Hearts on Thin Ice || Hawks x...

By FairyofCurses

73.8K 1.8K 745

After a patrol gone horribly wrong, (Y/N) Todoroki now finds herself working as a sidekick for the current nu... More

❄Ch. 1: Frostbite❄
❄Ch. 2: Hawks❄
❄Ch. 3: No More Chances❄
❄Ch. 4: Feathers and Fashion❄
❄Ch. 5: Just Getting Started❄
❄Ch. 6: Stay Frosty Iced Coffee❄
❄Ch. 7: Here We Go Again❄
❄Ch. 9: It's Just a Little Crush❄
❄Ch. 10: A Night to Remember❄
❄Ch. 11: Oh Brother❄
❄Ch. 12: The Family Dinner from Hell❄
❄Ch. 13: A Romantic Rival?❄
❄Ch. 14: Night Owls❄
❄Ch. 15: The Secret's Out❄
❄Ch. 16: Hush❄
❄Ch. 17: Stitches Part I❄
❄Ch. 18: Stitches Part II❄
❄Ch. 19: Birthday Blues❄
❄Ch. 20: Ice-Cold Karma❄
❄Ch. 21: Three's a Crowd❄
❄Ch. 22: Revisiting the Nightmare❄
❄Ch. 23: So Close Yet So Far❄
❄Ch. 24: Mother Knows Best❄
❄Ch. 25: From the Shadows❄
❄Ch. 26: Snow Dance❄
❄Ch. 27: Frozen Inferno❄
❄Ch. 28: Blue is the Saddest Color❄
❄Ch. 29: Life Goes On❄
❄Final Chapter: Blue Skies❄

❄Ch. 8: A Flame from the Past❄

2.9K 82 20
By FairyofCurses

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long and white styled into two ponytails w/ bangs

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights


Realizing who the man in dark blue in front of her was, (Y/N) created another dagger of ice, putting her guard up. He now had his feet up on the kitchen table where he sat, unfazed by the knife she held.

How the hell does he know my real name and how did he get in here?

"Put the dagger down," he said, focusing his gaze on her. "You really gonna point a knife at the guy who saved your life?"

"Not until you tell me why you decided to break into my apartment," she demanded as she cautiously stepped closer towards him. "You're from the League of Villains aren't you?"

She remembered some reports detailing some of the League of Villains' crimes. One of these had been an attack on the training camp her youngest brother had been attending a while back. She assumed he had to be the member with the flame quirk who had set the forest on fire that day.

I'm so stupid. Blue flames, duh. Who else could it have possibly been? But why would he help me?

"Oh, so you do know who I am," he responded as a smirk made its way onto his pale, scarred face.

He then grabbed a red apple from the bowl of fruit which sat at the center of the table, taking a bite.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in," she asked him as her hands began to slightly tremble on the dagger's handle.

Sure he had saved her life before but breaking into her home didn't exactly make him one of the good guys either.

"Really little sister? You can't recognize your own big brother? I'm hurt," he answered sarcastically, taking another bite from the red fruit.

He was waiting on a response but she was in utter shock from the words he had just spoken. It had been over a decade since the passing of her older brother Touya. Looking at this man before her though, it was hard to believe that he was the same young, sweet boy from her childhood.

"No... it can't be... Touya's dead," she finally responded, dropping to her knees with the ice dagger still at her side.

"Oh, he's very much alive. Here in the flesh," he told her with a slight laugh as he continued to bite into the apple.

So many questions were going through her head at that moment. She didn't know whether to be more shocked over his claim to be her deceased older brother or the fact that he was now a villain. What had occurred over the past ten years, she didn't know but she wanted some answers.

"But how? What happened?" she began questioning him as she got off her knees and stood back up. "Mom and the others are gonna want-"

"I didn't come here to talk about the past," he told her as he got up from the chair, having finally finished the apple. "I came here to recruit you."

So is that why he saved me?

"Recruit me?" she asked, a bit shocked. "I'm a hero Touya, not a villain like you."

"Don't call me by that name, it's Dabi now," he told her, some annoyance in his voice.

"Well, Dabi. I refuse," she said, looking at his turquoise-colored orbs which were the same as hers. "Just cause you say we're family doesn't mean I'm going to accept."

"This isn't negotiable (Y/N)," Dabi replied as he moved towards her. "And here I thought that you'd be happy to see me after so many years."

"Not like this," she told him as tears started to fall down her pale face. "Just look at what you've become."

By then Dabi had gotten within two feet of her but before he could move any closer (Y/N) put the dagger up to his face. Though she couldn't bring herself to harm him as he stepped forward, grabbing her wrist gently before using his other hand to melt the knife with his quirk. She then flinched as he moved that same hand to her face, wiping away some of her tears.

Dabi, seeing how affected she was from these revelations, decided to leave for now. Letting go of her wrist, he moved towards the unlocked window which he had used to get in as (Y/N) sank to the floor once again, her back against the wall. She looked at her older brother one last time as he approached the window.

"I'll be back (Y/N)," he said, looking at her crying form. "I'd keep quiet about this if I were you."

With that final threat, Dabi left through the unlocked window, exiting through the fire escape as he disappeared once again into the night. (Y/N), still feeling shocked and conflicted about what had just been revealed to her, stayed put. That's when Nero chose to come out of hiding, trying to calm her down as he laid in her lap purring.

"Poor thing, you were scared huh? Yeah me too Nero, me too," she told him as she petted the gray, striped feline.

Not having much of an appetite after that unexpected visit, (Y/N) decided to turn in early. Though sleep would not come easy for the hero as she lay awake until the early hours of the morning.

Waking up for work was difficult since (Y/N) hardly slept all night and people took notice of this as she arrived at the agency looking like a zombie.

"Good morning (Y/N), you look so tired," Chie told her as she passed by the receptionist's desk. "Did you not get any sleep?"

"Morning Chie," she answered back as she went up to the girl with glasses. "No, Insomnia is to blame."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry about that," the brown-haired girl replied, taking a sip from her coffee.

"No worries," she told her, a yawn escaping her mouth. "I'm used to it.

"I should probably let us both get to work now though," Chie laughed as the phone began to ring. "See you later."

"See ya," she replied as she made her way upstairs.

Oh Chie, you don't know the half of it. Sleep is the least of my problems.

Throughout the day (Y/N)'s mind kept wandering back to what happened last night. This villain named Dabi had broken into her apartment saying he was her older brother Touya. She didn't know what to do now since she faced consequences whether she kept quiet or not. She couldn't go against her duty as a hero but she also didn't know if she had it in her to betray her sibling like that even if they were a villain. This "recruitment" he had brought up concerned her as well and she still hadn't gotten any answers to her questions.

While out on her last patrol of the day with Hawks, he was aware of how troubled she looked and began questioning her.

"Frostbite, something the matter?" he said as they walked side by side on the city block. "Tired?"

After hearing the red-feathered hero talk, she snapped out of it, placing her attention on him.

"No, nothing's wrong," she assured him, shaking her head. "Just lack of sleep."

She sure didn't want him of all people to know what exactly was on her mind. That would end in disaster and she could kiss her career as a hero goodbye if he knew she had made contact with someone from the League of Villains and kept quiet about it. If he noticed this then she really needed to be more careful and start acting normal.

"Alright, just checking," he responded as they passed by an elementary school.

Since it was that time of day for the children to get out, many were walking out of the school gate when they saw the winged hero.

"Hey everyone! Look, it's Hawks!" one of the children shouted as they ran over to them.

In a minute, the blonde was surrounded by a bunch of children asking for his autograph. (Y/N) decided to step back in order to let the children talk to their favorite hero, watching him as he spoke with each one of them in a kind and friendly manner.

Someday I hope I can be just like you.


A/N: Dabi's my fav villain from MHA btw, how about y'all? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!


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