To Love A Gangster

rachel2k22 tarafından

791K 14.4K 947

When rising Gangster Danny Capardi takes over the family business, his first job is to collect a debt from Jo... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 14

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rachel2k22 tarafından

Chapter 14

Lucy woke before Danny; she smiled at him he looked so sweet when he was asleep, but he was so clingy he wrapped his arms and legs around her while she slept. It had been a battle to try to escape the prison of his arms and legs, every time she moved his arms, he tightened his legs, then when she escaped his legs he wrapped his arms back around her. After she finally got free of him, she slipped out of the bed pulling on one of his T-shirts and walked out of the room.

She had not really had the chance to explore Danny’s house, but she was sure he wouldn’t mind. She opened a door and raised her eyebrows at the mess there was paperwork everywhere, and there was a desk overturned. She shook her head and walked in but stopped as she saw all the broken glass, she hated mess and she couldn’t leave the room once she had seen it.

It took her a while to find out where his dustpan was, she quietly swept the broken glass up, and with great difficulty managed to turn the desk back onto its feet she hadn’t expected it to be so heavy. She started to pick his paperwork up, but she felt as if she shouldn’t be in there, what if he got angry with her, it was his office, and those files were private.

Danny opened one eye, and he patted the bed next to him it was cold, he sat up and scanned the room her clothes were still on the chair, maybe she was having breakfast he thought as he rolled out of the bed. He pulled some boxers on and went to look for her; he started to walk towards his office, he was drawn there by the sound of her soft voice humming. What was she doing in there he wondered as he opened the door quietly.

He leaned against the doorframe with a smirk, she only had one of his t-shirts on and her panties, and he had a great view from where he was standing, she was on her hands and knees picking up, and from the look of it putting his paperwork in some sort of order.

“Good morning beautiful,” he greeted as he walked over to where she was kneeling down.

She spun around holding her chest in shock, she hadn’t heard him come in, he pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, kissing and nibbling her neck.

“I was going to sort this out eventually,” he mumbled into her neck.

Lucy laughed at him she doubted he was going to clean it up he would get someone else to do it. She was glad he wasn’t angry with her for being in there.

 “I wasn’t sure if you were going to be annoyed with me for being in here. What happened, why is it such a mess?”

Danny pulled back and looked at her with a frown, “I was in a bit of a mood. I need to ask you something,” he told her changing the subject.

Lucy bit her bottom lip and nodded for him to carry on, he pulled her over to his desk, and he sat her on top of the desk as he sat on the chair in front of her. He started to work her body into a frenzy again kissing her thighs.

“This is going to sound a little strange, but let me finish before you think I have lost my mind,” he told her, resting his chin on her thigh and looking up at her.

Lucy was a little worried now, she held onto his hand that was inching so far up her thigh she was the one losing her mind. He smiled as she blushed, he loved it when she blushed she was completely different in bed though, there was none of that shyness there he thought with a smirk.

“Marry me?” He asked looking up at her; if he wasn’t so serious, he would have laughed at the look of confusion on her face.

Lucy burst into a fit of laughter, until she realised he was serious. She couldn’t marry him she hardly knew him, and she hadn’t even broken the news to Joey about their relationship, never mind telling him, that she was getting married.

“You have lost your mind,” she confirmed, still in shock from his question.

“No Cara, there is method behind my madness. My papa had a contract drawn up that states I can’t ever sell the business. If I want to get rid of it I have to sell it back to him, but I’ve had a lawyer looking through it and he’s found a loophole.” He informed her.

Lucy was even more confused than she had been. She watched him as he slumped back into the chair and ran his hand over the dark wood of the desk.

“I don’t understand.” She told him, shifting closer; he pulled her off the desk and onto his lap.

Danny knew he had to be careful how he explained himself because she could think he was using her if it came out wrong.

“There is a clause that my papa obviously overlooked, I can’t sell the business, but I can sign it over to immediate family. If you were my wife you would be immediate family.” He told her with a sly smirk.

Lucy leaned forward and looked at him suspiciously, had he just wooed her so that he could put this plan into action. She started to worry that it was the real reason he wanted her, and he obviously saw the worry on her face because started to shake his head.

“I never had any intention of doing this honestly, but my papa is interfering too much now and I’ve had enough. It’s not just going to be some marriage of convenience, well not on my part anyway. I know we have been a bit on and off over the last couple of months, but now there are no secrets between us and you know I will look after you.” He told her as he kissed her again.

Lucy wondered what Joey would say if she announced that, she was not only with Danny, but marrying him it would be his worst nightmare. She ran her hands over Danny’s olive skin and sighed.

“No I can’t, I really like you, but marriage?”

Danny sighed and pushed her back on the table, he would have to keep working on her he thought. She giggled when she realised his intention, all of the paperwork she had tidied up was pushed onto the floor as he pushed her up the desk, and ripped his shirt from her body. He trailed red hot kisses across her body, and she gripped onto his shoulders, why did he always have that effect on her.

Danny had carried her into the bedroom to continue what they had started in his office; she was lying on his chest tired and breathless from their hours of lovemaking.

“Why do you want to sign the business over though? I mean surely your father hasn’t got that much say?” She questioned.

Danny ran a hand through his short hair and sighed, “I don’t want to be part of it anymore, I don’t want this life Lucy and the shit that comes with it, and I certainly don’t want this for my children. I want to sign the business over to you then we can sell it and there will be nothing he can do about it.”

Lucy frowned at him she could see where he was coming from, but why rush into marriage. If their relationship went somewhere then she would marry him, but just to get married so that he could sell the businesses was stupid.

“Why can’t it wait what is the rush?” She asked him.

Danny sighed, he knew his papa and he knew that if he announced his relationship to Lucy then he would change the goal posts again, his papa would do anything he could to ensure that the businesses stayed in Capardi possession.

“It’s complicated, but I know my papa and I know how his twisted mind works,” he told her looking away from her.

Lucy sensed that he wasn’t going to explain what he meant, but there was no way she could marry him. Joey would actually kill her, she couldn’t even imagine his reaction when he found out about them being together, he would have a heart attack if she mentioned marriage.

“I haven’t even met your mom,” Lucy told him.

Danny smiled down at her, “I’ll invite mama to dinner tonight, she wants to meet you, but you’re not meeting papa.”

Lucy felt nervous at the thought of meeting his mother; she wondered whether they would get on. She didn’t mind not meeting his papa, especially not after what he had put her brother through, and she knew that Danny wouldn’t want them to meet if it meant he wouldn’t be able to sell his businesses.

“What if she doesn’t like me?” She asked him nervously.

Danny chuckled his mama would love her, and she would love his mama, “She’ll love you cara. You know that you will have to go back to Joey tomorrow,” he muttered changing the subject.

Lucy groaned that was all she needed, seeing Joey was going to bring her back down with an almighty bump, because if anyone knew how to spoil her good mood it was Joey.

Danny sensed her indifference at going back home, and as much as he wanted to keep her there with him, the most important thing now was making sure that she kept Joey sweet.

Lucy’s phone started to ring and she reached over for it, she looked down and mouthed to Danny that it was Joey.

“Hi,” she greeted him cheerfully; as much as he annoyed her, she had missed him.

“Lucy get your arse back home,” he demanded sharply.

Lucy looked at Danny with a scowl, “Is there any need to be so rude you could try asking nicely!”

Danny leaned in closer so that he could hear what Joey was saying to her, “I don’t do nicely now get back home!”

“No, I’m sick of you, why do you think you can talk to me like this?” She screamed at him.

Danny jumped back in surprise at Lucy’s anger she was red in the face and he could see the fury dancing in her green eyes.

“Lucy I’ve had a rough few days I could really do without you acting like a spoiled little bitch just do as you’re told and get back here!” He told her harshly.

“No, I’m twenty-two; I’m old enough to drink, to have sex, to live on my own. I don’t have to answer to you, I’m not coming back home, and there’s nothing you can do about it!” She hissed.

Danny shook his head at her and tried to stifle a laugh, she looked so angry, but adorable at the same time, “Calm down,” he mouthed to her.

Joey huffed down the phone, “I’m coming to Dom’s right now, and if I have to drag you out of there kicking and screaming then so be it!”

“Whatever Joey, it’s about time you started treating me like an equal instead of a child!” She was furious with him, she had been so worried, but now she wanted to slap him.

“You want to be treated like an equal? Then you had better stop acting like a child!” He shouted.

Danny was growing tired of their argument, he didn’t like hearing Joey shouting at her, he was being ridiculous. He was just glad she was standing up to him. He was so tempted to snatch the phone from her and give Joey a piece of his mind.

“Maybe if you didn’t insist on treating me like one then I wouldn’t act like one!” She yelled, she didn’t think she acted like a child, but it was true that he treated her like one.

“I’m done with this, I’m coming to Dom’s now!” He told her angrily.

Lucy started to laugh at him, “Good luck with that because I’m not at Doms!”

She ended the call and crawled back onto Danny’s chest; he stroked her back and played with her curly hair, “He’s way too over the top.”

“Tell me about it; it’s beyond a joke now.” She sighed.

Lucy lay on his chest whilst he called his mama to invite her to dinner, so that Lucy could meet her. She watched him as he muttered in Italian to her, sighing and huffing every so often.

“Do you think I should go home?” Lucy asked when Danny finished his call to his mama.

“No Cara, don’t jump when he clicks his fingers.” He thought it was stupid how Joey demanded she go home or he was going to fetch her like she was a child.

Lucy’s phone started to ring again and she let out a deep breath before she answered. Danny shook his head he was growing tired of Joey; he could see he was going to have a fight for her affection when it came to that brother of hers.

“What now Joey?” She asked calmly.

“Where are you? I’m at Dom’s and he’s being a bit vague!” He shouted.

Lucy could hear Dom pleading with Joey and she got angry she was sick of everyone pushing her friend around. It was a wonder he was even her friend anymore, first her boyfriend smacks him in the face, and then her brother goes round there like a lunatic threatening him.

“Leave him alone Joey I already told you I wasn’t there. I swear if you touch him then I’m not ever coming home!” She threatened, she climbed out the bed and started to pace around by doors leading to the back garden.

Danny was watching her with curiosity, he didn’t like how she fussed over Dom, and if he was honest with himself, he was jealous of their friendship. He got up and walked behind her, he glanced outside and an idea popped into his head, he smirked as he opened the door.

“Put him on the phone Joey, I want him to tell me that he’s alright!” She snapped.

Before she could speak to Dom, Danny had snatched the phone off her and ended the call. She spun around and glared at him, he was holding her phone in his hand, and looking at it like he wanted to snap it in half.

“What are you doing?” She hissed, trying to take the phone off him, but to her horror, he threw her phone outside, she watched in disbelief as it bounced down the steps that led to his back garden and smashed.

“Danny!” She screamed staring at her smashed phone; she turned to face him angrily. What the hell was his problem, her anger only increased when she saw how he was smirking at her.

Danny looked at her smugly, she wouldn’t keep speaking to all those men now, he thought. With an angry sigh, she shoved him away from her, and got dressed; she rushed out of the room slamming the door in his face. It wasn’t until he heard the front door slam that he chased after her.

“Lucy where are you going?” He shouted as he chased her down his drive.

“Home!” She shouted back, not turning around. She had enough problems with that controlling brother of hers, never mind dealing with a controlling boyfriend as well.

Danny caught up with her and grabbed her, making her face him. He leaned down and kissed her, and even though she was fuming with him, her arms seemed to wrap around his neck of their own accord.

“Come back inside, mama is coming remember,” he whispered, giving her a sad look.

Lucy let out another sigh and followed him back into the house, why couldn’t she stay angry at him he was so infuriating. What wound her up the most was the way he went from sweet to arrogant within seconds. She followed him into the kitchen, and sat down with a huff while he made some coffee.

The thing about him that made her anxious was his unpredictable temper, although she had never been on the receiving end of it she knew it would rear its ugly head again especially when there was the threat of another man on the scene, and from his reaction, his jealousy extended as far as her brother.

“You’re angry with me?” He asked looking over his shoulder at her.

Danny took her silence as a yes, and sighed he couldn’t help how he was, it was set into from an early age from his papa that a woman only needed her man, there was no place for anything other man.

“Cara, put on a smile on it please, I don’t want mama sensing the tension,” he ordered.

Lucy raised her eyebrows at him, he was so annoying with his demands if she didn’t want to smile she didn’t have to, she thought angrily. Danny raised his eyebrows at her scowl, and turned his back on her, he would not allow her to make him look like a fool in front of his mama.

“Are you going to keep this silent treatment up?” He asked she could hear the trace of irritation in his voice.

Again, she ignored him, pretending to find the pattern on the tablecloth more interesting than him; he slammed her coffee down on the table and smirked when she jumped.

“I don’t like being ignored,” he murmured leaning in for a kiss.

He got angry when she pulled away from him refusing to kiss him back; he took her face in his hand and angled it towards him. He could see how annoyed she was her beautiful green eyes were burning right through him.

“You’re refusing to kiss me?” He questioned, he didn’t like being turned down, and especially not by her, and not when he was so aware of the way her body reacted to him.

Lucy was determined to stand her ground, as much as having his hands on her was sending her mind soaring, she couldn’t keep giving in to him. She hated it when he won just by touching her, she hated her body for the way it betrayed her by reacting to him so blatantly.

“Why do you always fight it?” He whispered huskily as his tongue did unmentionable things to her neck.

“Stop it!” She hissed, her resolve was wavering and she was on the edge, if he didn’t let go of her soon she was going to fall right into his trap.

Danny smirked into her neck, she was really struggling to hold back he could feel how warm her skin was getting, he slipped his hand under the skirt she was wearing, and into her lace panties. She gasped and gripped onto his arm, biting her lip to stop the moan escaping.

“Do you still want me to stop?” He asked as he nibbled on her ear.

“Yes,” she gasped again, but she didn’t want him to stop, she wanted him to take her right there on the table, but she was meant to be the one in control not him and his expert hands.

“You are lying Cara, but your body does not,” he murmured huskily, he could feel his jeans getting tighter, and he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to restrain himself.

She clutched at his shirt and let out a little moan, she was incensed with herself, and her traitorous body. How could she deny that she wasn’t enjoying what he was doing to her when her body was reacting to him exactly how he wanted it to. She didn’t stop him as he lifted her out of the chair and onto the table and unzipped his jeans.


“Lucy!” Danny shouted he was banging on the bathroom door; she had been in the bath for over an hour. She had locked the door to get away from him, because she was meant to be angry. She blushed as she thought about what he had done to her on that table.

“Can’t a girl have a bath in peace?” She shouted back, she just wanted to gather her thoughts, five minutes with him, and her mind went to mush.

She heard him muttering something in Italian as he walked off and she giggled, he was probably calling her everything under the sun. She rested her head against the bath and shivered the water was getting quite cold, but she didn’t want to see him, why couldn’t she just stay angry with him.

Danny knocked on the bathroom door ten minutes later; he was tired of waiting for her. When she ignored him, again, he began to lose his temper, he wasn’t someone who was used to being made to wait, and by a woman that just annoyed him more.

“Lucy, you have got one minute to open this door!” He shouted, as he banged on it again.

He stepped back as she flung the door open and glared at him; she shoved past him and opened his closet where all her new clothes were. She could feel his eyes burning into her, but she carried on ignoring him until he came behind her and ripped the towel away.

“Do you mind!” She hissed, ever since the first time she had sex with him, he seemed to think he had the right to do whatever he wanted to her body.

“Not really,” he teased, pulling her against him. She tried to pull away from him, but with a strong arm wrapped around her waist, she had no chance.

“Can I get dressed?” She asked sweetly, she was starting to realise the only way to get around him was to give in.

Danny kissed her neck and let go of her, “I suppose so, I do prefer you like this though.”

Lucy found out a dress and pulled it on over her head, she blushed when he whispered in her ear begging her not to put any panties on. She giggled but ignored him and put them on anyway, she laughed more when she heard him huff.

“Will you please control yourself; your mom is coming remember!” She told him sternly.

She smirked as he pouted and shook his head, “Cara I can’t control myself around you, if it was up to me you would never leave that bed.”

Danny’s phone started to ring and he sat down on the bed and answered it. He rolled his eyes and mouthed to Lucy who it was.

“Joey, what can I do for you?” He asked, looking towards Lucy.

Lucy frowned and wondered what reason Joey had for calling Danny this time. She hoped he hadn’t worked out that she was seeing Danny, it would only take Jon to say something if he bumped into him.

“Yeah I checked in on her for you, I don’t know, she said something about staying at her boyfriend’s house,” Danny told him, he smirked at the look of horror on Lucy’s face.

She was waving her hands at him, pleading with him not to say anymore. She could see Danny biting his lip trying not to laugh as Joey went on a foul-mouthed rant. She grimaced because she could hear everything he was saying, it was annoying her that he seemed to think she had to run everything past him, and that she needed his permission to have a life.

Danny ended the call and looked at Lucy with a smirk, “He’s not happy.”

“Oh that’s nothing new!” She snapped.

Danny lay back on the bed and chuckled, Joey was going to explode when he found out about them. He had ranted and raved about how immature his sister was, and how she would come crying to him when it all went wrong.

“He said you will expect him to pick up the pieces when it falls apart, because you’re a stupid little girl,” Danny told her mimicking Joey’s voice.

Lucy raised her eyebrows, how dare he talk about her like that. He made her sound like she was ten and she was sick of him, she was going to show him. She was old enough to make her own mistakes, and it was high time Joey realised that she was a woman now and she had her own mind.

“I’ll marry you,” She informed him him with a determined look.


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