Is it Potter? Or Snape? HJP T...

By LexiBell_King

123K 4K 495

Harry James Potter. The saviour of the wizarding wold? Severus Tobius Snape. The unemotional & cold Potions P... More

After TMR
The First Incident
Snape or Snake? Pt1
Snape or Snake? Pt2
New Discoveries 1.0
New Discoveries 2.0
The New Harry
Gringgotts and The Early Letters
The Shopping Trip
Weasleys Stalking
Present and Sorted (A)
Present and Sorted (B)
Week 1 - 5
Pansy's Plan
Hermione's Execution
Trouble Makers Revenge (TMR)
Life Partner
Weasley War (One)
Weasley War (Two)
Blaise-ing Inheritance
Malfoy Maddness
AN - Timeline
Messy Hair & Sweat Pants
Harry's Confrontation
Teaching Pure-bloods
Dumbledore Snaps Harry
Two Steps Back
Nothing Happened
Starting Over
Back to Gringotts
Muggle Struggle
Animagus Trouble
Old and Dated

Good Riddance

1.2K 57 1
By LexiBell_King

Christmas break was around the corner. Dumbledore was stuck. Hermione had started feeding them false information after her 'honest reveal' and willing assistance. Ron and Ginny thought she was with them still. Draco had been spending more time with Pansy. Which was apparently why Hermione couldn't get much. Arthur had been demoted. Most of the order had lost their positions in the ministry. It was slow, but the plan Tom had cooked up with his most trusted was working. A re-election was to take place over the Christmas break where Lucius or Fudge would be the minister. It was a little too late when Dumbledore found out the real truth.

"Harry are you serious? I've tried so hard not to be seen with you alone because of what I told that old man." Hermione complained.

Harry shrugged. "It doesn't matter now. Everything is in place. I hate seeing my other best friend looking so miserable."

Dumbledore made a bee-line for his office and summoned everyone. They got there in no time and Ron frowned as he looked around. Everyone took a seat and settled down.

"Where's Hermione?" Ron and Ginny asked.

"She is a spy." Dumbledore declared. "On my was to the Great Hall I saw her getting pulled down a corridor. My ears could not believe what was said. She was talking to Harry. Alone. I almost swooped in to help her, but then, 'I hate seeing my other best friend looking so miserable.' the words came from Harry himself."

Everyone was shocked. Hermione had been their key. She made them all believe she was the best possible way to get Harry back. That's what Harry wanted them to believe. And believe it they did.


"YOU BITCH!" Ginny yelled in Hermione's face.

The Hall was quiet. Everyone watching the two girls. Ginny slapped Hermione. Blaise held Pansy back as they watched.

"You lying little bitch. I bet that whole story about Draco and Harry was just a ploy. You probably just wanted Harry to yourself. Or maybe it was Draco you were after. I can't believe you would keep me away from my true love! Harry belongs to me and you convinced me he was a fag! We trusted you and you have always been chummy with Harry!" Ginny's voice was getting higher in pitch.

She was about to say something else when someone spoke behind her. "Do you have a problem with me being in love with Draco? If so you should take it up with me not my best friend. After all I was getting sick and tired of drinking that damn love potion. All it did was make me angry. Then you and your wannabe gang had to start dosing Draco. So I took the opportunity when it presented itself. Mione wasn't lying about Draco and I. He is my life partner. Known that from the moment I met him. It's not Mione's fault you are so blinded by greed you would believe anything she told you. Hell she didn't even hide the annoyance she felt dealing with you people."

Everyone was watching as Ginny turned around to face Harry. She recognised the snake around his shoulders immediately and froze. Her eyes went big. Hermione simply walked off and sat next to Pansy. Harry was grinning.

"You remember Salvitor don't you. He got in trouble because of you at Diagon Ally last year. He is also the one that left that beautiful mark on Draco's arm. Here how about I acquaint the two of you properly. And once and for all everyone can see why I truly belong in Slytherin." Harry held out a hand to his side. "Go on bare your fangsssss and ssssslither off to Draco. Make a ssssspectacle out of it if you so wisssh."

"Yesss Massster Sssssalazssar. I've been waiting for thisssss."
Salvitor was quick to act.

The snake wrapped himself around Harry's out stretched arm. Hissed at Ginny rather violently. He even pretended to lunge at her. He dropped himself to the floor circled Harry and slithered off to Draco. Draco picked him up and laughed.

"Bloody show off. You and Harry. I guess the familiar has to copy the master." Everyone was still staring at Harry in disbelief for speaking Paseltongue.

"Professor Dumbledore. I believe my school needs a new headmaster that isn't driven mad with power." Harry continued turning to Dumbledore. "As Lord of House Hufflepuff I kindly ask you to step down gracefully. As Lord of House Ravenclaw I ask you to think about every possible out come to my request, the good and bad out comes of refusing or accepting. As Lord of House Slytherin I remind you that stepping down is not a request I am merely giving you the opportunity to keep your dignity. You have 5 minutes to accept or refuse."

All eyes were now on Dumbledore. "My dear boy. You cannot revoke the names of the founders like that. It is disrespectful."

Harry waved his wand and his Lordship rings lit up. Sure enough Dumbledore tried to say they were fake so Harry presented everyone with a goblin approved test. Again Dumbledore tried to call it a fake but everyone knew you could never fake those tests. By the time Dumbledore realised he could not win Harry spoke again.

"I believe your 5 minutes are up. Will you accept my offer?"

Dumbledore frowned. "You cannot just revoke my position of headmaster. I deserve to be here and run this school."

Harry sighed. "I believe that is a rejection. I had a few ideas of how I would deal with such a thing. This one just seems better. Uncle Luci I believe you should read him his rights now."

Lucius walked into the Hall and right up to Dumbledore followed by the Lestrange brothers and Rita Skeeter. He pulled out a parchment and read it. Dumbledore refused to leave with them and called for his phoenix. When it didn't come he panicked. Then Harry spoke in Paseltongue again.

"Sssssophira I believe the old man issss looking for hisss pet."

"Coming Massster."

Soon a giant snake slithered into the Hall and everyone gasped. Harry patted the snakes head and spoke in English so everyone would know what was happening.

"If you would be so kind my beautiful little Basilisk. Show the old man what is trapped in your mouth. Make sure to keep your eyes red I don't want a school full of petrified students."

The snake nodded and exposed her teeth just enough so the bird could not escape. Harry picked up the cage the Rita left by the door. He opened it and held it up to the snake's mouth. The snake let the bird go into the cage and Harry locked in.

"Thank you Sophira. The Lestrange's will take you back to the manner now."

The brothers nodded standing on either side of the snake. They turned into a giant cloud of smoke and left. Harry walked up to Lucius and handed him the cage. Rita had been jotting down everything since Harry said she had free reign. Whatever she couldn't publish would be published by Mr Lovegood. The school watched as Lucius restrained Dumbledore. He turned to the Hall.

"I believe many of you have had problems with the way things were being run this term. As I am running for the office of minister of magic I made it my personal duty to investigate the matter. As many of you know I am... Sorry I was part of the school board. I have resigned my position as I believe you are all capable. Am I correct in assuming the majority of you liked when Professor Snape was headmaster?" There was an uproar of cheer. "Very well. Since Hogwarts has been claimed by the lord of the houses I will have a word with him about the application for Professor Snape. We shall go through the proper channels and process."

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