The Mafia's Flame

By strawb3rryluv

4.3M 117K 79.9K

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE?" He shouted at the poor guard. The guard flinched and lowered his head, "She... More

Authors Note
1. The Feelings
2. Perfect Timing
3. Unexpected Meeting
Castle grounds/Charcater List
4. Familiar Face
5. Why am I here?
6. Only one
7. Bonding Hours
8. Dreadful Explanation
9. Just Dance
10. Operation Llama
11. Preparation Nation
12. Igniting the Flame
13. Her Parents
14. His Beloved
15. Their Progress
16. You're Staying
17. Daddy's Little Girl
18. The Surprise
19. Her Home
20. Brick, Wall, Waterfall
21. The Call
22. His Soul
23. Late Night
24. The Field
25. Warehouse Mess
26. In Spirit
27. The Job
28. Favorite Show
29. Plans Change
30. Dress Shop
31. Bad boys
32. Jump Scares
33. The Ball
34. The Truth
35. The War
36. (S)he's Gone
37. His Help
38. Their Downfall
39. The Boys
40. The Fight
41. Your Forgiveness
42. The Ladies
44. Smile and Wave
45. Excuse You
46. Tell Me
47. Let's Go
48. Working On It
49. Sooner or Later
50. A Princess
51. The R word
52. Our Bond
53. Long Road Ahead
54. Good Times
Part Two/ New Characters
55. A Mess
56. Your Dress
57. The Camera
58. No Way
59. Riddle Me This
60. Going Insane
61. For Her
62. One Month
63. The Boss
64. Amphisbaena Twins
65. Tell Him
66. It Wasn't Him
67. It's Time
68. See Her
69. My Sister
70. A Game
71. Fall In Love
72. A Candle?
73. Bad Feeling
74. I Need You
75. Your Memories
76. Hold Them
77. Her Eyes
78. Happy Now?
79. With Whom?
80. Its Purpose
81. I Can't
82. Call Me
83. Go Now
84. Some Fun
85. Six Words
86. Her Choice
87. Four Hearts
88. Yes And No
89. Hellfire's Amphisbaena
90. Demios's Firefly
91. Princess's Khaos
92. The Mafia's Flame
Bonus: Hiding The Amphisbaena
Bonus: Meeting Deimos and Alessio
Bonus: Traveling With Khaos
Bonus: The Donna

43. She knows

38.3K 1.1K 651
By strawb3rryluv


Alessandro cursed checking the last room for Serafina but she wasn't there. He turned around and went back to the living room where his sons were waiting.

They saw him coming and frowned seeing that he was alone and not with their sister.

"I'm guessing you guys didn't find her either?" Alessandro looked around the hall before entering.

They shook their heads, "No and we checked the hidden garden for her too but no luck, she wasn't there." Stefano sighed.

Tino tapped his foot, "Do- Do you think she left to deal with something? You know, her Hellfire side." He asked softly.

"No I don't think so. She would've told us she was leaving, she knows to tell us before hand unless she wants us to die early of heart attacks." Leo shook his head.

Just then H and Z walked through the hallways laughing making the others confused.

Alessandro and the boys walked out of the room, "Um hey? What are you guys doing here?" Val scratched his head as the twins looked at them.

"Oh hello Mr. Donatello and Donatello boys." H nodded kindly.

Z rolled his eyes, "We came with Will and Aid because Serafina called for us to come over. And you can't say no to that cute little girl." He explained.

"So she is here? She didn't leave?" Tino asked happily.

Both of the twins nodded, "Yeah she's here we just came to get water. But come with us we'll show you where she's at." Z said showing water bottles before walking away.

Everyone followed and grew surprised to see he was leading them to the gym. Walking in they saw Serafina in the ring with Will while Aid was cheering from the side.

Alessandro grimaced because he wasn't sure if he wanted to drag her out of there or cheer her on. Even with her being Hellfire and all he couldn't help but to worry.

"Knock him out!" Aid clapped, "He ate my fruit snacks!! I need revenge!" He shouted glaring at his big brother.

Will glared back at his younger brother, "Are you trying to kill me? You're lucky your leg is injured or you'd be in here." He said as he ducked a punch.

Serafina scowled, "What the biscuits Will! He was going to share those fruit snacks with me!" She whined flapping her arms around.

She was mad because she really wanted those fruit snacks and kicked him hard.

Will grunted and fell to the floor, "I'm sorry I'll buy you a new bag." He promised.

Ignoring him she jumped on him and started throwing punches, "No it's too late to apologize." She glared at him.

"YES GET HIM BESTIE!" Aid shouted clapping his hands.

"Uva pequena, calm down." (Portuguese "little grape.") Will groaned grabbing her arms.

"What did he call her? I know he said grape but what was the other word." Leo asked H.

He smiled, "They call her little grape because her color is purple. It just suits her you know." He shrugged looking at Serafina.

She huffed, "Fine." she stopped hitting him and helped him up.

He ruffled her hair as she whined, "Okay but who is actually sparing with me?" She looked around.

Alessandro stepped forward not happy with her fighting someone twice her size but bit his tongue so he wouldn't say anything.

Will rolled his eyes, "No. I already told you there will be no harsh sparing for you. You still need to heal." He scolded her.

She stomped her foot, "Will I am this close to knocking you down and beating you up." She said touching her thumb and index finger together. He gulped, "There's no space between there." He said hesitantly and she smirked, "I know. SO LET ME SPAR." She demanded narrowing her eyes.

"But-" Will paused as Z interrupted him, "I'll spar with her Will, don't worry about it." He said jumping into the ring.

Will shook his head, "Absolutely not." He said sternly.

Z scoffed, "Move aside dude." And pushes him out.

Will cringed looking at the two get ready to fight each other and bit his lip. Alessandro and the boys grew worried, "Is something wrong? Is he the best fighter you guys have?" Alessandro looked at Z. Will shook his head and didn't say anything, "Are you worried about her?" Stefano asked even more worried now. Will sighed, "She's not the one we should be worried about." He said softly looking at them in the eyes.

H went to the ring, "Bro I don't think you want to do this. You know what she can do." He whisper shouted.

Z waved him off and walked to the middle of the ring where they touched hands with the gloves on.

Alessandro watched them lunge for each other but she side stepped last second and landed a hard punch to the gut. Z grunted and stumbled but quickly caught himself and spun around quickly with his leg out. Serafina ducked then punched upwards hitting his thigh and he hissed hopping backwards on one leg. Alessandro was impressed because even with the wars this was the first time he was actually watching his princess fight one on one. She knew when to punch, when to kick, when to block, and it was mesmerizing to him. Even though she was having to watch herself from getting hurt he saw how she was sort of relaxed. Both of them stood in front of each other and Z brought out a fake with his right arm to the left so she stepped back and leaned right. His arm flew in front of her face and she grabbed it twisting it around and throwing him to the floor. He groaned as he hit the floor but got up again panting while she just smiled. Deciding to make a move she kicked out and he grabbed her leg twisting it and she flew to the floor but rolled to stand up again.

"She really knows how to fight." Val mumbled clearly conflicted.

Serafina looked at her opponent and grinned as he paled at the look on her face. She moved back a little to corner herself as he threw random hits every second. His right arm finally went out towards her face just as she was three steps away from the corner. She grabbed his hand and twisted it as she jumped on the rope and swung her legs around his neck taking him down to the floor. Her legs held him in a choke hold while her hands held down his right arm still.

The boys outside of the ring froze looking at their sister, she was amazing. She took him down in less than 4 minutes and she didn't even break a sweat. Seeing her in action with her Hellfire moves made them so proud yet sad that she had to be like this so young.

"Tap out?" She asked calmly.

He shook his head and she tightened her grip with her legs, "I know who your crush is." She whispered laughing. He froze and tapped out getting up quickly and starring at her with wide eyes.

"How did you find out?" He whispered shouted bending down to her level.

She giggled while making the lock and throw away the key motion before turning around.

H sensed his brothers distress, "What is it bro?" He crosses his arms.

"She knows." Z pointed making weird eye movements.

H understood and laughed, "So she knows who your little crush is? She knows everything why are you so surprised?" He shook his head grinning.

Z threw his hands up, "You don't even know who it is!!!" He whined.

His twin just shrugged and turned back to his conversation with Will.

Serafina sat down and looked at her dad, "Hey daddy, want to spar?" She smiled innocently.

He hesitated a bit and shook his head, "No baby I don't think that's a good idea." He replied.

She frowned, "But daddy I could totally take you. I'm like a ninja, I could just be like hiiiiya cha cha." She said furrowing her eyebrows and making ninja chopping movements.

He smiled shaking his head, "I'm sure you could." He told her honestly.

"Suit yourself. I probably wouldn't have done with anyways. I wouldn't want to do any damage so you'd probably squash me." She shrugged drinking her water that Aid gave to her.

"I'll spar with you. If I can... or if you want." Val rambled stepping forward making Serafina freeze.

"No." She said simply.

Val sighed because he knew she was still mad but he just wanted to be near her again. If that meant he had to get his ass beat by his seven year old sister then so be it.

"You said you wanted to Spar so I'll do it with you." He looked at her eyes.

Everyone else was quiet just watching the interaction because they didn't want to get involved. They know Val hurt her and why but did she? Did she know the real reason too? Sure she knew Julian threatened her but no one was sure if she knew about the note.

"Valentino I said no." She said firmly and coldly.

Everyone flinched at her tone and looked away for somewhere to escape to.

Val shifted on his feet, "Can we please talk? I know you're mad and have every right to be but just let me explain." He pleaded. She didn't say anything so he stepped forward, "If you want to yell at me then do it, if you want to punch me, kick me, or curse me and the rest of my life then just do it. But I just need you to talk to me." His voice came out sad and tired.

Serafina sat there starring emotionlessly at her older brother, her favorite brother. Of course she knew about the note and everything else. It's weird but after what happened those two years she made herself vow to know everything. She made sure she was kept in the loop either in her family or the outside world. Being Hellfire has its advantages and disadvantages especially when she has new information going into Juniper 24/7. She was angry with him but not for the reason he thinks.

"I said no." She repeated glaring at him.

She then got up and started grabbing her things to leave while everyone else watched the sad scene in front of them.

"She won't even give me a chance." Val whispered looking at the door she just stomped towards.

Alessandro sighed and patted his shoulder, "I can talk to her if you want." He offered.

Shaking his head Val took a deep breath, "No it's my fault this is happening. I should've just went to you right away so I have to fix it. I'm going after her." He said taking off after his sister.

Alessandro turned to Will, "Do you guys want to train here?" He nodded at the gym.

"If that is okay with you." He looked around.

"Yeah, Serafina said she trained all of you?" He leaned against the rope.

Will nodded, "She did and let me tell you she was not easy on us at all." He cringed while the twins nodded in agreement.

"Do you think you could train with the boys." Alessandro nodded to his sons.

"Yeah, but we aren't going easy on you guys just saying that now." Will looked at them.

"Okay." Tino nodded.

"No problem." Leo shrugged.

"Uh, I'm scared. But okay." Stefano agreed.

"Their cousins will probably want to train too but I'm not sure if they'll actually commit to it, I have noticed our boys have commitment issues." Alessandro rolled his eyes, "But nevertheless I'll make them come. My brothers and I will most likely be there also just to see how you train exactly." He finished.

H and Z grinned, "Fresh meat." They fist bumped each other.

Aid scowled, "They are her family you idiots. She's not going to let you haze them so don't even think about it." He shook his finger at them.

"Ugh, but that's the best part." Z whined.

H scoffed, "Honestly though, maybe just a little?" He looked at Will hopefully but frowned when he shook his head.

"Ahhh whatever then." They both pouted making them chuckle.

Serafina threw her stuff on the bed and sat down running her hands over her face.

"Who the biscuits does he think he is?" She asked herself.

"Oh, I'll spar with you." She mocked in a deep voice.

She scowled at the floor and kicked her foot out hard, "Just talk to me." She mocked his voice and started making faces.

"Ugh. What an idiot." She groaned.

"I know I am." Val said from her door making her roll her eyes.

She started taking off her shoes, "What do you need?" She asked taking down her hair.

He walked in closing the door and sat on a chair near her bed, "Can you let me explain." He watched her move around.

She rolled her eyes, "Explain all you want." She told him uninterested.

He took a deep breath, "I- I had to do it. I didn't want to but the things I said needed to hurt you. If I didn't do it he would've killed you. I didn't know who it was and didn't want to take that risk." He said silently pleading for her to understand.

Serafina turned around and nodded, "Okay thanks for the explanation. Now bye." She scowled pointing to the door.

"Come on, why are you still mad? I said I was sorry, I told you the truth. I didn't mean what I said about you being a slut." He told her while making lots of hand movements.

"That is not what this is about Valentino!" She shouted.

"THEN WHAT?" He shouted back.

"I don't care about what you said. I know you didn't mean it. I know about the note. I know about everything. Just get out." She sighed.

So she does know about the note he thought mentally scolding himself.

He stood up fast, "Not until you tell me." He persisted.

"No, now get out I need to take a shower." She walked into her closet.

"Ugh this little girl will be the death of me." He whispered angrily.

He followed her and watched her look for a t-shirt, "Why can't you just tell me why you're so mad then? If it isn't about what I said then tell me." He pushed harder annoying her.

She sighed irritated, "Get out." She gritted through her teeth.

"No first you won't talk to me, you won't spar with me, you won't answer a simple fucking question." He eyes narrowed.

"Whatever, if you won't shut up then just move." She said trying to walk out.

He blocked her and shut the door to her closet, since it was big she huffed and sat on the ottoman in the middle of the closet. She looked away with a scowl on her face and arms crossed.

"Tell me." He demanded.

Serafina scowled harder at the wall because he was pissing her off, why can't he mind his own business? She just wanted to throw a shoe at his dumb face and go take a hot shower.

"Are you mad because I called you a slut?" He asked again.

"No." She answered tightly.

He pulled his hair, "JUST TELL ME ALREADY." He walked closer to her.


He mouth went dry and just listened.


His head went down as shame filled his body.


She took a deep breath, "Just, please go." She whispered.

He shook his head, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, you're right. But please just please don't hate me." He said looking up with watery eyes.

"I don't hate you." She told him again.

Except he didn't believe her so he fell to his knees, "Please forgive me. I'm sorry. You were right, I never should have said those things let alone take the drugs. It was stupid and I'll never do it again. But I am begging you please forgive me. And please don't hate me." He pleaded with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Serafina looked at her brother and her heart broke yet again, she could never hate him no matter what he did. But she was mad.

Val watched his sister walk to the door next to him and his head dropped in defeat.

His sister wasn't going to forgive him.

A body dropped onto his lap and arms wrapped around his neck surprising him. He arms went around her waist he he held her tightly as he shakily sighed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered kissing her head.

Feeling wetness on his shoulder he moved her back to see her crying and he immediately felt bad.

"I'm sorry too." She choked out crying.

He shook his head, "It was my fault and I promise never to use drugs again." He swore holding out his pinkie finger. They linked their fingers and kissed their thumbs making the promise real to them.

She cuddled into his chest taking in his citrus and spice smell and listening to his heartbeat. It was faster than normal but still calmed her down.

"Thank you for forgiving me." He rocked both of them.

"Never do that again. Just tell one of us." She pleaded softly.

He nodded, "I promise." He stroked her hair.

"I love you angel eyes." He said hesitantly.

He was still on the fence about this, did she still love him? Did she actually forgive him? What if it's all an act for some weird reason. What should he do?

She grabbed his face taking him out of his thoughts and gave him a Eskimo kiss, "I love you too Valen." She smiled making his heart soar.

He kissed all over her face earning giggles and he vowed then to never be a stupid jerk again.

He just wanted to make her happy always.


PHEW, I'm tired. It's past 12 again for me so I'm really sorry. I babysat today and didn't get to write until late. ALSO THE AUTHORS NOTE POSTED EARLIER TODAY WAS TAKEN DOWN. WATTPAD HAD DELETED A WHOLE CHAPTER AND IT WAS GLITCHING A LOT. IT IS NOW FIXED SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE THE NOTIFICATIONS. Y'all I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and comments! They're the best. I also want to thank you for the feedback about the squeal so I will think it over. Anyways for those asking for a face reveal hahaha. Ahhh idk I'm not like that pretty. I don't take a lot of selfies because blah. Gross. So yeah idk I will do one if that's what y'all want but it's whatever. Now I want to know how you guys are doing?? Do I need to fight anyone because you already know, your girl here gots ninja moves. Just let me know and I'll kick their butt. I love you guys. Please stay safe at home and when going out. See you soon.

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