Most Wanted

By Sam-a-lama-ding-dong

956 45 189

The Beatles are going on a world tour with the Wiggles! But something's wrong when Sam is arrested and replac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

71 2 9
By Sam-a-lama-ding-dong

"We gotta think of something, guys" Sam said.

"Sam, we gotta get you close to Murray" said Calvin.

"Huh. What does this do?" said Charles Wallace pulling a lever. 

Pulling the lever made the platform that Sam was standing on rise up and she took Violetta's place.

"What..." Murray said.

"Murray, it's me. Sam. Now, come on. We have to get out of here. The wedding is off" Sam said.

"No, Sam. What are you doing?" said Murray.

"Murray, I will explain everything later, but we have to leave" Sam said.

"Come here, Pan!" said an unpleasant voice. 

Constantine had pushed Sam away and put Violetta back.

"What just happened?" said Murray.

Violetta looked at Murray with tears in her eyes.

"That's it. I cannot lie anymore. Murray... I'm not who you think I am" said Violetta.

"What is going on at my wedding?" said Murray.

Calvin sprinkled himself in pixie dust and captured Constantine and put him in a net.

"Wags, pull the rope" said Calvin.

Wags pulled a rope and the net holding Constantine rose higher and higher.

"Run, Violetta!" said Charles Wallace.

The real Sam approached Murray again.

"Murray, listen. That's not me. I'm me" she said.

Suddenly, the two girls ended up together causing Murray's jaw to drop open.

"Two Sams? Well, that explains a lot" Meg said from the audience.

"How can there be two Sams? Of all the ways to ruin a wedding, this has got to be the most creative. Two Sams" said Murray in disbelief.

"No. Just one Sam. Me" Sam said.

"Then..." Murray stuttered.

"I confess. I'm not Sam" said Violetta.

"Well, who are you?" said Murray.

Violetta took off her brown wig and revealed her real blonde hair.

"I'm Violetta Damien" she said.

"Violetta! How dare you defy me?! You were forbidden to confess!" said Constantine.

"Face it, Constantine. I'm done participating in your schemes. You make me put on a wig, you make me change my identity, you make me marry Murray Wiggle?" said Violetta.

"So, you're..." said Murray.

"Murray, I... I never agreed to this. I really didn't want to" Violetta cried.

"It's true. She didn't. Please believe us" Sam said.

"I do, Sammy. But why would you let him do this to you, Miss?" said Murray.

"You see... my only friends are prisoners in the Gulag. Because everyone thinks I'm a criminal. I'm really not. I'm just a girl who's always tricked into committing crime" Violetta explained.

"And it will stay that way" said Constantine.

"No, Constantine! I've finally made real friends and I'm not gonna let a FROG undo that" said Violetta.

"What?!" said Constantine.

Violetta took Sam's hand and led her to Murray.

"This is the real Sam. The one you know and love" said Violetta.

"Well, you may have brought the real girl back, but I still have one thing to say to all of you!" said Constantine.

He took out his bomb starter and said "Good night, folks"

"What is that?!" said Greg in the audience.

"It's a bomb" Sam said.

Suddenly, Murray was pulled to a bomb magnet and his wedding band stuck to it.

"Wait. Murray's ring is the bomb" said Calvin.

The friends ran towards the magnet.

"Some of you guys grab Murray and some of you guys grab me" Sam ordered as they all tried to free Murray from the bomb magnet.

They eventually succeeded.

But they still needed to stop Constantine and Dominic.

The real Sam has returned and Violetta confessed. 

But they still have one last problem to fix.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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