Planet 17: Nightfall

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Ambi slowly woke up to the feeling of being rocked back and forth. She blinked a few times and saw Plutia sitting by her head staring down at her.

"Ambi! Ambi! I saw a shooting star!" Plutia said.

"That's... great..." Ambi said. "Do you want me to make a wish?"

"No, I wanna see what it is!"

"Oh... uhm... as in a NepTube video or..."

"Ehehe, no it landed somewhere close by! I wanna get to it before anybody else does!"

"Really...? That... actually I'm a little curious myself. Alright."

"Yay! Ehehehe."

Plutia left the room happily while Ambi stretched. She stood up from her bedsheets and felt her ribs sliding against each other. She looked at the messy bed next to her. as she changed out of her pajamas into her normal clothes. She opened and closed her rib cage repeatedly a few times before wearing her shirt and jacket and re-attaching her metal hand. She took her halberd off the hooks on the wall and walked out her room and into the bathroom.

Ambi washed her hands and her face, then took a glasses case out from a bathroom cupboard and placed glasses on herself. She sighed as she looked in the mirror and walked out the bathroom.

"Did you have a nightmare Plums?" Ambi asked.

"Mmmm nope!"

"Me neither. Hopefully that's a good sign."

Ambi glanced out the window to see the starry night sky before leaving her apartment home. She locked the door and held Plutia's hand as they walked down the hallway into the elevator room. Ambi looked down at her phone to see the time as 3:17. She yawned, then Plutia yawned as they entered the elevator and Ambi pressed a button.

"Ehehe, uhm... I'm a little tired. Can you carry me?" Plutia asked.

"No I will not carry you."

"Aw... please?"

"Next time."


Ambi gripped onto Plutia's hand as they walked out the elevator and out the apartment. They walked down the dark street listening to cars drive by them.

"So we go forward, then out to the right into the forest!" Plutia said.

"I wonder if anybody else got curious enough to explore." Ambi commented. "Wait actually... if it's a shooting star it might be a goddess."

"No Ambi... I know the difference between a shooting star and a comet. I am a goddess! I can become a comet and fast travel!" Plutia reminded.

"Right... okay but maybe other people won't know the difference."


The two of them walked out of the Planeptune gates and down the dirt path. Plutia pointed down a direction and Ambi walked with Plutia until they bumped into a small looking girl. She had long blue glittery twintails with a black dress and black hair ties.

"Whoa, sorry didn't see you behind the tree." Ambi said.

"No it's okay." The girl responded. "Ah, wait you two are locals right? Could you show me where the nearest city is?"

"Hmm? Sure."

"Whoooaaa!" Plutia exclaimed. "You're so cute! And your wings... you remind me of Histy!"

"Hmm? Ah, uhm... hello." The girl greeted.

"It's been more than two sentences, guess it's time for introductions." Ambi muttered. "I'm Ambience, and this is Plutia. We're here to explore the shooting star, did you see anything magical around here?"

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