From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

On Location

688 18 22
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

We have landed in Albuquerque, New Mexico and are currently riding in the back seat of the town car that picked us up from the airport.

Our flight was earlier this evening so with the time difference we're arriving in the city pretty late which is actually a good thing because we're exhausted and trying to be lively for any fans that we may have encountered at the airport was not looking like an option.

When we got in the car Dylan had scoffed and reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt, gripping onto my thigh as he pulled me into the middle seat beside him and redid my seatbelt for me "There we go."

I laughed and waited until he secured his own seatbelt and was comfy before I cuddled into his side, laying my head on his shoulder. I felt his chest shake a little in his silent laughter while he laid his head on mine and wrapped his arm behind me, setting his free hand on my thigh again "Now you're getting it."

I laid my arm over his stomach and had lifted my head up to press a kiss against his jaw "We were just in a limited space on the plane, didn't know if you'd want your space or not to stretch out right now."

He increased his hold on me and pulled me impossibly closer against him while he pressed a kiss to my forehead and mumbled sleepily "Cuddle time with you is always on the table, baby."

aaaaand swoon.

After that was established we stayed cuddled into each other while we rode through the city on our way to the outskirts of Albuquerque where the base of our on location set has been set up.

Once we arrive on set Kaya, Thomas, Ki Hong and Dexter greet us with big smiles and massive bear hugs. I've not seen any of them since the beginning of last summer, though I've kept in contact with Kaya as much as our schedules have allowed us to.

Thomas slings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side "We've all just been chatting about how glad we are that you got cast to be with us for the film, love."

Everyone nods when I look around at the group and I throw them a grateful look "Thanks guys- I tend to be more emotional when I'm tired so mind ya business if you see me crying right now."

They laugh and Dylan winks when I look over at him before my attention is brought back to Kaya. She claps her hands together with an excited little dance before she steals me from Thomas and wraps me in a side hug "I quite liked being the only girl last time but the fact that it's you here with us this time is just going to be absolutely smashing."

I laugh with her and return her hug, my eyes instantly moving over towards Dylan who has the softest smile on his face as he watches me interact with this group whom he loves dearly.

"Right, not all the trailers are here yet so Addy's rooming with me" Kaya announces not even a second later and the look that overcomes Dylan's face is one I would have paid good money for it to be recorded. He looks between us quickly, muttering without missing a beat "Wait–"

"You don't expect her to room with one of you wankers do you?" Kaya interrupts him as she lets go of me and sets her hands on her hips.

I snort into my shoulder, attempting to cover up my laugh with a cough when Dylan glares over at me yet directs his words towards her "Of course not"

"Good that's settled then" she states once more and links her arm with mine, apparently ready to lead me over towards the trailers.

"Kaya! I did not agree to this" Dylan shouts and I share a humor filled look with Thomas who looks from me and over towards Dylan "And you're in charge of her sleeping arrangements, why?"

"Because..." Dylan trails off and I raise my brows wondering how far he's going to take this since we had quite a lengthy conversation at the airport and on the plane about this very thing.

We're definitely together, an official couple and everything– we however don't think everyone in the public needs to be aware of that little bit of information just quite yet.

We want to be able to enjoy us, just the two of us before our every move and action is put under the microscope even more than it already is now.

Rumors of us being together have only increased since this last season of Teen Wolf and it's quite fun, if I'm being honest, to ignore those questions with a smile whenever they're asked– hey it's our business and we have to get our kicks with this kind of life somehow, right?

Before they were rumors that I wish were true and now that it's actually true... I just want it to be ours for a little while longer.

Ty found out before we left purely on accident, however, we're glad he knows– if nothing else it's going to help keep us a secret that much easier. I also had a coffee date at home with Holland once I got back from filming the Supernatural episodes and she offered to help me pack.

She was not bragging in the slightest that she had called this and if I had just listened to her... though she was in a small fight with me for about ten minutes when I told her Ty had found out when he overheard me talking to Dylan.


"I can not believe you told him first and that he didn't tell me! He's known for two whole weeks longer than I did?" Holland shrieks, standing up from where she was sitting on the edge of my bed and I throw my hands out to my sides in my desperation "I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you in person and not over the phone so I had to wait until I literally got back today and technically I didn't tell him... he overheard me talking to Dyl when he called him."

She thinks about that for a moment before she lifts her brow at me "Oh technicalities can bite me, you could have at least had me meet you at the salon earlier and told me there."

I throw her a look with my immediate dry reply "Yes in front of my lives for gossip hairdresser, that would have gone over splendidly with the whole not telling many people plan."

She chews on the side of her lip with that before she scoffs lightly "Well still I could have met you earlier"

Shaking my head at her, I laugh a little "I said I wanted to meet you as soon as I got back from Vancouver today and you picked right now."

"Okay well stop coming at me with valid reasons, young lady- I want to be upset right now" she pouts and crosses her arms over her chest earning me to soften my face towards her with a little nod "You can be upset as long as you know I didn't not tell you to hurt you and Ty shouldn't have found out when he did."

Playfully rolling her eyes with that she nods once before she smirks "Well I better be the first one to know when Dylan proposes or I swear to god–"

I lift my hands up and interrupt her with a laugh "Alright, alright- we just got together, how about we wait to see if he even still likes me in a few months before we go level five crazy and start planning a wedding."


I may be closer with Phoebe but I still love Holland dearly and she probably would have cut all ties with me if she was that far down the list of people who found out– which is why I saved telling Bee later that night since her and Paul have been on vacation.

A simple photo of us laying on the couch with Dylan cuddled up and asleep on my chest was enough for her to freak out over like the best friend she is. She attempted to FaceTime but the call wouldn't connect, which was for the better since I didn't want to wake him up, and we instead made a plan to meet up once we were done with filming Scorch.

I'm brought back to the current situation as Kaya looks between us, her eyes narrowing in suspicion a second later and Dylan laughs, shrugging towards me "I'm not going to be able to keep this up with her looking at us like that."

"Holy shit" she interrupts and Thomas steps closer near my side, looking between Dylan and I "No fucking way."

"Wait what's happening?" Ki Hong questions, looking between the four of us quickly and Dexter shakes his head in response to him.

I laugh as I look between everyone, seeing Kaya point towards my face "When?"

Attempting not to laugh, I draw my brows together and mutter "Umm"

"No- when the fuck did this happen?" she interrupts and again Ki Hong asks "When did what happen?"

"They're together" Kaya and Thomas mutter at the same time.

Ki Hong and Dexter make surprised noises and look between us at the same time that Dylan clears his throat and closes the space between him and I. He slides his arm behind me, his hand resting on my hip as he pulls me into his side and we smile nervously towards the group.

Kaya has the brightest smile on her face, Thomas' matching hers as they both look between us and Kaya excitedly squeals "When the fuck did you grow some balls and tell her you were in love with her?"

I make a noise and look up at Dylan, seeing him look down to the ground in his embarrassment at that "Well technically-"

"Oh you bastard-" she hits Dylan in the chest and he jerks back with me, clutching his chest on a laugh "Fucking christ Kaya, why you hitting me?"

She moves and hits him again, grumbling "I can not believe you didn't tell her first! After everything you told me last summer, are you insane?"

"What did you say last summer?" I question looking over at him and he makes a noise, flailing his hand around with his words "You know most of it already, besides" he turns back towards Kaya "In my defense I was going to tell her but then shit got weird and I didn't get the chance before she just up and told me a few weeks ago"

"Weeks and I'm only just hearing about it now?" Kaya shrieks and I grimace softly "Well see-" however, I'm stopped from responding when she continues "No, actually scratch that I'm only just now learning about it because you were going to keep it secret? From me?" she swings her eyes in my direction, laying on the mock hurt thickly "I'm hurt."

I throw her a look and half whine "Stop making me feel bad, mate! There was a reason we weren't saying anything" before I look between the four of them and Dylan elaborates "We decided with how our lives are we don't want to go public with this at all right now and we figured the less people knew the better–"

"Plus we didn't want to take away from the time here by being all lovey dovey in everyone's faces" I continue, earning laughs and nods of understanding from the four of them before Kaya scoffs "Fuck that, I've been waiting for this to happen for years- so be disgustingly adorable, I demand it actually."

Laughing with that, Dylan scratches behind his head "We still don't want everyone to know just yet."

Thomas shrugs with that "We're all used to the rumors and I doubt anyone will be able to see the difference in the two of you."

"Unless you're snogging in the middle of the set" Kaya chides, earning us all to laugh with her statement.


Addy POV

Filming on a movie is absolutely nothing like filming on a TV show. Everything is definitely more spread out, however the days are longer- especially if you're the lead in as many scenes as Dylan is.

I don't even know how he does it, especially since just the other night they were filming the entire sequence when they're in the deserted mall and everyone else called it quits around 10 that night but Dylan and Ki Hong stayed well past 2 the following morning and then he went to an interview.

He luckily did not have anything until the following night so he just got to sleep during the day, demanding I stay with him to unleash my cuddles, as he puts it, that allow him to sleep the best.

Was I complaining? Not in the slightest.

I've gotten to be on set while they're filming the scenes I'm not in and it's unbelievable getting to watch it all happen both in front of the camera and behind. Wes is absolutely fascinating to watch as he makes a scene come to life and he's more than willing to answer or show me anything I may have questions on.

It's been really sandy and dusty on every set so at any time anyone is not filming they've been advised to wear a mask- a lot of the crew have been following that, however, the rest of us who have to film sound like we've been smoking for 60 years after the long days.

On the agenda for this evening is filming the scenes in the warehouse from when the group first meets Brenda and Jorge and also a few of when we're trying to escape from the building.

I walk out of the wardrobe trailer completely loving my Brenda look for this film– I'm in a long sleeved dirtied up and distressed lighter grey henley shirt paired with some olive green skinny jeans, that also have a few small distressed rips in the thighs and one of the knees, finishing with a pair of black tie up boots that go up to just below my mid-calf. I've also got this charcoal grey, almost black, hooded military style jacket that I am so in love with I desperately want it.

My hair has been tousled with the wind as I make my way across set, which has just added to the overall look Wes and James wanted for Brenda.

I slide my hand through the front of my hair, tossing it over to one side as I walk up towards the group who are just finishing up with their break for an early dinner, since we're filming well into the night tonight.

Dylan smiles as soon as he sees me and starts to make his way towards me "There she is"

Kaya looks over her shoulder at me and smiles wide "Hey hot stuff" at the same time I hear Dexter whistle earning me to laugh as Dylan glares over at the pair of them "Do you two mind?"

"Not in the slightest, thanks for asking though!" Kaya shouts back at him and I laugh while he stops his steps and immediately wraps me in a hug like he's trying to shield me away from the group, whispering near my ear "You look incredible, Adds"

"Yeah, the dirty look doing something for you?" I smirk up at him as he pulls away slightly with a scoff "Um, no it's more like you do something for me and I'm definitely loving you being here and being in this apocalyptic look with me."

"Smooth talker" I quip and he leans forward, cupping my face in his hands and murmuring against my lips "You love it" before fully pressing his lips onto mine.

I hum in agreement, smiling into the kiss and ignoring the whoops and catcalls behind us.

Dylan removes one of his hands from me and I silently laugh knowing he's flipping them all off– which is proven a second later when the whistles and catcalls increase as well as a few laughs.

One more press of his lips against mine before he pulls away and kisses my forehead, wrapping his arm behind my back as we make our way over towards the table.

I look around the area we're in and he must read the silent question on my face because he grips onto me a little more "The behind the scenes cameras are on break as well so we're in the clear."

I breathe out a deep breath and lean my head on his shoulder "I don't want to be bombarded with the pressures from everyone outside but I also don't want to sneak around like some dirty secret."

He laughs and squeezes my hip a little "We're not a dirty secret, the important people know."

Smiling up at him with his words I nod "That's very true."

One we get to the table Thomas slides over a little and indicates for me to sit down beside him with a head nod which I smile and take the seat, bumping my shoulder into his in my silent thanks.

Kaya, Dex and Ki Hong are sitting across from us while Dylan sits down on my other side, sliding his plate over towards me once he does "Hungry?"

I shake my head and smile up at him "I ate before I got changed"

He throws me a sidelong look and makes a noise "You ate enough?"

"Yes?" I furrow my brows with a soft laugh and he smiles with a little shrug "We have a long night ahead of running, across beams no less, so I'm just making sure you're properly prepared."

"Don't worry I ate, plus I had the coffee you left for me in the trailer as well" I reply and he rolls his eyes playfully "Well now that you caffeinated up, you need to have some water too."

"Is that why you had two bottles of water on either side of the coffee cup?" I question, moving my lips between my teeth in attempt to keep a straight face and he throws me a look, talking around his bite of food "So you saw them and didn't drink them?"

"I didn't say that" I quip and he makes a noise, reaching forward to grab his own water that he washes his bite down with "Adds–"

"I drank them, calm down" I interrupt and he smiles, leaning forward to kiss my cheek loudly "Thank you."

"You should know that if I ruin a scene because I have to pee four times before we're harnessed up I'm completely blaming you."

I hear four sets of laughs from around us at the same time he snorts and lifts a shoulder with his response "As long as you're hydrated I don't care, baby."

"Could you two be any cuter?" Kaya mumbles and we look over at her seeing her smile "Ki Hong was always making sure you were properly fed and hydrated on the first film and now here you are making sure she is and it's just-"

"Stop it" I interrupt, attempting to keep a straight face and she throws me a look, sticking her tongue out at me "Spoilsport."

I laugh with that and it's a few minutes later just as the sun is starting to set when I'm called over to start filming my very first scene of the film- which I get to film with Giancarlo and getting to work with his talent is nothing short of extraordinary. He's simply brilliant and our one scene where it's just him and me is hands down probably going to be one of my favorites.

He's an absolute goofball yet like a flip of a switch is also one of the most professional guys to work with ever. Having him here with me is amazing since we're both the new guys, we've been welcomed by everyone else and treated just as much a part of the family as they treat each other, but this is their second time doing this– so having someone who's in the same boat as me, and I get along with really well, is greatly appreciated.

We run through the scene a few times with different angles and only have a few mess ups, which helps to ease my nerves I had with the difference between being on a TV set and being on this set.

Next we're filming when the group first meets me in the run down warehouse as I walk through the chained up cranks, which is an easy enough scene once I am able to glide through the pathway I have to take between the cranked out extras reaching out towards me.

This group is even more fun to film with than they are to hang out with, and that's saying something. They make it so easy to get into character and I thought I would only be connecting with Dylan in a scene, feeding off of him and his energy that I'm used to performing around, however Thomas, Kaya and even Ki Hong and Dex are right there keeping me in the moment of the scene as well.

I look between them, breathing out a soft laugh once I come to a stop with the extras snarling and making awful noises behind me and lift a brow with a little smirk as I state my line "You guys look like shit."

Tomorrow is when the group will be hanging upside down for a ridiculous amount of hours to get that scene done, so next on the list tonight we're picking up after they get themselves untied and I meet up with them to get them upstairs with the zip-line stunt.

We're shown the setup with the zip-line and the green screen padding a little ways out the window and we of course have to take it for a test run while they get the cameras all set up for the scene.

Giancarlo, Dex, Ki Hong, Jacob, Thomas and Kaya all take their turns running through like they will for the scene and Wes smiles in triumph as he watches through his little screen "Yes, it looks so good!"

Dylan bumps his shoulder into mine and nods towards the zip-line when I look up at him "Wanna go?"

I smile wide and nod "Hell yes, if that's okay?" I ask towards Wes as he walks over towards us and he laughs, reaching up and grabbing one of the handles "Me first, me first!"

He zips through the window, laughing even more once he lets go and falls onto the green mats with everyone else.

Dylan reaches up for the handle and holds it out to me– though I shake my head and nod towards it, smiling even more when I see the excited look on his face "You go first."

He looks between me and the handle twice, bouncing on his feet "You sure?"

I laugh and gently shove his shoulder "Yes babe, now hurry up."

One more bright as the sun smile is thrown my way while he leans forward and kisses my cheek before he grips onto the handle and jumps out the window.

Once he's laughing and moves to the side of the mats away from the zip-line I climb up onto the window sill and reach back for the handle. I grip onto it with both hands, breathing out a deep breath because as much as I love a good thrill it's still a fair distance from the ground.

Everyone hits their hands on the mats and Dylan's voice can be heard above everyone else cheering for me to go "Do it, Adds!"

Letting out a squeal I push off with my feet and hold on for dear life as I slide down the zip-line, letting go when they yell for me to and I crash into the soft green mats a second later.

I flop onto my back, breathing out through my laughs shared with everyone else as Dyl flops onto his stomach beside me and props his head up in his hand, smiling and muttering quietly for just us to hear "Hey gorgeous."

Dylan POV

We're back up in front of the zip-line stunt to actually film this time and once action is called Addy and I pull down the handles, handing them off to everyone before she checks her pockets and runs out of frame.

"Adds! Where are you going?" I shout out after her and immediately grimace "Fuck me"

"Seriously wrong world completely, dude" she shouts from around the corner and laughs sound out from everyone in the room with us.

I groan and tilt my head back joining in with my own frustrated laugh while she walks her cute little ass back over towards us and I wink at her before we start again.

Getting the line right this time after she runs out of frame, Kaya and I finish with our lines before I also run after Addy and we immediately move over to the next frame where she's searching through the drawers quickly.

I run over towards her and the frantic movements while we run through the scene is so familiar I don't even think twice as my hand lands on her back and I rush out my lines.

She grabs what she needs and we quickly hit our marks before she takes the gun out of her thigh holster, which looks just as hot as it sounds, and shoots the blanks towards the guard extras.

We finish the take with ducking from where the special effects bullets will hit as we run out of the room, hearing Wes call cut a few seconds later and we stop our steps.

Since we're on the other side of the room and no cameras, or people for that matter, are on this side with us, once we stop running I reach out and grip onto her wrist. I pull her back a few steps and press her into the wall with my hands on her hips, stepping up against her not even a second later and leaning my face towards her as I whisper "I've missed getting to work with you."

Addy smiles as she slides her hands up my chest and around the back of my neck "Same, this is a lot of fun."

I hum in agreement, closing the small gap between us and finally get to kiss her. Feeling her smile into the kiss has my grip on her hips increasing as I lean into her more, barely hearing the chatter in the next room about setting up for the next scene.

Reluctantly I pull away and press my lips against her temple before I interlock our fingers and walk with her back down the little hallway towards the room we previously ran out of.

The cameras get set up in that hallway and we film the next shot that continues with us running out of the room before we're set up down another hallway that we'll run out of and onto a catwalk.

These shots are quick and we're able to get them in only a few takes, having Addy yell her lines for us to hurry and that we're running out of time to make sure they have the audio clear enough over the music that's playing and the sounds of us running.

Next we get set up with the harnesses that have us standing out on the beams that luckily will only look like we're insanely high up in the air.

We're still pretty high up and Addy connects her eyes with mine once she climbs onto the beam with me. I offer a reassuring smile over towards her and shrug a shoulder "It's just running on a beam- we got this."

She snorts and has one hand on the rope above her that's connected to her harness "Right, my clumsy ass running on a beam- this doesn't sound like it could be a disaster."

"Adds, look at me" I mutter, though apparently it was too quiet because she does, in fact, not look at me and her eyes continue to move around our feet and the beams around us "I mean these harnesses are properly going to catch me when I fall right?"

"Yes" I attempt to answer however my adorable rambling shortstack of love keeps going "What if I can't get through a single take without falling or having a weird look on my face as I attempt to not fall to my death"

I smile with her words and shrug a shoulder, answering easily "You won't be falling to your death, the harness will-"

"How are you so calm about this, you are not a fan of heights either" she rattles off and I chuckle softly "Show me your blues, baby."

Her eyes immediately snap to mine and they soften from her previous worry for half a second before she playfully glares at me "You are not allowed to say that to me right now."

I snort and lift my arms out to my sides "Why not? No one can hear us right now."

She deepens her glare, which only makes me find her more adorable, and I lick my lips to hide my smile while she grits out through her clenched teeth "Yeah well I can't exactly kiss you right now like I want to when you say swoon worthy shit like that now can I?"

Stepping towards her I watch as her glare drops and she watches me move closer towards her earning her to whisper "What are you doing?"

I lift a shoulder and smirk toward her "Fuck the plan, Adds- I will gladly let the world know you're mine so I can kiss you anytime I want."

Setting her small hand on my chest she smiles softly up at me "I don't want the world knowing to ruin us."

I set my hand on top of hers, gripping onto her as I connect my unwavering eyes with hers "We won't let that happen."

"You guys ready?" Wes calls up to us and we only slightly pull a part while I nod down to them "Yeah, just going over the lines."

Adds snorts and throws me a look while she laughs out "The lines of us saying 'shit' or 'hurry' and 'the song is almost over'?"

Returning her laugh and watching her eyes shine in amusement, I shrug "I didn't say which scene we were rehearsing lines for."

Addy POV

We filmed all the beam stunt scenes a few times through and I was mildly surprised at how much we were allowed to do- though I was grateful for it because it was a ridiculous amount of fun.

Dylan and I were allowed to jump onto the ropes in the empty elevator shaft, however, we had to swap out for our stunt doubles for the actual footage of them falling to the next floor.

We pick up once action is called by jumping up and attempting to land like we had just fallen by bending lower to the ground.

Dyl reaches over and grabs my arm as we look up and imagine the debris that will soon be falling down before we're scrambling out of the empty elevator corridor. We land out on the floor, covering our heads from the debris crashing around us and I smile to myself when I feel him reach over and cover me like he's used to doing.

Coughing through the dust that surrounds us we continue with our scene and this where everything is easy in my eyes because I am even more calm just getting to experience the simplicity of working through a scene with him. Nothing special, no other extras or effects- just the two of us talking in a dark and dusty cluttered room... even if he's completely un-Dylan like with how he's delivering these lines.

I hand him a flashlight from the backpack before he looks over at me and asks incredulously "Why are you helping us?"

Channeling the Brenda vibe I got from the book I raise my brows as I zip up the bag once more and continue with my lines, working through the scene with him easily.

We called it a night after we ran through the scene a few more times and finally got it to what Wes was wanting.

Dylan wraps his arm around me while we walk back to the trailers to wash up. I change into my jammies and grab a water while I wait for Dylan to be done doing the same.

He walks over and crashes down onto the bed with me, slinging his arm over my stomach and pulling me into his side. I laugh with his gentle manhandling and snuggle further into him, hearing him breathe out a soft chuckle "Have I said how much I'm loving you being here yet?"

Drawing patterns into his arm with my fingers I make a little noise and attempt to shrug in the weird position we're lying in "Just so you can use me as your sleep inducing cuddle person?"

He snorts into the bed before he lifts his head and lays it on my chest looking up at me "It's not my fault you're so cuddly."

I tap his nose with my finger, earning him to throw a sleepy smile my way while I reply to his previous statement "I'm loving being here with you as well."

His eyes crinkle at the corners and the look he gives me makes me fall just that much more in love with him. His arms tighten around me while he lays more on his side and his deep voice, thick with his exhaustion, sends goosies down my arms "It's more than you being here on set with me..." he trails off and I don't move to interrupt him, knowing he's trying to find the right words for what he's wanting to say.

Taking a few seconds Dyl breathes in deeply and lays his hands flat on my lower back, pulling me against him "It's you being here in my life in every sense of the word. Getting to climb into bed with you after working all day and just laying with you. I love you, Adds, and I just want more of these experiences with you."

I smile and push into the bed, bringing my face closer to murmur against his lips "I love you, and I just want to keep doing life with you too, Dylio."


Addy POV

Today we are using the daylight to film the outside scenes of the beaten down city and makeshift club Dylan and I will be walking through.

We're starting out with me limping and sitting down to wrap up the bite injury I'm getting in the previous scene we're filming later today.

I roll up my pant leg as far as the skinny jeans will allow and start wrapping the bandage around it while we say our limited lines– more along the lines of just attempting to say more with the shared looks as Dylan looks on helplessly and I try to push how big of a deal it is to the side.

The next part of the scene is not in the script and Wes only talked to us beforehand that he wanted Thomas to help Brenda walk in this scene and we were free to improv where the scene takes us.

So as I attempt to stand up Dylan shuffles over towards me and once he sets his arm around my back I reach out and set my hand on his chest, rushing out quickly "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?"

"You're hurt- so, you know, let me help you" he replies easily and I scoff with a little laugh "I'm good, trust me I don't need a hero."

I watch as Dylan's mouth quirks at the corners, his only sign that he appreciated my line before he releases a breath that's all Thomas and holds out his hand towards me "Not a hero, so how about a hand up then?"

Talking with Wes we decided we wanted this moment to be the first crack in Brenda's resolve to actually accept help from someone. So I take a moment of pause, looking between his hand and his face a few times before ultimately I nod once, attempting to hide the smile the kind action brings to my face "That'd be great."

He pulls me up and I wobble as I put pressure on the injured leg, feeling his hands on my waist to stable me not even a second later.

Silently my eyes move from his hands and up to his face, earning me to raise a brow. Dylan immediately retracts his hands and scratches behind his head with a little cough which causes me to throw him a look as I nod towards the street "Come on, let's find Marcus and get you back to your friends."

Wes calls cut and bounds over to us with an excited smile, moving his arms around with his next words "That was exactly what I was talking about and I'm even more excited because I couldn't really put into words what I wanted between them just then yet you were able to give me that and you barely said any words, it was all looks and just yes- I loved it."

"She's brilliant like that" Dylan replies and winks at me earning me to shove my shoulder into his arm to get him to stop.

"You both are, watching the two of you together is incredible and I'm patting myself on the back for going with my gut and having you be Brenda, Addy" Wes announces and I throw him a grateful look "Thanks, Wes."

He smiles and claps his hands together "Alright let's move it inside for the climbing."

Dylan POV

We move into the set that has been built for the fallen down office building, that we'll be climbing up for the remainder of filming for the day, that's surrounded by green screen and mats.

Addy and I get harnessed up once more and run through our marks for the scene while we have to climb with the stunt guys.

Watching Addy climb up the rubble of the destroyed building is mildly terrifying because while I know it's safe and structurally sound for her to be climbing, I still don't want her getting hurt.

That feeling is almost overwhelming, and somewhat helping to drive the emotions I'm supposed to be feeling in this scene, once action is called and we move through the scene, yelling our lines to 'keep going' or 'watch out'.

A good majority of our lines we've been saying through this fast paced climbing scene were not scripted and I would be lying if half the time when I'm asking if she's okay that I wasn't actually talking to her.

We get what Wes needs and I almost find it funny with how excited he is to be moving through our scenes at the quick pace we are.

He's been very vocal that he's realizing one of the many benefits to me having worked with Addy as long as I have– we don't waste any time. We're used to doing everything fast paced and we're so natural with each other that getting through the lines is easy.

The only thing that's new for her is the stunts and even then she's catching on to those and working with the harness just as quick as everything else.

That's not to say we still don't mess up because we do, a lot, and the blooper reel will have loads to choose from. It's just that we've gotten really good at shaking off the mess ups and pushing through to get the scene done correctly.

More times than I can count my eyes drift over to her and I just have to smile at how much fun she's obviously having both in the scenes and when we're not filming.

She laughs and jokes around with everyone in between takes, cast and crew alike, and it's obvious everyone loves her being here.

I've never felt more lucky to get to know her and the fact that I get to call her my girlfriend makes my heart swell with even more pride.

We filmed the beam scenes just a few days ago and she was absolutely terrified to be in the harness but today she's a fucking natural and I smile even more as she's dancing around in the air while the harness slowly lowers her onto the glass panel that she falls onto in the next scene.

We pick up where I call after her, making sure I call her the right name, and she answers back yeah before I start to climb down towards her.

The panel is solid and not cracking like it will be in the final edit but fuck does she make it believable with how much she's shaking as she stands up.

We film through the action scene three times where the green suited stunt guy is fighting with her on the glass while she tries to get back over to where I am reaching for her before Wes says we got it.

Addy flops onto her back on the panel and breathes out a strangled breath from her voice being weak with all the shouting- which is even more hoarse thanks to the dust and sand everywhere on this set.

I laugh softly and poke her with the prop I'm using to break the panel she's on in the next scene "Welcome to the raspy voice club."

She makes a noise and kicks her leg towards me, however, her foot lands nowhere near me and I laugh even more "You attempting to kick me, Blondie?"

"Can't really call me Blondie right now, Rider" she rasps smugly, pointing towards her non blonde locks and I share a laugh with Chris, who is also catching his breath from their previous fight scene, "Rapunzel's hair was brown at the end of the movie and I doubt Flynn just stopped calling her Blondie."

I make a noise of victory, reaching over to high five him in solidarity which earns Adds to scoff as she looks over at him with mock betrayal and he just shrugs "I've got kids, I know Disney things."

We get set up for the next scene where I'll be sliding down and grabbing onto her before I break the sugar glass. The stunt guys walk me through where to land and where to hit since I only have one shot at this like we did with the other sugar glass window breaking that happens at the beginning of the film.

I take a calming breath and am grateful it's a single word line followed by grabbing her arm before I break it so the pressure to get it in one take is not that bad- it's definitely still there a little though.

The three of our harnesses are checked one final time and once Wes calls action, I grab a hold of the metal bar and call my line of 'Brenda' before I slide down the wall.

Addy reaches over towards me and I grab onto her arm tightly, feeling her grip just as strong through my jacket. As soon as my feet hit the marks I reach up with my other hand and slam the bar into the sugar glass.

It instantly shatters away beneath Chris and a few seconds later he lands on the green mats however many feet below us.

We continue with the scene and Adds makes little noises going along with the craziness of the scene and what just happened while I drop the bar and grip onto her with both of my hands.

She looks up at me and releases a shocked breath that I match, licking my lips quickly and looking her right in the eyes as I state easily "I got you."

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