Way Back Home

By btobmelody88

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[COMPLETED] Joy never had a place to proudly call her home. Everything was always temporary. City after city... More

Chapter 1: Another Beginning
Chapter 3: Crossed Paths Again
Chapter 4: Forming Links
Chapter 5: Drunk Mistakes
Chapter 6: Butterflies
Chapter 7: Opening Up
Chapter 8: Comfortable
Chapter 9: Baby?
Chapter 10: Picture Perfect
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: You Can't Play With Two
Chapter 13: Unplanned Surprises
Chapter 14: The Birthday Clash
Chapter 15: She's Gone
Chapter 16: The Cupcake Clue
Chapter 17: The Chase
Chapter 18: Lingering Doubts
Chapfer 19: The Challenge
Chapter 20: Fated Encounters
Chapter 21: The Heart Finally Chooses
Chapter 22: Way Back Home (Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Baby... For Real

Chapter 2: First Meeting

597 26 3
By btobmelody88

March 2, 2019- Day 2
8:28 am

Joy held tight to her grocery list. Her goal today was to buy the ingredients she needed to experiment on a new banana strawberry cupcake recipe. You see, she was able to meet ends meet by selling her baked goodies. She learned how to bake back when she was in the orphanage. It was one of the very few things she was thankful of for being in that old orphanage.

She hurriedly headed to the gate of her apartment. She didn't want bump into many people so she chose to do her errands this early in the morning.

"Excuse me?"

Oh. Great. I have to interact with a human this early.

Joy turned her head and saw a tall guy with questioning eyes piercing right through her soul. He seemed uptight, but his handsome face saves his overall look.

Wait did I just say handsome? Ugh.

"Um, hello, Miss?"

Joy got back to her senses. "Ugh, hi? Do you need anything?", Joy muttered and hoping that she was just mistaken for someone.

"Are you the new tenant? My mom told me that you came yesterday. Sorry for not welcoming you. I was, ugh, busy with something else", Sungjae seemed apologetic.

It's okay. I'm not really welcome anywhere.

"Oh, yes. I met your mother yesterday. Um, I'm Joy Park", Joy said with an awkward smile as she bowed.

"Right. I'm Yook Sungjae. I own this place. Well, I just came to ask when you can sign the contract? I know you have the downpayment already but you know, just to be sure". Sungjae sounded professional. It is as if he really knows what others can do to get away.

"Can I sign it tomorrow if ever? I do want to read it well before signing it. I just have to go to the grocery for now."

Sungjae tilted his head. He was amused that someone actually cared to read his contracts. That's new. "Of course, Miss Park. I guess I'll leave you these papers and can come back tomorrow morning as well?"

"Yes. Please call me Joy, sir." Joy was awkward with the Park surname. It's not because she isn't professional enough to be called like that. She always try to look decent so no one would look down at her- well at least just not right at the moment they see her. It was just given to her in the orphanage. She would rather be called her nickname.

"Okay. Then just call me Sungjae, too. We seem to be almost in the same age." Sungjae scratched the back of his neck. He usually insists his status amongst his tenants but this woman in front of him seems different.

"I'll get going then! Thanks, Sungjae". Joy waved her hand and walked away.

At the grocery, Joy quickly grabbed the ingredients on her list. She literally wanted to get back to her apartment the moment she stepped out of it. She was almost on her last ingredient when she heard a loud scream from the other end of the aisle.

"You brat! Come back here! What the hell?!"

She saw a man curse a little kid who by now was way too far to be caught as he holds his wallet. The security guard who unfortunately was having the first sip of his early morning coffee was too late as well to react.

"What the hell. Can't you fix your security here?! How will I pay for my groceries? Why did I even to decide to go here?!" the man shouted in frustration.  The staff could only apologize. This was just a small grocery store. It was conveniently placed out near the streets, but it does not have as many costumers compared to the big malls.

Joy sighed. She remembered her younger self wherein she was also pushed to pickpocket just so she can fill her tummy. She knows by now that it's wrong, but at the same time she understood the kid.

Life isn't fair for everyone.

She didn't want to interact with anyone but this scene was way to familiar for her to not do anything. She walked towards the frustrated man and tapped his back. "Hi. I know this might not be the best day for you, but I can help you pay at least the essentials in your cart." She doesn't know also why she decided to do this. Maybe to fight the guilty feeling of doing the same thing in her younger years? Maybe because she knows how it feels to having nothing in your pocket? Whatever it is she just wants to help the man and go home.

"H-hey. That's too much of you. But my sister would really kill me if I don't get her, umm, sanitary napkins", the man was obviously embarrassed saying this as evidenced with his reddened face.

"I'll get it then! Don't worry. Are you sure she doesn't want ones with wings?" Joy teased. It was already extremely awkward so she wanted to lighten up the mood.

"Oh crap. I heard she said wings. What is even the difference? Will you period fly away if you buy one with wings?", the man laughed. He actually has good sense of humor as well.

"No, silly! Let's get the ones with wings to spare your life okay?", Joy said as she got another pack.

"Thanks, Miss. You saved the day. I'm Changsub!" He showed a big grin on his face, almost like a dork.

Joy was hesitant to introduce herself. She just wanted to help. No more than that. But since she's already caught in the situation, she returned the smile. "I'm Joy."

"Wow! You are living up to your name, Miss Joy!"

The two headed to the cashier and Joy paid. She handed the other brown bag to Changsub and was ready to leave when Changsub stopped her.

"Miss Joy! I will pay for these. I promise! I hope we can meet again?" Changsub said with hopes in his eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about it! But, um, I'll see you when I see you!" Joy forced another smile.

No. I don't want to see you again. I don't want to make the same mistake of making friends and being left by them in the end.

She hurriedly left to head back to her apartment. It was only nearing lunch but she felt like she had used all her energy for the day.

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