Nightshade Academy (BoyxBoy)

By Hono-to-kori

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(WARNING: BOYXBOY STORY HERE. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN STAY AWAY!) Oliver Scott, Ollie, is just like any oth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.2

Chapter 6

8.2K 270 119
By Hono-to-kori

AN: Voooooooote and coooooooooomment ~(OoO)~ Also just so you guys know, I went back and added pictures of everyone (Ollie, Dakota, Megan, and Raven) in previous chapters so go check them out and let me know what you think :3 picture of Josh over hither ----->

I stared at Dakota unsure of what to do. I took an uncertain step towards him.

"Dakota?" I tried. He stood there still a shaking mess of anger. I reached out to touch his arm but he just spun around and starting stomping through the crowd. I followed meekly behind. We eventually came upon a table where Megan and Raven were seated. They were laughing about something but stopped when they glanced up and saw Dakota.

"Hey what's up?" Raven inquired as he took a seat across from her. He growled and turned the other way so we couldn't see his face anymore.

"Well alright." She said a minute later when it was obvious he wasn't going to talk to us. She glanced up at me as I timidly sat down beside him.

"What happened?" She mouthed. I shook my head. Megan tossed me a wrapped sandwich and chips. I smiled at her again. This woman has got my hunger's back.

"I'm gonna go to the lady's room." Megan announced, standing up.

"I'll come with." Raven added and the two walked off. It was silent for a moment. I unwrapped my turkey sub and began to dig in. I glanced over at Dakota. He was hunched over and still looked extremely pissed. I should probably leave him alone, but I'm horrible with this kind of thing. I sighed and carefully placed a hand on his back. He stiffened.

"Hey Dakota?" I asked softly. I rubbed the spot gently between his shoulder blades. "Are you ok?"

Dakota relaxed into my touch. After a minute or so he sighed and turned to face me.

"Yeah I'm fine." He mumbled. I nodded my head and we fell silent. After a minute more he sighed. "I just...I really don't like him."

"Josh?" I asked. He bit his lip and clenched his fists as if his very name pissed him off.

"Yeah, Josh." He spat. I nodded.

"Why don't you like him?" I hoped I wasn't over stepping my boundaries but damn this curiosity of mine. Dakota took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened them again and met my gaze.

"Well Josh is my alpha for one." He began. I raised a brow.

"Alpha? Like the leader of your pack?" I confirmed. He nodded.

"Yes though he isn't the official alpha yet, but he still has all the authority of one." It was silent as I waited for him to continue. "To make a long story short, the two of us have never gotten along. Don't ask me why, we've just always hated each other. When we were kids he'd steal my toys or anything I liked claiming, 'I'm the alpha, I can do whatever I want!' bullshit." He let out a low growl at the memory of it. "And he's always tried to prove how much better he is than me at everything. Like when I wanted to learn how to play guitar, he got one and started taking lessons. Then he stood up in front of the whole pack and showed everyone how 'talented' he was. And when I wanted to go to Nightshade instead of the pack school, guess who decided they wanted to go too? Fucking alpha!"

He banged his fists on the table and I could see he was struggling not to blow up again. He took a few calming breaths and closed his eyes. After a moment he sat back and met my gaze again.

"My point is, the two of us hate each other. He plays sports and is the popular jock of the school, I play music and am in a popular band. We're complete opposites and nothing will ever change how I feel about him. He's always trying to prove something to me and now this?" He clenched his fists again. I raised a brow at him.

"What would 'this' be?" I asked. He glanced over at me then at the table.

"Well, you..." He trailed off.

"Me?" I asked, leaning forward. I could see the slight blush on his face as he sat up straighter.

"Nothing...we're just friends and so he's probably trying to steal you away from me." He said that last part rushed and looked away. I smiled and leaned into him.

"Come on Dakota. We're friends and no one is going to take me away from you." He seemed to relax at that and leaned back into me. We smiled over at each other and I couldn't help but feel grateful to have met Dakota. He was sweet and caring, goofy, and a little childish, but he was an amazing friend all together. I opened my mouth to say something but Megan and Raven took that opportunity to return to the table. They sat down in a fit of giggles and Raven tossed Dakota a sandwich, commenting on his love handles. For the moment everything seemed normal so I just sat back and enjoyed my lunch with my new friends.

"Oh by the way Ollie." Raven suddenly said while pulling on Dakota's cheek after calling him pudgy. "What was with that scene after fourth?"

I quickly explained to her the whole Cecilia incident and she nodded in understanding.

"That chick has always been bad shit crazy." She shook her head. "Does she still have the delusion you two are dating D?" She asked Dakota.

"Fuck if I know." He replied airily while his cheek was still being pulled on. "And would you let go of me you she witch?!" He slapped her hand and wrenched his face free from her death grip. He frowned and rubbed his reddening skin. I raised a brow at him.

"So you're not planning on getting back together with Cecilia?" I asked. He gave me a look and furrowed his brows.

"What? Dude we were never going out in the first place so how can we get back together?"

"Really? Cause she was telling me you had an 'off and on thing' going on so I just assumed..." I trailed off as he continued to stare at me like I had two heads. Wait, that might not be too big of a shock given where we were. Staring at me as if...I just stated Adam Lambert was straight? Yeah, there we go. He slowly shook his head.

"Alright, from now on don't believe a word anyone tells you. Cecilia is a crazy mofo and has had this weird ass crush on me since middle school. She tells every person who comes in contact with me that she's my girlfriend and...OH MY GOD DID SHE KISS YOU?!" He stood up and clasped his hand around my face, examining every inch of me for a kiss mark. I stared at him in confusion and shook my head no. He relaxed and let go of my face.

"Why is it such a big deal if she did?" I asked.

"For one, that's gross," He wrinkled his nose at me and I rolled my eyes, "Secondly, Cecilia is a succubus. Succubus are known for seducing men and basically enslaving them. They do so using an ability called 'death kiss'. If a succubus kisses you and leaves a mark, it means you're now under their control and they can make you do their will. That's why I was worried because every person who's ever come in contact with me with less than pure intentions ended up getting a kiss from her and let's just say she's not too nice to them afterwards." When he had finished explaining a light bulb suddenly went off in my head. Everything made so much more sense now. So that's why all those girls acted the way they did.

"But wait, why doesn't she just kiss you and make you her boyfriend then?" I asked. Raven laughed.

"Because she wants D to be in love with her and he can't very well be truly in love with her while under her spell."

I nodded my head.

"So you don't have a girlfriend?" I asked, turning to Dakota. He blushed and looked down.

"No I don't have a girlfriend." He mumbled. I smiled.

"Ok." I replied, taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Why do you ask?" He inquired, leaning closer to me. "Is it cause you think I'm hot? Sexy? A freak in bed? I can help you discover all the answers to those questions Ollie." He wiggled his brows at me and I covered my mouth as I started to laugh.

"Stop it you're gonna make me choke!" I scolded, smacking his chest.

"Oh you better watch out Ollie." Megan joked. "Or else Cece might see you and you'll end up like Kota's last boyfriend." Her and Raven began to laugh and high fived. I furrowed my brows and looked over to Dakota who looked less than amused. Cece was probably short for Cecilia so did that mean she did something to his last boyfriend? Kiss him maybe?

"Hey wh-" Another gong sounded, signaling the end of lunch. We all stood up. I guess I'll just have to ask about it later.

After lunch we made our way to our separate classes. I had biology, intro to human society, ESPER 101, and finally gym. The first two were no big deal, the most exciting part being that I shared Bio with Josh who seemed ecstatic by it, but the last two were definitely interesting. ESPER 101 is a required curriculum for my race. Each student has a class in which they learn how to control their abilities and learn in depth about their specific race. As Raven had mentioned before there weren't a lot of Espers here. When I walked into the classroom there were only two tables. Three people were already seated at one, leaving one open space at the other for me. I took in my fellow classmates. There was a set of twins with sandy blonde hair and matching PSP's in their hands. Next to them was a nice looking girl with her nose in a book. The last boy also looked fairly normal. He had curly brown hair and a hoodie on under his blazer. He had his hood pulled up and was resting his head on the table as if to catch a quick nap before class started. I sat beside him and waited quietly for the gong to sound. When it finally did nothing happened. In fact for the first ten minutes of class the five of us just sat there in mutual silence. Then the classroom door slowly creaked open. We stared at the door as a man poked his head through the threshold.

"Dammit." He muttered and walked in. He was definitely handsome. He had short blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. His strong features matched his muscular build. I imagine he played varsity football back in the day and lifted weights in his free time. He gave us all shrewd looks before dragging a stool to the center of the room and sitting down. He stared at us some more, taking in our appearances. His gaze finally settled on the guy next to me, who was still fast asleep. He smirked at him and flicked his hand in his direction. All of a sudden the kid and his seat lifted from the ground. We all watched with wide eyes as he hauled him up to the ceiling. The whole time the kid never opened his eyes or seemed aware of what was happening.

"Oi." Our teacher called. The kid slowly stirred from his sleep. When his eyes finally opened he yelped in surprise and grasped onto the edge of his chair for dear life.

"What the hell?!" He screamed and our teacher laughed.

"Rule number one." He began, dropping the kid to the ground. His chair fell like an atomic bomb and exploded into a thousand splintering pieces on the floor. The kid was hovering just a few feet above it, his hands sprawled out in front of him. He slowly set himself down and sighed in relief as his feet settled on the floor. He must've ignited his powers just before he fell.

"Do not sleep in my class." Our teacher finished. He glanced at the twins next. "Rule number two." They gasped as their game systems were ripped from their hands and floated to the desk in the corner of the room. They landed on it with a loud clack.

"No electronics in my class." His eyes shifted to the girl next. "Rule number three." Her book slammed shut in front of her and laid flat on the table without her touching it.

"You will pay attention when I'm giving instruction. No day dreaming, doing other class assignments or whatever else you may think is more important than my voice." Then his eyes shifted and settled on me.

"Finally I am the all-knowing expert on all things involving Espers in this school. You listen to me and I swear by the end of these four years you'll be able to do things you never knew were possible. In this classroom I am God. What I say goes and there will be no arguments. Got it?" We all nodded our heads in compliance. He then smirked and walked out of the class. We all glanced around at each other unsure of what to do.

"Fucking weirdo." The guy whose seat was now smashed to a million pieces mumbled. He flicked his fingers at the chair and in a whirlwind of splintering wood, the seat was suddenly mended. He smirked and sat down.

"I already know everything I need to know." He boasted. "And I don't need some fucking lame ass to tell me otherwise." He flipped his hood back over his head and laid back down on his folded arms.

"Oh whoops I forgot something." Our enigmatic instructor suddenly appeared and the kid whipped his head up in alarm. I snickered at the effect he had on him and the kid glared over at me. The teacher winked at me before standing in front of the class again.

"My name is Professor Ryan by the way. Remember it." He gave us each hard stares and once again disappeared just as suddenly as he had appeared. After that class was done and over with I just had one more to endure before this long day finally came to an end. I managed to navigate my way downstairs to the enormous gymnasium. I swear the court was something you'd find on TV watching a NBA finals game. I glanced around and noticed clumps of kids gathered around at different spots of the gym. They all had their bags still with them and were sporting school uniforms so I made my way over to the masses instead of stopping by the locker room first. I knew I had this class with Dakota so I tried to quickly find him. I wasn't too keen on being left alone after what happened last time. I walked around for a minute searching the faces of the crowd.

"What did you say to me?" A loud voice boomed. I turned my head to where the voice was coming from and my eyes widened. Josh was the one who had yelled and he looked beyond pissed at the moment. I glanced over at who he was talking to, worried for a minute that it was Dakota, but was surprised again when it wasn't. Instead June stood there leaning coolly against the wall. He was a few inches shorter than Josh, yet still taller than me, and was smirking up at him.

"You heard me pup." June quipped. Then there was snorting and my eyes shifted over to Dakota who was trying to bite back laughter not far from where they stood. Josh glared at him.

"And what are you laughing at omega?" He sneered. Dakota stopped laughing and growled over at him.

"Ha! Good one!" Jay piped up. I glanced at him from the other side of Josh and June. He high fived a friend of his and smirked over at Dakota.

"Ugh don't be so immature." Cecilia snooted from beside him. Oh my lord what kind of a class is this? If the awkward tension in the air wasn't already at its peak, it certainly was after what happened next. As I stood there totally confused on what I should do, June glanced up at me. Oh no. I stiffened as he continued to stare at me and then a sly smile filled his lips. Please don't.

"Well lil puppy I'll catch you later." June pushed himself off the wall and patted Josh's shoulder. In that moment he looked like he wanted to bite his whole arm off but managed to restrain himself. With each step he took closer to me I knew he was sealing a fate so horrible I couldn't fathom how it would turn out. Then he was there, standing in front of me and he did the unthinkable.

"Hey Ollie." He winked and lightly kissed the corner of my mouth. At the same time I gasped and took a step back, two deafening growls filled the room. We all turned to see Dakota and Josh bearing their teeth at June, ready to lunge across the room and rip his throat out. Why, why me? June raised a brow at the rage filled werewolves staring him down.

"What are you two growling at?" He asked, seeming genuinely confused. Neither said a word but both of their eyes landed on me. I blushed and looked at the ground praying beyond all hope someone would save me from this awkward torture. June's eyes slid over to me and he seemed to get the message. Yes he seemed to get the message quite well as he smiled and took a step closer to me.

"So I'm looking forward to our date after school." He said coyly, winking down at me. I blushed and gave him a look. A look I was hoping he understood as 'shutthefuckup' and maybe 'don't be a dick', but either he had a really thick skull or he just didn't care.

"Date?" Josh and Dakota both said at the same time. I glanced back over at them. Well Dakota said he hated Josh but the two seemed to get along just fine to me. I gave them both a flat look.

"A study date if you even want to call it that. We're English partners and have a project we have to do on each other." I explained, though I don't know why I felt the need to. They seemed to relax at that but somehow I felt more irritated.

"Unbelievable." Jay mumbled. I ignored them all and instead walked over to Dakota.

He grinned down at me triumphantly, which earned a nice glare from me, just as our gym teacher walked into the room.

"Alright, alright settle down!" A woman shouted, her strong voice echoing off the gym walls. She had short blonde hair that looked more like a men's haircut and wore a blue track suit. A silver whistle hung from her neck and a clip board was tucked under her arm. She looked young, maybe in her mid-twenties, but held an intimidating aura. She introduced herself as Miss White and instructed us to take seats along the wall before doing roll call. Afterwards she explained the basis of the class and droned on about sportsmanship, team effort, attendance, and other things I was sure I didn't care about or would forget. The whole time it seemed everyone in the room kept sneaking glances at me. Josh, June, Dakota, Cecelia, and Jay included. Something told me this was going to be a horrible class.

When the last gong of the day finally sounded there was a consensual cheer of relief as all of us survived our first day in the high school division at Nightshade Academy. As everyone began to file out of the room I noticed June stop and wait for me by the door. He leaned up against the wall and smirked over at the pouting werewolf by my side. I glanced up at Dakota's sour face.

"So let me guess," I began, "You don't like June either?" He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies you know." I rolled my eyes.

"And who said that?" I retorted.

"Uh, says history? Hello the great war of the Amalgam Maiden?" He scoffed as if it were obvious. I shook my head.

"The what?"

Dakota gave me a flat look. He searched my eyes as if debating whether I was playing dumb or not.

"Do you seriously not know the story of the Amalgam Maiden?" He asked.

"Well obviously not." I grumbled. He smacked his forehead and shook his head.

"Alright, well I don't have time to give you a history lesson right now but maybe you can look it up in the library on you study date." He curved his fingers in quotation marks when he said that last part. I rolled my eyes again.

"Alright maybe I will." He glared at me and I shook my head. "Why are you being such a jerk?" His stare softened and he looked to the floor with a guilty expression.

"Sorry," He mumbled, "It's just...out of all the people in the world, you had to attract those two to you. Josh the jackass of an alpha and June the cocky S.O.B vampire."

"Well sorry it kind of just happened." He nodded his head.

"I know." He sighed. "Well how long is your study date?"

"I don't know. Maybe an hour? Why?" He fell silent and shifted back and forth on his feet.

"Because I have a surprise for you," He smiled sheepishly up at me, "but I didn't know you already made plans for after school." He glared over at June. He smiled broadly at him in return and waved. I heard the faintest trace of a growl as he continued to stare down June.

"It'll only be an hour. I promise." I quickly said before he did something drastic. Dakota shifted his gaze. His forest green eyes bore into mine and for the first time since meeting him I felt...intimidated? I blushed and looked at the ground.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Nothing." He replied. "Alright, I'll meet you at the library in exactly one hour and then you're mine!" He pulled out his cell phone and set a timer. He flashed me the screen before hitting start. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, see you later." I walked over to June and could feel Dakota's stare watching me. Or should I say multiple stares as I glanced back and noticed Josh and Jay staring as well. Cecilia had taken the opportunity to flirt with Dakota as soon as I walked away. I shook my head and approached June.

"Alright let's go." I said. He smiled and nodded his head, pushing himself off the wall. He made a point to place his hand on my lower back and smirk over his shoulder as he led me out of the gym. I glared at him and side stepped out of his hold. He just continued to smile and walk forward. I followed him a ways to another set of doors. He casually opened them and slipped into the room while I stopped in my tracks. This room was...amazing. It was huge, twice the size of the courtyard and gym put together. There were rows upon rows of books lining every inch of the space. To both the left and right of the room were huge winding staircases with sleek, wooden railings leading to an additional floor of the library. Tall ladders were all around to reach the books on higher shelves. In the center of the room, surrounded by more book cases, was a lounge area. There were grand couches and a spacious oak coffee table, the most dominant feature was the striking fire place that took up a huge portion of the far wall. Other desks and seating areas were tucked away into the corners of the library as well. When I looked up I noticed a huge skylight that washed the room in warm sunlight. Sculptures of dragons hung from the ceiling over the magnificent room. Never before had I seen a more incredible library. There was just a sort of tranquility and peace that filled you when you stood in its presence, surrounded by so many untold wonders and works of literature. As I stood there admiring the beautiful scene, I heard the distinct snap of a camera phone. I glanced down and noticed June was holding up his phone and staring at the screen with a grin. I blinked.

"Did you just...just take a picture of me?" I asked as my mind registered what had happened. He looked up at me and gave me an innocent smile.

"I'm sorry you just looked so cute." He flashed me the screen and I blushed at the stupid expression on my face. I swiped at his phone but he quickly brought it back. I glared at him and tried again. He side stepped out of the way and gave me an amused smile.

"Give me the phone." I demanded holding out my hand.

"No." He smiled and backed away as I walked threateningly forward.

"Give it to me or else."

"Or else what?" He smirked. I lunged at him and reached for his phone. He laughed and danced gracefully away from me. I tried again and again, aiming for the sleek black cell phone but every time it seemed to be in my reach, he would elegantly dodge out of the way. He was abnormally fast and way too graceful for a guy. He was hardly breaking a sweat as I struggled to keep up with him. He smiled and bated me behind a book shelf with a wink. I glared after him as he disappeared behind the wall of books. I stormed forward, determination in my stride. I jumped around the corner and stopped. I furrowed my brows at the barren aisle. I quickly made my way to the end and looked both ways down the next aisle only to find it just as empty. I cautiously walked forward checking the separate walkways for June. Someone whistled a catcall behind me and I spun around. June poked out of an aisle three shelves down, holding out his cellphone and smiling. I glared and ran forward. I slid to a halt in front of the aisle.

"What?" It was empty.

"Hey." I glanced to my right to see June casually leaning against a case two aisles away, still holding up his phone. I dove at him just as he slipped behind the shelf.

"Oh no you don't!" I shouted just as I approached the shelf. I cursed when I found it void of June. I heard laughter to my left and there he was, five shelves down. Damn him as his unnatural vampire speed. He looked like a little kid as he stared at me in amusement a nice smirk on his face. I glared at him and ran as fast as I could forward. Just before he disappeared again, I flung my hand forward and ignited my power. I focused on his blazer and pulled my hand back. He was jerked back by that spot on his jacket and knocked into the shelf behind him. He stared with wide eyes as I stopped in front of him and slammed my hands down on either side of his body, trapping him.

"HA!" I yelled triumphantly, "Now give me the phone!" He stared over at me in surprise, but quickly recovered. He smiled and held his phone behind his back.

"Make me." He breathed, leaning closer. I narrowed my eyes and reached behind him. His hands clasped his phone in an unbreakable grip, but that didn't stop me from trying to wiggle my fingers through it. As I concentrated on getting his stupid phone I heard him chuckle softly. I glanced up and realized how close he was to me. I blushed as I took in our position. My arms were wrapped around him and my body was pressed against his to keep him from escaping. He stared down at me with a playful glint in his eyes. He then smiled and leaned his forehead against mine. My blush deepened and I tried once again to rip his phone away from him. He just continued to smile at me and gaze into my eyes with his alluring stare. I soon found myself lost in those storm grey eyes of his and stopped struggling. He pulled back slightly and tilted his head. His lips hovered just centimeters above mine and I could see the question in his eyes. To both of our surprise I was the one who leaned forward and closed the space between us. I have no idea what came over me as I pressed my lips carefully against his. They were soft and inviting. I liked the feel of them on mine and closed my eyes. I felt him kiss me back and his hold on his phone loosened. Somehow through the haze clouding my mind at this amazing sensation, I registered this and yanked his phone away from him. I jumped back and held it up victoriously. I met his bewildered stare and quickly ran away. I knew my face was bright red and I couldn't get my heart beat to slow down. I quickly stowed away up one of the stair cases and hid behind another shelf. I slid to the floor and held his phone to my chest. Ok heart just calm down, I thought to myself. I gently touched my lips and blushed. I shook my head. I held up his phone and lit up the screen. As I went to open it, the thing brought up a stupid passcode screen. Are you kidding me?! I tried unsuccessfully to open it and let out a frustrated breath.

"Having trouble there?" I jumped and glanced up at June who was standing above me, his arms crossed. Holy crap, when did he get here? He was so quite I hadn't even heard his silent footsteps. He smirked and crouched down in front of me, his arms folded on his knees. I glared at him.

"Open it." I demanded, holding up his phone. He smirked and reached for it, but I held it away from him.

"Don't even think about stealing it from me." I threatened. He laughed.

"Alright I won't." He promised. I eyed him suspiciously before nodding my head. He took the phone and quickly opened it. A second later he held it up, revealing the picture of me he had taken.

"Now delete it." I ordered. He smiled.

"Not if you don't ask nicely." He teased. I glared at him as he continued to smile at me.

"Please delete it." I huffed. He shook his head.

"Nicer than that." He placed his hand to the side of me and leaned forward on his toes.

"Please delete it." I tried, being as sincere as my frustration would allow me. He smirked and leaned even closer.

"Try again." I realized the space between us was getting smaller and smaller as he slowly closed the gap and I began to panic.

"Please good sir won't you open it?" I begged like a pauper on the street facing a nobleman. He seemed taken aback as I leaned forward, clasping my hands together in front of me. "Won't you show mercy to a poor man and pretty please delete the picture?" He cracked a smile and bit his lips as he tried to hold back his laughter. I smiled and leaned even closer, placing my hands on both of his shoulders.

"I'm so poor and worthless compared to a great vampire such as yourself. Please sire, please delete it!" I began to shake him and he let out his laughter. I grinned as he fell back on his butt and pushed me away.

"Alright fine." He agreed and deleted it. He held up his phone to show me and smirked.

"Happy?" He asked. I smiled.

"Indeed." I winked and we both began to laugh.

"Enjoying yourselves?" We both jumped as we stared up at Dakota. He had his arms crossed over his chest and was glaring down at us. June smiled up at him but I could see the irritation in his eyes.

"Maybe we are Mr. Omega. Can we help you?" Dakota clenched his jaw and glared daggers down at him. Clearly being called an omega angered him.

"Yes, yes you can." He seethed, "I'm here for this one!" He pointed at me and my brows shot up in surprise. I checked June's phone and was even more surprised to see a whole hour had gone by.

"Sorry but we've got a project to do." June replied, brushing his silky black hair out of his eyes. "Bye. Bye now." Dakota gave him a devilish grin as he reached under my arm and hauled me to my feet.

"That you may but I gave you guys an hour to get started. Now Ollie is mine cause we've got better things to do." He smirked. June glared at him and slid his eyes over to mine, giving me a questioning stare. I smiled nervously.

"Sorry but I promised him we'd be done in an hour." I confessed. He sighed and stood up.

"Oh well. Looks like you owe me another study date tomorrow then." He winked. I blushed and looked away.

"O-Ok." I stuttered. Dakota growled and stepped between us. He ushered me forward like a heard dog and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh by the way." June said when we reached the end of the aisle. I turned around and raised a brow as Dakota stayed defensively between us. He smiled and tossed something to me. I clumsily caught it, almost dropping it, and glanced down at what it was. I was surprised to see my phone and checked my back pocket, my eyes widening when I found it was in fact not there. I looked up at him.

"How...?" He shrugged.

"I snagged it from you while you were kissing me." I blushed and Dakota growled.

"I put my number in there for you. You know, to set up more study dates." He winked. I was about to say something when Dakota latched onto my arm and dragged me down the stair case. I rolled my eyes as he started mumbled something about vampires being stupid.

"Dakota." I said when he continued to haul me out of the library and down the hallways.

"D." I tried. He just kept grumbling.

"D.A.K.O.T.A." I stressed every syllable of his name, but he just continued forward as if he was being propelled by some unknown force. I suddenly stopped and pulled back on my arm. He turned around and growled, his grip tightening on me. I gave him a flat look and raised a brow at him. He stopped and loosened his grip, staring at the ground. He said something but in a voice much too quiet for me to hear.

"What?" I asked. His head snapped up and he stared at me determinedly.

"Did you really kiss him?" He asked. I blushed and looked down. I shifted back and forth awkwardly.

"No." I said, meeting his eyes. I watched as he visibly relaxed and felt a pang of guilt in my heart. I didn't want to lie to him, but if I told him the truth I felt like I'd never hear the end of it and he might get mad at me. The thought of Dakota ignoring me scared me for some reason. He was one of my only friends and the person I was closest to here. I didn't want to lose him so soon.

"So what's this surprise you were telling me about earlier?" I asked, changing the subject. He smiled at me.

"You'll see." We started walking forward again and Dakota's hand dropped to my wrist. He hesitantly wove his fingers through mine and I glanced up at him. I saw the blush on his face and smiled, but didn't let go of his hand. He led me up three flights of stairs and I was about to ask where we were going, when he finally stopped in front of a door. I looked up to a sign protruding off the wall to see the words 'Music Club' in bold, cursive lettering. I raised a brow at it and then to Dakota.

"What's this?" I asked. He grinned letting go of my hand and opening the door, gesturing for me to enter. I gave him a wary look before cautiously stepping inside. The lights were off and I squinted through the dimness, trying to see what was in front of me.

"Hey Dakota?" I asked as he shut the door behind me and I was drowned in the darkness. I suddenly felt afraid. I familiar sickness filled my stomach. Sweat began to build on my brow and my breath came out in shallow pants. My hands began to shake at my sides as memories of that dark place began to fill my head.

"Let me out! Please!" I begged as I pounded on the heavy wooden door. Tears sprung from my eyes as I heard laughter on the other side.

"No, you're a monster and monsters belong locked in the dark."

"SURPRISE!" I screamed as I was snapped out of my thoughts and stumbled back. I tripped and thankfully Dakota caught me. I pressed myself against him, my heart going into a frenzy as I took in Raven and Megan's smiling faces. In their hands was a large, white cake with the words Happy Birthday Undecided on it and a frosted design of a guitar. Above them was a large banner that read Welcome Ollie with paint splattered around it. The room we were in was covered in homemade decorations. Streamers and colorful paper chains hung from the walls. Behind them was a table loaded with snack food. To the left of Megan was a boy I'd never seen before. He looked a little older than us with honey brown hair that reached his shoulders and glasses on his face. An attractive girl with chocolate colored hair flowing over her shoulder hung on his arm. Both of their school uniforms were red which meant they were sophomores at Nightshade. To the right of Raven stood an older man with an easy going smile, bright red hair pulled back into a short pony tail, and a white lab coat over his shoulders. I was so stunned I didn't even know how to react. I just stared at them with my mouth gaping open like a fish out of water.

"Uh, is he ok?" The girl with the dark hair asked.

"He looks terrified." The guy commented next to her.

"Maybe he doesn't like surprises?" The other man said peering over at me.

"Uh Ollie?" Dakota asked behind me. I slowly glanced up at him. I realized I had backed him up into the door and was clinging to his sides. He frowned down at me.

"Are you ok?" He asked with concern. I nodded and slowly peeled myself away from him.

"Yeah sorry I just uh," I glanced at Raven and everyone else in the room, "Don't like surprises." I finished with a weary smile.

"Oh, we're sorry!" Megan chimed, setting the cake down on the back table.

"Speak for yourself, that reaction was hilarious!" Raven laughed. I gave her a flat look and shook my head. I was relieved to be surrounded by light again. I shivered at the memory of my past.

"What is all this?" I asked.

"This," Dakota began, gesturing to the room, "Is Nightshade Academy's Music Club room."

"And this," Raven continued mimicking Dakota in a mocking way, "Is also your welcome party to the Music club as well as the Academy so welcome!" I stared at them and cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"The Music Club?" I said uncertainly.

"Yes the music club." The other guy stated, walking forward. He held out his hand. "My name is Anthony Reed and I'm the club's manger as well as Undecided's representative." I nodded slowly and shook his hand. "This is Mimi and she's the club's light and pyro technician. She sets up the staging and effects for all of the shows." He said, jerking his thumb to the other girl.

"Hi it's nice to officially meet you!" She said, grabbing my hand as soon as I let go of Anthony's.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you too." I murmured.

"Aw he's a cute thing!" I looked over to the red head now as he gushed at me.

"This is Professor Marco. He's the club's supervisor. Every club at Nightshade needs a least one teacher to keep an eye on things." Mimi explained and I nodded. "He's also a potions teacher here and is a little coo coo, but his class his fun if you ever have the chance to take it."

"Hey! I am not coo coo I am perfect!" Professor Marco countered.

"Oh really?" Mimi asked. "Why is your hair bright red then?" He blushed and ran a hand over his head.

"It's the effects of a new potion I'm working one."

"One that dyes your hair?" I tried. He glared at me.

"No! One to stop the balding process!"

"Oh." I said glancing at Raven and Megan who were snickering behind him and making faces at his back. They stopped and gave him innocent smiles when he turned around and I let out a small laugh.

"Anyways," Dakota said rolling his eyes, "Since you helped us form Undecided you are now an official member of the Music Club. We usually practice in here but have other practice rooms and recording studios at our disposal." I smiled and noticed the equipment set up on the other side of the room.

"Sweet." I replied.

"Sweet? Oh don't worry. You'll find out just how big of a deal joining this club is shortly." Anthony huffed, pushing up on his glasses with a wicked grin on his face. I raised a brow at him. Mimi rolled her eyes.

"Ignore him. He's just proud of the popularity of his club and his band members. A lot of people try to join the Music Club but Tony here is really strict on who he lets in. There used to be two bands, Skrull and The Drop Outs, but Skrull disbanded and The Drop Outs graduated. Undecided is his new project, but it's with basically the same members so he probably won't go too crazy." Mimi explained. I nodded.

"Oh, I have plans for you Ollie. I have plans." He began to laugh quietly like a psychopath while staring me down. I felt awkward and shuffled behind Dakota. He laughed and smiled at me.

"Seriously ignore him. It's celebration time!" I nodded and the seven of us indulged in the delicious spread of food. Raven turned on some music and we began to dance and act like stupid teenagers. Dakota started doing a guitar solo in synch with the song we were listening to. Raven then challenged him to a duel of solo's which Megan soon joined in. I was surprised when Anthony and Professor Marco started shredding on the guitar. Even Mimi was a pretty good bass player.

"Your turn." Dakota grinned at me. I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm ok." I replied.

"Nonsense!" Anthony chimed, pushing a guitar in my hands. "Play!" He demanded. Everyone started chanting play, play, play until I finally rolled my eyes and let loose. I tried for a complicated piece to impress and smirked at the expressions on their faces when I stopped. I smiled and gave a bow. They laughed and Dakota patted me on the back.

"You've got some serious talent." He complimented. I smiled.

"Thanks." The rest of the party was more of a bash of messing around, it was fun though. I learned a lot about the school, events, and teachers. I also discovered Anthony and Mimi were a couple and were going strong for three years now. They founded the Music Club together along with Dakota, Raven, Megan, and Jay when he was still around.

"By the way, before I forget again," I began grabbing Dakota's attention and pulling out my phone, "Can I have your number? It'd be easier to find you this way." Dakota nodded and took my phone from me. After a few seconds he handed it back. I smiled down at the contact which did have his name, but in parenthesis next to it he put awesome sexy roommate with a bunch of emojis. I chuckled and decided to keep it that way. I got everyone else's number while I was at it and smiled at the growing list of names. It was nice to know I had friends here. Friends who cared.

"So how was your first day at Nightshade?" Dakota asked me. I smiled.

"It was awesome. I can't wait for the rest of the year."

AN: Three chapters to finish one day of're welcome! Sorry there was just a lot going on lol so what do you think? Still like the story? Well I hope so cause in the next chapter June and the music club are stirring up trouble for Ollie ;) I'm having so much fun writing this and I hope you guys are enjoying reading it :) Remember to VOTE and COMMENT please! Please comment o_o I love hearing your guy's opinion of the story :) oh and again FOLLOW me if you like my stuff :3

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