~•°Desire For It°•~

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July 16 in the Morning, Amane has visited the bathroom only to find Radish-Chan... Just sitting near the window. He seemed like he was thinking of something. Something that bothered him that he didn't even noticed Amane.

"Um... anything bothering you Radish-Chan?" Amane asked as she thought that calling him Radish-Chan was now, uncomfortable.

"Oh- Yugi-san i-" he paused then, "i didn't notice you're here already" Radish-Chan said flatly. Then, the bell rang. Yugi went to her classroom as new rumors have began to spread.

When class was dismissed, Amane knew who and where to to go to.
"Ah- Amane! Its nice to see you today!" Said a girl that looks exactly like Amane but, she wasn't Amane. Nothing but her younger twin, Tsukasa.

"So- Tsu~ what are the Latest rumors today?" Amane asked as gossips around them had bewildered out of the student's mouths.
"Ah! That! Well... they're probably talking about Sokkei-san!" Tsu said. As Amane heard 'Sokkei-San' She knew that she had never seen or encountered one.
"They say they steal stuff!" Tsu telling the rumor as if it was a horror story.
"And they swap your valueables with another! But, if you encounter Sokkei-san you MUST Look at them! Stare at their eyes without fear! Those who managed to run or stared at them with fear, will be pulled out and brought to the afterlife" As Tsu managed to finish the rumor, Amane, however was cautious. She knew, That these rumors may be true.
"So, Tsu- Anything weird up lately?" Amane had asked her twin sister in a weird curious tone. "Well... how loose is your bladder up lately Amane?" Tsu managed to notice.

Amane has been visiting Radish-Chan alot of times lately... "Ah- That- er... um- i think i do Tsu... maybe i do i think-" Amane lied. Tsu looked at Amane as if she was weird then Tsu said. "If that's the case, let me report it to d-" "No Tsu- please-" Amane cutted Tsu's sentence. Then Tsu looked at the clock. "I'd better get going soon! See ya later Amane!" Tsu said rushing to her next class...

It was true their schedules were different. But Amane's PE teacher was ill so they had free time. Like always, Amane Visits Radish-Chan. "So- Radish-Chan, have you heard of the erm- Sokkei-san?" Asked Amane. Then, Radish-Chan answered, with a sigh "where did you hear that rumor?"

"Tsu told me about them"
"Oh really? Then tell me all about it"
So, Amane told Radish-Chan all about these little theives that replace your belongings for someone else's.
"Ah- those little spiders with the horns?" Radish-Chan asked. But only to get a reply of Amane's confused face. Then Radish-Chan immediatly changed the topic.

"So... How's your day? Have you drank enough water?" Asked Radish-Chan.
"Ah about that, why do i need to?" Amane asked back and that was when Radish-Chan face-slapped himself. "Just- drink water to refrain being de-hydrated."
"Ah-okay Radish-Chan... so, what's the time span of uhm... drinking?" Amane asked
"Well do i have to tell you?" Radish-Chan asnwered. "Besides, you know that you have to drink atleast 8 glasses a day! Did you even learn during kindergarten?"
"Of course i did. I just thought about what if im supposed to drink more than 8 glasses duh."

Then, after PE class, was Lunch. Amane went back to her classroom to get her bento box. While walking down the halls while digging in her lunchbox, she realized her chopsticks were missing... and there was,
Huh? A spoon? I never packed a spoon before... Amane knew this was suspicious. First a rumor about supernaturals that steal and replace it with someone else's, and now, her classmate Fuki, has approached her to ask, "Hey, did you find my Spoon? It has that cute fish designs on the handle, i cant eat Lunch with Chopsticks and a Fork".
Amane stared on him... "th-this? I didn't steal it but, that's my chopsticks too..." Amane said. "Ah- that... im not blaming you for anything! Im sure its Soukei-san so- Don't worry!" Fuki answered as they swapped utenstils and, to Amane's sight.... a path of black hair? Or was it fur? And she decided to follow it...

Gender-Role Swap Daikon-Kun [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt