Planet 6: Intention

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Arfoire sighed while resting her head on her hand. Her elbow was placed on the glowing table in the middle of all the empty thrones, with only Rei who sat two seats away from her. Rei stood up straight, and was staring down at a chess board nervously.

Arfoire raised her other hand and placed a playing card on the chessboard. 10 spades were on the card and she moved a knight onto it.

"My knight now has more than enough to one shot your king. Your turn." Arfoire said.

Rei looked down at the playing cards in her hands nervously. She reached her arm out at a deck of cards, but then took it back and reached for a coin on the table instead. She flipped it, and watched it land on tails.

"Aw no. I- I don't have any heart cards to give my king enough health to- to live. I guess you win again, haha, good game..." Rei said.

Arfoire sighed and tossed the remaining cards in her hand onto the table. Rei nervously took all the cards, along with the rest of the deck, and shuffled it back properly.

"No insight at all, all you do is shove all of your strongest troops up front with your strongest cards and just hope it wins. Are you really that dense, or have you just lost your mind?" Arfoire asked.

"Eep! I'm- I'm sorry, I'm just not that good huh? Haha, uhm, I- I can invite Anonydeath over, he's much better than I am-"

"Don't give me that crap!" Arfoire interrupted. "Whenever you get an unlucky draw of cards, your moves are genius! The way you play with twos and threes are nothing I've ever seen before. But the second you get anything higher than a ten, it's like you transform into a totally different person."

"Genius? Do... do you really think my moves... were good?" Rei asked.

"Good? Were you even awake last round you brainless lunatic? Who the hell moves their king out front like that?"

"We- well, uhm, the- the king can counter at any range so- so I figured I'd- I'd go for a porcupine tactic! Ehehe, it uhm... didn't work obviously..."

"Porcupines. Ugh, now I'm thinking about Neptune. No one in their goddamn mind would use their king in an offensive manner you useless circus elephant psycho-"

"Arfy, calm yourself would you dearie? I'd love to see more of this lovely drama against the two tacticians of the party, but... well, we're a team." Anonydeath said entering the room.

"Tch, the one thing I hate more than idiots are people who pretend to be idiots. What do you want." Arfoire asked.

"Am I not allowed to come over and hang out with my girlfriends? My, how cruel of you Arfy. but you know me too well. The goddesses are all together at the moment teaching the new one how to play nice."

Anonydeath tapped on the table and a holographic map of Gamindustri appeared. It zoomed in on a castle surrounded by a heart shaped moat and profile pictures of all the goddesses were pinned on the castle.

"We- well, uhm, as- as Arfoire said, it- it wouldn't be smart to just push all the- all our forces against them so... recklessly, right?" Rei asked.

"We should kill them all right now. Burn the castle to the ground, send that obnoxious green robot into the castle and get him to drop the ceiling down on them. Then crush them as they struggle to climb out from the debris." Arfoire said.

"Hmm, no that's not a good idea. You see girls, LAN Castle is a historical landmark. If we destroy it, well, we'll be seen more as a terrorist group than a revolution." Anonydeath said.

"Tch, what does that matter if people believe the goddesses are in the wrong anyway?" Arfoire asked.

"Hate it all you want, but acknowledge the existence of history. Someone probably wrote a quote like that somewhere." Anonydeath responded. "Also, one more tiny issue."

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