The Shattered Pawn

By Serafiend_47

20.3K 404 185

After living within the cold walls of the facility, (Y/N) is eventually released and forced to wander the wor... More

Chapter 2: The Spirit of The Forest
Chapter 3: Society
Chapter 4: Beacon Academy
Chapter 5: The Awakening
Chapter 6: The Awakening II
Chapter 7: Bonding
Chapter 8: First Day of School
Chapter 9: Rediscovery
Chapter 10: The Date
Chapter 11: Recon
Chapter 12: Her
Chapter 13: Me
Chapter 14: The Beginning
Chapter 15: Epilogue + (A/N)
(A/N) Quick Poll
Bonus Chapter: Team SLLL vs The Horde

Chapter 1: Abandoned

4.3K 41 17
By Serafiend_47

In the middle of a room sat a mysterious figure.

The room was made of white plywood, the only exception being a window, revealing the dead of night outside. Near him were a couple of pictures, each with different people. Most of them had the figure, but all of them had smiles on their faces.

He sat on a red chair while, staring at the red book in his hand. He wasn't reading it, but instead stared at the cover in wonder. It had no title, no designs, no special features... nothing. 

It was just blank.

Even then, the man still wore a somber gaze on his face. 

After what seemed like an eternity, the figure finally moved to dry his eyes. He took one last look at the cover, fingers grasping the edge of its page. 

And then...

He smiled.

???:"Well, this will be interesting."


In the middle of his metallic chamber, a boy stared at the ceiling while lying down on his small, twin sized bed.

This is (Y/N). 

Or at least, that's what he thinks his name is. The guards just call him 296.

He just turned ten years old today, so his yearly checkup would have come any minute. He hoped it would finish quickly. Like usual.

He wore a plain white jumpsuit while three more sets sat next to his bed. The only thing he could do to pass the time was to lay on his bed and he looked around his room. His imagination would hopefully do the rest.

One of the few things in his cell were a set of books. These were mostly simple text books, containing knowledge of up to high school Math, English, History, and Science. He also owned a couple of other books, those being basic story and mythological books, but they all sat next to his backpack against the wall. (Y/N) loved to read the amazing stories of heroes, fighting off against evil foes with their might, keeping their morality and empathy through the worst of injustice and always saving the day.

His love of stories led him to his love of swords, choosing them as his signature weapons. He wasn't that good at using them, being much better at using a bow, but he trained daily in hopes of being a hero like in his books. Swords represented courage and power, something he wished to have in the future.

The facility gave (Y/N) these swords because he was the subject of a weapons company named Anvil. They were an organization that created and sold weapons to the different continents of Remnant. They had branches across the globe, each one working on a different task, unseen to the masses.

This branch's goal was to create super soldiers. 

Controllable super soldiers. 

They used children for subjects, capturing and training them to handle their more dangerous experiments. The subjects would then be injected with a serum that would force obedience towards their owner. It was modern day super slaves.

(Y/N) had been a part of this testing for five years now. He's been in this facility for nine years, however, being the youngest person to ever step inside of it. That didn't mean much though.

As (Y/N) looked around once more at his room, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching the cell.

(Y/N): "*sigh* Let's make this quick."

Before he could prevent himself, (Y/N) began to reminisce on the past checkups. 

He had to be better, right? He can't be the worst still. At the very least, he had to improve. Right?

To be fair, his education was one of the highest accomplishments within the facility. It was why he was allowed those books to begin with. The only thing he actually was good at.

But a large amount of the subjects had their abilities honed to the point where they would be equivalent to new recruits within Atlas's military.

At seven years old. (Y/N) could barely carry his swords today.

As (Y/N) waited for his exam, his chamber's entrance opened, revealing the tall guard that stood behind it. 

From there, the man's eyes wandered, finally resting on the young boy's frail body.

Lead Guard: "Subject 296, grab all of your items and follow to your destination. You have fifteen minutes."

(Y/N): "Yes sir."

(Y/N) got off his bed and grabbed his swords. He couldn't afford more failures. Not here. Not with them.

So finally gathering the courage to continue, (Y/N) tried to leave his room, only to be stopped by that same guard.

Lead Guard: "I said grab all of your items 296."

He pointed towards (Y/N)'s plethora of items, indicating he couldn't leave anything behind.

Well, this was new.

(Y/N): "Okay then... Give me a couple of seconds."

(Y/N) went around his room, grabbing every single item to carry with him. Thankfully, his backpack was able to fit it all, the exceptions being a few short novels and textbooks he already read. The only thing not inside were the swords were on his hip, dragging across the ground. 

It was challenging for the kid, but he wouldn't say that to any of the guards.

Once (Y/N) went back to the door, the room was almost completely cleared out. All that remained was the bed with some sheets and his leftover items.

(Y/N): "Alright. Ready."

The two guards stared, not expecting him to be done so quickly. Almost immediately after though, the lead guard scoffed while grabbing (Y/N), taking him away for the last time.


As the three of them walked away from (Y/N)'s room, they passed by many others along the way. All of them contained kids between the age group of five to thirteen, with over seventy percent of them being different varieties of fauna. Their superior genetics made them prime subjects compared to humans. 

But they always gave love to the humans as well. You never know when someone would pay to be as strong as their guards.

Enough with this gloomy mood, though. (Y/N) would really like if that wasn't the entire trips.

(Y/N): "Hey, what are your names?"

The lead guard immediately replied, unamused by the child's antics.

Lead Guard: "None of your business kid."

Knowing he would get nowhere talking with him, (Y/N) quickly responded before facing the other guard.

(Y/N): "Alright then 'None of Your Business Kid'. What's your name then?"

Hearing the kid's interest, the other guard smiled as he spoke up.

Guard 2: "Oh, the name's Jack! I actually got hired here only a few weeks ago."

Hearing Jack's response, (Y/N) couldn't help but crack a joke.

(Y/N): "They hire people at this place? How did that go? 'Looking for a guard to help with child experimentation in the middle of nowhere?' What, did they give you free dental?"

Jack chuckled at the ten year old's behavior, stopping as soon as he saw his superior's glare.

Jack: "Well, a job's a job. Even if you hate it...."

(Y/N) paused at that comment. It was strange to see someone kind in a place like this. Especially from a guard. It was a very welcome surprise to him.

To Jack though, all of that interest was lost to him, only focused on changing the subject.

Jack: "You know, for a kid, you certainly don't act like one. You act more like a snarky teenager than a small ten year old."

(Y/N)'s mood immediately turned as he gained a grin on his face.

(Y/N): "Well, Jack, I would have you know that living within a giant facility forcefully testing your capabilities makes you mature much faster than normal. That, or I'm just insane from everything that happened to me. Probably the latter."

Jack snickered as (Y/N) continued the conversation towards their experience within the facility. They talked about the tests, Jack's time with the other guards, (Y/N)'s time with the other kids, and anything in between to have fun during their walk. Something very scarce within this place.

While talking with Jack though, (Y/N) noticed the path they were taking was different. They were moving away from the usual testing hall, walking by nearly every room in the building.

Actually, he'd never been down this path before. He had no idea where he was going.

(Y/N): "Um excuse me, 'None of Your Business Kid', can I know what's going on?"

Not wishing to talk to (Y/N), the guard grunted as he spoke up.

Lead Guard: "Quiet 296. I'm doing my job. You and Jack should do yours."

(Y/N): "Well technically, it's not my job. I'm only ten."

The guard ignored (Y/N), not amusing him in the slightest.

(Y/N): "Listen, I'll be quiet as long as you tell me where I'm going. I thought I would get my exam today."

Lead Guard: "Fine, we're currently transporting you to a new location out of the facility. I have no idea where. Happy?"

And at that point, no more questions could fit within (Y/N)'s head.

(Y/N): "Transporting? I didn't even know that could happen in this place. Is that where all the other kids that left went to?"

Lead Guard: "I thought you would be silent 296."

(Y/N): "Fine, fine. Whatever." 

He was a lot more used to this sort of attitude. The guard must've been here for a while. 

(Y/N): "You know, for an adult, you act a lot like my age. Even the other kids act older than you."

At that moment, curiosity was sparked within Jack.

Jack: "Actually, that reminds me. I noticed you never really talked with any of the other subjects. Why don't you? You seem nice."

(Y/N) looked back at Jack, not expecting that question in the slightest.

And he definitely didn't want to talk to Jack about it.

(Y/N): "Oh... none of them are my friends."

Jack: "Really? Why not? You feel like someone great to be around."

(Y/N) fell silent as Jack spoke, following the guard in front of him while staring at the ground. 

It's not like he didn't care about them. He knew how rough they had it. Especially the faunus. But... He was always just alone.

Unable to realize what happened, (Y/N) bumped into the now still guard in front of him.

And that's when he saw it.

There they were, standing in front of a large van with the back doors opened up for him. Inside the van were two more guards, carrying stronger armor and weaponry compared to anyone else within the facility. They both sat at the left side of the van, leaving space for (Y/N) on the right.

(Y/N): "So I'm guessing I'm supposed to get inside here?"

The guard glared back at (Y/N) coldly.

Lead Guard: "Get into the van 296. Me and Jack here will be going back to the facility *mumbling* Where I can finally stop listening to you yammering."

Immediately after talking, the guard walked away, leaving Jack and (Y/N) in front of each other.

And realizing what was happening, Jack simply smiled while walking away.

Jack: "Bye (Y/N)! Nice meeting you!"

(Y/N): "Bye Jack! Pleasure meeting you as well"

(Y/N) responded immediately, not wasting time in the slightest as he watched Jack reenter the facility doors.

And looking back at the van in front of him, (Y/N) held his breath as he walked through the back doors.

Leaving the facility.



As (Y/N) got inside of the van, he noticed the much more stoic look from the two guard's faces. They seemed robotic. Their expression showed them to be in deep concentration, focused on the boy. They might have drilled a hole through his brain with their glare.

All in all? It was very uncomfortable.

While (Y/N) was staring at them, he eventually realized that he was in a vehicle for the first time in his life. What excitement! He looked in awe at the machine, taking in every single image of it as he could. Being forced to be away from nearly every known technological advancement, he was always interested on the improvements of people through science. 

Even if that science was the same thing that hurt him and the other kids.

(Y/N) laid down his backpack next to him before he started to talk with the guards. He needed answers and he was hoping that they would give it to him. But if he was being honest with himself? They won't.

(Y/N): "So, can you two tell me where I'm going? Or why I'm leaving?"

The two guards sat silently, expressionless. They both looked at each other before one of them started talking back to (Y/N).

Guard: "The higher ups ordered us to transport you. You have been deemed a failure and will be let go."

The millisecond (Y/N) heard this, his eyes went wide.

He couldn't believe what he heard. 

He was being... let go?

He pleaded back to the guards to reconsider.

(Y/N): "Wait, there must be some misunderstanding. I can't be that bad. I have some of the highest scores in the written test, and I have really good aim compared to the others. I work with my swords everyday, I have improved on my exams..."

As he said these words, the guards started to look at him even more sternly. It made (Y/N) become more desperate.

(Y/N): "Please... You can't take me somewhere else. I don't know what I would do, where I would go, how I would survive out there... I promise I'll do better. I'll do whatever they ask me. I can't go out there. Plea-"

And at that point, the other guard snapped. He was tired of (Y/N)'s pleading and just wanted him to shut up.


(Y/N) recoiled as he heard this, fearing the screaming adult. And when he trembled, the guard calmed down, sitting back down next to his coworker. Back into the cold, dead silence.

After the outburst, (Y/N)'s attitude started changing. 

He was no longer desperate. 

Just depressed.

(Y/N): "Alright then.. I'm guessing that there is no chance of you two helping me?"

Guard: "..."

(Y/N): "So... this is it. I'm... gone now. Right?"

Guard: "..."

The guard continued ignoring him as (Y/N) could only hear his own consciousness screaming at him. How he messed up. How he became such a failure, that they would rather abandon him than just kill him.

And with that, (Y/N) curled into a ball, letting his own thoughts keep him comfort.


After what seemed like hours had passed, with an awkward silence throughout the rest of the trip, the vehicle stopped. (Y/N) was knocked out of his trance, realizing that they had finally arrived at their destination, and looked around to see that nothing had changed from inside.

(Y/N) reacted immediately, changing back to his former attitude.

(Y/N): "Whoa. Looks like we're here."

(Y/N) looked back at the guards, seeing that their expression hasn't changed since the end of their conversation. (Y/N) sighed, grabbing his backpack and swords as he walked.

He looked down, speaking to no one in particular.

(Y/N): "So... this is it."

(Y/N) walked away from the guards, staring at the doors. He saw the cold, metal exterior, awaiting his departure from the vehicle. A terrifying sight to say the least.

In fear, (Y/N) turned back to the guards for one last question.

(Y/N): "Before I leave... where exactly did you guys take me?"

(Y/N) watched the two men as he finished, both of them having a stoic look on their faces. They looked slightly at each other, as if they were discussing what to do.

But as they stared at each other, (Y/N) saw a window behind one of the guards. And when he peeked through the window, he was confused.

All he saw were brown leaves. (Y/N) tried looking for anything else, but he couldn't find anything. Just... leaves.

And then, the guards saw (Y/N) look through the window. The two guards looked back at each other, both coming to an agreement. They knew what they had to do.

Then, before he could react, the guard that yelled at (Y/N) walked over to the boy and grabbed him by his sides, lifting the child up.

(Y/N): "Hey! Wait! Where did you guys take me!"

After he said this, (Y/N) started to hear the other guard talking to the driver. And then, the car moved. Realizing what they were doing, he struggled against the guard, trying to release his arms.

(Y/N): "Hey! Get off of me! Stop it!"

As he thrashed, the guard opened the van's back door. (Y/N) flinched in surprise as he looked outside.

Outside of the van, they were in the middle of a brown forest with no pathway to speak of. Leaves and rocks covered the floor, the bronze leaves on the trees reflected the light down, and all of the branches were thick and healthy. The entire ecosystem looked vibrant and alive. 

It would be beautiful if it wasn't for the claw marks on nearly every other tree.

As (Y/N) thrashed against the guard in a final act of resistance, he felt  the arms of the guard leave his sides. And for a fraction of a second, he knew what happened.

He was thrown out of the van.

The air passed by with incredible speeds before he hit the ground with a thump. He rolled on the rocks and sharp leaves, going with the vehicle while slowing down. Bruises were all over his body, blood dripped out of a few cuts, pain took over all other senses. It was bad. Really bad.

The van took off, the back doors shutting in front of (Y/N). But before the van could leave, he got back off the ground in a final act of desperation. He started to chase after the vehicle, blood dripping down his cuts as he moved.

But despite his wounds, (Y/N) yelled towards the van in hopes that they would hear him. All of his words screamed in desperation.


As he ran, the more and more he got tired, yet the further the van went. He continued screaming out to them, getting quieter and quieter as the vehicle left his sight, blood, sweat and tears leaving a trail.


He fell onto the ground, dead tired. He looked up at the bluish-orange sky, surrounded by the shiny brown trees. Tears aligned his face. 

He continued to cry out.

(Y/N): "please... i need you... please... i need you... please..."

He continued for what was only twenty minutes long, but felt like hours upon hours of shouting, begging, pleading to the people leaving him. The blood soaked into the leaves around him, as he curled up into a ball. He tried to call out more, but his words were incomprehensible.

He felt emotions that would be familiar that day. 







The sky turned a dark orange as crying rang out. (Y/N) hadn't moved from his spot. He continued bawling his eyes out, tears no longer falling. A blood and tear stained pool laid underneath his body. The van was long gone, with no hope of tracking it.

But sadly, there was no time to be still. Not with where he was.

And he would realize that very quickly.

???: "grrrrrr"

(Y/N) paused. That was... growling. Not good.

Lifting his arm off of his face, his bloodshot eyes were revealed to the world. And slowly raising up, he searched around for where the growling was coming from. 

That's when he found them.

That's when he found three beowolves approaching him.

(Y/N): "Nice doggi-"

The beowolves growled louder, approaching the boy faster than before. They smelled the fear coming from (Y/N), who watched the grimm focus on different parts of his body. They opened their jaws, showing their canine teeth shining in hunger.

(Y/N) stared, his body giving up on him. He let his arms dangle while backing away slowly.

(Y/N): "Of course. This has to be how I die. Should have seen it coming. God, I'm such a failure."

He closed his eyes, now thinking about his past in the facility. He had a dry smile across his face and his legs started to give out.

It was the end

(Y/N): "No friends. No family. No one that cares about me... Heh. Let's hope that the next life, I'm not me."

(Y/N) looked at the beowolves with a sad smile on his face. That's all he could do at that moment. Think about his failures when his death was right in front of him.

But as he stared, he felt the fear leave his body, only to be replaced by something else.

His grin dropped. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His arms now up and legs ready to run. He felt something at that moment. Something he would always remember.


(Y/N) turned around and sprinted away from the beowolves, heading into the deeper, denser, darker part of the forest. He couldn't even see the expression on the wolves faces, but he did hear their howl before they ran.

But as the grimm ran towards him, (Y/N) started running faster than he had ever ran before. He was moving at superhuman levels of speed, going faster than most athletes. He was running so fast, that he shocked both the grimm and himself from the speed.

Confusion filled (Y/N)'s head, starting from the moment he looked at the beowolves.

(Y/N): "What in the hell is this?"

As he ran, the forest became denser and denser, almost covering the entirety of the sky. The sun faded, leaving only the broken moon and stars to light (Y/N)'s path. The leaves reflecting the light from the ground blurred his eyes, rendering him unable to mostly see where he was going.

Even with this though, (Y/N) still moved with perfect accuracy, getting away from the beasts. He swung off branches, jumped across trenches, and avoided any sort of obstacle within his path. If it wasn't for his age, people would think he was an olympic acrobat.

But the movement wasn't what made him have questions. Nor was it the light not bothering him. The thing that weirded him out the most? 

None of it felt weird.

(Y/N): "This makes no fucking sense. Fucking, what the shit. Why the fuck is this happening."

He freaked out within his mind, not realizing what was right in front of him. 

He was running towards the bottom of a cliff. It reached thousands of feet up, with no way of seeing the top. 

An absolute dead end.

(Y/N) stopped quickly, turning around to hit his back against the rock wall.

The three wolves eventually caught up to (Y/N), slowing down as they noticed his predicament. They slowly approached him once more, growling more audibly than before. 

They were ready to feast.

(Y/N) looked around, trying to find a way out but all to no avail. All of his exits were blocked, leaving him no escape. 

He had to face the beowolves now.

As he stared back at the beowolves, he closed his eyes once more. His breathing slowed, and his heartbeat became steady. He calmed himself to a point he never thought was possible.

He took one deep breath in, unsheathing his swords in the process. 

And his body went into a fighting stance, preparing for the worse.

The three grimm growled louder. Seeing a kid challenge them infuriated the group. They were grimm, and even some new huntsman would have trouble with them. A kid was out of the question.

And that's when it started.

The first beowolf, over taken in anger, roared out to the moon before he charged at (Y/N). It brought out its claw, planning to quickly finish the ten year old in a single slash.

The claw got close to (Y/N)'s face, being only a few feet away from him.

All before he opened his eyes. 

(Y/N) flipped over the beowolf and landed behind it. He landed himself back into a fighting stance, going through his sword settings until it landed on a brown and red color.

The wolf crashed into the wall, letting out a groan as it stopped in its place. He never expected a kid to move like that. It was unordinary to say the least.

It got up, turning back to see (Y/N), ready once again. 

It ran once more at him, trying to slash him in hopes to cut him in half.

Just what (Y/N) prepared for.

Right before the claw got anywhere close to him, (Y/N) swung his sword while pressing a button. The sword then glowed a bright brown as stone formed around it, blocking the grimm's attack.

As the grimm flinched from the parry, (Y/N) used his momentum to spin towards it. 

And before the grimm can react, it recoils from a sharp pain in its chin.

(Y/N) jammed his sword straight through the grimm's skull, the tip poking through the top of its head. 

He pressed the button on his sword, letting flames being set off from the wolf's head, creating light throughout the area. It was a beautiful red, burning the skin of the grimm's body into dust.

A warning for the other two.

(Y/N) took out his sword from the grimm's head, letting the beowolf fall down onto the ground.

The other two beowolves were shocked with what occurred. How could a child, barely aged ten years old, out in the middle of nowhere, who's body parts were giving out in front of them, be able to effortlessly take down a beowolf in two attacks. That just didn't make sense.

(Y/N) looked back at the two beowolves, getting rid of the coating from his swords. He pointed at the two with a look of defiance on his face.


And that just made them even angrier.

The two beasts growled in response. They looked at each other one more time before charging at him, jaws open to rip his head off.

(Y/N) twirled past the grimm, avoiding both attacks at once. While twirling, he pulled out his swords, changing them both to a blue setting.

The grimm landed on the ground, looking back in shock at how he avoided them. A chill ran down their chest. They looked down and saw a slash wound going straight across their torso, ice creeping throughout their body from the wound.

It was over.

As they finished staring at the ice, they noticed that (Y/N)'s swords were now different. Ice coated around them, as he stood there staring away from the grimm.

(Y/N) turned back, seeing the grimm now completely frozen over. He changed the swords to a yellow mode, pressing the button, causing electricity to course throughout their blades. He charged after the two wolves, before slicing them both in half as the electricity roasted them from the inside out. The grimm sculptures fell onto the ground, now separated perfectly from the waist.

(Y/N) stood straight up, now relaxed as the three beowolves disintegrated into dust. All that was left was him.

(Y/N) pressed the buttons on his swords, the electricity fading from the blades. He re-sheathed his swords, before looking down onto the ground.

(Y/N) immediately fell down exhausted.

From all his testing, he was never able to act like he did right then. All he was able to do was aim and think. But, at that exact moment, when he needed it the most, he was able to fight as if he trained for decades against grimm. It was unnatural.

(Y/N): "What the hell was that? And... why did it feel so... natural? Normal? Familiar?"

(Y/N) looked up at the sky, seeing the night filled with stars as far as the eye could see. Tons of them creating constellations.

(Y/N): "Beautiful..."

After staring at the sky, he picked himself back up, looking at what happened to him. He looked back, feeling his backpack filled with his books. (Y/N) sighed in relief as he watched the forest around him.

(Y/N) had no idea on where he should go, nor what he was supposed to do when he got there. The forest had a blinding light, leaving him virtually blind through the forest.

(Y/N): "I guess I should find somewhere to sleep. And then I can try to find... anything."

Looking out, (Y/N) started walking through the woods, heading off in hopes to find any sort of civilization. Anything out there that could help him survive. He had no idea of what was coming up for him.


As (Y/N) walked away from the battlefield, tired and hoping to survive, a figure stared at his every move. The figure wore a silver cloak around his body with a hood that he took off, revealing his white hair. He focused in on (Y/N)'s actions.

As he watched, a couple of other figures behind him started talking.

???: "Well, well, well. Looks like he's finally awakening. Ooh, this is going to be so much fun."

???: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Why did you drag me here anyway? We already know what our job is. I was prepping before you interrupted me to watch this."

???: "Ok, ok sure. But it's nice to watch it for yourself. Don't be a buzzkill, Sir Bloody Mess."

???: "Oh, you don't get to use that name to me, Mr. Painsexual."

These two figures were next to each other, with the one named 'Painsexual' putting his arm around 'Bloody Mess' shoulders. 'Bloody mess' tried to get rid of the man from his body, pushing 'Painsexual' away.

'Bloody Mess' wore a white shirt, blazer, and a nice pair of black pants. He kept himself very clean, polishing every part of his look, from the hair to his dress shoes.

'Painsexual' wore a much more casual clothing. He wore an oversized navy blue t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. He had used tennis shoes on, and while he didn't overly make himself presentable, he did make sure to make sure he looked fine as he was.

As they fought, another lone figure watched unamused by their antics. Unlike the other three, his clothes looked worse for wear. All of his clothing was torn and ripped, not cleaned at all recently.

The lone figure regained his focus on (Y/N), taking note of his every move.

The silver figure sitting in front of the others got annoyed the more 'Painsexual' and 'Bloody mess' fought. He stood up and looked back at the two arguing.

???: "Guys, be quiet. You both know that he needs all the help that he can get."

The figure put his attention on 'Bloody mess.'

???: "Yes, we should be preparing, but it's also a good idea to watch what he is doing so we know what he goes through."

He then put his focus on 'Painsexual.'

???: "Don't annoy him. He works harder than any of us."

He then stared at the both of them.

???: "Now both of you, either keep your mouth shut and watch, or go back to preparing."

The figure went back to his seat, the other two quieting down. They looked at the screen, watching (Y/N) starting to fall asleep.

The silver figure stared at the projection once more from within his red chair, while moving his red book to his side, monitoring (Y/N)'s every move.

???: "Well. This will be interesting."

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