need to fret."

After they finished their meal, the three girls made it back into the entrance hall, but were unable to walk any further due to the large crowd of students gathered around a sign at the foot of the marble staircase. Serena and Magnolia, because of their height, had no problem reading. Poor Ramona had to ask for one of them to read it out loud, as she was much too short to see it herself.


"Brilliant!" Serena said. "It's Charms last thing on Friday!"

"What's wrong with Charms?" Ramona asked.

"Let's just I'm not the best with Bubble-Head Charms..." Magnolia snickered at Serena before turning back to the sign.


"Only a week away!" Hufflepuff Ernie Macmillan said, eyes gleaming in excitement. "I wonder if Cedric knows? Think I'll go and tell him. . . ."

"Pretty Boy Diggory's trying out for the tournament?" Magnolia asked as she and Serena both turned to look at Ramona.

Serena grinned. "How's that boyfriend of yours, anyway?" "

Ramona rolled her eyes, and hurriedly pulled the two out of the crowd to a secluded corner. She was fidgeting with  her fingers, a frown evident on her face. "I really don't want Cedric joining the tournament. I told him so, but I can't talk him out of it. He kept telling me not to worry."

Magnolia leaned against the wall on her right. "Why would you talk him out of it, anyway? I'd totally join if I was of age."

Ramona snapped her head up, eyes flashing. "Because, Nolie, people have died! This tournament isn't sunshine and rainbows! It's dangerous. Do you two get that?"

Magnolia stood up straight. "Of course we do, Mona."

"No, you don't! Since you lot still want to join!"

"Wait a minute." Serena said. "You knew I was planning to put my name in a while ago and you didn't protest at all. In fact, you wished me luck. Why are you so against it all of a sudden?"

"Well, I had a strong sense that you weren't going to be chosen. you'd get chosen then. Serena pouted as Ramona continued. "But that's besides the point."

Magnolia stared intently at the shorter girl. "Then what is the point?"

"The point is why are you so willing to put yourself in danger?" Ramona ran a frustrated hand through her auburn hair. "Even after I've told you how I felt about the tournament, you still want to do it!"

Serena was slightly taken aback by the Hufflepuff's reaction. Ramona wasn't the type to get angry. She always had a smile on her face, and seeing her so... mad was a little disconcerting. "You aren't talking about us... are you?" The Gryffindor hesitantly asked.

Ramona looked up at her friends, eyes slightly wide in realisation. "I... I guess not."

"You were talking about Cedric, and took your frustrations out on us." Magnolia said, piecing everything together. She wasn't hurt by Ramona, and just merely stated what had happened, though Ramona instantly felt bad.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! It's just... been bothering me lately." She sighed, looking down at her feet. "When you told me you were putting your name in, Serena, I didn't feel anything. But when Cedric told me... I felt like it was the wrong thing to do."

Serena and Magnolia shared a glance before the latter asked, "What do you mean?"

"With Cedric... I had this... image in my head." Seeing their muddled expressions, Ramona attempted to elaborate. "I... I can't really explain it, but I sort of pictured him as the Hogwarts Champion. It was hazy, barely there, but I still knew that's what was going to happen. But it isn't a good thing at all."

Serena squinted her eyes at the shorter girl. "You mean, you had another vision? Like the one you had at the World Cup?"

Ramona nodded. "Still, how in the world could you possibly know that for sure?" Magnolia said.

"I don't know, but if there's one place in this school that'll answer those questions, it'll be the library. I'll see you guys later." And with that, Ramona turned around and disappeared through the crowd. Serena and Magnolia, still clearly confused by their friend's behaviour, shared a glance that seemed to say, "We'll corner her another day," and went their separate ways to their own towers.


Author's note:

Hey lovelies! I am back . Let me just apologize for not updating, I've been really busy :(.

Anyhoo, this chapter was originally going to be much, much longer, but I decided to cut it in half, just in case I accidentally feel asleep before I had a chance to post it! (it's rather late right now hehe).

But I am terribly sorry for the wait, and I greatly appreciate your patience! The next chapter shall be up much sooner! 

With lots of love,


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