Dive: A TharnType Story

By jubitea

53.6K 2.7K 302

On his first day of college, Type meets his old childhood friend, Tharn, both deciding to rekindle their old... More



1K 56 4
By jubitea

'Pina's friend just started working at this new club and she can get our names in the guest list. You and Nicolette want to join us on Friday?'

'Do you even need to ask?

Fuck yeah!'

'Wow. That's….



No plans this weekend?'

'Even if we did, who's going to say no to clubbing?

Plus we're getting free entry.

I'm not stupid enough to refuse such an opportunity.'

'Real eager, aren't you?

What's so exciting about clubbing that you're ready to abandon all plans?'

'It's clubbing.

We're young.

We only live once. 

Carpe Diem.




So I must be the old one in this aspect.'


'I've been clubbing with Pina a few times. Didn't really like it.'

'Yeah, you do sound about 80.

Why didn't you like it?'


It's really noisy.

Drinks are overpriced.

People get really sweaty and close to you.

Have to scream to talk to anyone.

I always wake up with a sore throat, a hangover and a light wallet the next day.

Not the biggest fan.'

'Wow. Way to ruin my mood there.

And, I stand corrected.

You sound about 100'

'Haha! Maybe I'll have more fun with you there.

So I'll count you and Nicolette in for Friday then.'

'Of course you will.

And, yes. We're in.'

'Alright, cool!'

'See you on Friday, you old fuck.'


"Pina +3,” Pina said to the gateman at the club. Type tried to straighten his shirt to appear older and cool so they don't suspect that they were actually underage. Tharn caught it and smiled. The man checked the list and nodded as he gestured for them to enter. Type sighed in relief as soon as they were through the doors. 

"Wow, it is really loud in here," Type said to Tharn. Tharn couldn't hear him over the music so he moved his ear closer to him. Type chuckled at his movement because Tharn was right after all; it was too loud to have a conversation in there. 

"Guys, my friend got us a table. Follow me," Pina screamed to their group. They nodded and followed her through the crowd of people littered on every inch of the floorspace, given it was the weekend. They finally pushed their way through the bodies occupying the club and sat down on the high chairs. 

"What do you want to start with?" Pina asked, leaning into the table and looking around at the group. "Shots!" Nicolette screamed over the music. Type nodded his head furiously in agreement and Tharn grinned at how excited he appeared to be. Pina flagged a server down and ordered them a tray of 16 shots. 

When the server came back with their order, Tharn and Type's eyes widened at the number of shots she had ordered. "What is this?" Tharn asked, leaning into her ear. "Tequila," she screamed. Tharn widened his eyes in surprise. He knew he could drink a good amount, but starting off with 4 shots of tequila was not going to bode well, even for him. He was worried that Type might get too drunk because he had gotten quite inebriated with 3 pegs of whiskey when they had gone camping and turned to look at him to see he was already holding up a shot glass, and so was Nicolette. He sighed and picked up his shot glass and they collectively clinked their glasses and downed the shot. 

Type felt fire in his body and quickly licked the salt, putting the wedge of lemon in his mouth and sucking at it furiously. He didn't know if he could take more after the first shot, but Nicolette pushed another into his hand. He looked at her smiling up at him and didn't want to disappoint her, so he took the second shot with the group again. It burned even more and it hurt his throat. The lemon didn't seem to help the second time. He saw that half the tray was still left so he decided to brave it and doubled fisted the last two shots. Looking at him, everyone else grabbed two shots in their hands.

Tharn saw the discomfort on his face and thought about stopping him. He could see that Type was just trying to get the shots over with by grabbing both the shot glasses and felt a little worried about how he would handle so much alcohol if doing two shots was enough to make him look like that. Before he could protest, Type brought his hands forward and clinked his glasses with the group and downed both the shots in quick succession, contorting his face in pain and quickly shoving both the lemon wedges in his mouth. Tharn couldn't do anything about it at that point, so he downed his shots, feeling the alcohol slowly hit him when the last shot travelled down his throat.

"Let's dance!" Nicolette said, pulling Type down from the stool as she dragged him into the dancefloor. Tharn stared at him in worry because Type's movements looked unsteady. He was pulled out of it when he felt Pina put her arm around his shoulder and he turned to face her. "Let's join them," she said in his ear. He figured it would be a good idea for them to stay close to Type and Nicolette in case something happened and nodded. He grabbed her waist as she led him to the dancefloor. As soon as his eyes set on Type and Nicolette in the middle of the crowd, he felt a sense of relief and began dancing with Pina, glancing at his friends every few seconds to not lose sight of them. 

Type felt a lot more drunk than he had ever been. His head felt numb. He couldn't even feel his grip on Nicolette's waist properly due to the dulling of his senses caused by the copious amounts of alcohol in his system. He followed along the movement of her body, not paying mind to if he was actually dancing to the beat at all. His vision was blurry and his body felt like it was heating up to a dangerous temperature, but he couldn't get himself out of there because he was unsure how he was going to make it out of the crowd, so he just danced, hoping it would help sober him up a little. 

Tharn, thinking that everything was okay with Type since he had been dancing fine, turned his attention to Pina and resumed dancing with her. He looked at how beautifully she moved her body to the music. He couldn't help but think that her movements were always so sure and gazelle like. She pulled a lot of attention to her because of how confident and beautiful she was and felt warmth in his chest for being the one she chose to be with. 

He turned to check back on Type in a while and saw that he didn't look fine. He was now rolling his head backward with an empty look on his face and was immediately worried for his friend. He leaned into Pina's ear and told her to head back to the table for more drinks and that he would fetch Type and Nicolette. She nodded enthusiastically and headed towards their table. 

Tharn turned around to look at Type and, seeing how uncoordinated his movements looked, pushed his way through the gyrating bodies to get to him. As soon as he reached him, he put his arm around his shoulder to steady him. Type turned to look at him and Tharn could see that Type was extremely drunk. He leaned in to both of them and asked them to go back to the table for more drinks. Nicolette perked up and nodded, grabbed Type's hand and began to pull him out of the dancefloor. Seeing how unstable his walk was, Tharn put Type's arm around his shoulder and snaked his arm around his waist to support him out of the dancefloor as Nicolette, quite drunk herself, towed him out of the crowd. 

Tharn felt an instinct to protect him that took him by surprise. He looked down at Type leaning his head on his shoulder and realised why he was feeling that way. He wanted to lend the same security Type offered him back when they were kids. His lips turned up into a smile when he saw Type had closed his eyes and was completely leaning on him, trusting him to lead him out of the dancefloor. 

Type felt slightly better as he was guided out of the crowd. He had been feeling like he was going to pass out from the heatwave coursing through his body in the middle of the crowd that surrounded him. He felt a sense of relief at being guided out of the suffocating crowd in the sure and secure arms of his friend. He put his entire weight on him and closed his eyes, wanting to chase away the discomfort he was feeling by focusing solely on the vice like grip Tharn had on his waist. He felt safe.

As soon as they reached the table, Tharn widened his eyes at another tray of 16 shots on the table. Nicolette clapped her hands in excitement and Pina handed him and Type a shot each. Before he could pry the shot away from Type's hand, he had downed it and hiccuped loudly. 

Tharn looked at him worriedly, drank his shot quickly and guided Type on the stool next to him. He steadied Type by holding the backrest with one hand to make sure he didn't fall over and watched him bring another shot up to his mouth and down it. Tharn widened his eyes in worry because he began to sway dangerously on the high stool. He saw him grab another shot, but he quickly pried it out of his hand and downed it himself. Type turned to look at him, a little annoyed, and reached for another shot. 

Tharn snatched it from him and downed it again. Type, even more annoyed at that point, tried to shove Tharn away with his hand, but was too drunk to put much force into it. Realising how futile his effort was proving to be, Type turned to the table and went to grab another shot, but Tharn swatted his arm away and quickly drank the remaining shots one after the other, ending up finishing two extra shots that belonged to Nicolette and Pina in an effort to stop Type from ingesting any more alcohol. Type stared at his friend wincing in pain and found it funny in his alcohol induced daze. He put up a finger at Tharn's face and laughed.

Tharn turned to look at Type and saw him laughing at him and couldn't help but laugh himself. He knew there was no going back because he had just taken eight shots of tequila within 5 minutes. He was utterly fucked. He could already feel the alcohol affecting his vision. 

Tharn was dizzy. He was too drunk to even stand up straight at that point. He looked at Type's laughing face and cracked a smile at how happy he felt being with him there. The moment was cut short when he felt Pina dragging him, asking him to dance with her. He got off the stool on shaky legs, but still felt the need to protect Type, so he moved ahead and grabbed Type's waist, pulling him down from his seat. 

Type fussed like a child, but allowed himself to be pulled down from his seat. He was as unsteady on his feet as Tharn. As soon as his legs hit the floor, he felt like he was going to lose his balance, and instinctively put his arm around Tharn's shoulders to steady himself. "Where are we going?" He asked, leaning into Tharn's ear. Tharn, feeling the warmth from his breath in his ear, turned to him and smiled. "To dance," he said, leaning into Type's ear. Type smiled and nodded as he let himself be supported on Tharn's shoulder to the dance floor. 

Pina looked at her drunk boyfriend taking his friend towards the crowd and chuckled. Nicolette stared at Type, feeling a little angry at him for abandoning her and going ahead with Tharn, which was quickly quelled when Pina put her arm around her and pulled her towards their boyfriends. She smiled up at Pina, put her arm around her waist, and followed her to the dance floor.

Tharn had dragged Type to the middle of the floor and looked at him, practically hanging on him. He could see how drunk Type was, so he manoeuvred Type's body to face him and put his arms around Type's back to support his weight. 

Type, feeling warmth radiating from the hands on his back, wrapped his arms around the body in front of him. He wasn't feeling dizzy or hot anymore. He felt grounded and warm. He liked the feeling a lot, especially with all of his senses being numbed by the alcohol. He pulled the body that the warmth emanated from closer and tucked his face into the crook of the person's neck, the musky scent making him bury his face deeper and smile.

Tharn's senses had been completely dulled by the alcohol. His defences and awareness had floated away with the last shot that made its way down his gullet. His consciousness was asleep, as he moved solely on instinct.

In that unconscious state of mind, feeling Type snake his arms around his back and putting his head into the crook of his neck, he felt solace in his hold. He brought his head down to mirror Type's action and smelt the intoxicating fragrance of his sweat that somehow came off as sweet to him. He lost himself in his embrace and started swaying them to the music. Type, feeling the slow movements of their bodies together, melted in his arms further and allowed himself to move with Tharn's body. 

Nicolette stared at her boyfriend in Tharn's arms, and felt a pang of jealousy. She could see how Tharn had his arms on his back, resting his head on Type's shoulder, swaying their bodies together with his eyes closed. She turned to Pina and pointed at them. Pina, who hadn't noticed them, turned to the direction she pointed and, when her eyes landed on Tharn and Type swaying in each other's arms, started chuckling in delight. 

Nicolette turned to look at Pina, surprised at her reaction. Pina looked back at her and saw the reservation in her eyes. She grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to herself, putting her arms around her back, imitating her boyfriend. "We can't let them have all the fun. Let's show them that four can play this game," she said in Nicolette's ear. Nicolette, who was very drunk at that point, agreed that what she suggested was the best course of action, so she put her arm around Pina and began to sway to the music.


Posting this even though I don't have any energy left in my body. Today was absolutely exhausting. My network is acting up on top of all that.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! I had to go through hell and back to get this one out. (Kidding)

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