It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBe...

By Gerrygirlslf

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The day when Bella Meets Aro everything did not go as planned, they come under a spell. Now they must work to... More

Chapter One: The Arrivals
Chapter Two: The Switch
Chapter Three: Plan B
Chapter Four: Getting To Know You And Me
Chapter Six: Discoveries and Difficulties
Chapter Seven: Encounters of the Awkward Kind
Chapter Eight: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime
Chapter Nine: Lying to Caius The Witch and Aro's Wardrobe,
Chapter Ten: The Letter and Hanging With the Guard
Chapter Eleven: You can't Avoid Mother nature or the feast
Chapter 12: Aro's day out
Chapter 13: Bella's Birthday Ball
Chapter 14: The Night Of Nights
Chapter 15: The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Chapter 16: The Blood and Sulpicia
Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby
Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury
Chapter 19: The Return
Chapter 20: Nickolos
Chapter 21" The Awakening
Chapter 22: Time for change and farewell
Chapter 23:The Volturi wedding celebration
Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids

Chapter Five: Farewells and Adjustments

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By Gerrygirlslf

Thank you for the reviews and following. I hope you like this one.

Chapter Five: Farewells and Adjustments

Bella was the first to recover from her startle. She stood up from the couch and walked toward Caius. She noticed the look of extreme annoyance on his face and winced at what he must be thinking. Marcus was now coming in behind him, looking curiously from Bella to Aro, wondering what transpired between them.

"Aro, what is the meaning of this?" Caius said as he crossed his arms in front of Bella demanding answers.

"Bella has agreed to stay with us. She will be change on her nineteenth birthday. This will give her time to adjust and get to know us. I will make the arrangements to get her things she needs from home and from the stores to make her stay more pleasant."

Bella wasted no time and called for Felix. Felix flitted in the room in front of her. "Yes, master?"

"Felix, please go to Forks and pack all of Bella's things you think she would need and bring them here and put them in our best guest room. Before leaving, go and get a farewell note from Bella to give to her father explaining that she is now studying aboard in Italy, needing time to think, after Edward has left."

Felix nodded. "Right away Master!"

Felix flitted over to Aro and waited for him to write the letter. Aro went over to the desk to complete the task.

"Heidi, please come here!" Bella called again.

Heidi entered the room and stood before Bella and looked around curiously. "Yes, Master?"

Bella smiled and gestured in Aro's direction. "Please go to the store and get everything you think that Bella would need." Heidi nodded and flitted out.

Bella continued to speak to Caius. "We will also give Bella the opportunity to say good-bye to the Cullens and this will satisfy their curious minds."

Bella finished and Felix flitted out the door to complete his errand. Marcus had an amusing glint in his eye and nodded approvingly to her.

"All this for a pathetic human?!" Caius scoffed.

Bella crossed her arms in determination. "Oh, Caius come on now we got to give the girl some comfort. She will be here a long time."

Caius stood in front of Bella gaping and pulled a face of utter astonishment. He whirled on his heel and flitted out to the throne room. Marcus turned and followed.

Bella turned to Aro for the first time since Caius interrupted and Aro slowly approached her. His brow creased in uncertainty. Bella took his hand and walked him out.

They made their way down the great hallway. As they walked, Aro whispered so only she could hear. "I hope you know what you are doing girl, you didn't even bother to consult me on this brilliant plan of yours."

"Aro be reasonable, I didn't have a chance to."

Well, from now on we need to discuss decision making about us beforehand."

Bella chuckled. "Um, I didn't know you were such a control freak."

Aro huffed. "I am not. I just like to be informed and involved, That's all."

Bella smiled. "Anything you say."


At last they came to the double doors of the great hall throne room and entered. The Cullens were waiting patiently facing the thrones. Bella made her way up the dais with Marcus and Caius. Aro stood by the Cullens as Edward stepped to Aro and held his hand.

Aro fought the urge not to think thoughts that would give him away just in case he could read his mind.

"They informed us you will be staying here. Is that true?" Edward asked Aro.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. I wish you good-bye dear Edward." Aro said holding out his hand for Edward to shake. "I'm sure we will meet up again someday." Aro stole a glance at Bella and observed her frowning. Edward looked hurt as well from his lack of feeling.

Edward leaned his head on Aro's and he twitched in discomfort at Edward's closeness. Aro struggled trying to wiggle out of the Cullen boy's embrace.

Edward lifted his head up and squinted at Aro. "Are you alright? Bella, if they are forcing you in this, I will not hesitate to take you home with us. If they like it or not."

Aro shook his head and winced from the pressure of Edward's grip. "You're hurting me Edward."

Edward released Aro, muttering his apologies.

Aro backed up to walk away when Bella spoke up. "Now, now Bella. Give Edward his goodbye kiss, after all you will be here a long time." Bella said chiding him.

Marcus shifted uncomfortably in his chair and Caius made a derisive noise.

Aro froze in place and looked up at Bella with utter shock. She was not suggesting that me, Aro Volturi, kiss this boy.

Edward did not miss a beat and pulled Aro into a goodbye kiss that would make a sailor blush. Aro felt Edward's tongue enter his mouth and squealed in embarrassment. He struggled in vain against Edward's vampire strength and could not get free.

Edward finally released Aro and he staggered back only to be grabbed by Alice. She rocked back and forth in her embrace as she hugged him so tight, he could hardly breath. Alice soon released Aro and told him she would be back one day and to take care.

The guard then escorted them from the room. After the door closed, Aro turned stiffly around as if someone threw a bucket of cold water on him.

Aro looked up at Bella and he observed her grinning mischievously at him. He glanced at Marcus, and in all his years after the death of his wife, he saw Marcus suppress laughter. Aro extremely upset, walked toward the door.

Caius spoke suddenly to make things worse. "Human, you have not been dismissed yet. Stand where you are and wait!"

Aro stopped and looked up at Bella. She smiled and descended the stairs to his side. "Come with me." Bella gestured toward the door.


When out in the hallway, Aro refused to look at Bella as they made their journey to his room. Aro walked as fast as he could go, leading the way as he turned the corner to the guest wing to avoid her glance. It did not matter how fast he went, Bella had vampire speed and kept up quite easily. She grinned in amusement at his evasion.

Heidi was waiting by the door as they rounded the next corner and she carried Aro's bags in. Aro had to admit, his staff was efficient. Bella followed Aro in and dismissed Heidi after giving her thanks. She smiled, bowed and left. Aro looked at the bags on his bed looking lost. Bella moved to his side. Aro looked up and swatted her arm.

"How could you make me kiss that horrible Cullen kid!" Aro said waggling his finger at her.

Bella barely felt that whack he placed on her arm and she shook with laughter, holding her side. "I'm sorry Aro but if I know Edward, he would have done it anyway."

Aro huffed. "You were enjoying that weren't you?!"

Bella smirked. "You should have seen your face. I was just dying."

Aro sat flopped on the bed and crossed his arms, muttering something about Bella dying.

Bella sat next to him and patted his back. "Oh, let's not fight, we got to get through this together."

Bella rested her head over his and put her arms around his shoulders. Aro gave in and sighed. Bella smiled in his hair and groaned as the delicious scent engulfed her. The burning sensation in her throat was growing more uncomfortable by the second. She got up and clutched her throat. Aro stared up at her in shock horror. Bella was hungry.

"Marcus!" Bella heard hurried footsteps coming towards the room. The door opened and in flitted Marcus.

"What's the matter?!" Marcus exclaimed moving toward Bella now seeing her distress.

"I'm thirsty, help!" Bella pointed to her throat.

Marcus pulled her by the arm to face him. "You need to feed now! Let's go, I'll take you."

Bella stopped him suddenly as he tried to pull her from the room. "Wait!"

Marcus stopped and looked at her searching her face. Marcus noticed her eyes has gone black with hunger.

I can't kill anybody! I'm Bella remember?" Bella cried out in panic.

"Be that as it may child, you have to feed, or you will end up killing Aro. Come now!" Marcus insisted.

Bella looked to Aro for support. Aro smiled wickedly at her. "You will, or they will all find out."

Bella groaned at Aro's logic. Marcus steered her out of the room toward the dungeons. "Come dear, I will make sure he is a criminal for your sake."


Aro watched as they left, he thought to himself he shouldn't feel bad for her, but he did. Bella would feel guilt and suffer now. No matter what she did in the throne room he could not help but to care what happens to her.

Aro looked at the bags on the bed with distaste. Knowing Heidi, he wondered what she had bought him. Curiosity at its peek, he grabbed the nearest bag and peered inside. He pulled out a black lacy blouse and mini skirt.

Oh, great lots of leg exposure, I'd have to squat in those things!

Aro folded them and laid them in the dresser. Next bag, he pulled out a red sun dress.

This dress shows too much cleavage! Aro thought then went to the closet and hung it up.

Third bag, he pulled out a pair of white sandals and black flats.

Well, at least no heels on these. Aro thought and went to place them on the floor in the closet.

Fourth bag, Aro picked up panties. They were silk and the color black, and other was white. They came with matching lace bras. Aro gasped and gathered them up quickly and put them in the drawers. When Aro came back to the bed he was blushing profusely.

Aro Volturi, having to dress like a woman, insufferable!

Aro pulled the next bag over and pulled out a provocative night-gown that exposed the breast though the see-through lace on the bodice. He gasped and dropped them, putting his hand over his mouth in surprise.

I hope no one sees me in this!

Aro gathered it up with haste and place it in the draw next to the underwear.

Aro sat down on the bed and opened the last bag. He picked out shampoo, conditioner, soap and a puff. He pulled out a toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush and deodorant. Aro sighed.

Humans need all this stuff?

He went farther into the bag and pulled out a pack of razors, shaving cream and a small pack of make-up. Exhaling, he packed it all up and headed to the bathroom to put it all away.

The bathroom was large with a giant porcelain tub and a stand-up shower. All very modern. The mirror was full length on the wall to give a person full view of how they looked in what they wore. The toilet over by the double sink was so clean it gleamed. Aro put all the things in the cabinet, puff and bottles and soap he placed on the shelves above the tub.

When he finished, he exited the bathroom. Aro sat down on the bed and sighed. Bored.

He took a moment and looked around the room. It was not as grand as his own, but it was comfortable. He had Victorian style furniture. The tables made of deep mahogany. Velvet blue covered sofas and chairs. A four-poster bed with canopy. Beautiful Victorian painting on the wall.

Aro leaned back against the headboard and folded his hands in his lap. He will wait for Bella's return.


Bella and Marcus journeyed down to the dungeon stairs. The only source of light were the ancient torches hanging on the wall casting eerie shadows everywhere. Water from somewhere dripped constantly on the stone floor echoing off the enormous chambers. Bella avoided the many spiderwebs over the arch ways and hurried up to match Marcus's pace. He was taller after all and his long legs stretched wider in stride.

As they approached the cells Bella could hear the many cries for help. She shivered at the sound of human despair. Marcus pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the large wooden oak door. It opened slowly with a creaking sound. Marcus reached for her hand and led her to one of the iron cages. There was a man in the corner of the cage huddling in fear.

Marcus turned to Bella and observed her horror-stricken face. An onslaught of images and thoughts rushed to her mind. Now, Bella we only kill what we need to survive. This man is a murderer. Now, do not be afraid. Marcus thought.

Marcus cleared his thought and began speaking. "Now, Bella we only kill what we need to survive."

Bella rolled her eyes at Marcus. "I know, you already said that!"

Marcus let go of her hand and looked curiously at Bella. "Did you just read my thoughts?" Said Marcus as he searched her face.

"I think I did." Bella said gasping at the thought.

Marcus smiled. "You have Aro's gift. That's good."

Marcus pointed at the man. "Go now and be merciful, so he will not suffer much."

Bella entered the cage cautiously without much delay. The man trembled and moaned as she came near. She could feel his heartbeat vibration through the mid-air causing her venom to pool in her mouth. His appetizing scent hit her, and she growled in hunger. This surprised Bella, she seemed to be acting on instinct alone because she did not know exactly what to do. The prisoner tried to get away and she pounced then, taking him in her iron grip and exposing his neck to her razor-sharp teeth. He struggled in vain to her complete control. Then, it came, the onslaught of images. She saw him murder his family as Marcus had said and that made her attack with fury. Bella bit into his flesh causing her to moan in pleasure as she tasted the blood going down. She continued to suck and pull until she got every last drop. Then she threw him down and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, licking happily. A purring sound of contentment escaped her lips and she smiled.

Marcus was amazed at her fast adjustment. He was mesmerized by Bella's ferocity and sensuality as she made her kill. He underestimated her abilities and he was glad she could adapt to her new body.

Marcus held out his hand and Bella took it stepping out of the cell.

"Let's return, Aro's waiting."

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