GONE WITH THE WIND, harry pot...


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and you're purity is refreshing harry potter x fem!oc harry potter: goblet of fire - deathly hollows pt. 2 ©j... Еще

character intro.
the phoenix family
o. when the boy who lived met the girl who had no choice
vol. i ─── angel in disguise
i. the quidditch world cup
iii. wrong place, wrong time
iv. here comes the bride

ii. not again, melody anne!

272 19 14

chapter two . . . !
" N O T A G A I N,
M E L O D Y A N N E ! "

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I agreed to letting you get those ridiculous things" Draco grumbled as he walked beside a decked out cheery Melody with her arms filled with Ireland's colors. "Didn't you say you only wanted one thing?"

Melody shrugged her shoulders as she skipped beside Draco. "I didn't know there were going to be so many thing though! It's not like you paid for it" Melody said, grumbling the last part.

Now Melody did have to admit she did only want the one scarf but then she saw the Ireland team shirt, the giant hat, the face paint, the hoodies, and the banners. She had almost bought one of everything at the merchandise stand — including a mug which she really had her eye on — if it wasn't for Draco putting down practically everything she picked up. But, in his defense, he only put down the unnecessary items. So Melody only got away with the Irish team scarf, a banner, and (secretly) a Bulgarian team scarf.

"I would have if you had let me. You kept protesting even though I had enough already in my hand" Draco bickered towards the small girl walking beside him.

"I don't like taking money from you, Draco. I have more than enough. Besides, I know you had wanted one so I wanted to use my own money to get you one as well. But I got you Bulgarian colors instead!" As Melody said this she excitedly pulled out the said scarf from the pile in her arms. As Melody held the scarf up with a grin toward the blonde haired boy, Draco let out a sigh and pushed the item away harshly.

"When did I say that? I specifically said that I didn't want one"

Melody brushed off his words and rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on, Draco. It's the World Cup! Just think of it as more like a memorabilia" Melody spoke again as she sped up and stepped in-front of the boy with the scarf out towards Draco, obviously not taking no for an answer. Just as Draco was about to say something else he stopped in his tracks and looked behind Melody. Melody watched with furrowed brows as he started to straighten up and cleared his throat.

Just then a set of familiar male voices entered from behind Melody. "There they are. Are you two ready to go?" Melody quickly turned around and noticed that not only were they back at the Malfoy's tent already but standing before them was Mr. Malfoy. But what made Melody's blood run cold was the fact that her father was there standing before her with Lucius.

"Yes, father" Draco answered with a single nod.

Apollo Phoenix stood before the two teenagers along with Lucius Malfoy with a hard look on his face. Apollo was a high-class and clean cut man with a deep British voice. He was always in the most finest clothing and robes a wizard could buy. He wasn't a very playful or joking man but more of a serious one. If you ever heard him laugh or smile it was more for getting on someones good side and it was possibly fake.

Apollo wasn't one for events unless it was for business or to boast about his work ethic and success at the Ministry. Especially since he worked as one of the heads in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He can play the innocent, loving, and busy husband and father very well. While he did care for his wife and Melody, work always came first with him. This was why he always missed many events that involved them. So seeing him at the Quidditch World Cup was a bit of a shock, despite Melody's mother telling her that he might meet them there.

Apollo's haunting blue eyes met his daughters light honeycomb brown ones and he acknowledged her with a stern nod. "Melody Anne"

Melody perked up at her father's acknowledgment with a small polite smile. Melody never liked how her father would say her first and middle name, it always made her feel like she was in trouble. "Father, you're here. I thought you weren't going to make it because of work. You usually don't" Melody said softly as she stepped forward towards her father.

To anyone it was almost as if she was afraid to say the wrong thing towards her father. In this case, she was. No matter how much of a kind and charming man her father may present himself to other people, Melody always knew that he was also a very controlling and high-standard one. Not to mention manipulative. But Apollo did value his daughter which also came with getting into trouble for the littlest things. He wanted the Phoenix family to be looked at as an elegant, sophisticated pureblooded family and Melody was picked to represent that image when Orpheus was disowned.

Apollo squinted his eyes slightly at his daughter's words as he put his hands behind his back and stood up straighter. "Well, I had the opportunity to leave work for a few hours because of the tournament. Fudge wanted me to be here. Such small hopes for me, huh, Melody? I hoped you thought better of your own father" Apollo teased his daughter.

Melody began to shake her head in protest as her face paled. "T-that's not what I meant — " she stuttered out.

"No, of course not. I know that darling" Apollo laughed it off causing a wave of relief to wash over Melody for a second. But the girl was still on the edge of her toes as her nerves got the best of her. Draco eyed her noticeable actions from the corner of his eyes, watching the poor girl as an uncomfortable silence washed through the four.

"I'm glad you're here, father" Melody said with a genuine smile towards her father.

Now, Melody loved her father dearly despite her knowing who and how he really was. She was always trying to reach up and grab for his acceptance, to make him proud of her and show him how great she can be. To put it simply: she wanted a father. She didn't want to be a trophy that he would often shine on the top shelf and go onto other daily activities. So each day Melody strived to get his attention and make him proud of her.

She shined in those sliver of moments where he would brag about her at dinner parties at the manor or when he would teach her the ins and outs so she could one day uphold the Phoenix family name. Her mother knew the feeling and she once — and still is — apart of Apollo Phoenix's trophy case. So Mrs. Phoenix always tried filling in those gaps for Melody.

Just as she was about to say more, her father cut her off and turned towards Draco standing beside her. "Ah, Draco! Don't you look strapping? You're growing into such a fine young man" Apollo complimented. Just like that, Apollo moved passed Melody and focused on Draco causing Lucius to smirk proudly.

"Thank you, Mr. Phoenix" Draco spoke as he shook Mr. Phoenix's hand while also glancing and keeping an eye on a distraught Melody beside him. But she quickly covered it up and put on her usual kind smile. It was almost as if nothing happened and she was the same old sweet Melody Anne.

"The game should be starting soon. I think it be best we go now" Apollo said, walking with Draco by his side as Apollo started a conversation with his soon to be son-in-law. Melody let out a sad sigh but none the less she wrapped her team scarf around her neck and grabbed Draco's. She took a deep breath before trailing behind with Lucius.

★ ★ ★ ★

ONCE THE FOUR entered the stands that surrounded the Quidditch field, the loud cheering and chattering entered all their ears as they walked along the wooden planked floor. Draco had finally gotten out of Apollo's conversation about business and his future after almost twenty minutes. Once he had successfully done so, Draco slipped back to Melody's side with a look of relief. He took one glance over towards the smiling girl and rolled his eyes at the item in her hand.

"Why did you bring that with? I thought it was more for a memorabilia" Draco spoke the words she had said to him just a few moments ago at the tent.

Melody snapped her attention over towards the boy and then down at the Bulgarian colored scarf in her arms along with the Team Ireland banner. "It is. It's just — I know how it gets a little cold when we are up that high. So at least you have something" Melody offered him the scarf once again as they walked side by side with Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Phoenix trailing ahead of them.

When Melody didn't feel Draco take the scarf from her she looked towards the boy who had a stern disapproving look on his face. "What? I'm being a considerate friend, Draco. Lock me up in Azkaban why don't you" Melody said sarcastically as she retracted her hand with the scarf in it to her chest.

Draco let out a small chuckle. "More like a considerate mother. If you hadn't noticed, I've already got one of those"

"Sorry" Melody softly said in a small voice as she looked back ahead of her.

This caused Draco to furrow his eyebrows at Melody's words and look back over towards the girl. Even though Melody had a sweet and gentle soul, she also had a sharp tongue and wasn't afraid to bite back. She knew how to put someone in their place when need be. This was the reason Draco never doubted the reason she was put into Slytherin. Melody always put Draco in his place and tried to not sugar coat the situation.

To put it plainly: he was worried. He knew how Mr. Phoenix was towards Melody and he also knew what she was feeling during the little interaction her and her father had. He knew what she was thinking before she could admit to them. Draco cared for the girl but he would never admit that out loud. But how Melody said sorry to him so obediently — so low and down — it made him do a double take.

Melody had noticed the silence between them and looked back over towards Draco who looked to be invested in his thoughts. "What's with the look, Draco?" Melody's gentle voice brought Draco to reality, looking down at her.

Draco hesitated for a second. "Are you alright, Mel?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Melody raised her eyebrows at his question as she looked at him obliviously.

"It's just — " Draco stopped his words.

"Just what?"

"Just — give me the bloody scarf. But I'm not wearing it!" Draco snatched the Bulgarian scarf out of Melody's hands and folded it over his left arm.

A large grin stretched over Melody's face at this action and a little skip entered into her steps. "That's fine by me, I'm glad you like it" Just as Draco opened his mouth to defend his actions, a voice entered both teenagers ears from above them.

"Blimey, Dad! How far up are we?" Melody followed the familiar voice and about twenty feet above them was the Weasley family. Melody's eyes instantly lit up at the sight of Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, and Mr. Weasley. Along with them was Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. She would be lying if she denied that her eyes lingered on Harry the longest.

"Let's just say if it rains you'll be the firsts to know" Lucius spoke in a snarky tone causing both him and Draco to let out a chuckle at the comment. Once Harry's green eyes caught sight of her own brown ones, she quickly looked away with tinted cheeks before anyone else noticed. Melody shook her head slightly as they all began walking again.

"Father, Melody, Mr. Phoenix, and I were invited into the Minister's box by Cornelius Fudge himself" Draco called out gloating towards them from beside Melody but was cut short by Lucius. Mr. Malfoy took his long black cane and jabbed the end of it into Draco's stomach.

"Don't boost Draco, there's no need with these people" Lucius spoke to his son in a disapproving voice as Draco held his stomach and looked back up at the Weasley's, Hermione, and Harry with a sneer.

Just as they were about to walk away, Mr. Phoenix stepped forward. "You must be Harry Potter, I'm correct aren't I?" Apollo's booming voice caught the attention of Harry as he looked over towards the man that stood closely beside his daughter. Melody looked back and forth between her father and Harry with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

"Yes, sir" Harry spoke as Arthur Weasley stood closely by the boy, knowing fully well who Apollo Phoenix was. He knew that he wasn't and was never up to anything good.

Mr. Phoenix let a welcoming smile invade his features towards the raven haired boy. "Apollo Phoenix, it's a pleasure Mr. Potter. I've heard so much about you" once the surname Phoenix was spoken Harry and the others instantly glanced towards a worried looking Melody Anne from beside her father. "You're a legend — or so they say"

Once those words entered Harry ears, he glared at the man as Melody watched from the sidelines. "What's that supposed to mean, sir?"

Apollo shook his head with an innocent look upon his features. "Nothing, nothing at all. Though if I were you I would watch out for myself Mr. Potter. Just a suggestion" said Apollo

Melody knew that what ever Harry was about to say next wasn't going to be good and the words her father were going to follow with weren't going to be either. The brunette quickly stepped forward, grabbing her fathers arm to get his attention. "Father, the game will be starting soon. I think we should get to our seats. Harry should as well, he still has a bit of a way to get to his"

As Melody said this, Mr. Phoenix looked down at his daughter and then looked back up at Harry who glared down at the man. Then, like nothing happened, Apollo gave Harry an apologetic smile. "Of course, my apologies"

Mr. Malfoy then stepped forward, hoisted his cane up, and swung it down on Harry's jacket, causing him to be stuck in his spot. "Do enjoy yourself, while you can" Lucius said before then removing his cane and motioning towards Draco to follow him.

With one last glance Mr. Malfoy, Draco, and Mr. Phoenix all started on their way but Melody's feet were stuck to the ground. She looked up at Harry with a sincere look of an apology and Harry gave her a nod in thanks. Then the girl put her head back down in embarrassment once she noticed that the Weasley's and Hermione still stood in their spots watching the scene unfold.

"Come along, Melody" Mr. Phoenix called out to his daughter from ahead.

Melody looked towards her father and quickly started towards him without looking back. "Yes, father"

Once they had gotten to their seats, Melody had stood in awe at the scene before her. Her eyes were shimmering with glee as she observed the large quidditch stadium before her. The crowds were cheering the two teams on, anxious for the game to start soon.

"Ah! Fudge" Lucius announced as the four walked towards the chatty Minister of Magic, speaking to the few men in front of him

Cornelius Fudge looked behind him and a welcoming grin stretched onto his features. "Lucius and Apollo! So good to see you two!" Fudge walked up to both Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Phoenix, shaking both their hands. Then his eyes set on Melody and Draco as they stood together. "Ah! As well as young Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Phoenix. I hope you two are well"

Mr. Phoenix eyed his daughter as she stepped forward. Melody took a deep breath. Smile, nod, and speak when spoken to. "Very well. Thank you for the invite Minister, I'm very happy to be here" Melody said to Fudge as she shook his hand.

Fudge laughed. "Always so polite, eh? Just like your sweet mother" Fudge said kindly as he patted Melody's hand in his. At Fudge's response, Apollo smirked proudly as the man turned back towards him. "I'm glad you could come to the World Cup, Apollo. It wouldn't have been the same without you"

"I'm glad I came as well. I needed a small break from my office" Mr. Phoenix said over the rowdy crowd as they cheered all around them.

Just then one of the men that Fudge was talking to before tapped his shoulder and said something inaudible into his ear. Fudge nodded his head and turn back towards the Phoenix's and the Malfoy's. "If you all would excuse me. The Quidditch World Cup won't announce itself"

With that Melody happily took her seat next to Draco with Lucius sitting next to his son and Apollo sitting next to him. Melody had to admit that she was a little disappointed that her father didn't sit next to her — considering that there was a single empty seat next to her. He wasn't a very loving father and she had accepted that when he forgot her birthday (way too many times). But she didn't let it bother her. It was the World Cup and nothing was going to ruin her night.

Just then the crowd started to cheer louder as a puff of green and white lines of smoke flew from out of the quidditch stadium and by Melody. She instantly tugged her Ireland scarf closer to her and clapped loudly. She knew her father and Mr. Malfoy we're giving her dirty looks but she didn't care. I'm not going to let anything ruin this moment. Noth

"Melody, I must get back to the ministry. I'll see you during Christmas break"


It had not even been ten minutes after the Quidditch World Cup game had ended. Melody probably was cheering the loudest in her section throughout the whole game while practically at the edge of her seat. Draco couldn't help but tease her once in a while at the big grin she had on her face and how she was acting. Then when Ireland won, Melody didn't let Draco hear the end of it on the walk to the Malfoy's tent. He didn't interrupt her once, knowing that this was the happiest he has seen his best friend in weeks and he didn't want to ruin it.

He had even put on the Bulgarian scarf towards the middle of the game when the weather started to get a little chill. Melody, of course, didn't say anything in fear he would take it off and get defensive. So the brunette just grinned proudly in victory to herself.

Once they got into the Malfoy's tent, Mr. Phoenix had abruptly interrupted Melody's mini celebration with Draco on Ireland's win. Mr. Phoenix then led her outside where he was saying his farewells before he went back to work. Typical.

"Already? But you just got here father. Can't you at least spare a little more time —" Mr. Phoenix put his hand up, motioning for Melody to stop speaking.

"I can't Melody Anne, I'm needed elsewhere. Now goodnight and don't cause any trouble" Mr. Phoenix spoke with no emotion behind his words.

"Please spare just a few more min —"

"This is nonnegotiable Melody and you know this —"

"But father —!"

"Melody Anne!" Mr. Phoenix suddenly barked out causing Melody to flinch in her spot. Out of habit, Melody closed her mouth and looked down at her brown combat boots while playing with the end of her cream knit sweater.

A harsh silence entered the air between the father and daughter. Mr. Phoenix's chest heaved up and down in anger while he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Tears began to brim Melody's eyes but she kept them in, knowing well that her father wouldn't have it.

"I won't father" Melody said without a single argument with a hint of sadness laced into her voice. She felt like a child again in that moment. An obedient child being ordered around and to not speak a word unless told to speak.

Mr. Phoenix cleared his throat and adjusted his robe from the small outburst he had. "Good" with that Mr. Phoenix silently patted Melody on the shoulder before walking a few feet away from the tent and apparated.

Once Melody knew her father was gone a single tear rolled down her red tinted cheek from all the excitement from the game. She sniffled and quickly started to wipe the tears that began to roll down with her denim jacket sleeve. Taking a deep breath, Melody pulled off her Ireland scarf and started to fumble with it to try and get her mind off of her father. So much for wanting nothing to ruin the moment.

As Melody turned around in her spot, she came face to face with Draco. He stood at the tent entrance with half of his body hid behind one of the tent's entrance flaps. Melody let out a small gasp at the sight of him. She quickly looked down at her shoes, trying to avoid him seeing her tear stained face.

After a few seconds of silence, Melody spoke in a mumble. "I'm guessing you heard everything?"

"Mel —" Draco stepped forward not knowing what to do or say.

"I am going for a walk" As Melody turned around and began walking away from the Malfoy's tent, she felt Draco grab onto her arm. She stopped in her tracks but still felt too embarrassed to look up at him.

"Mel, it's getting late. You can't just wander around in the bloody dark" Draco exclaimed as he tried to get her to stay. But Melody quickly snatched her arm away from his grasp and began walking away again.

"Mel? Melody! Where are you going?"

Melody stopped in her tracks and spun around to face the worried boy. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her lip trembled as she tried to keep herself composed. "Don't follow me, Draco. For the love of Merlin, just let me be for a few minutes. Tell your father that I won't be long" with that Melody quickened her pace away from the tent.

"My father isn't here — Mel!"

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