Save Me (still working on the...

By LeBronMVP23

1.4K 70 69

Damian Lillard has struggled with MANY things in his life, but meeting new players on his team has never been... More

Happy Valentines Day


97 5 5
By LeBronMVP23

"Soooo" Bradley said as we walked out of the Footlocker that we were just in. "What did you do last night."

"Not what you think I did" I said and he laughed. "I called CJ again and we talked for a while, then I took a shower and went to bed" I said. "Now what you and John did though" I said and he elbowed me.

"We just chilled, we're just bro's" he said and I nodded.

"Bro's" I said said sarcastically and he nodded and I smiled. "Really" I questioned and he smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Yes really" he said and I nodded.

"All right" I said and he laughed.

"How long have you been talking to CJ" he asked me.

"I don't know a couple months why" I responded and I looked up at him and waited for an answer.

"Cause you still haven't met in person, he can walk now, and the draft is in a few weeks. There's nothing stopping y'all from meeting up." He said and I shrugged. "Unless you wanna meet for the first time playing against each other, which I think is a bad idea."

"Well I don't know if we're really gonna talk or anything once he gets drafted" I said "I just have to get him to that point then he's on his own."

"So your just gonna stop talking to him" he asked me and I didn't answer. "I can't get myself to believe that Damian. That one time you were talking to him in my hotel room, I have never seen you that happy talking to someone and you'd only known him for two weeks at that point. I can't imagine what you look like now, but your definitely not just gonna give up on him and stop talking."

"Well sure" I said and he raised his eyebrows. "Maybe not." I said slowly and he smiled. "Ok yeah I'm not just gonna give up on him, but I just don't see a reason for meeting. We're gonna meet one day anyways."

"See I told you" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever" I muttered and he smiled.

"Y'all should just have dinner or something, go to the draft and you can meet him there, I just think you should meet in person before you play each other because although you know who he is and what he looks like and sounds like, you haven't physically met each other and once your standing there meeting him it's not best to be right before a game." He said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Why not" I question and he shrugged.

"I don't know, your gonna wanna talk but then you'd have to play against each other and your built up feelings might get in the way" he added with a wink.

"Oh my god" I groaned and he laughed. "You can't establish feelings for someone over the phone" I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"Really" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah really" I said and he nodded.

"Ok" was all he said before he unlocked his car so we could get in. 

"Maybe I will go to the draft" I said and he nodded and looked over at me before he backed out of his parking space.

"You let him stay rent free in your mind a lot" he said and I laughed.

"That's something you say about someone you hate who stays in your mind" I said and he smiled. "I was just adding to your comment about going to the draft, that's a good time to talk right." I asked and he nodded in agreement. "Like he just got drafted so he'll be happy so he won't really have time to judge me or anything."

"He's not gonna judge you Damian" Bradley laughed and I smiled. "It's not like your meeting a stranger off the internet. You know everything about each other, you know how the other looks, sounds, acts, plays, you just haven't ever been in physical contact. There's nothing about you to judge that he hasn't already judged."

"You've already made that point" I said and he smiled.

"I know but you still didn't grasp it so I made it again." I nodded in response and looked out the window.

"Why am I worried" I said out loud, not really expecting an answer. "I mean like meeting people isn't my thing but I've been talking to him for so long like I shouldn't be this worried right."

"I don't know" Bradley said "people can make themselves seem really fake over a phone call, not saying he's one of those people, just saying it's possible to be someone your not when your not standing in front of someone."

"Well thanks" I laughed and he laughed with me.

"I know, that's what I'm here for, emotional support." He said and I smiled and shook my head softly. My phone rang and expecting it to me CJ I answered.

"What's up" I said as I leaned into my seat.

"What's up" I heard my brother question and I groaned. "That's not a good way to great someone you haven't talked to in a year."

"There's a reason why we haven't talked in so long" I muttered.

"Well yeah, your in the NBA and I'm still here, Oakland. Your doing really good by the way, definitely rookie of the year." he said and I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"I know" I said and I could see the anger and frustration on his face even though I wasn't there with him.

"Well" he said expectingly. "What are you gonna do about it, you can't just leave me here in the dumps while your living a life of luxury."

"What's really what you called me over" I said sharply "I'm the one who decided to make something out of nothing and go for my dreams. I wanted to make it out of there and I did, your the one who never supported me. The one who beat me down constantly, figuratively and literally, and now your suddenly my biggest supporter cause I make money. That's not how it works Ethan."

"Geez bro I'm just your brother asking for a little help" he said defensively.

"Brother" I scoffed and he sighed.

"This is what happens every time we talk" he said and I nodded to myself. "Can't we just move on. I'm a bigger person now, that was a long time ago and I don't do shit like that anymore."

"Shit like that" I questioned.

"Yeah that shit is just bad and gross now" he said and I laughed.

"Yeah, bad and gross, definitely" I laughed sarcastically "how about humiliating. Shameful, disgraceful, hurtful to say the least. If your really trying to come up with some sick ass apology you could use better words."

"Whatever" he muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"You know you ruined whatever brotherly bond we could have had" I stated plainly "you ruined it and I'm not willing to fix it, so stop using me for my fame and stop calling me. And if you do feel the need to call me, make sure it's in over a year." I said before I hung up. "I'm sorry" I sighed after a moment of silence between me and Bradley. "Me and my brother we just have problems and he try's to fix it but then he messes up and it's not really a fixable situation and it's just bad."

"Yeah" he said slowly "I can tell."

"I uh never meant for you to hear any of that or get involved" I said and he nodded and glanced over at me.

"Are you ok" he asked me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Well yeah I'd think so" I said confused and he nodded.

"I don't know" he said "just concluding from your conversation do correct me if I'm wrong, but if I was you I'd freak out every time I heard from him, I just don't know how your so calm."

"I don't either" I said and he smiled. "I just like to forget about it and when it gets brought up it gets brought up then I just push it away again and forget again."

"Does CJ know" he asked me.

"Why does everything relate to me and CJ" I asked him sharply. "And no he doesn't know, I never intended on telling you either you just happen to be in the car with me."

"Wow I'm sorry" he said "I'm just trying to see how close you two really are."

"We're just friends ok" I said and he nodded. "Nothing more nothing less."

"Nothing more nothing less." He repeated.

Hey y'all! I've had this idea for a while and I decided it was finally time to post it. I plan on publishing 3-4 chapters at a time so it will take a while for the new updates to come, plus school and all🙄

So expect updates around every 2-4 weeks

Anyways, sorry for any typos, I glanced over it once but I'm sure a few slipped by.

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