Discontinue- The Dagger Hero...

By CaptainPluffer

8.7K 69 7

How did one little trip to the library turn into saving a whole new world from total destruction? Not only th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

269 4 0
By CaptainPluffer

It was early in the morning when Vanessa was leading me to a trader that she knows. When we got to the trader's shop he was talking to a man who hadded six orange balloon skins.

"Hmm, orange balloon skin's huh, I'll give you one copper per pair, so that'll be three copper." he said and took the balloon skin's and gave the man three copper pieces. "Thank you very much." the man said and the trader waved him off.

"How may I help yo-oh." he said and his friendly smile turned into a frown as he saw us approach him. "We are hoping we can trade some balloon skin's with you." I said and pulled out a brown medium size bag full of orange balloon skin. He took the bag from our hands and looked inside of it "How many orange balloon skins are there" he asks looking at both of us "At least 200 orange balloon skin's." Vanessa said.

"200 huh, how about this I will give you 10 copper pieces for the whole thing." he said with a cocky smirk. "WHAT!" I shouted "That is nowhere near how much you owe us." I said and glared at the man before me "Now I suggest that you give us a fair trade or you'll regret the day you tried to scam me." I said with a menacing voice. The trader gulp nervously and quickly nodded his head "Y-yes mam." he said and grabbed a small brown bag and filled it with copper coins. "How much did you give us." I ask as he gave us the bag "100 copper coins which is exactly how much I owe you." he said and I grabbed the bag full of coins.

"Was that so hard?" I ask him slightly glaring at him. He quickly shook his head "N-not at all." he said "Right and one more thing I want you to spread a rummer to all traders that if they ever try to scam me they'll get a beating of a lifetime." I said giving him a side glance. "Don't worry I will." he said, I nodded in approval and walked away with Vanessa right behind me.

We walked out of the village and went to a nearby forest "So Vanessa, what type of monsters do you think we'll run into here?" I ask her when we were in the middle of the forest, She shrugged in response "I honestly don't know." she said.

Then all of a sudden the earth started shaking and out came a troll-like monster that had dark forest green skin, black fur on its back with white spike's, two long horn's on the top of his head, pointy elf-like ears, black eyes with grey orbs in the middle, a pig-like nose, and sharp pointy teeth.

"What is that thing?" I ask as the troll monster was looking at us "It's a Forest Troll, a monster that is seen often in the middle of the forest." she said getting her spear ready. "How convenient."  I said getting my dagger ready 'Alright big guy let's see what level you are.' I thought.

"Jesus Chris!" I said in surprise "What is it?" Vanessa asks "That thing is freaking level 20!" I told her. She sighed in defeat "Well this will be a long painful fight." she said, "Let's just get this over with." I said and ran towards it.

I then jumped over the Forest Troll at the same time Vanessa blasted it with her fire burst and slashed it in the back with my dagger. It roared in pain as it quickly turned to slash at me with its claws but I jumped back right in time as it was about to cut me in half.

We then started to circle around the beast when all of a sudden it grabbed the ground and vines with very sharp thorns cam up from the earth and started to slash at both me and Vanessa. I was barely able to dodge the vines and fight them off at the same time while Vanessa wasn't doing too well either. "What are we going to do we can't keep this up forever." Vanessa said when we were back to back. A plane slowly formed in my head as we continue to fight the vines "I got an idea." I said to her.

After telling her my plane we decided to put it into action. I quickly got behind her as she sent her most powerful wave of fire towards the vines temporarily destroying them. As the vines were temporarily out of commission, I quickly ran towards the Forest Troll while dodging some of the already regenerated vines. When I was finally in front of the Troll I took out my dagger and plunge it down as hard as I can and stabbed it right in the middle of its forehead.

 A loud shriek came out of its mouth as it leans forward and fell dead on the floor.

I panted heavily as I took my dagger from its forehead and got up from the ground. I turned around quickly to see if Vanessa was okay and except for a few bruises and scratches here and there she was mostly fine.

I then turn my attention back on the Forest troll and cut a few bits of its hair and let my jewel absorbed it. My dagger then glowed a bright light and transformed into twin daggers. They both had a black scale handle, in the bottom of the handle was a silver claw, the blade was silver, sharp and curved with a lizards head looking like it's about to eat the blade, and finally, the bolster is silver and long in the right while the left side hadded a silver fang.

I whistled in impression as I swing both my blades around to get a handle on it. I then notice the title of the blades and it said "Twine Forest Blades".

"It looks like you unlocked another version of the blade." Vanessa said as she walked towards me and looked at my twin blades. "It looks like it." I said. "I suggest you learn how to use it tomorrow since it's getting late." she said and I look at the sky and notice it was already the afternoon "Yeah, your probably right." I said and transform my twin blades back to my old one.

'I still can't believe it took half a day to defeat that dam Troll.' I thought 'Hold on.' I then looked at my level to see what level I was and I was at level 10. "Cool, I'm in level 10 what level are you, Vanessa?" I ask her. "I'm at level 9." she replied, "So your one level behind me, nice." I said giving her a smile.

"Yeah, well we still have to find an IIn tonight or we'll end up sleeping where the monsters roam the most." she said, "Yeah I rather avoid that." I said. "Well come on then." she said and started to walk away "Coming!" I said and ran to catch up with her.

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