Dino King: Fire And Ice

By __Daz__

2.3K 65 29

This is the journey of Ivy and Blaze the Tarbosaurus as they make their way to the lush, Forest Of Light. The... More

Night Of The Hatching
The Nest
The Small, Quick Things In The Trees
The Wandering Scavenger
Blood Tooth
The Riverbed
Tex The Carnotarus
Sauropod Valley
Emerald and the Utahraptors
The Postosuchus
Blood Tooth Returns
Horse-Shoe Crab Shore
Death Canyon
The Final Battle
Lets Talk About The First Adventure And The New Adventure
Custom Character Creator
A New Dawn
The Swamp Stalker
Through The Swamp
Blue Stripe
The Shores Of Peace
The Hidden Valley
The Gorgosaur in The Swamp
The End
It's over...

Pterosaur Cliff

32 0 0
By __Daz__

As the sun slowly edged past noon, the heat started to become unbearable. Blaze had started to grow weak from the heat as they walked down the shores to find a place to stay and cool down. The sand covered their feet. They soon realized that the water was slowly getting closer to their feet. They were far from where the tide was coming in. The water was slowly starting to rise. They had to hurry or they would drown from the coming flood. They soon began to run across the sand when the water soon submerged their feet. They soon found a place to stay. There in the distance was a large rock structure. There were stone cliffs they could climb on. They quickly dashed to the stones jutting from the cliff and tried their best to climb. The water began to submerge the base of the rock. They climbed higher and soon found a large cave to stay in. It was dark outside, despite it being noon. It began to rain heavily as the water trickled into the cave. Lily laid on the cold cave floor shivering. Blaze laid next to her, warming her up. Tex look outside. The swamp trees were shaking violently in the wind. Off in the distance, he could see a family of Brachiosaurs scaling a hill to get away from the water. The youngest one was struggling to get up the hill, half of his body was submerged in the water. The male dunked his tail into the water, trying to save his young. Swamp trees drifted past them as the water soon turned the swamp into a river. A tree smacked the male brachiosaur's tail, causing the young brachiosaur to be swept away by the current. Tex walked away and laid down to try and sleep. Just as he was about to lay down. He heard walking behind them. He turned around and from the darkness emerged a huge pterosaur. A Quetzalcoatlus cawed loudly at them. Blaze and Lily both woke up and turned around. Tex was roaring at the large reptile as it slowly walked closer and closer. The quickly ran out of the cave and farther up the cliff. The Quetzalcoatlus flew out of the cave, knocking rocks over. He let out a loud screech, and suddenly, tons of Pterodactylus flew out of the small caves that were in the mountain. They chased the family up the nountain until they found a large area to stand on. The top of the mountain was flat, probably used as a landing pad. The Pterodactylus followed them, the Quetzalcoatlus following slowly behind. Blaze and Tex both took the Pterodactylus out of the sky and threw them on the ground. Lily tail whipped one down off the cliff and into the current. Suddenly, the Quetzalcoatlus flew onto the pad, causing the Pterodactylus to fly away. The Quetzalcoatlus screeched loudly and charged them. Lily jumped out of the way and bit into the reptiles leg. It thrashed her off and circled the mountain like a vulture. It swooped down and bit Tex's tail. Blaze jumped up and bit into the Quetzalcoatlus's wing. The membrane tore and left a large whole. It fell to the ground, flapping its wings, desperate to fly away. Blaze charged at it and bit it's neck and thrashed. The Quetzalcoatlus screeched until it was silenced by the Tarbosaur. Blaze roared into the rain as thunder struck the ground far from them.

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