Entangled in E-class

By 023-Yzal

3.6K 137 11

What will happen if an A-class student annoyed the hell out of the principal. Will she demoted to a lower ran... More

Class 3-A
Mischief Overboard
Assembly's Aftermath
Meeting E-class
First Impression
Pep Talk before Midterms
Leaving for Germany
Ditching Date
Busy Buddy
Ball Game
A Little Revenge
Meeting the New Students
Two Devils With One Plan
Island Getaway
Chaotic Vacation
Inside the Darkness
Serpent's Blood Lust
Summer Festival
A Leader's Duel
Still Our Father
Depend On Us
Sorry as a Class
Angry Bitch
Deciever and Decieved
Unexpected Events
Teacher's Masterpiece
Principal's Defeat
Lost It
His Past
Heated Lecture
#Cristmas Special
#Christmas Special Part2
Sailing Ships
Troubled Mind
The End Game
Against the Agents
Fire With in The Will
Chaotic Hike
Dangerous Dance
Noble Teacher
The right choice
Sensei's Way of Farewell
The Aftermath
Class Reunion

Gain Some, Lose Some

32 0 0
By 023-Yzal

Nagisa's POV

After mom informed me that she's coming tomorrow to ask sensei for my transfer. I went out and dialed Koro-sensei  number and told him about what mom just told me. "I see. So your mother is coming to discuss a class transfer?" Koro-sensei said through the phone. "What now? My mom won't listen to a word I say, Mr. Karasuma is out on business and I can't as his underlings to step on his behalf." I said stating a fact. "Most importantly, I don't want to leave E-class" I said saddened at the thought that I'm leaving the class., "Don't worry about a thing! I'm a superhuman creature who'll destroy the planet, Parent and child meeting is no problem" Koro-sensei said over the phone that shocked me "Ah..., sensei I don't know about this." I said unsure at his suggestion "Don't worry I got this! I better go prepare good night" Sensei said hanging up on me as I just sigh and kept my phone as I just stared at the moon that shines upon me. And a minute later I decided to head back to my room and sleep it off, 

Morning came and I told about the class about my mom's visit today and what she said to me last night.. and they've been all riled up, and trying to find a solution for our current problem, Bitch-sensei offered in his stead but we all turned it down as polite as possible, It's obvious that she have a short temper to handle this kind of stuff,  "It's really quite simple. I'd just need to become Tadaomi Karasuma." Koro-sensei said his voice was thicker than normal as he opened the door revealing sensei's disguise. "It's me! Me, you know, Karasuma!" he said posing "What a shoddy dupe" We all screamed I turned the noise down as I was to worried for sensei and for 'how they would react when  they know everything about me and my mom.' "Hey, Nagi relax I think sensei can professionally handle your mom, Some how" Zen said as she slapped my back and sling an arm around me "Though I should really warn your about our class lacking the understanding of the word privacy." she whispered as I grew nervous all over again 'that didn't help at all, Zen' I thought as I just hang my head down 'maybe I should just tell them my situation.' I thought but before I say anything my phone rung and stating that mom is on her way up the mountain. "Guys my mom is already climbing the mountain I'll just wait for her outside"I said to them and left the room and went out and wait for mom at this spot. 

Zen's POV

I'm worried for Nagi, I know that he wanted to tell everyone his situation but didn't have the right time to say it. "Everything alright?" I heard Karma's voice behind me "Yeah just worried a little". I said looking at the window staring at Nagi's back "Did something happened back at Nagisa's last night?" Karma asked. "I guess, but it's not my story to tell" I said taking my gaze off of Nagi., After Nagi's mom entered the faculty room, everyone is curious at what where they are about to discuss. "Hey Karma, I'll just head down the river side, do call me if something happened." I said leaving the room and headed down the mountain to the vending machine, as I'm craving for some ponta, I decided to get some before I went to the river side. But apparently I ended up crossing paths with Shu.., "Zen!" He shouted "good to see you too Shu" I said smiling at him "Zen you have to return home, Mother Is going back, and she will be furious if she knew what you did! " he begged "Then please inform father about the situation Shu, and tell him what you asked me today.,"I said being mean 'sorry Shu but, I'm a bit tired both of your temperament towards the one who needed the kindness the most'

"Fine I will.,but  will you come back home?" he said "Yes for mother's sake." I stated as I head back the mountain and went to the river side.,  "Where have you been?" I saw Karma's back from here I stand., "Just grab some of this" I said as I throw one at him. and sit next to him., "So how's Mrs. Shiota?" I asked as pertaiing to the discusion of Koro-sensei and Mrs. Shiota "Well Nagisa's mom is one tough cookie, she lashed out on Koro-sensei" He said sighing deep "I knew that something similar would happen, I just hope Nagi Is okay " I said leaning on my knees thinking how Nagi is coping with this. "So you knew huh?".."Yeah some what I do," I held my hand as "Is there anything else you want to tell me?  you still seemed troubled" i just gave a deep sigh as I looked at his eyes "Actually I.." shutter as I know in my head that I cant bare to say it "Go on say it." He said as I took my gaze off of him "I need to go back home," I said hesitating to say the rest "and I need to face Father again" He looked shocked as he stared at me "Why?" he said as I detect a loneliness in his voice "Mother is going back home and I don't want them to be in trouble cause of my selfish actions"I said as I lowered my head a little 

"Hey don't give me that , Its all my fault crap" He said and slap me on my back. "hey! that hurts" I reacted and glared at him "Just chill out, it's not you to be so gloomy and such., Now lets go back and stop moping, Idiot" he said dragging me back to the campus and let lecturing me about my mood swings., and later that night he helped me packed my belongings and we both sleep cuddling each other, don't get me wrong nothing happened we just sleep next to each others embrace and far I'm wondering where are Karma's parents as I've been living in their household and I haven't meet them even once. When morning came Both Karma and I entered class late cause we made a stop at the main campus lockers as I need somewhere to store my bag pack filled with clothes and got scolded by Koro-sensei afterwards... 

"Hey Nagi,I heard about what happened last night, how was your mom?" I asked as I went near him with Karma... "We somewhat sort it out and I promised to help her inside the house from now on, as to help her relax a bit " he said brightly smiling as he result the issue with his mother. "Then I'm happu for you Nagi, pass my regards to mrs. Shiota for letting me stay at your place the last time" i said returning the smile as I pat his shoulder "hope I can drop by at times and have some tea with her and talk about some stuffs." I said as I went out the room for air as I think for my next course of action, from Koro-sensei's case to my own demise of memory loss. I stand outside sighing "So what do you want to talk about with me Koro-sensei?" I ask as I sense his presence as if he wanted to melt me with his stare."You have a sharp senses there Zen, do you mind sharing you thoughts.?" sensei ask as he show himself from his hiding spot. "well, it's just that I'm going back home and I really don't know how I'd face the both of them, or I'm just being unreasonable, Like my emotions is getting in the way with my comprehension and it really frustrate me big time sensei." I said a bit complicated in my own thoughts as It kept swarming in my head that it sometimes made me really hopeless. "Zen, maybe all you needed is a little breather, just a time to yourself or you wanted someone to tell about it, someone to share the burden with, but your afraid that if there's another party it would mess up a one shot chance" he said as I flinched 'did he already found out about it?' I panicked inside as I didn't looked back to see him "I still don't know what your doing Zen but i sniff that your cooking up something, and i heard you talking a lot by the riverside about this one shot thing" sensei said suspiciously 

"I'd like you not preying about it sensei, it already frustrating me sensei" I said as I rack my brain to think of a good excuse  to cover that one up. "but you know that telling it to others can lessen your burdens up Zen, and I'd like to help my students as much as I could" sensei said seriously., I just gave out a sigh "Fine, but don't tell it to anyone yet, I would want to tell them myself." I said sitting at the grass "I'm having this nightmares, and horrible ones at that. but i figure it out that it was my previous memories, but the catch is I'm slowly losing the one's I made through out the year, I cant even remember how Shu and I got along back in the days nor How it felt for father to praise me when i do something good" I said mopping that made him look at me with concern " and I'm formulating this type of drug to jug up my lost memories while retaining my new one's, the sooner the better but the thing is that I'm afraid." I said as I buried my face on my knees., 'well it's not a complete lie, I'm slowly losing them and I'm afraid to forget how this hole year with them, it's terrifying to even think of but the drug is still No progress cause I don't have a clue about it and my doctors cant do anything about it as they are afraid to offend father and the Vongola's if the operation went wrong' i just sigh "that serious?" he softly asked "yeah, and I want to do something about it as I don't want to forget this class, our little missions, how fun it is here and specially you sensei., since I kinda have a hunch that you'd allow us to kill you when the time comes" I said changing the subject as I felt him flinched "You also got a sharp and wide range of perception " he said "thanks for the compliment sensei but I wish you'd still be there to remind me our time in this class, if I ever remembered my past and forget my present  " I said hoping that everything in my plan worked out before I lose my memories to the point that  I've forgotten about everything I've worked on to save sensei, we just stayed like that as we keep each other company till the sun sets 

Days passed and I'm thankful that sensei kept it a secret to the others, though he kept glancing at my way with concern. I also went back home and mother kept hugging me and telling me stories about my twin and his fiance, She also brought pictures of them, and the guy is really a boy version of me and he is really cute with his fiance by his side, though some past memories resurfaced when I saw his face and his fiance's and that's when I confirmed my hunch that I'm losing some when I gained some., and that made me scared till now just by thinking of it. And there's the upcoming school festival that I'm gonna miss, cause mother asked me to join her in picking a fabric for the bride's dress as ka-san asked her to design the dress for her soon to be daughter in law. 'hyst.. this is too troublesome'

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