Divinedimension Plutia The Mi...

By WrittenBravado

67 0 2

The CPU Shift Period is coming and preparations are made accordingly. Out on a quest, the four goddesses of G... More

Planet 1: Convolution
Planet 2: Unhinged
Plan#$ 3: #r$un%&@
!lan@# 5: @hil$%&?d
Planet 6: Intention
?(a&#% 7: $(&rage
Planet 8: Immaculate
*&!@#% 9: @!#@%&(#)%@!
Planet 10: Paragon
)(!&#%: !? *&%#^$*%^
Planet 12: Sublime
P(an#t 13: Pa%i#n$#
Planet 14: Ethereal
Planet 15: Da&^r$@k
Planet 16: Star-crossed
Planet 17: Nightfall
Bonus Planet 1: Lovelight

Planet 4: Aggression

2 0 0
By WrittenBravado

Histoire hovered out of a room and into the throne room. She sighed and looked at a document she held in her hands.

"It simply does not make sense." Histoire complained. "Where does Neptune draw so many shares? It has been an established fact that no CPU is able to survive without at least 30% shares, however it's as if Neptune draws shares from another country, as she only ever held 15% of Gamindustri's shares at best. Not only that, but how had Nepgear been created if Neptune never scored high shares? A mystery that's never been solved ever since Neptune survived her first shift period..."

"Why the long face Histoire?" A voice asked behind her.

Histoire quickly turned around to see Rei step forward using a long white mechanical staff as a walking stick and smiling evily with low eyes.

"Rei?!" Histoire asked. "I- but how? Impossible, but Arfoire... the four legendary heroes..."

"Did you really think I would die to those losers?!" Rei asked. "I just came back, and now I'll take back what's rightfully mine!"

"No! You- Rei, you've been consumed by Steal energy, please come to your senses!"

"Hahaha, how simple minded of you. "Oh Share energy is good and Steal energy is bad, anyone who uses Steal energy is corrupted." No Histoire! Steal energy shows you the truth, and only the truth!" Rei yelled.

"The truth? What do you mean?"

"The truth is that you're a failure!" Rei said as she raised her staff in the air.

Histoire quickly raised her hands and shot a rainbow beam of light from them cutting Rei's staff in half. Rei then threw the piece she held at Histoire who tried to block it, but the impact forced her off her book and onto the ground.

"Ack! Rei, I beg you, you are not thinking straight. Please take the time to-"

"Shut it!" Rei screamed. "That's all I hear, Rei this, Rei that, I don't care anymore! I'm doing what I want and what I think! Screw everyone else, I'm the goddess here!"

"You were never like this, you held reason. This wasn't you, what happened?" Histoire asked.

A bright light engulfed Rei and replacing her was a crying girl with bright blue hair and red eyes. She sniffed as she wiped her tears as she was strapped to a large metal board with blue asteroid belt-like rings above at the top.

"You happened Histoire, How could you have left me?" The girl asked with a tiny voice. "I never left your side, but you gave up hope on me."

"Mercury?!" Histoire asked. "That- that's not true, I remember sitting by your side on the bed until your last breath. I remember so distinctly, I never left you."

"CPUs don't die as fast as humans do, you buried me too early. It was dark Histoire, so dark and cold. I cried for hours, but you never came."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, how would I have known?" Histoire asked. "There were no indications of life, all signs lead us to believe you were dead."

"That wasn't the only thing you didn't know Histoire." A voice said behind her.

Histoire quickly turned around to see a girl with black hair and red highlights on random lines of hair. She wore headphones and clothes with the same black and red aesthetic as her hair. Her boots were black and red, her skirt, her vest, and her gloves. She had red eyes, much like Mercury.

"Venus..." Histoire said quietly. "*Ahem* This must be a dream, an illusion. Someone must be attempting to strike fear or doubt in my heart."

"What are you talking about?" Venus asked. "I found the secret to immortality, remember our plans?"

"Yes, well, I did confirm that it was impossible. Perhaps you have been fooled."

"No no no, I mailed it to you and everything. Come on, let's go back into your little library, I'll show you."


Histoire turned around to see that Mercury disappeared. She sighed and looked back at Venus.

"Most definitely a dream..." Histoire whispered. "Very well, enlighten me."

Histoire climbed back onto her book and levitated off the ground. Venus led Histoire into the room she had just left. All the walls had long and tall bookshelves and a little desk sat in the middle with pens and stacks of papers. Venus took a letter out from under a stack of documents and showed Histoire.

"This letter, you've read it right? My last letter to you?" Venus asked.

"Yes, I have always treasured it. What about it?"

"The recipe on the back, you never tried it have you?"

"No, it was simply too expensive and dangerous. Triple A batteries? 100 grams of Dogoo gel? I'm sorry Venus, your creativity and innovation had led to truly spectacular things, but the recipe had gone too far."

"But it's the secret to living forever." Venus said.

"I can not believe that, do you hold proof?" Histoire asked.

"Sure, I'm proof. And so was Neptune."

Histoire stared at Venus and squinted her eyes.

"If you were alive for all this time and you held this knowledge, why have you not shared it with the world? At the very least, why have you not come back and spoke with me?" Histoire asked.

Venus stared at Histoire then dipped her head and looked down.

"You know why. I don't like people and I... I'm sorry, but I never liked you either."

Histoire widened her eyes in shock, then relaxed them and gave Venus a sad expression.

"Yes... I am aware. You've never liked many people... however this was for the good of mankind. No, this is a dream. How else would Mercury so strangely disappear? How coincidental is it that you, Rei, and Mercury appear to me at the same time?"

"Believe what you want Histoire, I'm leaving. But Neptune... she disappeared without a trace did she not? Does this feel like a dream?"

Venus turned around and left. Histoire stared at her leave, then looked at her hands to see them as perfectly normal.

"Am I... truly not dreaming? Mercury..."

Just then a blonde girl with a black cowboy hat busted through the door. She wore a ripped up leather jacket, a red skirt, and thigh high cowgirl boots.

"Oh sh- Sorry about that!" The girl yelled.

Histoire stared at her and sighed.

"Of course you'd be next... If you're here, then Mars is sure to follow."

Another blonde girl with smoother hair walked through the broken doorway. She wore a black trench coat with pink outlining and black shorts.

"Now this is certainly a dream, how would you be alive and here? I witnessed your gruesome death, nothing could have survived what happened to you." Histoire said.

Mars tapped on her forehead in a strange pattern as if entering a password into a number pad. Her face then opened up revealing computer parts, wires, and other robotic components.

"*Sigh* More excuses, more ways to make me doubt myself." Histoire said. "In any case, how may I be of service?"

"I'm here for the current goddess, where is she?" Mars asked.

"Either in the bed room, or the Basilicom gym." Histoire said.

"Thank you. Game Gear, come with me."

The first blonde girl rose to her feet and her blue eyes shifted into crimson eyes and her smile quickly turned into a stoic frown.

"Sure." The girl said.

The two girls left Histoire's office. Histoire sighed and rested herself on her desk.

"What a strange dream this is... if this even is a dream. A recipe for immortality? CPU's extended death time? Mars' return as a robot? This ruins everything I've ever recorded on the goddesses. When could Mars transfer her consciousness? Did nobody recognize Venus? There is absolutely no way this is reality."

Histoire slid off her book and flipped through the pages. She was about to go through the chapters, but then she heard a noise coming from outside.

"If we are following the pattern of past goddesses making appearances in my dream, I suspect that it's Jupiter outside." Histoire said. "*Sigh* Very well, I shall greet her."

Histoire hovered outside and looked to her left at the elevator door. A large old woman with long grey hair and completely white eyes limped forward to Histoire. She wore large black shoulder pads, black armoured boots, an armoured skirt, and an armoured top all decorated in gold. A large long red cape followed behind her and a blue core in the middle of her chest sparked electricity.

"Oouuraaaarrgghhh." The old woman said as she limped forward more and reached out her arm to Histoire.

"Ju- Jupiter?" Histoire asked.


Jupiter stumbled, then fell onto the floor. More electricity sparked from the core in her chest and the elevator doors opened.

"Not again..." A woman said from inside the elevator.

Histoire looked up to see a woman wearing a pure white long vest with pink outlines and matching white sleeves. She wore a black mini skirt underneath the vest with matching black boots that held red S pins on them. The same S pin was on a large oversized ring that rested on her shoulders around her neck. She had large black twintails much like Noire and Uni, however they were incredibly smooth and shaped in a way to look like upside down water drops. Strangely, her right eye was blue and her left eye was green.

The woman rushed over to Jupiter's side and turned her over. She pressed some buttons on the core on Jupiter's chest and pressed down on it shutting it off. Jupiter then tilted her head and looked like she fell asleep.

"Always so noble, wasn't she Histoire?" The woman asked.

"What is this?" Histoire asked.

"Come again?"

"What is all of this?!" Histoire asked angrily. "Where did you two come from?! What is the meaning of this?! Was this nightmare supposed to be frightening or simply make me uneasy?! If this is not a dream, why am I seeing dead people?! Saturn! I demand an explanation!"

Saturn stared at Histoire uncomfortably as she raised Jupiter up by lifting her from under her arms.

"I... I don't know what you mean, do you not remember? There was a big ceremony and everything, you were there."

"No, no I was not! What ceremony?! For what?! Why are you here Saturn?! You died proclaiming that you would honour Planeptune just as Jupiter had, by not fearing death and giving the next goddess a clean slate. A clean slate, which you meant by a nation not tainted by your old ideologies and values. Is that not what you said?! Was that not engraved on your tombstone in Gamindustri Graveyard?!"

Saturn looked more uncomfortable.

"Is everything ok Histoire?" Saturn asked.

Histoire sighed and held her head.

"No Saturn, but thank you for asking. I apologize for my outburst, but I believe that you both had died. Have I somehow transported into another timeline where none of Planeptune's goddesses truly died?"

"No, I believe Mercury, Venus, and Mars had all died."

"Then who were the people in the throne room and in my office just now?"

"I don't know, I was in the basement with Jupiter."

"Basement... basement... what were you two doing in the basement?" Histoire asked.

"Don't you remember? When I retired from being the goddess, I accepted the job to watch over Jupiter and give her maintenance every once in a while."

"And what was Jupiter doing in the basement?"

"Don't tell me you got amnesia like Neptune, Jupiter gave her remaining years after retirement to use her body and power Planeptune. She's getting old, but she provided enough power to last Planeptune a lifetime."

Histoire placed her finger on her chin and started to think. She closed her eyes and stood there in front of Saturn.

"Uhm, Histoire?" Saturn asked.

After a moment, Histoire clenched her fists and shook them in front of her.

"This is all happening too fast!" Histoire yelled. "Why have I not woken up from my dream yet?! This changes everything! I have to change my historical records, while at the same time record what's happening with Planeptune's current goddess... wait, have you met the new goddess? Pluta, or Lady Iris Heart?"

"I've seen Ambience walking around with a little girl in her pajamas, is that her?" Saturn asked.

"Mmh I see, I need some time. I apologize if I caused any distress, but you may go do... whatever it is that you normally do."

"Be careful Histoire, I'm a bit worried about you." Saturn said.

"Yes, thank you."

Saturn lifted Jupiter up and brought her into the elevator.

"One moment, where is Ambience right now?" Histoire asked.

"She said she was gonna go to the Basilicom gym."

"Right, she did say that... Thank you."

Saturn nodded, then pressed a button. The elevator doors closed and Histoire hovered to the round table. She closed her eyes and shook her fists around, clearly upset. She then slammed her hands on the book she was on.

"Wake up, I must wake up."

Histoire pinched herself, felt the pain, but didn't wake up. She looked at her hands, and saw that they were completely fine.

"Ah, wait, I could speak to Blanc!" Histoire said. "She must hold the answers, she must."

Histoire tapped on her watch and a picture of Rom and Ram posing for a picture appeared on it. Then, a holographic form of Blanc brushing her teeth in her blue pajamas appeared behind one of the chairs of the round table. The chair lowered itself as Blanc spit into a sink.

"Mornin." Blanc greeted.

"Ah- if you are busy, we could discuss about this later-"

"If you call, I'll answer. What's the problem?" Blanc asked.

"Right, thank you. Tell me, do you recall what happened to Mercury?" Histoire asked.

"She died during her Shift period. I buried her body."

"Right, you did. And Venus?" Histoire asked.

"She retired, then she died and I buried her body."

"She did not- it was her body, you checked correct?" Histoire asked.

"Mmhm, DNA check and everything. It was her."

"Ok... and Jupiter?"

"She wanted to be buried in Planeptune soil and by Planeptune hands. I'm pretty sure her royal guard buried her, I watched it happen."

"And Saturn?"

"Same thing. Any reason why we're reviewing history like highschoolers?" Blanc asked.

"If Saturn was buried... *Ahem* excuse me."

Histoire tapped on her watch and a speaker icon appeared on it.

"Could Saturn please come up to the round table in the Basilicom throne room please? Saturn, could you please come up to the throne room?" Histoire asked into her watch.

She released her fingers from her watch and saw Blanc staring at her.

"What's going on." Blanc asked in a more serious tone.

"I was hoping you would know." Histoire said.

The elevator doors opened and Saturn walked over to the round table staring at Blanc's hologram.

"Did you call for me Histoire?" Saturn asked.

"Yes, please stand here with me in front of Lady White Heart."

Saturn stared at Histoire, then walked over to her and stood in front of Blanc. Blanc stared at Saturn, then looked at Histoire, then back at Saturn.

"Alright, the fuck is happening?" Blanc asked.

"I... I beg your pardon?" Saturn asked.

"The fuck are you doing here? I helped bury you 6 feet underground, I saw you die, why are you here?"

"Uhm... I feel offended for some reason, are you being rude to me?"

"No, I'm asking for answers."

"Well I don't remember dying. I remember retiring and then working here at the Basilicom."

"I haven't seen you in years, did Neptune hide you?"

"Neptune? No, she just accepted it and didn't care."

"Hold on, if you're alive, is anyone else alive too? Uranus, how is she?"

"I dunno, I haven't seen her. Didn't she give herself up to seal The Deity of Sin?"

"Anyone else then? Jupiter?"

"She's down in the basement- ok why are you two acting like this is new information? We've been alive ever since Caelus and now we're two Shift Periods ahead of her, did the two of you get amnesia at the same time?"

"This is weird, too weird. Histoire, keep an eye on her. I'm on my way."

"Of course, stay safe Lady Blanc."

The hologram of Blanc turned off and Histoire turned to Saturn.

"Uhm, I don't have any plans on leaving the Basilicom if that's what you're gonna ask. Unless the current goddess plans on leaving toda-"

"Please remain here, I shall have a chat with you when I'm ready." Histoire said.

Histoire levitated off the table and hovered over to the elevator. She stared at the buttons, then tapped on the basement. She shook a little bit and held herself as she went down, but gulped and kept a determined face as she exited the elevator and hovered through a hallway.

Everything was black with neon blue outlines that looked like power and wires. Colours flowed through them as Histoire entered into the main room. A large tube with wires and pipes coming out and sticking inside of it was in the middle. Histoire saw Jupiter inside with her eyes closed and a monitor showing her heart rate. Behind her was a large device that looked like it was physically pumping electricity into the city as the large cylinders went up and down.

"I see... the physical appearance of this area had changed. Not drastically, enough to question your memory and... and..."

Histoire stared at Jupiter, then turned around.

"Thank you Jupiter, I promise I will find a way to fix this world and free you of your cage. Please, hold on."

Histoire re-entered the elevator and tapped on the third floor button. She came up and entered the white hallway with purple corners. She then faced a room with a sign on it that said "Gym" and went inside.

She hovered over a green floor and looked over to her left after passing a corner. She saw Ambience lying on her back on a bench lifting up weights. Beside her was Plutia who slept quietly with a smile on her face on top of a large teddy bear hugging a Histoire doll.

Histoire hovered over to her passing by various different gym machines and workout equipment and a tv that was attached to the ceiling showing an orange haired green eyed girl reporting the news.

"Pardon me Ambience, may we have a chat?" Histoire asked.

Ambience lifted her barbell onto the hooks and took a deep breath. She wore a purple tank top and sat up straight to face Histoire.

"Ah, good morning. Slept well? I sure didn't. Two nights in a row is strange, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. At least I hope so." Ambience said.

"Yes, well, if I must be honest, it doesn't feel like I slept at all." Histoire said. "I don't... remember falling asleep. How odd."

"Sounds like you had the problem I did two days ago, did you see a big purple thing with four arms and three eyes?"

"No, I believe I did not. If I may ask, has someone named Mars come up here earlier?"

"Hmm Mars? No, no I don't think so."

"I see. And Saturn, did you know Saturn worked underneath the Basilicom?"

"Yeah, Saturn's been working here for a long time, longer than I have. Still don't know why Captain chose me as the next captain instead of her, but I'll trust her judgement."

"So... Saturn was real... but Mars wasn't?"

"Hehe, I know right? Saturn never comes up, sometimes I wonder if all my conversations with her were all dreams."

"This is no time to be making jokes!" Histoire exclaimed.

Ambience stared at Histoire and pulled her head back a bit. Histoire sighed and looked at Ambience with a sad expression.

"My apologies, this morning was simply... difficult." Histoire said.

"Don't worry about it, I'm more worried when Elita gets mad. Like, actually mad. Not the cute funny mad, real life serious mad."

"Elita... wait, Ambience."


Histoire stared at Ambience with a serious expression and Ambience stared back in confusion.

"Who... is the most recent Planeptune goddess?" Histoire asked.

"You mean Plums right here? She's adorable and I love her." Ambience said with a smile.

"Plums... Plutia... who is Planeptune's second most recent goddess?" Histoire asked.


"And the goddess before the goddess before her?"

"Uh... Saturn, right?"

Histoire squinted her eyes at Ambience and sighed.

"I must be losing my mind. Ambience, you do not nickname everyone do you?"

"Now that you mention it, you're right I didn't give Saturn or Jupiter nicknames. Huh, I didn't realize that."

"I will leave that decision to you. For now, please escort Lady Plutia to an Ancient Dragon to prove herself as a goddess."

"Hmmmmmm?" Plutia asked slowly rising from her bear.

"Morning Plums, had a good sleep?" Ambience asked.

"Noooo I had an awful nightmare! It was so spooky and scary, the kitchen ran out of whipped cream!"

"Oh shit! Evangelist, remind me to check the kitchen once we get back."

"Oh wait, that was just my daydream before I went to sleep. Uhhh, I don't think I had a dream." Plutia said.

"Oh good, for a second I thought you dreamed of a prophecy for disaster."

"Jokes aside, please leave and return as quickly as possible. We have a lot of work today Ambience."

"Right, gotcha. Let's go Plums."


Ambience and Plutia headed for the change rooms. Histoire stared at Ambience and noticed large scars all over her back.

"Could that have been... Iris Heart?" Histoire whispered to herself.

Plutia sat down and hummed to herself as she rocked back and forth carrying the teddy bear and the doll. She then looked down at the doll and stared at it in shock.

"Oh nooo! I forgot to tell Histy about the dolly I made for her!" Plutia said.

"You can do that quickly, I'm gonna shower." Ambience said.


Plutia hopped off and skipped out towards Histoire who was hovering to the exit with her index finger on her chin.

"Histy! Histy! I made this!" Plutia said happily showing Histoire the doll.

"So I see. I see quite the stunning resemblance. It is very well crafted, consider me impressed." Histoire said with a smile.

"Mmhm! Every time there was a mistake, I would pop it's little head off and toss it into a fire!"

"Ah, is that right..."

Plutia smiled and nodded. Histoire sighed and looked at Plutia with a serious expression.

"It can't be a coincidence that you appeared right as the nightmares began. And right after Uzume went missing too. If my theory is correct... we're in trouble."

"What's wrong Histy? Can I help?" Plutia asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I appreciate the offer, but this is something I must discuss with others. I shall tell you the details once I have everything sorted out." Histoire said.

"Okay, but don't keep me waiting, I wanna know things too."


Ambience walked over to them wearing the clothes she had on the other day. She placed the peaked hat on Histoire which covered her entire head and she smiled.

"Ambience, is there any reason you are not wearing your hat?" Histoire asked while taking it off.

"Uhm... no reason. Keep it in my room please, I'll be going out with Plums."

"*Sigh* Of course. Do be careful out there."

"No worries."

Ambience and Plutia exited the gym and went down the elevator. They walked through the empty throne room and exited into the streets of Planeptune. Plutia smiled and looked around at the bright streets and lights all around her. She saw cars driving by, people enjoying time outside, and colourful autumn leaves sailing through the cold breeze.

Just as Ambience was about to take out her map, a white comet soared through the sky and landed right in front of her. The light faded and CPU White Heart stood up from her knees in front of them.

White Heart snapped her fingers which were covered by her large claw-like gauntlets. Her white wings and processor unit disappeared into pixels along with her large mechanical axe. She glimmered her red eyes with white power buttons in the middle of them at Ambience and Plutia.

"Sup, heard you got a promotion. Congrats Ambi, whatcha gonna do now?"

"I'm thinking of maybe buying all the drugs and drinks in existence, blowing 50% of my savings on prostitutes alone, then maybe sell my condo for-"

White Heart stared at Ambience with disapproval.

"Not funny? Fine, I'm gonna look for a decent house, save up for retirement, adopt about two kids and spend the rest of my days drinking coffee and reading the newspaper."

"You've changed a little Ambi, you look tired. Did something happen?"

"Well, I've had two rough nights in a row and Histoire has been acting up lately. I think she's looking for you. Oh, I forgot to greet you properly, good morning Reinhardt."

A bright light engulfed White Heart and Blanc smiled.

"Morning. So, is this the new goddess?"

Blanc stared at Plutia who stared at her back with a big smile.

"Yup, say hi Plums."

"Hiii Plums!" Plutia said. "I'm Plutia! I'm Planeptune's newest CPU!"

"Hmm, she seems alright. Why did Histoire hold off the meeting and greeting yesterday?"

"It's cause she's... scary when she transforms."

"Scary huh? Scarier than me?" Blanc asked with a prideful glimmer.


Blanc nearly shook with surprise as she looked at Plutia again.

"Scarier than me huh... alright Ambi, I'll believe you for now. I'm Blanc by the way. Once you beat the Ancient Dragon, we can talk about you joining The Sweethearts."

"The Sweet... hearts? Is that like a type of sweet? Wow, I didn't know tasty treats were so violent."

"I like her already." Blanc said with a smile. "I was worried for a second when Uni told me to not go to the Basilicom, but I think we're gonna get along."

"Eeeeeehhhhhh don't count on it. Anyways, we'll be going now see ya."

"Smell ya later."

Plutia hopped down the stairs and looked back seeing Blanc smile at her, then enter the Basilicom. She smiled as she reached the bottom of the stairs beside Ambience.

"Ambi, who was that?" Plutia asked. "She was cute! I hope we can be friends."

"She's CPU White Heart. Lowee's CPU and she's almost as old as her nation itself. She's the only goddess to have survived every single shift period. In terms of pure muscle strength, she hasn't been beaten by anyone."

"Wooooowwww, so she's a grandma?"

"I mean I don't think she has any kids. Not any that I've been told about at least."

Ambience flipped open a map from her pocket and led them towards the city borders.

"We'll go to Virtua Forest and find the Ancient Dragon there. Apparently a lot of them like to live around that area during this time of year, probably cause it's warmer down south and Leanbox is too far away. Or the massive amounts of anti air turrets Leanbox has."

Plutia yawned and struggled to keep up with Ambience.

"You're slowing down my brain..." Plutia complained. "I can't catch up, and nothing you say is very interesting..."

"Haha, sounds like something Neptune would say."

"Ambi! There you are! What happened to Neptune, where is she?!" A half robotic half human voice asked.

Ambience turned to it's direction to see an idol girl with long blue hair and magenta eyes with white spiky wave lines in them. She wore a headset with two long antennae on each ear. Her clothes were all black with a few white spots from her skirt, to her gloves, to her bra. However her belt was black and magenta and she had a music note tattoo right above it.

"Hey Bifrost. Aw damn, I can't think of anything funny to say right now. Whatever, in any case, I'm sorry to say this but Neptune still hasn't been found yet." Ambience said.

"What?! I came all the way from Leanbox for this?! You're not holding out on me are you?" The girl asked.

"Ok, I know your waifu is gone but it doesn't mean she's dead. We'll find her, we're on the case. Oh by the way, this is Plums, Planeptune's new goddess. That's the nickname I gave her, not her actual name. Say hi.

"Hiiiii! I'm Plutia. Woooowww, you look pretty similar to big me!"

"Oh uhm, hel- hello I'm 5pb. I- I'm sorry for shouting." The girl said.

"So Bifrost, that's all you came here for?" Ambience asked.

"Please don't act so friendly with me, I wanted to be Neptune's royal guard."

"Look I'm sorry, I really am. But you can't be an idol and a royal guard at the same time, those two jobs kind of contradict each other. Besides, you're a Leanbox resident. A Planeptune royal guard has to be from Planeptune."

"Yeah... yeah..."

Ambience felt a sort of chill down her spine and saw Plutia smiling more with her fingers touching together in front of her.

"Ah- uhm- oh look! An excuse to escape this conversation because something bad might happen if I don't! Wow, how convenient! Bye Bifrost, I'll see ya later!"


Ambience picked up Plutia and rushed towards the city border with her. They then rushed down a dirt path and she stopped to catch her breath.

"Ah geez, please don't make evil faces in this form. I still haven't fully recovered from last time."

Plutia giggled and spun around.

"Aw, hmm. What was I gonna do?" Plutia asked.

"Not whip her to make her be more uh... I dunno, standing up for herself or something. Whatever you told me when you were torturing me."

"Oh right! Hehe, I'm so happy that you took action this time, maybe I won't hit you as hard now."

"Come on Plums, we should get this done and over with quickly. We don't have a lot of time."

A beam of light surrounded Plutia and Ambience wanted to die.

"A time constraint hmm?" Iris Heart asked. "My my Ambi, for someone who's been tortured for lying you sure to lie a lot. Are you sure you're not a masochist? You could just beg for my services normally."


"As you wish."

Iris Heart stepped forward towards Ambience. She stepped back and reached for her pistol but got smacked sideways by the flat face of the sword. Ambience spun around and fell on her face unconscious.

Iris Heart then smiled and allowed her sword to fade into particles. She tore apart Ambience's jacket and dragged her across the dirt path by her hair. After she was a few meters away from where Ambience was knocked out, she pinned Ambience against a tree and took out her whip sword.

Iris Heart tied Ambience up using her extended sword and walked over to stand behind the tree. Ambience slowly regained consciousness and blinked as she looked around.

"Huh? Uhm... huh."

Ambience looked down and sighed. She struggled and moved a little bit but wasn't able to break out of her bonds.

"Damn, I'm bleeding. Uh, Plums? I know you're there, I can feel the aura you emit when you're close by. The fear aura, your passive. This is... really really painful. Not even in a kinky way. Oh I wish it was the kinky way, maybe this would have been more fun."

Iris Heart covered her mouth with her hand as she smiled wider showing her teeth, holding in her laughter. She closed her eyes, then allowed her smile to cover her teeth again. She peeked at the opening behind her and saw a shadow pass by above her. A loud slam was heard as she peeked further to see a large brown dragon with a beige belly, yellow eyes, and standing on two legs growl at Ambience.

The dragon roared at Ambience who held her face back and closed her eyes until the dragon was done.

"Ye- yeah. Nice to meet you too, listen I don't like getting hurt, but at the same time I don't like dying. I probably can't convince you out of eating me alive even though... here- just at least let me talk to the woman that's about to obliterate you, you feel her too right?"

The dragon sniffed the air and looked around quickly. It growled as it turned around in circles looking at every direction. Once Iris Heart saw it facing the other way, she stepped forward from behind the tree and walked over to the dragon. The dragon heard the noise of engines and fans turning on and quickly turned around to Iris Heart while dashing backwards.

The dragon roared at Iris Heart who frowned but didn't flinch.

"Plums... don't bring too much pain. Please." Ambience begged.


Iris Heart turned her head towards Ambience with a grin. Ambience's head was down and her bed hair made it difficult to see her face. Iris Heart chuckled and turned to face the dragon again.

"See Ambi? You just have to try your best." Iris Heart said.

The dragon roared and backed away as Iris Heart stepped closer and closer. It jumped up to fly away, but Iris Heart lunged and grabbed the dragon by its tail. The dragon screeched and attempted to whip Iris Heart off, but Iris Heart flew up above the dragon with enough effort to cause it to flip upside down in mid air. She let go of the dragon's tail as it screeched and fell to the ground with Iris Heart following it.

Just as the dragon landed on the ground, Iris Heart reclaimed her sword by forcing it to disappear, then reappear in her hands. The dragon whimpered and looked up at Iris Heart with tears in it's eyes as Ambience stumbled forward.

"I... don't want to see it like this anymore. Can you finish the fight already?" Ambience asked.

Iris Heart turned to Ambience with a wide grin.

"Now, why would I do that? Hmm, I don't feel like getting my hands dirty. Finish it for me."

"What? But this is your job, what's the- I mean I guess we could-"

"Don't make me repeat myself!" Iris Heart commanded.

Ambience stumbled backwards and looked at Iris Heart in fear. She looked at the torn up jacket Iris Heart dumped on the floor and took out the pistol from inside of it. She stared at the simple pistol, then looked at the dragon. She then aimed at the dragon, and felt her entire body shaking. Her breaths became shorter, she started to sweat, and a painful headache started to bang on her skull.

The dragon looked at Ambience. It whimpered more, but Iris Heart crackled her whip on the ground.

"Silence! Hmhmhm, finish it now. Finish this fight." Iris Heart said.

Ambience held her breath, but didn't pull the trigger. She then slowly pointed her gun at Iris Heart who smiled wider and started to show her teeth. She trembled more, and started to take in gasps of air. Ambience remembered Iris Heart whipping her pistol away, then whipping her. She thought of Histoire, then she imagined Neptune beside her.

"You must have faith in humanity." A more adult version of Neptune's voice said in Ambience's imagination. "If you lose that faith, you become part of the problem."

Ambience gulped and tears ran down her eyes. She covered her eyes with her other hand and aimed at the dragon. She shot once and heard the screams of the dragon fill the forest. She continued to fire at the dragon, putting more bullets into the dragon and hearing more screams. She continued to pull the trigger until she heard clicking noises. She took deep breaths and dropped her pistol. Iris Heart frowned as the dragon faded into experience leaving only the horns. The experience splitted evenly into Ambience and Iris Heart.

"I was expecting a heroic rise against evil, but it looks like I was right once again. You really are just a mindless drone who follows orders, not like a soldier mind you. You follow the orders of someone you don't even trust."

Ambience wiped her right hand on her pants and started crying into her left hand. Iris Heart grinned as she kicked Ambience onto her back exposing her red crying face.

"Say hello to the consequences of your actions." Iris Heart said.

Iris Heart proceeded to whip Ambience, focusing with the flat side of her blade. She caused bruises and very small cuts as Ambience cried and covered her face, or anywhere she was hit most recently. As Iris Heart continued to whip Ambience, her grin faded more and more and slowly became a frown as Ambience would stop crying and begging, and instead curled up into a ball and didn't say anything.

Iris Heart walked over to Ambience and kneeled down beside her. She slid her hand in between Ambience's arms and gripped her by the chin forcing them to make eye contact.

"This kind of punishment doesn't work, does it? You'll remain just the same, the same old Ambience. A submissive scared coward. It will take a lot of time to break you out of your comfort zone, too long. It would be easier to just kill you."

"So- so- so you're gonna kill me then?" Ambience asked. "I'm- I- I..."

Ambience sighed and relaxed her muscles. Her eyelids slowly started to close, but Iris Heart brought her face closer which opened them up again.

"I won't give up on you Ambi, that's a promise. If I could make someone like you into a strong hero fit for a goddess, anyone could change. I will gift this nation the ability to face everything that haunts them."

Ambience stared at Iris Heart's glowing yellow power button and felt her heartbeat accelerate. She gulped and let more tears go down her eyes.

"Do you... do you promise it will be just me? Only I will face your punishment, not Histoire, no one else right? Promise?" Ambience asked.

Iris Heart smiled and pulled Ambience to her and kissed her on the lips. As they kissed, Iris Heart made a cut at Ambience's chest using the serrated blades on her finger guard. She released Ambience and smiled down at her.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Iris Heart said.

Ambience laid down on the ground flat on her back. Light surrounded Iris Heart and Plutia looked at Ambience with a happy smile.

"No more crying okay?" Plutia asked. "You gotta be a big girl now."


Ambience looked up at the sunny sky. More colourful leaves brushed by and Ambience started to relax a little. She felt uneasy but she felt a little bit happy. Only a little bit.

"I... I think I understand what you're trying to do, at least what your plan is. I think... uhm..."

Ambience held her head and turned to her side. She looked at the tree she was earlier tied to and stared at it.


Ambience stared at the tree for a while, until she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her. Ambience got up and turned to look down the dirt road to see Saturn skipping towards them.

"Phew, I finally found you two." Saturn said. "What happened here? Was the Ancient Dragon really that tough? No... if you struggled this much against an Ancient Dragon, you have no hope of being Planeptune's next goddess."

"Well, to be honest, this mess was mostly me."

"Oh, good. Then Plutia, I challenge you to a non-lethal duel! Normally it should be Neptune who must face you, but in her absence I will uphold Planeptune's honour by being your true test of strength, if you're ready that is."

"Hmmmm? Oh, are we fighting? Okay! I guess I'll go big again." Plutia said.

"Wait! Since you're not a goddess anymore Saturn, this means it's a human only match right? It wouldn't be fair." Ambience said standing straight up. "Ow... Oh I feel light headed..."

"Of course not, I came prepared." Saturn said, showing a Share crystal. "Here's my logic, her extra power should be enough to surpass my battle experience. If she can't, we'll have to train more. Simple right?"

"Oh ok!" Plutia said excitedly. "But if I win, I get to train you right?"

"Train me? Well, I'm retired and old so there wouldn't be much use-"

"Saturn listen to me, this is the one goddess I promise you will thank the rainbow fairy of RNG when you skip her. Do not fight her, not in her goddess form." Ambience warned.

"Why? Is something wrong with it? I don't mind if she's reckless or anything, as long as she goes all out."

"No she- she's gonna hurt you really really badly. And she-"

"Ambi! I wanna fight her! It sounds suuuuper fun, like a video game! Or like playing with toy swords, or making a super cute fight scene with little dollies. Like that! Right?" Plutia asked.

"Kind of. I hope your goddess form takes it more seriously though cause we have to test your abilities. Even if one of us gets a little hurt. If you end up too weak, a catastrophe will occur, or something." Saturn said.

"Saturn! You're gonna lose, you're gonna get hurt, you're gonna wish you were dead, I am telling you right now you have to leave!" Ambience said.

"What, have you fought her already?" Saturn asked.

"Yes, she's a sadist! She's gonna torture you and like it!"

"Even so... I can not neglect my duty as Planeptune's old CPU. For Caelus, for Neptune, for Jupiter, for-"

"Oh my goodness!"

Ambience looked at Plutia who was smiling at her Ambience sighed and looked at Saturn who stared at her strangely.

"Please make this work..." Ambience whispered to herself. "By the way... Saturn, your hair looks a lot like Noire's, but it's really smooth and... pretty. Did you find it in a fashion magazine somewhere?"

"Where- where is this coming from?" Saturn asked. "Uh, thank you, I styled it myself. I- I took more inspiration from Nera, not Noire."

"Mmh, I see. I think that's pretty... amazing." Ambience said while keeping her shoulders close together.

"Flattery- flattery will get you nowhere! I- I'm gonna fight her and you look really hot- I mean you don't look so hot! *Ahem* you're hurt. Heal up and let me take care of things from here."

"You trying to protect me isn't helping things here. I think I'm- whoa!"

Ambience fell over into Saturn who caught her and looked down at her in worry. Ambience looked back up at Saturn with lazy eyes and a small smile.

"Saturn... do you hate me?"

"Stop it! Don't- don't tease me, I- uhm- Hey- hey Plutia, could you wait there until I-"

Saturn's eyes wandered over to the torn up jacket and gun on the floor. She saw the bullets all over the ground and quickly pushed Ambience off of her.

"That's your gun!" Saturn exclaimed. "Did you use it?! You have to get checked, now! Don't you know about the mutating bacteria on ignited gunpowder?!"

"Oh perfect! Saturn, you have to take me there."

"Why me? You have two legs, you can go there yourself."

"But what if I get attacked and ambushed? I didn't bring any healing items with me."

"I'm going to get a migraine. Here, I have some Nep bull SPs. Go on and-"

A bright light engulfed Plutia and Saturn froze in place.

"I tried so hard..." Ambience said sadly.

"Hehehe, sorry to keep you waiting." Iris Heart said.

"This... that is the new goddess?!" Saturn asked.

Saturn raised her arms up defensively, but kept staring at Iris Heart in shock. She stepped backwards, and Ambience pointed down the dirt road.

"We have to go now!" Ambience shouted.

"I- but- the- what-"

Ambience grinded her teeth and pulled Saturn from behind to direct her down the dirt path.

"GO!" Ambience commanded.

Ambience pushed Saturn and she ran down the road. Ambience ran after her but heard Iris Heart's sword shift into a whip.

"Aw come on now Ambi, don't be like that. We were only going to have a little fun!"

Ambience turned to see the blades aiming above her. She jumped and blocked it with her hands, yelling in pain as she struggled to stay on her feet.

"Ambience!" Saturn called out.

Ambience quickly backed off and turned to run after Saturn. She heard Iris Heart laughing to herself even as she ran past the city gates, far from the spot they were at before. Saturn stopped in front of a building beside the gates, but Ambience barged in opening the door then using her shoulder to push it out of the way.

She saw a woman cleaning a syringe with a cloth. She wore a cotton white sweater with a red plaid skirt and a round fanny pack on her belt. She had long congo-pink hair that matched her eyes and a white C pin on her headband.

"Ambi?!" The woman asked. "What's happening?!"

"I fired my gun, I need that special antibacterial stuff I forgot the name of. Also, I got hurt, but the bacteria is more important." Ambience said.

"Right! Nurse Compa is on it, what about you?" The woman asked, looking at Saturn.

"I'm fine, Ambience just touched me a little bit so I guess I need the antibiotic as well."

"Got it! Be right back, quickie skippie!"

Compa rushed into another room and Ambience took some deep breaths. She climbed on top of a medical bed and sat on it while Saturn sat on a chair across from her.

"I'm back!" Compa said rushing out of the room. "Here, we have to clean you two quickly!"

"Focus on Ambience, I can clean myself." Saturn said.

"Okie dokie! Ambi, don't move too much ok?" Compa asked while putting on a medical face mask.

"Thanks Cotton." Ambience said, taking another deep breath. "Ow... I hope that's just my bruises."

Compa proceeded to treat Ambience by pouring different types of sanitizations on her skin. She had to strip for a moment so Saturn turned her head and closed her eyes.

"Wow... Ambi, you have to remember to take healing items right after big battles if you want to avoid scars." Compa said.

"Yeah, I gotta start buying those huh? Sorry Cotton."

"It's okay. Iffy started to get scars on her back too, every time she comes to visit from Leanbox I find at least five new ones."


Ambience put her clothes back on and Compa sprayed her while Saturn cleaned herself with sanitized wipes.

"All done, you're all clean and free from bad bacteria now Ambi!" Compa announced.

"Thanks a lot, geez..."

Ambience looked at Saturn's sad expression.

"Hey Cotton? Do you mind giving Saturn and I a bit of time to talk?"

"Huh? Okay, but call me if you need anything. I don't want you two getting lovey dovey without protection."

"That's... you know what I should just become a mute at this point."

Compa smiled as she went back into the other room. Ambience sighed as she relaxed and looked at Saturn.

"You're... upset." Ambience said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Saturn grumbled.

Ambience stared at Saturn for a while, then rested her head on her hand. She looked at a nurse hat resting on a hook on the wall and sighed.

"What's the matter?" Ambience asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Saturn said.

"I'll keep asking until you stop lying."

Saturn glared at Ambience.

"Are you my therapist now? Fine. I ran away. I ran away from confrontation, I've never done that before. Never in my life did I run from anything. Not a monster, not a human, not even Blanc when she's angry. I didn't run because I'm supposed to protect. As a goddess, I'm not allowed to run. But I did."

"Hey, I ran away too. Iris Heart is something else, she-"

"She's the one thing I shouldn't have ran away from, and I did. Like a coward, and I don't know why."

"Iris Heart has this sort of... ability, aura thing that makes people scared. It's-"

"So does Blanc, when she's angry. There's no reason why I should have ran, or why I should have been scared, and yet I was. I was scared, and I ran."

"I guess it's like a phobia, she creates irrational fear I think."

Saturn and Ambience looked at each other for a while. Saturn took a deep breath and sighed.

"Why is she the goddess Ambience?" Saturn asked. "Did we do something wrong?"

"I don't think so, maybe? I hope not."

"She can't be allowed to be made public, not if she makes people scared like that. And you said something about torture."

"About that, it's... complicated, but it should be fine now. Yeah, there's no more need to worry about it."

Saturn stared at Ambience and sighed.

"I'm going back to the Basilicom. We have work to do. And we'll keep a close eye on her, we might have to execute her."

"Yeah... yeah..."

Saturn stood up and left the building. Ambience looked down at her feet and hands, alone. She heard no noises in the medical room she was in. She looked around to see the cupboards, the sink, the first aid kit, the various tools that hung on the wall, and the chairs in front of her. She looked at the posters for a while and saw a cute picture of Neptune with the words "Keep on believing!" on it.

"Ok... Ok. Keep on believing, I believe."

Ambience coughed and cleared her throat.

"You can come in now." Ambience said.

Iris Heart opened the door and slowly stepped into the room. She looked around at the brightly lit colourful room and smiled at Ambience.

"Is there something you need?" Iris Heart asked.

"Please transform so we can head back to the Basilicom. I'm tired and a little cold."

"As you wish."

Light engulfed Iris Heart and Plutia hopped over to Ambience with a big smile.

"Let's go Ambi! I wanna see Blanc again!" Plutia said.

"Right, yeah, the other goddesses. They'll know what to do with you."

Plutia's grin grew wider and she looked at Ambience with more shade over her eyes from her hair.

"You won't spoil my surprise, will you?" Plutia asked.


Ambience looked at the Neptune poster again and sighed.

"You know what? I'll deal with you myself. None of the other goddesses have to get hurt. I'll handle whatever you want to do, as long as you are nice to everyone else. You've... hurt me, badly. But goddesses are made of shares, good energy, good emotions. You're a little messed up now, but I'll help guide you to do good. I'll... be the guinea pig. It's the least I can do."

Plutia stared at Ambience with surprise, then with a smile.

"Wooow! I thought you were gonna run away! Hmm, but what if I'm... different?" Plutia asked.

"Then I will kill you. One way or another, if you break your promise, or end up being an evil goddess somehow, I'll find a way to defeat you." Ambience said.

Plutia clapped her hands together and smiled more.

"Okaaay!" Plutia said.

Plutia turned around and exited the building. Ambience sighed and followed her. The two of them made their way down the busy streets and sidewalks to Planeptune's Basilicom. Ambience lifted Plutia onto her shoulders and climbed the stairs.

"Wee! Hehehe, you're sooo tall Ambi!" Plutia said happily.

Ambience smiled a little bit and looked down.

"Wish her other form was more like this..." Ambience whispered.

Ambience placed Plutia down onto the ground and opened the door. The two of them walked inside and stepped forward into the throne room to see Blanc, Vert, Noire, Rom, and Ram around the table.

Blanc, Histoire, Saturn, Kei, and two more women were talking to each other beside the round table while Vert and Noire were talking with each other. Rom was reading a book at the table while Ram stuffed her face with cookies. Noire was the first one to turn and look at Ambience walking towards them.

"Took you two long enough." Noire said. "Everything went as expected?"

"Yeah, dead Ancient Dragon, she's a goddess alright." Ambience said.

"You look awful Ambi." Vert commented. "Are you sure you weren't the one fighting the dragon?"

"Thanks Vert, but no it was Plums over here." Ambience said while patting Plutia's head.

"Ehehehehe." Plutia giggled.

Noire squinted her eyes at Ambience and Plutia.

"Go... get some rest." Noire said hesitantly. "We'll catch you up later."

"Alright... remember our promise Plums." Ambience whispered.

Plutia smiled as Ambience headed towards the elevator. Everyone watched as Ambience walked by them.

"Ambience, one moment please." Histoire called out. "Have you seen anything... unusual during your expedition?"

"No nothing, why?" Ambience asked.

"Hmm. We are planning a trip to visit Uranus today, please prepare yourself." Histoire said.

"Right, I'll get ready."

Ambience walked over to the elevator and entered it. Plutia heard Rom and Ram snickering and giggling as she did.

"Hmm, Ambience didn't greet any of us today." Kei commented.

"Is something wrong with her?" Blanc asked.

"Nothing I am aware of." Histoire noted.

Plutia sat on one of the chairs at the round table. Everyone turned to her and took their seats. One of the women who was talking to Histoire had bright blue long hair with a red graduation hat and a large trench coat decorated with golden outlines and trimming She had red framed glasses, a short white underskirt, and slipper-like red high heels.

The other one had long light green hair with a black bow-like hair tie creating a long ponytail. She wore a black mini dress with matching bows and frills on each side of her. It was decorated with green and she wore a collar with a green cross on it.

"Wooow! So many people!" Plutia said happily. "Are you all goddesses?"

"No, the three of us are simply Oracles of our nations." The blue haired woman said with a high pitched calming voice. "My name is Mina Nishizawa, I am Lowee's Oracle and caretaker of the two little goddesses, Rom and Ram. It's very nice to meet you."

"I'm Kei, Lastation's Oracle." Kei said.

There was a moment of silence as everyone looked at Kei.

"Next person can go, I don't need to say anything else." Kei said.

"You need to broaden your circle of trust, or else you'll never be a successful Oracle." The green haired lady said. "*Ahem* My name is Chika Hakozaki! I'm the sister of the best goddess at the table right now, Vert!"

"Clearly we all have our flaws." Kei said to herself quietly.

"I've already introduced myself as Histoire, Planeptune's Oracle." Histoire said.

"I'm Saturn, we've... met already." Saturn said squinting her eyes at Plutia.

"We've met earlier, but I'm Blanc. Lowee's CPU goddess, Lady White Heart." Blanc said with a smile. "Also Chika is incorrect, I'm the best goddess at the table. My years prove it."

"You had a head start!" Chika yelled. "Vert would be exactly the same age as you if she was Leanbox's first CPU!"

"I doubt it." Blanc said.

"Grr! You wanna take this outs-"

"Now now Chika, this is no time to start another Console War." Vert said. "Ah, I suppose this segways into my introduction. *Ahem* My name is Vert, Leanbox's CPU goddess known as Lady Green Heart."

"My turn, my name is Noire!" Noire said. "I'm Lastation's CPU goddess, Lady Black Heart! I'm the most popular, and busy out of all of us, so be thankful I'm even here to acknowledge your existence."

"Popular my ass you're just piggy backing off of Nera." Blanc said.

"I can do just as well as Nera did and then some!" Noire claimed. "I'm only holding back to keep your crummy nations alive."

"Noire, please, nobody can do as well as Nera." Vert said.

"Ehehe, thank you for coming Noire." Plutia said with a smile.

The three goddesses looked at Plutia with surprise. Noire then beamed and smiled happily.

"Great, now her already astronomically huge ego has been boosted even higher." Blanc grumbled.

"We're not exactly perfect either." Vert said.

"You girls will be kissing my feet when I become the next top idol of Gamindustri!" Noire announced.

"Uhm, Blanc, is it our turn?" Rom asked.

"Yeah, enough boring talking, I wanna say my name and go outside already!" Ram said.

"Yup, introduce yourselves so you can shut Noire up." Blanc said.

"Uhm, I'm Rom!" Rom said.

"And I'm Ram! We're Blanc's sisters!" Ram said.

"Sisters?" Plutia asked. "Who's the mommy?"

"CPU Candidates are created after a nation reaches at least 50% shares." Histoire explained. "They are created in the same way all CPUs are created. At least, that is what I believe. Nepgear and Uni still require some investigation."

"Speaking of Uni, that's my sister by the way, she couldn't come introduce herself today because she had some important mission to do or something." Noire said.

"Woooww, what does Uni look like? A smaller Noire?" Plutia asked.

"You got it right on." Blanc said. "Smaller, stronger, smarter, cooler, sexie-"

"Hey! Uni isn't just a better me!" Noire exclaimed.

"But isn't that the reason why you wanted to retire?" Vert asked.

"No- no! No! It's cause- It's cause I wanted to pursue my dreams of becoming an idol! Uni just happens to fit my plan well because I can't let just anyone rule Lastation." Noire said.

"First time a Candidate takes over the nation." Blanc commented. "This will be interesting."

"Heh, and Uni can use guns." Kei said. "That'll be quite the power imbalance."

"No way, Vert could totally defeat any lame gun user in battle, can't you Vert?" Chika asked.

"Chika, I appreciate you trying to make me look good, but please do not ask for the impossible." Vert said. "I may be fast, and I did have practice against Cave, but Uni is... something else entirely."

"What?!" Chika asked with fake tears in her eyes. "Im- impossible!"

"All this praise and glorification to Uni and her guns, I've got two right here." Blanc said, flexing her arms. "Power balance won't be a problem, I'd say I can beat her, 60/40."

"Yeah right, I'm lucky to even beat her 20/80." Noire said. "And that's when she isn't transformed."

"Well maybe it's because you suck." Blanc said. "There's no way Uni is that overpowered."

"Do you want me to show you some numbers?!" Noire threatened.

"Hey, did the new goddess even introduce herself?" Kei asked.

"Oh, our apologies." Vert said. "Tell me, what's your name?"

"My name is Plutia!" Plutia said happily. "Ehehe, I hope we can be friends!"

"Welcome Plutia, we are the Financial Universal Convenient Kami Youthful Obliteration Unity." Blanc said while smiling.

"The Sweethearts Blanc, we're The Sweethearts." Vert reminded.

"That's our child friendly name." Blanc said.

Rom and Ram giggled while Noire sighed.

"So, wanna show us your transformation?" Noire asked. "What's your lady name?"

"Oooh! Wanna see me when I get big? I can do that!"

"Wait! Hold on!" Histoire called out. "I must have all of your attention please, show your transformation another time Lady Plutia."

"Aw, ok Histy." Plutia said.

"Thank you. As I'm sure you are all aware, strange things have happened in Planeptune's Basilicom. I originally dismissed them as a dream, however..."

Saturn stood up from her chair.

"It seems like reality, or time, has distorted in some way." Histoire said.

"Wait, you're telling me that's actually Saturn?" Noire asked. "I thought it was just someone named after her and coincidentally looked a lot like her."

"No, don't any of you remember? I retired then decided to work here." Saturn said.

"Bullshit, whose gravestone is at Gamindustri Graveyard then?" Blanc asked.

"We've already discussed this Lady Blanc." Mina reminded. "Also, please refrain from such vulgar language in front of the newborn goddess."

"You're not Financier, you have no power here." Blanc said.

"In any case, I believe a visit to Uranus would help us identify what has been happening." Histoire continued. "At the same time, it would be a good time for Plutia to learn more about the battle system."

"Hmm? Battle system?" Plutia asked. "Don't we just hit everything until it dies?"

"We'll teach you when we get to LAN Castle." Noire said.

The doors opened, IF and Compa came rushing through and ran up to everyone else.

"Sorry for being late, but we're here now." IF said.

"*Huff* *huff* Iffy ran so fast!" Compa complained.

"Welcome, we were just discussing our trip to LAN Castle." Histoire said.

"Oh, ok. Where's the new goddess?" IF asked.

"Hi!" Plutia greeted. "I'm Plutia!"

"Huh, your transformation is a lot scarier than this form." IF commented.

"You saw her transformation already?" Vert asked. "Iffy, how many more secrets are you keeping from me?"

"I'm not keeping anything Lady Vert, I just watched SSS's latest news video. Iris Heart is pretty scary, but I think the people recording were overreacting for the clicks." IF said.

"I can assure you, they were no overreactions... well, if everyone is ready, shall we get going?" Histoire asked.

"Hold on, we should wait for Ambi." Blanc said.

"Do we really need another tank main?" Noire asked.

"Ambi needs the experience, she's way too underleveled. Kinda fits with Plutia though, they can grow together." Blanc said.

Plutia smiled widely. Blanc and Noire argued for a moment until the elevator doors opened up and Ambience walked into the throne room wearing a white and purple robe-like uniform much like the staff members and the peaked hat she was given.

"This is all I had that wasn't my pajamas." Ambience said. "I'll go clothes shopping later."

"Captain? You're captain now?" Vert asked.

"Yup, old captain left and put me in charge."

"Yeah I've been meaning to ask, where is everyone?" Noire asked.

"You will understand soon enough. Just... not now. Shall we go?" Histoire asked.

"She's not that scary, I don't get what all the fuss is about." IF said.

"Hmm. Let's trust Histy, ok Iffy?" Compa asked.

"Sure, let's get going."

"Aw, I'm tired. Carry me Ambi?" Plutia asked.

Ambience sighed and walked over to Plutia. She placed Plutia on her shoulders again and Plutia happily took the peaked cap and placed it on her own head.

"Yaaay!" Plutia said.

Everyone went into the elevator and reached a high floor where they all stood on white hexagons at a balcony. Chairs came out of the hexagons and they all sat on them except for Kei and Mina.

"You're coming with us Histoire?" Noire asked.

"Yes, I wish to consult with Uranus personally." Histoire responded.

Ram snickered and Rom held in her laughter. Ambience smiled, but it faded into a frown quickly.

"Then I'll stay back and watch over things." Kei said. "I never liked this Route Building tech anyway."

"Very well, I will stay back as well. I'm certain that Lady Blanc will take care of Rom and Ram well." Mina said.

"What? Does that mean I have to be away from my sister Vert?!" Chika asked. "*Gasp* No! I refuse! This can't happen, you can't do this to us!"

"You can go Chika." Kei said.

"Really?! Yes!"

Chika hugged Vert who smiled and patted Chika.

"Everything ready Histoire?" IF asked.

"One moment."

Histoire drew a path on a screen that showed a map of Planeptune and a large area around it. She drew a line from the Basilicom to a castle and pressed confirm.

"Ok, we will gain access to the Route in 3... 2... 1..."

All the hexagons flew up into the air. Rom and Ram giggled excitedly as once they were high above the ground, all the hexagons formed together. Everyone got off their chairs and a path straight forward made of white hexagons materialized in front of them from particles and pixels.

"Let's get going." Blanc said.

Everyone started walking forward. Plutia yawned, then looked down at the ground below. She saw cars, people, and buildings everywhere. She looked around her to see other people walking on white hexagon paths as well, some higher than them and some lower. Some people waved at the group which Plutia responded by smiling and waving back.

"Let's make this easy, review the history of Gamindustri with us." Blanc said.

"Of course." Histoire replied. "Gamindustri began when Tari was created, the first nation ruled by CPU Blue Heart. She created me to record history, but as time went on she started to rule in a more tyrannical way. It is commonly believed that this is because she was the first goddess, therefore she drew her power from both Share energy and Steal energy."

"Soooo... she was half evil and half good?" Plutia asked.

"Perhaps not. She started to hate humanity, so I, along with four other heroes, and Arfoire had no choice but to overthrow her rule. This then led to the creation of the four nations, as the four heroes respectively lead whoever was willing to follow them. Tari then was left abandoned, and so I had no choice but to follow one of the heroes. It eventually became Gamindustri Graveyard and it was a tradition to bury dead goddesses and heroes there."

"Remind me, how did Arfoire become the Deity of Sin?" Noire asked. "Or was it just a coincidence they had the same name?"

"Arfoire did become the Deity of Sin." Histoire confirmed. "Once CPU Blue Heart was defeated, the Share energy and Steal energy was being sent back to Celestia. To make sure someone like Blue Heart never rises again, Arfoire gave her life to become the seal of Steal energy. Making sure that future CPUs only draw their power from shares."

"Did anyone ever find out how Celestia was created?" Vert asked.

"That, I do not know." Histoire said. "Celestia was there before I was created."

"Times running out, speed things up." Blanc said. "Just list names and their deaths."

"Of course. *Ahem* For Planeptune, it began with... Mercury. Yes, she ruled fairly, then died from a lack of shares. Venus then came next, and retired afterwards. Died from old age, then Mars came who was soon beaten to death by Lady Nera."

Plutia watched Blanc glance at Histoire. Blanc squinted her eyes at her before looked back at the front.

"Aren't all Planeptune goddesses supposed to be peace focused?" Noire asked.

"You have not seen Mars, the least peaceful goddess ever." Blanc said.

"Didn't Nera one shot her?" Vert asked.

"Fuck Nera, honestly. Both ways because she's hot, but particularly the murder way."

"As I was saying," Histoire continued. "Mars died from Nera, then Jupiter ruled. She died from lack of shares, then Saturn ruled and died from lack of shares as well. Uranus came and made friends with Nera. They fought the Deity of Sin together, and Uranus gave herself up to seal away the Deity of Sin. Then it was Neptune and... you all know the rest."

"So... Uranus became... A seal to a seal?" Plutia asked.

"I... well I suppose she did, yes." Histoire said.

"We're here." Blanc said.

Everyone stopped walking and they stood in front of, and above a large castle surrounded by a heart shaped moat. The white hexagons slowly lowered down to the ground after Histoire tapped a few things on her watch.

"Yaaayy, we're here!" Plutia said.

"Now enough history, let's start the battle system explanation." IF said.

"Aw... more boring talking?" Plutia asked.

"Knowing how the battle system works is crucial in being a goddess." Vert said. "Having a good leader with good strategies could mean life or death, even if everyone in the party is on par, or higher then the recommended level."

"I have an idea." IF said. "How about the goddesses take the first enemy we see and show Plutia how it's done. I'll explain along the way."

"Sounds good." Blanc said. "Noire, you're team leader."

"Fine, just don't mess anything up. We gotta show her how things are done properly, no messing around." Noire said.

"Is it too late to change the team leader to Vert?" Blanc asked.

"I agree with Noire this time." Vert said.


"I'll be cheering you on my darling sister!" Chika called out.

"Let us proceed." Histoire said.

The group approached the castle draw bridge and watched it fall down slowly. They saw the chains slowly move the bridge closer to the ground in front of them and they walked across the bridge into the castle.

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