I'll Show You Pretty

By GetMikeyHisToast2020

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Gerard Way is just a normal teenage boy. The only thing that differentiates him from other boys his age is th... More

Author's Note
1. Negative Attention
2. Smudged Eyeliner
3. Asking For It
4. Dress Like A Slut
5. Bathroom Stalls
6. Pushed Out The Closet
7. Semster Party
8. Promposal
9. Sleepover!
10. A Bittersweet Prom
11. Sneakily
12. In Which Lindsey Ballato Falls Hopelessly In Love With Jamia Nestor
14: Gee's Birthday!
15. The Day After Gee's Birthday!
16. A Sad Chapter
17. Process of Elimination
18: Coming Out of the Closet... Literally
19. Derrick's Twin is an Evil Bitch
20. A Great Example of Rising Action
21. Highschool Careers and Hospital Stays
22. Stuff Gets Sexy I Don't Know What Else To Say
23. Shit Goes Down
24. What Happens In The Janitor's Closet Stays In The Janitor's Closet
25. Graduation
<end> Recap

13. Why Is The Pizza Taking Forever?

293 22 13
By GetMikeyHisToast2020

This chapter makes me happy because Jamia x Lindsey is actually such a cute ship and I'm probably gonna die while writing this. Enjoy.

Now I was sat in Lindsey's room, both of us waiting for Jamia to arrive. "What's with the scarf, Gee?" I looked down as I blushed from the memories of last night with Frank. I tied a scarf around my neck this morning to hide the very noticeable hickeys, and luckily it was doing a decent job.

"Oh... you know... I just thought it looked nice. Since I didn't wear anything particularly feminine today I chose to wear a scarf to make myself look at least a little interesting." Lindsey seemed to believe that, luckily for me. I really didn't want to have to explain my relationship with my teacher to anyone right now.

"It looks nice," she commented. I was really eager for Jamia to get here already. I had seen her once before, when she was with Lindsey at the prom, but I had forgotten what she looked like by now. I honestly didn't know what to expect.

I was completely shocked when she walked into Lindsey's room. We hadn't even heard her walk through the front door or anything. Perhaps this was a normal occurrence for Jamia and Lindsey? They just walked into each other's houses whenever they damn well pleased?

I was mostly shocked by her look though, because hell, if she did like Lindsey, Lindsey was a damn lucky girl. Obviously, I don't like girls, but I could easily tell that this one was cute.

"Hey Lindsey, sorry I'm a little late. Oh," she said, stopping when she saw me. "Woah, is that Gerard Way? The guy who wore a skirt yesterday? Holy shit, I'm a big fan first of all." I giggled as she walked over to sit on the bed beside me and Lindsey. She held out her hand for me to shake, so I took it in mine.

"Hi there," I said shyly. I noticed that Lindsey was smiling very happily ever since Jamia walked into the room. It made me smile too.

"How're you doing, Jams? It's been awhile since you've been to my house."

"Oh I'm good! It's nice to be here again. Your house is fun."

"Not really. There's not much to do here," Lindsey chuckled while looking around the whole room. Probably to emphasize the fact that there was practically nothing to provide them with any fun in the house.

"But it's fun because you're here," Jamia smiled. Okay, that has GOT to be a sign that she likes her. Lindsey blushed and playfully punched Jamia in the arm, earning an 'ow' from Jamia.

"Stop being cheesy, you know I don't like that."

"Correction; you don't like it when anyone besides me is being cheesy."

"As true as that might be, it doesn't give you the right to ignore my requests," she huffed before crossing her arms in a playfully-annoyed manner.

"I have the right to do anything I want because I'm a free woman and I have freedom of choice," Jamia replied. The two kept bickering at each other, and honestly, if I didn't find them so cute together, it would've gotten annoying to me.

"Alright girls, can we stop the argument and please do something interesting while we're here?" I asked, the two of them giving me nods.

"I'll go down to get some board games. You guys can stay up here and talk," Lindsey said. She discreetly winked at me, signaling she wanted me to try and get some sort of information out of Jamia. I nodded slightly to show that I noticed it, and with that, she left the room and went downstairs.

"So, you and Lindsey are pretty close, then?" I asked Jamia casually. She nodded.

"Yeah, we've been that way for a pretty long time. Since we were freshman actually. She's like, my favorite person in the world, you know?" I laughed a little and nodded.

"I can understand that. She's definitely a really great person. In fact, she was probably the first person to completely accept my gayness, besides my brother Mikey of course." I tried to slip the 'gay' topic into the conversation to see if she would be open about it. Maybe I would be able to learn her sexuality.

"Gerard... when did you first learn you were gay? And uh... how?" She asked. Ooh maybe she's questioning? That's good. "Oh I hope that's not too personal. You don't have to tell me if you don't want."

"No that's fine!" I reassured her. "It's important to talk about this stuff. Well, believe it or not, I actually dated a girl for awhile and I just didn't feel any sort of... spark there I guess? Like, of course I loved her, but not in that way. I was kind of lying to myself and trying to convince myself I was straight at that point. Eventually I realized I was actually in love with my best friend, who happened to be a guy at the time, but he moved schools before I could start dating him. That made me really sad. Of course, I'm over it now, but yeah, I guess that's when I realized."

"Oh," she said while sucking in a breath, looking down. "In love with your best friend, you said?" I nodded again, making an 'mhm' noise. Hopefully that means she's in love with Lindsey.

"Jamia are you... questioning? You seem really nervous about this whole thing, but like, I can help you if you are." I was trying to get some useful information out of her; something that would be helpful towards Lindsey's case.

She sighed before folding her knees up to her chest. "I guess it's about time I told someone, huh?" She chuckled nervously. That made me crack a smile. Not only was she questioning her sexuality, but it was most likely because she had a crush on Lindsey, and that was excellent news.

"Is there anything you want to tell or ask me about it? I'm totally open to that kind of stuff. I know it can be hard talking about it, but I'm here if you want to." Right on cue, my phone dinged and I checked it. It was a text from Lindsey saying, "I'm going to be downstairs for about ten more minutes. Ordering a pizza. Hope that gives you more time to talk. ;)" I grinned and replied, "Stay down there as long as you need, we've struck up a pretty good conversation so far." I put my phone back in my pocket in order to talk to Jamia again. "That was Lindsey. She's ordering a pizza, so she'll be back up here in about ten minutes. That gives us plenty of time to talk, don't ya think?" Jamia smiled in relief before nodding.

"Yeah. Do you just want me to begin from where I started questioning myself and... go from there?"

"That'd be perfect."

"Okay." She took a deep breath. "So basically, I've always been single, right? Yeah, always, and I always thought that was just because I hadn't found the 'right person' yet or whatever people tried to tell me. But at the same time, I never really pictured myself in a relationship. Like, I tried multiple times, visualizing myself marrying a guy and stuff in different situations. Nothing ever seemed right to me. But one day, a picture of me and uh... Lindsey accidentally popped into my head and it seemed nice I guess? Like I don't know, but for some reason, whenever I started picturing myself with girls, it seemed much more realistic and appealing. I actually fantasized about what life would be like with my fucking best friend, and what do you know? I have a crush on her." She laughed a sort of pathetic laugh afterwards, but it wasn't really too negative. It was more of a 'damn, that was a lot to take in' laugh.

I contemplated for a moment before replying because I really needed to gather myself before I said anything. I didn't want to just blurt out the fact that Lindsey felt the exact same way and wanted to date her, because that wouldn't end well. Actually, maybe it would... No I shouldn't do that.

"Well," I started, "it definitely does seem like you're gay. And hell, even if you aren't, you certainly are not straight. But I'd say if you really like her, then what's stopping you? Go for it. There's no way to truly know unless you test it out." I smiled at her encouragingly and she leaned forward to hug me. I gratefully hugged her back.

"Thanks, Gerard. That's really helpful. I don't know what I'd do without you in this situation."

"It's no problem," I replied. "If you ever need anything else, you can just talk to me, and I'll be glad to help."

When we pulled apart, I sat back against the headboard of the bed and got out my phone again. I immediately went to Lindsey's contact and started typing out the good news.

Me: We have a code green, Miss Ballato.

Lindsey: Please specify, because sometimes green can be a bad thing, like when the school shooter tells you to wear green on Monday.

Me: Ok geez, I didn't know you would reply like that.

Lindsey: Just specify, you dork. :P

Me: She has a crush on you, but don't just be forward with her. She was questioning her sexuality and I don't want her to feel pressured or anything, but she definitely likes you.

Lindsey: How can you be sure?

Me: Because she told me, dumbass.

Lindsey: Oh my god, really?! Holy shit this is the best day of my life, I'm probably going to cry.

Me: Don't be loud. We're still upstairs, and Jamia probably doesn't want to hear you sobbing from the upper level.

Lindsey: True true, I should probably wait until AFTER I ask her out to start crying. I mean, it can only go 2 ways, so I'll either be crying tears of joy or I'll be having a mental breakdown.

Me: Don't think like that, Linds. She's head over heals for you, trust me. You're literally the REASON she was questioning her sexuality.

Lindsey: You probably shouldn't boost my ego like that Gee, cuz now I'm never gonna shut up about.

Suddenly the doorbell rung and I typed out one last text.

Me: Just get the pizza and come back upstairs.

I put my phone back into my pocket and soon enough, she was back upstairs with a pizza box in hand. She had a sort of subtle blush on her face, but not subtle enough to where I couldn't notice it.

"Alright buckaroos it's time for us to eat pizza."

"Actually, it's time for you guys to eat pizza," I chimed in. "I have to get home because Mikey forgot to feed the dog. I'll text you tonight or something." I quickly hopped out of bed and dashed to the door.

"But Gee, you guys don't have a do-"

"Nuh uh, shh, no excuses. I'll text you. I have to go now, you guys have fun." I quickly shut the door behind me, leaving her no time to protest, and I walked out to my car.

I got inside and to my delight, Lady Stardust by David Bowie was playing on the radio. I sang along softly while driving home. It wasn't too long of a drive, considering Lindsey's house was only a few blocks away.

I pulled into the driveway and took out the keys from the ignition. I stepped out of the car and locked it, and then I went inside and headed directly to my room.

I sighed before closing the door and flopping onto my bed. I should probably get out of these uncomfortable clothes. I untied the slightly tacky scarf from around my neck and set it down on my desk to use tomorrow. Then, I stripped down to only my boxers before putting on some striped pajama pants and a black t-shirt.

I saw my phone light up from where I set it on the bedside table and I checked the notification.

From: Lindsey Ballato
*One image attached*

I tapped on the file and waited what seemed like a lifetime for it to download, and when it finally appeared on the screen, I was immediately filled with happiness.

It was a picture of Lindsey and Jamia sitting next to each other, Lindsey kissing Jamia's cheek, and Jamia smiling brightly.

I immediately started typing out my response, probably getting way too excited as I had to correct a whole bunch of grammatical errors made from how fast I was typing. "Way to go, Linds! You guys are so cute together!"

It was marked as 'read' and then never replied to. I was fine with that. As long as Lindsey was happy, so was I.

I set my phone back on my bedside table, and I got underneath the bed sheets to warm up. After that, I turned my lamp off and went to sleep thinking of all the positive things that happened today.

Yo I hope this was at least decent. Also, if you guys ever notice any grammar errors in my writing, I really appreciate you telling me. It makes my job a whole lot easier, and I usually only proofread once, so obviously not every mistake will be picked up on. :)

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