Gender-Role Swap Daikon-Kun [...

By SizaQaa_MP

522 22 5

["Hey, have you heard of the rumor?" It was said, Radish-chan of the Toilet, Haunts the Girl's 3rd stall 3rd... More

~•°Make a Wish°•~
~•°Desire For It°•~
~°•[3.5] Sister•°~
~•°The Staircase Library°•~
~•°For a Friend°•~

~•°Above the Spiral Crystal Staircase°•~

33 1 0
By SizaQaa_MP

The three of them have arrived at the middle of the bookshelf maze, infront of them stood the Crystal staircase that seems like ages to climb. The staircase rested on a tall cylindrical bookshelf. It was like a tower, rested high up on the sky. It only takes one look above to gaze on the 'ceiling' or the next floor.

"I wonder how many floors this thing is" Mitsuba said, still bedazzled with amazement as nobody has ever seen her like this before.

"First of all, it's called a boundary look at the water on the floor." Daikon-Kun said. "Second of all, how the heck did you survive a supernatural attack? And third of all stop drooling on me"

"I can do the first two stuff you've said but not the third. The third's impossible since i'm unconscious that time idiot." Mitsuba corrected. And as Amane stepped on the first crystal step, It meant they'll have to start going.

Throughout the staircase, they were tired by that time (since they got chased by an unknown blob-ish creature that wanted to kill them)
So the three of them took several rests while Daikon-Kun goes and reads about the dead people's books meanwhile, Amane and Mitsuba rested.

"Hey, Lazy-Chickens-" Daikon-Kun said. "Don't you want to continue?"
As he said those words, he imagined carrying both Amane and Mitsuba. Oh what a nightmare this is! Daikon-Kun thought. Despite realizing that Mitsuba was fairly his type. Such beautiful complexion, glittery eyes, slim legs not like Amane's legs as thin as sticks. What he hated about Mitsuba was her attitude. Daikon-Kun have stopped thinking about Mitsuba and started focusing on waking them up. Therefore, only Mitsuba woke up. Amane laying on the floor. "Looking dead enough" Mitsuba said as she yawned. "So should we drag her up?"

"No. Go wake her up. We don't want to be dragged while sleeping don't you? Should've dragged you while you were unconscious then." Daikon-Kun said.

"fine....." Mitsuba said in such an irritating tone. And so, Mitsuba did what Daikon-Kun told her. And she Raised her hand and.


"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Daikon-Kun shouted


"HE TOLD ME TO WAKE YOU UP SO I DID IDIOT!" Mitsuba Shouted back. Her screams were the highest pitched among the three.


They've looked around ro find where the tiny crack sound came from. and then they looked down.

The stairs made a sound. And a small crack appeared on the stairs

"Seems like we've totally forgot that these stairs are made of crystal." Daikon-Kun gave a nervous laugh.

"Well it's just a bit of a crack idi—" Mitsuba said but eventually she got cut.

"YOU are the idiot! A crack can crack larger when pressured weight is on it!
So don't act as if we'll not fall cause of a single little crack! YOU were the one who screeched-"

"screamed" Mitsuba corrected.

"— Screamed the Loudest." Amane continued. "And i wished you haven't come with us." Amane added. Glaring at Mitsuba with Hatred.

"Well, You screamed first and then blame me for screaming when you know what would possibly happen?" Mitsuba shot

"well YOU slapped me-" Amane fought back.

"WELL it was HIS idea" Mitsuba explained.

"uh guys? I screamed first" Daikon-Kun said trying to calm down the girls.

Silence ringed until,

"Uhm- Guys? I thought we'll get up- and all together." Daikon-Kun said.

"You know what," Amane said. "Why not i'll go alone for now"

"Well even better" Mitsuba said

"WoaH- we're going together! The three of us! You don't even know the dangers that might approach-" Daikon-kun said, he was worried of what would happen to his assistant and this Pink idiot with him. But then, while he was speaking, Amane have continued climbing without the other two realizing. She was gone, gone off up it seemed like it had been 15 minutes ever since she started climbing because when Mitsuba and Daikon-Kun tried to follow off the trail she went off to, they couldn't catch up with her

"Maybe that idiot have climbed down or fell down" Mitsuba said.

"That would be kind of off since Amane came here for her sister. And as you see, she loves her sister like how her sister loves her." Daikon-Kun told Mitsuba, as she rolled her eyes on him.

As they've reached the last loop of crystal stairs, They've seen something familiar,

"This- This is Yugi-San's Star Pin!" Daikon-Kun Exclaimed "So she did go up!"

"yeah right" Mitsuba said. She wasn't in the mood to talk to Amane right now that after the fight.

On top of the Spiral Crystal stairs, was another staircase that splits into two and leads into two, different ways. And there, the two of them decided to split up. Daikon-kun on the left side of the stairs, Mitsuba on the right.

Amane, however ended up somewhere. It was another Library but, it had lesser bookshelves, a door, and an armchair near a fireplace. What a cozy place. Amane thought as the room was warm, she sat down on the armchair. It was comfy. Until.... she was stuck im it. A couple of hands were as if keeping her in place she tried to scream but she knew. Nobody could help.

And for the other two? Well the two split staircases lead into the same destination. A big door with blue butterflies on it. It was stained glass windows in a shape of butterflies as Mitsuba touched it with her hand, Daikon-kun looked at her and there, they opened the door.

Students everywhere!

They were Wrapped in cobwebs as if they're cocooned caterpillars about to be butterflies.

"Hey. Wh- who are th-they?" Mitsuba shuddered. As thus, Daikon-Kun examined the cocooned pile of students, this was what the 'kill' part of the rumor. Which meant, you'll be stuck in here forever until you die. Because Daikon-Kun knew. The host of this boundary would never eat children.

(i do. Jkjk authors don't eat kids)

Amane felt her hopes going down as if she was a little fly that flew right into the cobweb. And there, the random door opened. It was the Old Librarian of the school but.... more, spidery?

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite former student" she smiled "sorry to keep you there but i simply have to follow. And i heard from my assistant that you simply have read a red book! My, my, it just feels painful to see you struggling" and to Amane's surprise, it was Tsuchigomori-sensei, her former 1st year Mid-school teacher on her former school. now infront of her. slowly, wrapping her up in cobweb strands.

(Tsuchi's now a smexy hot woeman! jkjk i'm not one of the peeps who crush on spiders)

Anyways, Daikon-Kun told Mitsuba of open the second door. And as soon at it opened they saw, Amane squirming and 3/4 wrapped up as she wiggled trying to break free. Mitsuba however screeched and therefore resulted for them to get caught. and there was time to set Amane free so, Daikon-Kun rushed as No.5 was busy with.... Mitsuba.

While Mitsuba was distracting No.5, with screams screeches and running and pleading and... OH COME ON it's  JUST MITSUBA BEING MITSUBA, Daikon-Kun described what is a Yorishiro. And how to get rid of it.
As they tried to find it while MITSUBA'S JUST SCREECHING ((im so done with this book jkjk))
Then Amane accidentally pushed a bookshelf to the left, it opened to a secret door. There, she and Daikon-Kun went in. And Mitsuba? WELL SHE'S JUST SCREECHING AND RUNNING AROUND.

In the door was a nice place. Like they've went outside! Into another world! The scent of the leaves, the vibrant green trees and bushes the sounds of the gentle wind the tickling leaves brushing against your ankles, it was like heaven in a boundary!

"So..... Think of anything that could be important to your teacher" Daikon-Kun said.

"Hmmmm.... an apple, her glasses, my grades, my classmate's grade-" Amane counted.

"More important than that"

"The mischief we make?"

"*sigh* an object or a person unrelated to school"

"I don't know! Do you know?!"

"Its not like she was my teacher!"


"DO NOT 'hhghhhhhhgggghhhhshhhshshh' ME LIKE THAT YUGI-SAN!"

"O k a y but i'm serious! I D O N T KNOW!"

After this 'wonderful' arguement, I, author-san can sense a nice chemistry with them! Anyways, After their small arguement, little do they notice No.5 on their back, ready to attack.

As the attack swooped down, Daikon-Kun blocked it with his gardening shovel. And said "Go Yugi-san! Find it!" As Amane nodded, she ran far away but she doesn't know what she was supposed to find. There was a door, more stairs, and a cave nearby, if it isn't out here maybe it is hidden inside! So she went in he cave hoping this is the right path.

Inside the cave stood alot of pretty gemstones! Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, and so many more! But none of them have a black seal on it. Until she found a mossy rock. What is so important about a MOSSY ROCK?! And Amane knew. She had to stop this so she peeled the seal off. As the seal got peeled off the rock, along with the boundary broke ties, which meant. The school Mystery is out of their seat.
"Sensei.... Do you think?" A little 5 year old child asked.

"Think what?" The young teacher answered in her mid 20's.

"That this is a moon rock! You see, it is abit 'magical' than any rocks!"

"Ah i see..... Don't you think it's an ordinary rock that a kid sprinkled with glitters?"

"NO! Its a moon rock" The 5 year old started tearing up.

"Since Moon rocks that fell down are shooting stars, i made.... a w-wish!" The 5 year old sobbed as she told her teacher.

"What is it?"

"Can't TeLL yOu! BecAuse YoU DoN't BeLieVe mE!!"

"*sigh* Yugi, please-"

"HmPh- Have it! Make sure you study ot closely! And since i already made a wish, ITS NOW USELESS!" The little 5 year old girl stomped away from class.

"This wasn't written on the book..." The teacher said as she stood up and..... walked away.

C r a c k.

And now, The seat of School Mystery No.5 is free. For now.

"Ah i see you did it." The teacher greeted.

"Sensei..... Where is my sister and the other students?"

"Brought them to the infirmary while you were busy on our flashback. Dont worry they'll wake up tomorrow" the Teacher that once looked at her mid-20's now looking at her Mid-40's said.

They walked away from the school hallways. And... She was happy. To be seeing her sister tomorrow. Sadly, it is nighttime. School gates are closed. Seems like they'll go home tomorrow afternoon.... Oh how Amane would explain this to her mother!

"Nimo....." Amane said. All exhausted, she sat down on her desk as the little fish spirit swished around her fingers. Amane's eyes felt heavy and as the room's time suddenly felt slower, she could see Daikon-Kun watching her go to sleep. And she finally felt her eyes drop. As darkness was all she can see, Daikon-Kun, gave a little peck on her forehead and said,

"Goodnight Yugi-san"

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