~•°The Staircase Library°•~

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"Idiots." Mitsuba said.

"Could you stop! Because of you don't you're an idiot yourself! Idiot." Amane was annoyed of this Pink Idiot that calls everybody an idiot.

"well idiot, don't call me an idiot! since you are the idiot!" Mitsuba said

"fine just- STOP CALLING EVERYONE IDIOT!" Amane said. She's now so frustrated with what's happening.

You may wonder why our story starts so idiot-ish? well... They sort-of got into a fight.
Today was Wednesday, and it was the weirdest Wednesday Amane thought herself, why does everything feel so, missing? Like, not just one, but multiple jigsaw puzzle pieces are missing?!
Rumors..... Maybe it was the Rumors! Amane thought of it too.

"Hey! Yugi!" a distant voice said.

"Ah- Fuki, what brings you here?" Amane asked the short, freckled, wavy-haired boy that once lost his spoon.

"i was asking if...." Fuki started. As Amane was noticing something different. his best friend Kopa wasn't with him like what they usually do in the mornings. maybe he was sick? or kidnapped? no. He can't be kidnapped. Probably ill.

"Um- Yugi? Did you hear what i said?" Fuki said waving his hand infront of Amane's face.

"Oh- What was it? sorry i was daydreaming" Amane said all embarrased. How come she hasn't heard what her dear classmate Fuki had said? what an idiot she really was.

"i was asking if you wanted to join our Lunch Team! we're short on one person" Fuki winked "it's also a debt to pay you for finding my spoon"

Oh great, Lunch Team?! for finding a spoon? This guy has lost his mind! Amane thought.

"Ah- about that, i'm sorry i have to go to lunch with my sister-" Amane got interrupted by how confused Fuki looked at her. She was sure her schoolmates knew about the other Yugi twin. But, today's have been abit off. until....

"Who's your sister? i never knew you had one" Fuki said.

Normal. Amane tried to think it was normal. Maybe Fuki never heard of her sister then.

"Yugi Tsukasa. Well We're in different classes she's in class 2-1 and-" Amane got once more interrupted. a shocked look of Fuki's face caught her glimpse.

"i'm sure there's nobody named Tsukasa Yugi in the Mid-School division." Fuki said.

"then- where's Kopa?" Amane asked just to make sure he haven't went into the same fate as her sister.

"Well, he's on a one week vacation right now." Fuki said. "That's why we're one person short on our Lunch group"

Atleast Fuki Ichigo remembered his Best Friend i guess? Amane thought. But the fact her sister felt like she never existed, was definitely off.

"About the Lunch group i'll eat with my friend, Mitsuba" Amane said. definitely Mitsuba wasn't a friend of her's yet.

It was Lunch and of course, Amane had no choice but to approach the Pink idiot.

"So you're telling me, idiot, that your sister is missing? Well same goes with the friends of my dead friend!" Mitsuba snapped.

"So, your friends are technically missing too?" Amane asked

"No they're not my friends. My dead friend's friends. They're two buncha idiots that my dead friend befriended"

"Ah- okay. Well, we have no choice but to go look for them!"

Gender-Role Swap Daikon-Kun [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu