By CognizantMind

31.2K 1.7K 633

"Strip!" "What? What the hell did you say?" "With that one inch of fabric hanging from your waist which I be... More

5.Beg me.
8.I Quit
31.Like Lovers
32.Movie Room
36.Trust me.
38. Absence.
45. Vin Chaud
53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)


621 38 4
By CognizantMind

"Everybody! Must! Reach! By! Time! , Is that clear?"

"Yes, boss." all responded to Suga's definitive command except for one.


"Is that clear Miss Annastasia?"

She nodded unaffectedly.

Suga laid his hands on the table and inclined to the level of her fierce face, "Look at me when I am talking to you!"

Discerning his anger she shifted her head to look at him, "Yes!". A retort that exhibited her sassy attitude. She ought to have slain him to death for slapping her, but no, she needs his money.

Her attitude definitely pissed off Suga. Being a man of audacity with a nose in the air all the time, he can't stand women, and definitely not a woman with tempers.

" Dismiss people. Meet you tomorrow!"


"Where did I keep my tights?" Annastasia was rummaging throughout her room. A room which is temporarily hers now.

"Why the fuck do you need tights? Aren't you going for a meeting or something ?" Irene questioned while her face buried inside her phone and body comfortably sleeping on the bed. There is no help coming out of her, so Annastasia was doing the packing herself.

"Irene! What if there is a party or something? Girl! I am a model."


"Okay! Was! Still, I have to look presentable all the time ."

Even after squandering all over she still can't find it.

"ANNASTASIA! ARE YOU DONE YET?" Jungkook shouted from downstairs. Being the utmost punctual person that he is, he was already ready to go to the airport where Suga's private jet was waiting for them.

"ONE MINUTE MR.JUNGKOOK! Where the fuck is it?"

"Take mine, you dumb!"

Annastasia scoffed, "You are so lazy that you don't even shower in winters, I wonder if you even wash that."

Irene rolled her eyes hearing the truth that was true.

"ANNASTASIA! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" Jungkook shouted again and was about to walk upstairs, but Annastasia showed up.

"Mr Jungkook you carry on, I'll be quick with my packing and I will come in the taxi."

"You haven't even packed yet!! What were you doing Annastasia?" he glanced on his watch, " Your boss will throw the both of us out from 30,000 ft above the sky, it's already late."

"Mr Jungkook I swear I will be there on time. You please go on."

*sighs* " Okay! But be quick!"


He left the house in his car. Annastasia at that very moment found her tights which she had wrapped along with her socks. "Here you are, you little brat!!"

As fast as she could, she tossed all the clothes inside the trolley and head downstairs.

"Irene! Take care! Don't have too much fun with your friends and don't bombard this house."

"Don't sound like a mom! You're the one who needs to take care with your boss, now go or else you'll be literally thrown out of that plane.

"Bye Sweetheart!" They kissed each other on their cheeks and Annastasia headed for the airport in a taxi.

As Jungkook and Annastasia weren't going to be back before two days, they had asked Irene to call her friends in order not to live alone. But Irene had very different plans and she didn't tell anyone about it.

"Could you drive a bit faster? I believe I am not travelling in a bullock Cart."

The taxi driver glared from the rearview mirror. "Ma'am, I can't do anything, the traffic won't let me drive fast ."

"Tch! Okay, but try your best, will you?"

Drops after drops on the roof of the taxi could be heard. In seconds those drops rolled down to the window. It started raining.

"What???" Annastasia was surprised. "Why does it has to rain now?"

The driver again looked at her through the rearview mirror and sighed, sympathizing the girl behind. He definitely knows she is in a hurry, but he can't risk anybody's life. "Ma'am, you should have left early, I am afraid it's going to be further later to where we are going".

With a miserable face, Annastasia paid attention to the driver's words. Even the driver is wiser than me. That animal will seriously through me out of the plane, I should have bought a parachute or something.

The rain made it furthermore impossible for Annastasia to reach the airport. The road was misty, traffic was further worst. And therein Incheon, somebody was getting high on bitterness.

"Where the bloody hell is she?" Suga yelled for the hundredth time.

"Y-yoongi, s-she will.."

"Shutup Jungkook!! I have been hearing the same thing for an hour. I don't like being late. I am always ahead of my time. But this women is an hour late ."

"I-I will call her again," Taehyun said and went near the entrance and dialled her no.

Pick up for god sake Noona, or else we will be doomed because of you. And she picked up.

"Where are you Noona?" Taehyun has the stern in his voice.

"Look through the window," she replied.

As he looked from the window, he can see Annastasia running along with her trolley, wearing jeans with a tank top and jacket on top of it.

"Boss! She is here." Taehyung says in excitement and is about to open the door.

"Wait!" Suga stood up and stomped to where Taehyun is standing, he then signs him to move aside and stands in front of the door.

"Taehyun open up!" Annastasia is impatient.

"You're.." Suga peeks at his watch." hour later Miss Annastasia."

As she hears his voice, she is totally confirmed that this guy is going to kill him for real. One hour late, she didn't have the track of time.

"I am so sorry Sir, there was so much traffic an.."

"I believe Jungkook came from the same place from where you are coming right now."

"Right sir!"

"Then why the fuck did it take you one hour to reach here. Who do you think the boss is ?"

"Definitely You sir." She let out in desperation and fell silent. It was raining heavily and Annastasia was literally wet from head to toe. Her clothes all wet, but luckily because of her luxury trolley, the rest of the clothes were going to be safe.

"Suga please let her in, It's raining heavily ." Jungkook requested.

Suga shot him a look and went to take his place. Annastasia was still standing near the door, no complains as she accepts this as her punishment for being late.

"Fuck him! Even though we are going on his private plane he still needs punctuality. My previous boss was better than him, damn it!!"

"Suga please!" Jungkook appealed again. Only because they were getting late, he gave a slight unwanted nod.

Jungkook ordered Taehyun to quickly open the door and let Annastasia in.

Annastasia stepped into the aeroplane with water seeping from her body. Not even a corner was left dry, she was drenched in rainwater. Suga who was reclining in the middle of the space clenched his jaw at her sight. By hook or by crook he just wants to see her suffer. The intensity may differ but the pain is inevitable.

Taehyun quickly handed her towels and pat dry her trolley.

"Please change your clothes quickly or else you will catch a cold. "

Annastasia nodded and was about to enter the only bathroom.

"Stop!" Suga snapped.

Everyone halted in their position.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked impolitely.

"Come on Suga, she needs to change the wet clothes."

"Not in my washroom, she can wait."

"But it's a two hours journey boss." Taehyun protested.

Suga eyed the boy, why is everybody sympathizing with this women. "Taehyun zip your tongue before I kick you out."

"Sorry boss" he went and sat near the doorway.

While Annastasia who was already steaming in anger stomped her feet and sat wherever she could.

Jungkook made his place in front of suga," Why are you doing this?"

Suga raised his eyebrows," Don't you remember my purpose of bringing her here."

"Yes, but suga,"

"No buts, I am the boss".

*sighs*, Jungkook stood up hopelessly and walked towards Annastasia," Do you feel cold?"

Annastasia nodded, she was dead cold.

"Come sit here! : Jungkook made her sit in front of an Ac and raised the temperature to make her warm. Suga who was sitting across Annastasia was again not liking it. Jungkoook was trying every way to save here and Suga wanted to ruin her.

Annastasia made herself comfortable, trying to dry herself below the ac. She opened her jacket, as it was dripping wet and stayed in her tank top and jeans.

Suga was solely concentrating on the papers, working even when he is high up above the air, his eyes landed at Annastasia when she sniffed a bit.

Instead of removing his gaze, he got caught in her sleek body. She sat there silently in those damp clothes focusing on her phone not conscious of Suga's gaze.

Even he doesn't know why a misogynist is staring at women. Unknowingly his grasp on the papers was getting tighter as if the papers represent her. Those wet hairs that landed on her chest covering her cleavage, yet making her look like a burner. Those straps that supported her bosom were out of place, completely visible, making him imagine the entirety of it. Drops of water still on her arms sliding down one by one.

Stop fucking staring, what the hell Suga, what has happened to you. After gaining himself back from her spell, suga focuses on those files and papers on his lap.

"What the fuck?" he swears under his breath as he sees a sheet of paper being crushed into a ball. Probably that what he wants to do with her as well.

After a two hours journey, finally, they landed in Japan. The sky was clear. Surprisingly.

They all made their way to the hotel, reserved by Annastasia. Everybody took their respective rooms. In an hour they got ready and headed to the company where the meeting was going to be held. After reaching that place all of them walked their way to the conference hall of the building guided by the receptionist.

Suga and Jungkook took their place on the round table. Annastasia and Taehyun sat behind them. Many CEOs of different merchandise manufacturers, designers from all over East Asia were present there with their respective managements.

"Why isn't this damn meeting starting yet?" Suga said it aloud. Unafraid of being in someone's territory. All the other people heard him and kept quiet as they were well versed with his reputation and temper.

"Probably, they are waiting for someone to arrive," Jungkook whispered.

At that moment, Annastasia who was busy with Taehyun got a call.

"Jin!" Her face lit up in amusement. They had the condition of never talking to each other in order not to be heartsick for each other. But surprisingly, his call made her tensed.

"Sir, excuse me I have an urgent call to attend." She wanted to take approval from Suga.

"There is nothing more important than this meeting, sit down." He said rudely.

Jungkook who was sitting beside didn't like it, " Suga let her go, the meeting is yet to start. Annastasia doesn't worry, go have that call."

"Thank you, sir!" She bowed and went outside to pick up the call.


"Anna! How are you?"

"Jin, is everything alright there? You called me after months."

"Everythings fine here Anna, don't worry. I am perfectly settled. I just called because... because I missed you.."

"Aww! Jin.." tears were forming in her eyes. "I missed you a lot.."

In her conversation, Annastasia didn't notice she had already come all the way down to the reception and was sitting on the couch of the huge area.

Meanwhile, a huge hustle bustle could be heard from the entry. People were shouting, screaming, and there was a lot of noise. Annastasia was too drown in her phone call to notice that.

In a minute entered Kim Taehyung, the sole owner of Gucci Co. He was followed by a bunch of paparazzi and fans. With him came his secretary Jung Hoseok.

"Guys, he is getting late for the meeting kindly wait outside." Hoseok struggled with the crowd along with the bodyguards.

"Sir, one last picture."

"Sir for the cover magazine."

"Sir just one pose."

The paparazzi weren't ready to leave his side, so he agreed for a few posses.

"Just one! " He said in his manly voice and posed for them.

During that time his eyes shift from the continuous flashy cams to the corner of the place.

A beautiful girl sitting crossed leg on the couch, smiling endlessly over the phone.

Who is she? I've never seen her before. Taehyung ignored all the paparazzi who were shouting for pictures and went to his secretary to whisper on his ears.

"Find out who she is, the girl in the corner of the room."

Hoseok's eyes fell on her. He was pleased, but then they had an important meeting to attend so he forced the paparazzi outside with the help of the bodyguard and headed for the conference room with his boss.

"Hoseok, you remember what I told you right."

"Yes, sir, you want another girl, to play for."

Taehyung glared at him, " I didn't say, I want to fuck her, I need informations."

"Sir, the number of times you have said this thing ended up the girl being on your bed ."

"I'll decide if she is fit for bed or something else." he smiled,

Hoseok nodded and opened the door for his boss.

Everybody sighed a sense of relief after seeing him, except for Suga. He didn't even spare a glance.

Taehyung wasn't surprised, he took his place in the round table and the meeting began.

"Where is your secretary now Mr Jungkook?" Suga growled.

At that moment Annastasia entered as well, apologising for being late and took her seat.

"Here she is Suga," Jungkook said.

As and when she entered, Taehyung was sure who she is.

"Hoseok, I think I know who she is ?"

Hoseok looked at her, " Who is she?"

"She is Min Yoongi's new secretary."

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