Falling for Secrets | Goggles...

By fictionally_me

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Goggles is weirdly lost in thoughts lately, Rider sticks to him like glue and they are getting along well... More

Ch.1 Off Guard
Ch.2 Lies
Ch.3 Dreams
Ch.4 Shaken
Ch.5 Funny feeling
Ch.6 Worrying
Ch.7 Flipped
Ch.8 Loosing
Ch.9 Preperations
Ch.10 Tensions
Ch.11 Hugs
Ch.12 Harmful
Ch.13 A Little More
Ch.14 Suspicion
Ch.15 Getting Up
Ch.16 Regrets
Ch.17 Belonging
Ch.18 Worried
Ch.19 Empty
Ch.20 Thinking
Ch.22 Battling
Ch.23 Walking

Ch.21 Past

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By fictionally_me

The lime boy texted Goggles on his way home and asked when they could battle again but he didn't get a reply. This made the lime boy feel weirdly disappointed but he figured Goggles must've already gone to bed, remembering how tired his blue friend was these last few days.

——————————————————————————————————————————— <3

Rider went a different route home than usually. A longer one, going through the Inkopolis Square. He figured he might aswell buy himself dinner at Crusty Sean's to take home. That was what the lime inkling would tell others at least. He knew exactly he hoped to maybe see if Team Blue, and therefore Goggles, were somewhere near the Square.

As he walked up to it, he could see Headphones and Specs in the distance. Hoping Goggles wouldn't be far, Rider upped his pace and walked towards the two. When Specs noticed him he waved and said something to his teammate, which the lime inkling couldn't hear since he was still too far away. As he got closer, Rider saw their somewhat worried expression. Did something happen?

„Hey", the yellow-green boy said and tried to sound calm and cool.

„Hi", Specs responded while fixing his glasses. „Um, what brings you here?"

„I, uh, wanted to buy some food. Y'know, at Crusty's?", Rider answered, well aware that he must've sounded like something's up. He cleared his throat and continued without waiting for the blue inklings to say something.
„Anyways... is Goggles here?"

Headphones and Specs looked a bit perplexed, probably wondering why Rider would care about his whereabouts.
„Well, he's on his way home, our meeting just ended. Why'd you ask?", the blue girl asked calmly and the lime inkling knew she was trying to look like she wasn't curious.

„Oh... okay" Disappointment came like a wave, flooding all of Rider's thoughts. But after realizing he didn't answer her question at all, he quickly made up an excuse. „And... um well, he's usually always around you guys, isn't he? So I was just wondering..."

„Hm, yes. Usually", Specs interjected with a slightly annoyed undertone. Headphones gave him a warning punch with her elbow and hissed something in his ear. Rider couldn't understand what she was saying, but also didn't care much about what they were bickering about.

He just regretted not coming here faster. Maybe he wouldn't have missed Goggles, maybe they could've talked a bit. The lime boy sighed loudly enough for the blue inklings to hear and they looked up at him expectantly.

„Tch... what?!", he scoffed in response when he noticed them staring at him, which made the others flinche slightly.

„Oh- nothing. I'm just... confused?", Headphones said nervously. „Goggles and you have been acting weird lately..."

Rider stayed quiet but he could feel his heart pounding faster just from hearing him and Goggles mentioned in the same sentence.

„I haven't seen him acting this way since-", Specs started but he received another elbow punch from Headphones, this time a lot stronger.

„Since what?", the yellow-green inkling said a bit too loudly. He was curious and worried and he certainly wanted to know more about... well just Goggles in general. Rider realized only now how little he actually knew about that particular blue inkling, and it deeply saddened him.

Specs nervously straightened his already fixed glasses and Headphones sighed loudly. The two glanced at each other for a moment before Headphones spoke up.

„Well... I don't know if Goggles told you - since you've been hanging a lot these days and don't even try to deny that - but I seriously doubt it...", she began.

„Well what?!", Rider hissed impatiently, eager to know where this was going to go and put his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket as it was starting to cool down, noticing more and more stars sprinked across the evening sky.

„Well, last time I saw Goggles acting this way it was when-", Specs took a deep breath. „...um a few years ago wh-when..."

„Let's just say something happened, okay? What we want to say is, that we're a also pretty...worried", Headphones interjected and she sternly looked at her team leader who was visibly distressed. Rider stayed quiet. What was he supposed to answer to that anyways? Of course they're worried, rightfully so. The yellow-green inkling was too... And what happened a few years ago that made their blue friend act similar to now? „Something happened? Wow, that information totally helped me out, thanks", the yellow-green boy thought sarcastically and secretly wished the others would clarify a bit more.

Rider was frustrated. Not only was he disappointed in missing Goggles, he was curious about his friend's past. What was it they didn't want to tell him and why did Goggles never mention it? The lime boy quickly said goodbye and left, completely forgetting about his dinner. He needed time to think.

——————————————————————————————————————————— <3

Oh my, writer's block is hitting hard.
I'm actually really frustrated. I somewhat know what I want to happen and when but I just have trouble connecting all those events? I don't know how to explain it...

Anyways, what did you think happened?

(Also I hope the chapter wasn't too boring, I'm so sorry)

872 words

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