Trust in the Force | Obi-Wan...

By ChichiK97

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Starting with the events leading up to the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Lyra Din-So returns to the Jedi temple aft... More

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A Glimpse

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By ChichiK97

The harsh wind, the thundering rain, the flash of lightning overhead. All of it lay forgotten in the back of her mind the second the yellow blade filled the edge of her vision and the blaster fire from the bounty hunter before her eyes became the priority, the target.

Obi-Wan was a skilled swordsman she could tell he'd improved immensely since their padawan years and even now he held all the elegance and foresight of his preferred saber fighting style.

She didn't even register the first two shots she deflected, her hand raising the blade instinctively to divert the fire off to the side and out of harms way. It was enough to let Kenobi know she had all the means to look after herself now and he advanced on their attacker with his own spinning blade and determination.

As soon as Jango realised he was facing two Jedi at once he retreated with the flight of the jet-pack on his back and flew into the air firing shots all the while. The distance was enough to provide him with some safety even while the two stepped forward deflecting shots.

Breathe, breathe and fight.

A mantra appeared in her mind, reminding the young Jedi that what she was doing was needed. It was self defence from a person needed to be interrogated by the council about an assassination attempt, several at this point.

But no matter how many times the justification swam through her thoughts, images of jungle fire filled her vision with every shot that rung out around them through the rainstorm.

Green, blue, red, heat.

The subsequent landscape of Yavin territory and the ongoing confrontation swam and morphed into a stream of thought into the past. Separatists? No it was from the inside, a clan leader who had taken it upon himself to oppose the Jedi peacekeeper and revolt. He was barely eighteen, a young man still to meet his prime and yet he had chosen a road so dangerous it ended him up at the opposing end of her saber. She'd drawn it at the last possible moment, deflecting fire and spinning it as he drew another weapon only to end the fight in deafening silence and an ear piercing scream from an elder woman somewhere to her left that made her ears ring until it was drowned out by the bellowing yell of her old Jedi friend Kenobi.

Kenobi...? Had Obi-Wan came to Yavin for her, had he finally come to visit her, or tell her that her time away from home was finally her over?!

Taring her gaze from the dead body below the jungle around her spun and vanished with a blink back to the present scene she'd lost herself from. Lyra let out a gasp in realisation, a bolt of fire skimming her arm, making her hiss out in pain and almost drop her weapon in the process.

This wasn't Yavin, this wasn't then when she'd lost the divinity of a Jedi and let frustration and anger rule her for a split second. It was Kamino and she had a job to complete here which involved her survival from Jango Fett and his son who had now taken it upon himself to start firing shorts from the large ship he sat inside.

The fire was much heavier than any blaster would ever be, denting the ground in large deadly explosions that sent Obi-Wan flying backwards in pained grunts that made her jaw clench and dive for cover before she could provide him with anymore foolish distractions.

Charred flesh on her arm burned as a sore reminder but Lyra kept her eyes focused on Kenobi as he let his lightsaber fall from his grasp with another yelp, the fire was surprisingly accurate from the young clone boy she'd give him points for accuracy.

As soon as she spotted Jango flying around towards her partner the the fire cease, it was time to step in again. Lowering her saber momentarily she dived forwards and into the air to deliver a kick to the side of the mans rib cage that sent him flying against the ground and away from his target.

"Get up!" She turned her wide eyes to Obi-Wan who lay stunned staring up at her for a moment before he was on his feat to intercept Jango's fist with a kick on his own only to end him up in a scramble with the man slipping around the wet platform.

The second her foot stepped forward with a raised weapon Boba's deadly aim kept her occupied while the two men fought, backing her away with loud fire that was hard to deflect and even harder not to fall away from while she watched Kenobi punch and kick like his life depended on it. Which it did.

Even when he got so painstakingly close to his blade again the flying bounty hunter wound a precise shot of wire around his wrists and began dragging him across the platform.

Rolling her eyes, Lyra saw the cannons taking their much needed time to cool off and sprinted after the elder Jedi with a sigh, her wet boots sliding unsteady on the ground almost comically. It looked as if he handled the situation himself when he stood and used a large circular cylinder to hold himself steady so that that dreaded jet pack flew from Jango's shoulders into the nearest wall to implode, but the next smart move only ended him in more trouble when Kenobi ran full speed into the bounty hunter to send him flying over the edge of the landing bay downwards.

They were still connected by a cord after all.

"Oh, not good" He all but muttered under his breath

"Obi-Wan!" Lyra just about reached him in time, deactivated saber back on her hip she lunged to take a hold of his robes in hopes of keeping him grounded, but the momentum was too much even for two bodies and sent them both flying over the edge after the bounty hunter below with a grunt.

They slid one after the other down the dome shaped roof, gasping onto nothingness due to the waters blessing while Jango extended blades from his wrist cuffs and into the metal until he was barely holding them both up in mid air on the string of wire.

"He can't hold us for long" Lyra breathed as she clung to the elder knight from behind, her hands already slipping on the wet fabric until finally the wire was detached from above and they were both free falling from a great height that would ensure an unfortunate demise.

Obi-Wan had other ideas, thinking on his toes much faster than she could he untangled the wire from his wrists, took ahold of Lyra's waist and threw the end out to a nearby bridge until it coiled around a banister and ensured them a quick stop hanging in midair once more.

"Don't move" Even without the warning Lyra wouldn't have dared try to struggle in his hold practically clinging to his tunic as she watched their feet dangle above the wild water below.

"Wasn't planning on" She breathed out in both relief and tension.

"Swing, we need to reach that platform below"

Spotting the intended spot below them the blond gave a nod before propelling her legs in unison with his own, back and forth until enough momentum allowed them a safe landing onto the metal flooring when Obi-Wan let go of their safety line.

Wordlessly Lyra used the Force with the wave of her fingers to open the door in their way, and both sprinted back up towards the landing bay that held the bounty hunter and his clone as fast as they could.

They were already taking off when they reached them, full thrusters spurring on the wind below while Obi-Wan called for his fallen saber igniting it on instinct before pulling forth a tracking beacon and throwing it expertly onto the hull of the ship which disappeared off into the darkened skies.

"I think you can put that away now" Gesturing to his blade, he let the light disappear back into the hilt from beside her as he watched the distant silhouette vanish from their sights.

"That didn't turn out quite as planned" They were both as out of breath as each other when they spoke, beginning their hurried steps back towards their starships close by.

"Indeed" Lyra hummed in agreement, securing her hood for no other reason besides the sense of security it provided. It was soaked through from the rain, hardly doing anything but to make her feel colder than she already was.

"He won't get far with the homing device" Obi-Wan assured with a yell over the storm once they arrived back on their bay and began settling into their ships to follow.

It didn't take long for their understandably faster Starfighters to catch up to the bounty hunter, even while Obi-Wan had advised her to return to the temple and tend to her wound Lyra had found the notion of retreat right now quite ridiculous and stuck to the tail of her partner regardless.

Lowering from their hyperspace ring into a ring of asteroid debris and other space material, Lyra could sense the danger before she even saw the-

"Seismic charges! Stand by" a chirp from his astromech informed Obi-Wan too as he glanced over his shuttle towards her.

"Got it" Was all Lyra replied before she spun her ship downwards to follow his own out of the range of the charge that blew out in a brilliant ring of blue above their heads. The detonation obliterated everything while they sped away below the explosion, stretching out for miles with a deafening sound that rattled their ships.

"Another!" She barely spotted it in time before it imploded, both of their noses turning a sharp left corner to avoid the following explosion that made them squeeze through a gap between two asteroids to avoid the impact of flying rocks spiralling their way.

Still, they remained on the path after the bounty hunters ship and through a small tunnel that took a loot of dodging and turning to avoid collision. Lyra was sure Kenobi was hating this a lot more than she ever could.

Fire rang out behind them the second they exited, red beams shooting past her on either side until she heard the distinct voice of Obi-Wan's complaining through her headset.

"Oh, blast! This is why I hate flying!"

"Less complaining, more flying Kenobi" She was glad he couldn't see the small smirk tugging at her lips.

Their fire was all but determined, never letting up even while their ships spun in circles and cut tight corners to dodge it all, eventually one connected with the side of Kenobi's ship causing sparks and fire to erupt momentarily that informed her of the damage and made her frown.

"You've been hit"

"I am aware!"

She could feel the grimace on his face through the low tone and bit back further words of their obvious dire circumstances here, twisting her ship towards him to intercept another blast that would've blown his ship into smithereens to instead connect with one of her Starfighters wings so that they had now both obtained subsequent damage.

"What did you do that for?!" Obi-Wan barked in clear concern.

"That hit would've left you incapacitated!" Lyra argued back steadily only to spot another thing following his ship through space "At your hull, Kenobi".

"I see it" He spun the ship around and past her sight on the other end of a large asteroid until she followed, "R4, prepare to jettison the spare part canisters".

A similar weapon of fire found itself on her heels too, making Lyra curse under her breath and tare her attention away from her companion to focus on her own flying.

"Keep steady, you have the solution to both of our problems" Speeding forward she raced towards the back of his own fighter, until her nose all but skimmed the far side.

"Fire them now!" And she ducked behind it and past the exhaust so that her own tracking shot flew right into the spare parts released at the back of his ship and imploded, taking his own following fire with it and ensuring both of them could duck under a large astroid ahead and around to land onto the backend of it and hide away from the tracking of the bounty hunters ship which disappeared towards the nearby planet of Geonosis after failing to spot them.

"Well, that was close" Lyra breathed into the com in relief, glad to have trusted in the Force that guided her action in making the split second decision. She didn't have access to an astromech like Obi-Wan had in his ship, and thus couldn't have opened the hatch to her spare parts fast enough to save her ship. Ever since her arrival on Coruscant they where preparing her one of course, but after the hectic turn of events it would most likely take them longer to retrieve one now.

"I think we've waited long enough" Was all her partner replied before they began their descent into the planets atmosphere.

"There's an unusual concentration of Federation ships over there, Lyra" He observed the ships hovering below them in large grey spheres illuminated in blue lights, more than she'd ever even on one given planet before. The sight was unnerving.

"The ships will take some reparations to fly again, I'm not sure if we have enough spare parts" She inspected the ships as soon as they landed, crouching down at the rear end to take in the black blaster fire marks with a frown while Obi-Wan jumped from his ship in front of her.

"We'll tend to them later, R4 stay with the ships" He gestured to his red headed droid and crossed his arms due to the cold night air on Geonosis. As hot and humid as the planet was through the day, it was certainly chilly when the presence of sunlight was all but gone. That and their robes were still damp from Kamino and it's pleasant weather.

Following the elder knight wordlessly Lyra wrapped her own robes around her frame tighter as they made their way up the bank of red rocks and into the interior of the odd structure.

"I have a bad feeling about this" The mutter was quiet, showing her unease without wanting to make it too obvious as she took in the distant landscape. No one knew where they were, not even the council so if anything went wrong it would be hard to call for backup from the Jedi or the Republic as a whole. It was dangerous and unfamiliar territory out here.

"How's your arm?"

Lyra had almost forgotten about the small injury and simply shrugged when Obi-Wan turned to address her, skimming his eyes over the tare in her robe that revealed where the injury lay below before sighing and turning away again.

"It won't get in the way, if that's what you're concerned about" She reassures quickly, sensing the unease radiating off of him before he could voice it.

"I'm more worried about what happened before your injury" That was unexpected and Lyra had to think back on the events to try and remember before coming up with only one conclusion and turning her gaze down at her feet.

"When you used your saber, it looked like your mind wandered somewhere else"

Ah, that.

"It's been a long time" She confessed slowly "It won't happen again I assure you" Even as she said this, Lyra could not guarantee such a fact no matter how much she willed it.

"Where did you go?"

The question took her off guard, he sounded so genuine when he spoke too. Approaching the subject so gently it felt as if she could talk about it, like they were young again, like she could trust Obi-Wan Kenobi like she once had.

But he'd changed hadn't he? They both had.

"It doesn't matter"

'The past, to Yavin'. Is what she wanted to say, but Lyra held the truth back like so much else. Just another barrier in her mind to hold back the flood, another door into a room she'd rather forget about, one she might've shared with another mindset, with another version of them both that had once existed.

"It matters" Obi-Wan objected as he spotted an opening in the wall and gestured for her to follow with a crouch "Please, tell me once we get to the bottom of all this".

Arguing seemed futile, and like the complete wrong approach given their delicate situation. So Lyra settled on an uncertain "Perhaps..." before following him inside the compound drawing her hood over her head silently.

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