~•°Above the Spiral Crystal Staircase°•~

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The three of them have arrived at the middle of the bookshelf maze, infront of them stood the Crystal staircase that seems like ages to climb. The staircase rested on a tall cylindrical bookshelf. It was like a tower, rested high up on the sky. It only takes one look above to gaze on the 'ceiling' or the next floor.

"I wonder how many floors this thing is" Mitsuba said, still bedazzled with amazement as nobody has ever seen her like this before.

"First of all, it's called a boundary look at the water on the floor." Daikon-Kun said. "Second of all, how the heck did you survive a supernatural attack? And third of all stop drooling on me"

"I can do the first two stuff you've said but not the third. The third's impossible since i'm unconscious that time idiot." Mitsuba corrected. And as Amane stepped on the first crystal step, It meant they'll have to start going.

Throughout the staircase, they were tired by that time (since they got chased by an unknown blob-ish creature that wanted to kill them)
So the three of them took several rests while Daikon-Kun goes and reads about the dead people's books meanwhile, Amane and Mitsuba rested.

"Hey, Lazy-Chickens-" Daikon-Kun said. "Don't you want to continue?"
As he said those words, he imagined carrying both Amane and Mitsuba. Oh what a nightmare this is! Daikon-Kun thought. Despite realizing that Mitsuba was fairly his type. Such beautiful complexion, glittery eyes, slim legs not like Amane's legs as thin as sticks. What he hated about Mitsuba was her attitude. Daikon-Kun have stopped thinking about Mitsuba and started focusing on waking them up. Therefore, only Mitsuba woke up. Amane laying on the floor. "Looking dead enough" Mitsuba said as she yawned. "So should we drag her up?"

"No. Go wake her up. We don't want to be dragged while sleeping don't you? Should've dragged you while you were unconscious then." Daikon-Kun said.

"fine....." Mitsuba said in such an irritating tone. And so, Mitsuba did what Daikon-Kun told her. And she Raised her hand and.


"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Daikon-Kun shouted


"HE TOLD ME TO WAKE YOU UP SO I DID IDIOT!" Mitsuba Shouted back. Her screams were the highest pitched among the three.


They've looked around ro find where the tiny crack sound came from. and then they looked down.

The stairs made a sound. And a small crack appeared on the stairs

"Seems like we've totally forgot that these stairs are made of crystal." Daikon-Kun gave a nervous laugh.

"Well it's just a bit of a crack idi—" Mitsuba said but eventually she got cut.

"YOU are the idiot! A crack can crack larger when pressured weight is on it!
So don't act as if we'll not fall cause of a single little crack! YOU were the one who screeched-"

"screamed" Mitsuba corrected.

"— Screamed the Loudest." Amane continued. "And i wished you haven't come with us." Amane added. Glaring at Mitsuba with Hatred.

"Well, You screamed first and then blame me for screaming when you know what would possibly happen?" Mitsuba shot

"well YOU slapped me-" Amane fought back.

"WELL it was HIS idea" Mitsuba explained.

"uh guys? I screamed first" Daikon-Kun said trying to calm down the girls.

Gender-Role Swap Daikon-Kun [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin