MEGALOMANIAC. five hargreeves...

By spideysilks

343K 10.7K 8.3K

πŒπ„π†π€π‹πŽπŒπ€ππˆπ€π‚ | ❝pleasure is the sweetest when it's paid for by another's pain.❞ - in which eight... More

act two. these violent delights
- as of august 22, 2021
(updated) playlist
prologue. help me
one. soviets attack u.s
two. please don't call me that
three. love
four. crazy lady
five. handcuffs
six. bahamas
eight. manners maketh man
nine. karina
ten. can we talk?
eleven. the deal
twelve. milk and cookies
thirteen. again?
fourteen. dresses
fifteen. june choi
sixteen. miss steal-your-wife
seventeen. loverboy
eighteen. high five
nineteen. whenever you're ready
twenty. friends?
twenty one. volcano
twenty two. heels and it's better purpose
twenty three. a sinister cabal
twenty four. le petit mort
twenty five. tacos?
twenty six. go-gle?
twenty seven. daddy issues
twenty eight. kamikaze dive
twenty nine. "problem."
thirty. assassin with the heart of gold
thirty one. zwy eight
thirty two. red
thirty three. paradox psychosis
thirty four. fbi building
thirty five. goodbye, ben
thirty six. you kissed me.
thirty seven. infinite switchboard
thirty eight. hidden excerpts from Reginald Hargreeves journal.
thirty nine. harlan
forty. i love you
forty one. june
forty two. kill order
forty three. sparrow academy
read this (2)
we need to talk

seven. raspberry lollipop

8.7K 329 202
By spideysilks


EIGHT DIDN'T KNOW WHY SHE WAS SO EXHAUSTED. She slept at Hazel's after a bad mental breakdown in an alleyway, she cried herself to sleep at Elliot's, and now, she felt like she was about to fall asleep once again as they derived towards their destination.

They had been driving for hours, and Eight had already lost track of time. At one point she fell asleep and drooled on Five's shoulder, but he decided to not tell her about the small incident since he didn't want Eight to be embarrassed. And besides, it was kinda cute to him.

Diego rolled into the side of the small building, staring at the building up and down. Eight was kind of confused at the interior of the building, since it didn't really seem like him. Their old house was way more different than this one. "This is it." Five mumbled, opening his side of the car door and getting out. Eight quickly followed suit, walking beside him as the two of them stared at the building up and down.

Diego let out a grunt, feeling slightly tired after driving for a few hours, but nonetheless, he was excited. "D.S Umbrella. This is it," he said proudly, walking between Eight and Five as they made their way inside.

Five paused, staring at the screen. If Reginald was to be there, he didn't know what he'd do. It's been a long time since he and Eight last saw him, and he was also certain that Eight had some worries of her own.

Eight glanced at him. Although she still didn't know where she stood with Five, he was still the person she cared about the most.

Eight noticed his discomfort. She quickly halted her movements, walking up to Five to squeeze his hand. "Hey, it's ok." she told him comfortingly. Five let out a small smile, since there was something about Eight that he loved so much, and that was her ability to make him feel home. He quickly dismissed his worries, walking over to Diego who held his knife in one hand.

"How long has it been since the two of you seen the old man?" Diego questioned, examining the locks to find out how he'd manage to open them so that they could enter.

Five sighed, putting his hands in his pocket as he leaned against the wall. "45 years."

"That's a trip," Diego mumbled, still trying to figure out how the locks worked. Eight had already found out what he needed to open, and she was about to open the door herself but she decided that she'd let Diego do it instead. Besides, it was fun seeing him struggle especially now when he decided to be an annoying ass.

"No kidding. You know when we were stuck out there in the apocalypse, there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head." Eight knew all about this. She had tried to be there for Five when he would have episodes where he broke down because of Reginald. There was always his voice whispering in his mind in a taunting voice, repeatedly saying-

"I told you so." Five told Diego, feeling guilty about everything once again.

Diego felt sad for Five. "Well, if he's here, he's never met you before, so he can't say "I told you so." He knew he wasn't good at cheering others up, but he was going to try his best. Even if Diego didn't show it that much, he really cared about Five.

"I'm sure he'll find a way." Five mumbled in defeat. He knew Reginald. Whatever time period he was in, he was still an asshole.

Eight sighed, using her mind to unlock the door since Diego was taking up too much time and time shouldn't be wasted. He looked dazed, turning to look at Eight. "Right. Gotta remember that." he mumbled.

The three of them entered the building, only to be left in darkness. Eight spotted a small lamp that was on top of one of the tables, so she made her way to it and quickly turned it on. The light illuminated the room, giving it a rightness for a bit until it suddenly shut down, making Eight sigh. "I can't believe that rich fucker can't even buy proper light. for this shitty place." she mumbled, extremely annoyed.

"Guess he wasn't much for home decor," Diego mumbled, trying to lighten the mood up. He noticed that Eight was kind of snappy during the ride to the place, and he did realize that he was acting kind of an ass towards her.

Five, on the other hand, looked at the sofa behind him and quickly tapped it, not believing this. "Feels more like a front," he concluded. Diego scoffed, noticing the dust particles that left the spot that Five had touched.

"A front for what?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I'll take the left." Diego mumbled. Eight noticed that there were only two doors, and she was positive that Five could handle himself. "I'm going with you." she stated, walking after Diego. Five raised his eyebrows, slightly jealous that she had decided to go with him instead of her, but he brushed it off.

"Okay. Five yell if you uh... get in trouble." he said awkwardly, opening the door for Eight to come inside first.

Eight looked behind her one last time, smiled softly, and walked out of the door, ignoring the jab to her chest when she was again, reminded of her situation.

They were met with many doors, and Eight decided to take the second door while Diego came in the first door. She roamed around, seeing a pantry and a coffee table in the middle of the room. Her curiosity got to her as she opened the pantry, surprised to see a box of lollypops and some creamers.

She looked around, taking the box of lollypops and hiding a shit ton of them in her abnormally large pocket that was on her skirt. Eight quickly popped one in her mouth, smiling when she noticed that the flavor was raspberry. Her favorite.

A loud thump was quickly heard, making Eight hurriedly come out of the door. She spotted Diego, who looked like he was as confused as her. "You heard that, right?" she questioned, trying to make sure that her ears weren't just deceiving her and that she actually heard something. Diego nodded, making the two of them rush towards the source of sound.

Eight opened the door, seeing a hooded figure walk into a fog. Her eyes made it's way towards Diego's, who looked at it in surprise.

"That's him, right?"


Eight inhaled. "Come on. Let's get him."

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