Hearts on Thin Ice || Hawks x...

By FairyofCurses

70.8K 1.8K 720

After a patrol gone horribly wrong, (Y/N) Todoroki now finds herself working as a sidekick for the current nu... More

❄Ch. 1: Frostbite❄
❄Ch. 2: Hawks❄
❄Ch. 3: No More Chances❄
❄Ch. 4: Feathers and Fashion❄
❄Ch. 5: Just Getting Started❄
❄Ch. 6: Stay Frosty Iced Coffee❄
❄Ch. 7: Here We Go Again❄
❄Ch. 8: A Flame from the Past❄
❄Ch. 10: A Night to Remember❄
❄Ch. 11: Oh Brother❄
❄Ch. 12: The Family Dinner from Hell❄
❄Ch. 13: A Romantic Rival?❄
❄Ch. 14: Night Owls❄
❄Ch. 15: The Secret's Out❄
❄Ch. 16: Hush❄
❄Ch. 17: Stitches Part I❄
❄Ch. 18: Stitches Part II❄
❄Ch. 19: Birthday Blues❄
❄Ch. 20: Ice-Cold Karma❄
❄Ch. 21: Three's a Crowd❄
❄Ch. 22: Revisiting the Nightmare❄
❄Ch. 23: So Close Yet So Far❄
❄Ch. 24: Mother Knows Best❄
❄Ch. 25: From the Shadows❄
❄Ch. 26: Snow Dance❄
❄Ch. 27: Frozen Inferno❄
❄Ch. 28: Blue is the Saddest Color❄
❄Ch. 29: Life Goes On❄
❄Final Chapter: Blue Skies❄

❄Ch. 9: It's Just a Little Crush❄

2.9K 82 39
By FairyofCurses

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long and white styled into two ponytails w/ bangs

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights

A/N: I changed the name of (Y/N)'s quirk. I've been wanting to for a while but kept forgetting. Ice sounded boring so I changed it to this. My sister said it sounded like gum, well I tried lol watch me end up changing it again.


After hours of shopping, Saturday morning, (Y/N) and Chie were now eating at a sushi restaurant talking about what has been going on recently in their lives. The receptionist who has now become a good friend of hers had invited her yesterday for a girls' day out. She wasn't going to decline such an offer especially when she needed to get this whole Dabi/Touya situation off of her mind.

"I totally forgot to show you but look," she told (Y/N) excitedly as she held up her left hand. "My boyfriend proposed to me while out at dinner last night."

On the spectacled girl's ring finger was an infinity ring of rose gold with a single brilliant diamond on top whose bands twisted into each other, encrusted with smaller diamonds.

"It's beautiful!" she told Chie as she got a closer look at the ring. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

She's so lucky. I wish someone would propose to me. But I actually need a boyfriend first before that can happen so...

"Thank you (Y/N)," she responded, looking back down at the piece of jewelry. "I'm so excited for the wedding. But that's not all."

"There's more?" she asked, feeling a bit jealous but nonetheless happy for her friend.

"Yes, I just got word from this publisher I've been working with and my book is almost ready for printing," the brown-haired girl told her, putting a piece of her spicy tuna roll into her mouth.

"That's incredible," (Y/N) said, taking a sip of her green tea." What's it about?"

"Well, it's about this quirkless girl who goes on a dangerous quest to track down the villain responsible for the murder of her hero parents," Chie explained to her.

Revenge story huh?

"Sounds interesting," she replied, using her chopsticks to pick up a piece of her shrimp tempura roll. "I definitely wanna read it."

"Then I'll make sure you're the first to get a copy," she smiled at (Y/N). "But enough about me, I wanna know what's up with you and Hawks."

A blush made its way to her face at the mention of the number two hero. Not expecting him to be brought up in this conversation, (Y/N) remained silent for a moment, having been caught off guard.

Hawks? What about him?

"What do you mean Chie?" she asked her, a bit nervous. "Hawks is just my boss, nothing more, nothing less."

Chie didn't seem to be buying this though as she gave her a look as if saying 'yeah right' as she picked up another piece of sushi and dipped it into some soy sauce.

"Then explain to me why he's always assigning you to go on patrol and do other stuff with him?" she questioned as she took a bite of the raw fish roll. "Plus he asked me if you were okay yesterday. Seemed like he was worried."

He did?

"It's probably just because I'm Endeavor's daughter," (Y/N) told her, unconvinced that it had anything to do with attraction. "Or maybe it's cause he believes in my abilities. I hope it's the latter."

Hawks like me? No way, does he even have time for a relationship with his kind of schedule? And with me of all people? Yeah, I don't think so.

"The heart wants what the heart wants," she responded, finishing her piece of sushi. "There's no way this could be one-sided though."

"Hm?" (Y/N) said, popping another piece of the raw fish roll into her mouth.

"I'm saying that you like him too," Chie told her, placing a hand under her chin as she waited for a reaction.

Like him??!

(Y/N) definitely admired the red-feathered hero and looked up to him but she didn't know if she actually had feelings for him like that. She had to admit that she did enjoy his company and felt at ease whenever he was around. This is probably the best she's felt in a while since arriving at his agency and she had him to especially thank for that but he was her superior first and foremost.

"There's a difference between liking someone and admiring them," she answered, still unsure of her true feelings. "But maybe I've got a small crush, I don't know..."

"I knew it!" the brown-haired girl said in a loud voice. "I knew you had a thing for him!"

"Chie, calm down," she laughed at her friend, not wanting everyone else in the restaurant to hear. "I said maybe."

"But you didn't say no so this ship of mine just might still set sail," she laughed in response as she took a drink from her beverage.

She ships us?

Totally unaware that Saito had spotted them through the window and was making his way inside the restaurant, (Y/N) continued to enjoy her sushi, savoring the flavors of the avocado and shrimp in the roll.

"No way... is that Akira Saito?!" Chie asked her as she looked behind her.

(Y/N)'s gaze quickly followed to where she was looking to see her neighbor heading in their direction.

Here comes trouble.

The model walked up to their table with a bright smile as he turned to her looking as 'fashionable' as ever in his designer clothes.

"(Y/N) I didn't expect to see you here," he told her, placing his hands down on the table. "Funny how we keep running into each other."

Please leave.

"You know him?!" Chie asked, looking star-struck at the man before her.

"Unfortunately," she muttered, rolling her eyes.

Saito then turned to Chie offering her an autograph and picture with him which she instantly accepted. (Y/N) zoned out of the conversation though, not wanting to hear the male ramble on about himself.

"Did you dye your hair?" Chie asked him as he put a hand through his now blue shoulder-length locks. "It used to be black before right?"

"Yeah, I decided to change things up a bit," he responded looking back towards (Y/N). "What do you think (Y/N)?"

I couldn't care less if you dyed your stupid hair.

"It looks... okay," she replied, taking another sip of her tea, trying her best to look away.

Saito, taking the hint that (Y/N) wasn't up for chatting, not like she ever was when he was around, chose to take his leave. Though not before he bent down to where she was sitting to whisper something in her ear.

"The walls in our apartment complex sure are thin huh?" he told her loud enough for only her to hear before waving goodbye to the two girls.

Shit. Does he know??

Before she could continue to panic, Chie spoke up again, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"So are you gonna tell me how you know him or?..." she asked her, waiting for an answer.

"He's one of my neighbors who lives on the same floor as me," she said, letting out a sigh. "He's a pain though Chie. I wouldn't encourage that big ego of his if I were you."

"Aw really?" she questioned, sounding disappointed. "And here I thought I finally met a celebrity who was actually good in real life."

"Well sorry to tell you but not this time," she told the brown-haired girl, finally finishing her green tea.

(Y/N) stood in one of the agency's break rooms eating a pink glazed doughnut as she contemplated her next move. Thinking back to what Saito said Saturday at the restaurant, he heavily implied that he knew something and that really worried her. He definitely wasn't going to keep quiet for free, that's for sure. She wondered if she could lie and say it was Natsuo who had been over that night but she didn't know if he'd buy it or not.

First, it's Touya I've got to deal with and now it's that idiot Saito. Great. Just Great.

"Leave some for the rest of us," a voice joked from behind her as they entered the room.

She turned to face the voice but already knew who it'd be as she turned towards the blonde.

"If this were chicken then I know you'd be over here gobbling all of these down Keigo," she answered him, taking another bite of the sweet treat.

"Maybe, but I'm not the one who's having doughnuts for lunch," he told her with a smirk. "Besides who says I like chicken?"

"That's a lie and you know it," she laughed. "Do I have to remind you about that tub of chicken that I found in your mini-fridge or all the times you've asked for it?"

"Okay, okay. You're right," he admitted, taking a doughnut from the box next to her. "I just can't win with you can I?"

"Afraid not," she smiled as she bit into her doughnut again.

"Meet me down in the training area, then we'll see if you can win in combat and not just in our conversations," he teased, leaving her to finish her doughnut in peace.

(Y/N) was in the midst of combat with Hawks, trying to land a hit on the pro but he was dodging every attack she was throwing at him so far. He had agreed that he wouldn't use his quirk to fly and would limit himself to only his feathers. She in turn wouldn't be allowed to create large ice walls and such.

"Remember, if you win then I'll take you out to dinner," he reminded her as she stopped to catch her breath.

She then used an ice platform to propel herself off one of the walls, kicking one of her feet at his chest but he blocked it easily with some of his telekinetic feathers. This sent her back on her feet as she charged towards him again this time using her fists but his feathers moved her back, making her stumble a bit.

"C'mon (Y/N), I thought you were better than this," he mocked her as she regained her balance. "Where did all that effort in training go?"

"I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you," she responded with a grin.

At that same instant, she formed a small stream of ice below their feet, causing him to slip. This created the opening she needed as she pinned him to the floor with her arms and legs. It wasn't the most flawless of victories but a win was still a win.

It was also at this moment though that all that talk about her supposed crush on the hero came back to mind and she began to blush like crazy again as he laid beneath her. His gold-brown eyes made contact with her turquoise ones as she realized the suggestive position they were currently in. Before it could turn any more awkward though, she quickly got off of him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she apologized, extending a hand out to help him up.

"I'm not a delicate little flower so don't you worry about me," he joked as he took her hand and stood back up. "Well, you won so where would you like to go?"

"Oh...well um I don't know," she replied, looking down as her face started to get even redder.

"No rush in choosing a place now," he told her, stretching his arms. "I'll give you until the end of the week."

Dinner with him? It's not work-related, well it kinda is but this isn't like a date, is it?

"Why's your face all red?" he suddenly asked. "I wasn't too rough with you, was I?"

"Oh no no no, it just got a bit hot in here," she lied, placing a hand to her forehead. "I should probably go rinse off in the showers."

In order to avoid further embarrassing herself, (Y/N) took off towards the shower area, giving the blonde a quick wave as she left the room. Once the cool water ran down her body, she felt more relaxed as she stood there in the stall.

I've sure got a lot on my plate now, don't I?


A/N: We need Good Smile Company to announce a Hawks nendoroid already. I still regret not buying a Bakugou nendo when I had the chance lol. Also, I've only had sushi once in my life which was close to a year ago but it was great. Alrighty I'm gonna stop rambling now. Have a good day/night y'all! ^~^


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